Dean AL Chute (The Silver Shovel) Award

Department of Surgery Awards
David Backstein
Dean A.L. Chute (the Silver Shovel) Award
Dee Ballyk
W.T. Aikins Faculty Teaching Award
Michael Fehlings
2 year McEwen Acceleration Award for Spinal Cord Injury Research
Teodor Grantcharov
Education Development Fund Award for Gastric Bypass proposal
Osami Honjo
Roscoe Reid Graham Scholarship in Surgical Science
University of Toronto
Department of Surgery Awards Cont.
Shaf Keshavjee & Tom Waddell
2 year McEwen Acceleration Award, Human Tracheal Decellularized Allografts
Calvin Law
Hanna Family Research Chair in Surgical Oncology
Bernard Lawless
2010 Leadership Award in Innovation from Department of HPME
Tom Lindsay
Ross Fleming Surgical Educator Award
Joao Pippi Salle
2010 Herbie Doctor of the Year from the Hospital for Sick Children
University of Toronto
Department of Surgery Awards
Subodh Verma
Dean A.L. Chute (The Silver Shovel) Award
Mike Wiley
Harry Whittaker Memorial Award - Excellence in Teaching
Tom Waddell & Marcelo Cypel
Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation’s Invest in Research Award , 2010
Albert Yee
Excellence in Postgraduate Medical Education Award
University of Toronto
Department of Surgery Grants and Awards
Darius Bagli, Conny Tolg & Armando Lorenzo
PSI Foundation grant for epigenomics of urinary tract infection
Darius Bagli & Ahmed Haddad
Society for Pediatric Urology grant for their study on hypospadias surgery
Karen Davis
Champion of Change Award at the National Spinal Cord Injury Conference
5 year CIHR grant for her work on pain modulation systems
Mark Erwin & Michael Fehlings
HansJorg Wyss Foundation start-up grant for intervertebral disc regeneration
University of Toronto
Department of Surgery Grants and Awards
Michael Fehlings
PSI Foundation grant for a research project on bioengineering approaches to spinal cord injury
CIHR Proof of Principle grant for commercial development of bio-engineered approaches to SCI
Cervical Spine Research Society grant for neuroprotective effects of thioredoxin in SCI
HansJorg Wyss Foundation grant for intervertebral disc-derived stem cells for SCI.
Howard Ginsberg & Cari Whyne
MaRS Innovation commercialization grant for novel spinous process fusion technique
University of Toronto
Department of Surgery Grants and Awards
Ab Guha
Cancer Research Society for Aberrations in EGFR in human GBMs
CIHR grant for the role of microvesicles as mediators of tumour progression
b.r.a.i.nchild grand for Receptor tyrosine kinase expression in high grade pediatric gliomas
Michael Jewett
American Urological Association Distinguished Contribution Award
Society of Urologic Oncology Medal for contributions in the field of urologic oncology
Marc Jeschke
American Burn Association (ABA) accreditation of the Ross Tilley Burn Centre
University of Toronto
Department of Surgery Grants and Awards
Shaf Kshavjee & Mingyao Liu
Ministry of Research and Innovation Grant for Molecular Genetics of Lung Transplantation
Andres Lozano
Fellowship Grant from the NREF for the Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Program at TWH
2010 Winn Prize from the Society of Neurological Surgeons
CRC Tier 1 renewal
Nancy Baxter
CIHR Grant on Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Patients with Solid Organ Transplantation
CCSRI Grant on Identifying Barriers to Participation in Colorectal Cancer Screening
University of Toronto
Department of Surgery Grants and Awards
Ralph Manktelow
Pioneer of Hand Surgery Award by the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand
Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons Lifetime Achievement Award
Loch Macdonald
Elected to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
John Murnaghan
2011 Royal College / Associated Medical Services (AMS) / Donald Richards Wilson Award
Andy Smith
Appointed Regional Vice President Cancer Care Ontario for the Toronto Central Regional
Cancer Program
Chief, Odette Cancer Program
University of Toronto
Department of Surgery Grants and Awards
Charles Tator
2011 American Spinal Injury Association Lifetime Achievement Award
Michael Taylor
Ranked #2 on the Toronto Star’s list of biggest scientific discoveries of 2010
CIHR, Clinician Scientist Phase II Award - 3 year renewal
Genome Canada Grant for Genetics of Medulloblastoma
Mike Tymianski
Tier I Canada Research Chair in Translational Stroke Research
Subodh Verma
2010 Howard Morgan Award from the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences
Tom Waddell & Alison McGuigan
