FundingPro - Advanced Planning Solutions



Trust Funding Software System

Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

(877) 891-FUND

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

What is FundingPro™?

FundingPro™ is a complete pre-mortem trust funding system designed to automate the transfer of assets to a client’s revocable living trust (RLT) or irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT).

FundingPro™ allocates and funds all types of assets for single, joint, and separate trusts in community and separate property jurisdictions.

The 12-step trust funding system and software is the most comprehensive trust funding tool available for establishing efficient and profitable trust funding services.

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

What is FundingPro™?

Since 1998, FundingPro™ has been built using the popular HotDocs® software, an industry standard application for efficient document automation.

FundingPro™ allocates and funds all types of assets for single, joint, and separate trusts in community and separate property jurisdictions.

The 12-step trust funding system and software is the most comprehensive trust funding tool available for establishing efficient and profitable trust funding services.

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

FundingPro™ Objectives

 Manage all stages of the trust funding process

 Automate cumbersome administrative tasks and word-processing

 Streamline tracking and verification procedures

 Improve funding efficiency and accuracy

 Target 90-day trust funding completion goal

 Achieve client estate planning and trust goals

 Provide service that exceeds industry standards

 Excel in competitive planning markets

 Capture advanced planning and referral opportunities

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

FundingPro™ Functions

 Customized transfer letters drafted for all asset types

 Automated national company funding forms

 Requirements for submitting company funding forms

 Professional client-ready reports and estate summaries

 Asset allocation reports

 Office tracking tools to verify funding

 Client correspondence and educational materials

 Staff training materials

 Technical-Legal trust funding instructions

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Step 1: Enter Client Data

Begin by entering client data to a HotDocs® answer file.

Click here to enter data

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Data Sharing Functions

Use data sharing or data conversion to save on duplicate entry.

Data can be populated from WealthDocs™ or from Connect2A.

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Enter Client Information

The first step is to input information about the client, spouse (if applicable), and the trusts to be funded.

Input client data here

Input spouse data here

Input trust and trustee, and data here

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Enter Asset Information

The second step is to enter asset information by type of asset.

Asset categories are tailored to the trust funding guidelines for each asset type.

Enter as many assets as your client possesses.

Input asset data by category

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Sample Asset Dialog

The following screen is a good example of an asset funding dialog. This is the dialog for a life insurance policy.

Select the life insurance company from our forms library.

Enter who the policy insures.

Indicate the policy’s new owner, if applicable.

Indicate the policy’s new beneficiaries.

Enter the policy’s original owner.

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Enter General Information

The third step is to input information about the attorney, the firm coordinating the funding, and related document signing data.

Input attorney data here

Input document witness data here

Input notary data here

Input signing data here

Input data for who will coordinate the funding.

Options include a law firm, a financial advisor, a funding enterprise, or the clients themselves.

Use the Save button to save data

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Step 2: Create Documents

Once data is entered, you can assemble customized client funding documents or customized client reports.

Click here to create funding documents

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Select Funding Documents

Select the documents you wish to create. You can select individual categories or all the categories available.

Select the documents you wish to create here.

Grayed-out categories do not have any assets entered.

Click Finish to assemble documents

Customized client funding documents, tailored to the asset type, are assembled in

Microsoft® Word®

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Sample Funding Documents

FundingProassembles transfer letters to change ownership and/or beneficiary designations, eliminating manual word processing.

Sample cash account funding letter

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Sample Funding Documents

FundingProalso creates verification documents for a transfer agent to complete confirming the requested change.

Sample cash account verification

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Company Funding Forms

FundingProassembles institutional funding forms for many of the national financial companies eliminating the need to obtain the forms or the form requirements.

FundingProcontains national funding forms for the following asset types:

 Annuity Contracts

 Life Insurance Policies

 Investment Accounts

 Retirement Plans

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Sample company funding form

Sample funding form requirements

Company Funding Forms

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Step 3: Create Reports

Assemble a variety of professional client reports. These reports summarize the estate, allocate assets, or help you track the funding.

Click here to create funding reports

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Sample client




Provides estate summary of client’s assets and their values

Sample Asset Reports

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC





Catalogues allocation of assets for married clients

Sample Asset Reports

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC





Tracks the confirmation of funding until all assets are transferred to trust

Sample Asset Reports

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC





Tracks future funding of assets and the value of the estate over time

Sample Asset Reports

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

Other FundingPro™ Tools

FundingProalso creates other resources to help you manage the funding process and educate your clients.

FundingProcontains the following value-added tools:

 Client educational resources and meeting materials

 Client correspondence pertaining to the funding process

 Release forms & authorizations to work with transfer agents

 Client personal information forms to gather data

 Review materials to track future estate needs

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

A Proven System...

FundingPro ™ provides you with a proven system used by hundreds of firms around the country.

FundingPro ™ standardizes trust funding services into a manageable process, making funding efficient, accurate, and profitable.

This higher level of service helps to build a relationship-oriented practice —— a practice where superior client service is a hallmark.

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC

In Conclusion...

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide you the flow and layout of the FundingPro

software. We hope this introduction has proved helpful to your understanding and generates enthusiasm for the impact FundingPro ™ can make in your practice.

Feel free to visit our web site for demos and subscription pricing information

© 2003 Advanced Planning Solutions, LLC