Awarded the NSERC-CIHR Collaborative Health Research Program
University of Toronto
Department of Surgery Grants and Awards
Tom Waddell
La Roche Organ Transplant Research Fund for the Lung Progenitor Cell Profiling
PSI Foundation grant for Determining the Immunogenicity of Decellularized Tracheal Allografts
CIHR grant to study Mitigation of Radiation-Induced Lung Damage
Kazuhiro Yasufuku
CIHR Emerging Team Grant to study Nanotechnology-Enabled Image-Guided
Interventions in Vascular and Lung Diseases
Gelareh Zadeh
2010 Best Scientific Abstract Award at the American Society for Therapeutic Radiation
and Oncology Annual Meeting
Rob Zeldin & Carmine Simone
Quality Award from Cancer Care Ontario
University of Toronto
Academic Appointments
as of July 1, 2010
Abdollah Behzadi
Thoracic Surgery
Credit Valley Hospital
Sunit Das
St. Michael’s Hospital
Philippe Garzon
General Surgery
Trillium Health Centre
Osami Honjo
Cardiac Surgery
Sick Kids
Richard Jenkinson
Orthopaedic Surgery
Neelesh Jain
General Surgery
Shiva Jayaraman
General Surgery
St. Joseph’s Health Centre
Rashid Jinnah
Orthopaedic Surgery
Trillium Health Centre
University of Toronto
Academic Appointments
Donald Jones
Thoracic Surgery
Credit Valley
Simon Kelley
Orthopaedic Surgery
Sick Kids
Joan Lipa
Plastic Surgery
Glorianne Ropchan
Cardiac Surgery
Atul Kesarwani
Christine Novak
Plastic Surgery (research)
Toronto Rehab Institute
Hany Sawires
General Surgery
Toronto East General Hospital
Simon Skeldon
Trillium Health Centre
Michael Ko
Thoracic Surgery
St. Joseph’s
Eric Marmor
Vascular Surgery
Trillium Health Centre
University of Toronto
Academic Appointments
Laura Snell
Plastic Surgery
Hong-Shuo Sun
Gilbert Yee
Orthopaedic Surgery
Scarborough General Hospital
Conor Turley
Plastic Surgery
Trillium Health Centre
Ivica Vucemilo
Vascular Surgery
Trillium Health Centre
Behzad Taromi
Orthopaedic Surgery
Trillium Health Centre
University of Toronto
as of July 1,
William Andrade
Joel Dagnone
Plastic Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Urology, Trillium Health Centre
Steven Beatty
Frank Eng
Aaron Beder
Christian Finley
James Campbell
Patrick Gamble
Shea Chia
Cory Goldberg
Arthur Chiu
Robert Gordon
Plastic , Southlake Regional Health Centre
Vascular Surgery, Humber River Regional Hospital
General Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
General Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
General Surgery, Scarborough General Hospital
General Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Thoracic Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Orthopaedic Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Trillium Health Centre
Orthopaedic Surgery, William Osler Health Centre
University of Toronto
Adjunct Appointments
Jerome Green
Urology, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Alexander Lee
Thoracic Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Ryan Groll
Morrie Liquornik
Renee Hanrahan
Michael Lisi
Martin Heller
Frank Lista
Quoc Huynh
Zvi Margaliot
Steven Jackson
Byung-Choo Moon
Urology, Toronto East General Hospital
General Surgery, Royal Victoria Hospital
Orthopaedic Surgery, Humber River Regional Hospital
General Surgery, Humber River Regional Hospital
General Surgery, Scarborough General Hospital
Urology, Southlake Regional Health Centre
General Surgery, Collingwood General and Marine Hospital
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Trillium Health Centre
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Trillium Health Centre
Cardiac Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
University of Toronto
Adjunct Appointments
Joseph Noora
John Randle
Cardiac Surgery, Trillium Health Centre
Orthopaedic Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Dror Paley
Morris Rebot
Orthopaedic Surgery, Hospital for Sick Children
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Trillium Health Centre
Charles Peniston
Cleo Rogakou
Cardiac Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Orhtopaedic Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Scott Powell
Herpreet Sohi
General Surgery, Royal Victoria Hospital
General Surgery, Humber River Regional Hospital
John Preiner
Julius Toth
Urology, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Thoracic Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Salvatore Privitera
Deborah Vanvliet
General Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Plastic Surgery, Southlake Regional Health Centre
Michael Weinberg
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Trillium Health Centre
University of Toronto