AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES OF PHARMACY COUNCIL OF SECTIONS INTERIM REPORT FEBRUARY 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING COUNCIL OF SECTIONS, 2013-2014 ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Immediate Past Chair: Denise A. Soltis (Drake): Chair: Timothy J. Ives (UNC-Chapel Hill): Chair-Elect: Craig D. Cox (Texas Tech): Secretary: Schwanda K. Flowers (Arkansas): IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRS OF ACADEMIC SECTIONS Biological Sciences: Eric Hanson (Roseman): Chemistry: Shridhar V. Andurkar (Midwestern – Chicago): Continuing Professional Education: Edward M. DeSimone (Creighton): Experiential Education: Lori J. Duke (Georgia): Libraries and Information Science: Yunting Fu (Maryland): Pharmaceutics: Melanie A. Jordan (Midwestern – Glendale): Pharmacy Practice: Leigh Ann Ross (Mississippi): Social and Administrative Sciences: Betty A. Chewning (Wisconsin): CHAIRS OF ACADEMIC SECTIONS Biological Sciences: Marcos A. Oliveira (Incarnate Word): Chemistry: James J. Knittel (Western New England): Continuing Professional Education: Jill M. Fitzgerald (Connecticut): Experiential Education: Schwanda K. Flowers (Arkansas): Libraries and Information Science: Jean Waldrop (Harding): Pharmaceutics: Laura M. Fox (Presbyterian): Pharmacy Practice: Charles Taylor (Northeast Ohio Medical University): Social and Administrative Sciences: Nathaniel Rickles (Northeastern): CHAIRS-ELECT OF ACADEMIC SECTIONS Biological Sciences: Arbi Nazarian (Western): Chemistry: David A. Colby (Purdue): Continuing Professional Education: Jacob P. Gettig (Midwestern): Experiential Education: Lynn Stevenson (Auburn): Libraries and Information Science: Christina M. Seegar (Incarnate Word): Pharmaceutics: M. Delwar Hussain (Texas A&M): Pharmacy Practice: Steven C. Stoner (UMKC): Social and Administrative Sciences: Kimberly S. Plake (Purdue): STAFF Jennifer L. Adams: Staff Liaison to the COS: Melinda D. Colón: Staff Liaison to the Sections: 1 COS TASK FORCES/COMMITTEES Themes, 2013 - 2014 1. 2. 3. Valuing development of leaders/strategic planning across the COS (i.e., both Section and COS leadership roles) Recognizing excellence in teaching and learning in each Section Enhancing student growth in leadership through involvement in the activities (e.g., committees, task forces) of each Section Task Forces: Student Involvement Task Force (Lori Duke, Chair) Charges: 1. Assess the best practices of the Sections to incorporate student involvement. E-mails were sent to all Immediate Past Chairs to identify successful efforts the various sections had made to incorporate student involvement. Currently, the only identified efforts were as follows: • Experiential Education: Engagement Committee Created (2013-2014) • Social and Administrative Sciences: Introduce at Annual Business Meetings, encourage students to attend the Saturday student session at the Annual meeting (open to all students) Since not all immediate past chairs participated in the initial email request, a request will be sent out to the current section chairs the week of January 6th to help fill in any missing gaps. 2. Develop strategies to enhance further student involvement in each Section. Three surveys are being created to help accomplish this goal: Survey One: Current student members will be surveyed to determine why the individuals joined AACP, what types of engagement they currently enjoy as part of their membership, and ideas for further engagement within the sections and organization. Currently, the membership list (name, email, sections) has been obtained and the survey is being developed with the goal of sending it out by late January 2014. Survey Two: Current Walmart Scholars will be surveyed to identify whether they were AACP members prior to their participation in the Walmart Scholars program, determine whether they anticipate continuing their membership after conclusion of their program, and identify ways to keep Walmart scholar participants engaged in AACP and active in the sections. The survey should be completed by early February and will be distributed through AACP staff affiliated with the Walmart Scholars program. Survey Three: Current Walmart Scholar Advisors will be surveyed to identify ways to keep Walmart scholar participants engaged in AACP and active in the sections both during and concluding their participation in the Walmart Scholars program. The survey should be 2 completed by early February and will be distributed through AACP staff affiliated with the Walmart Scholars program. An evaluation of the other academic health care groups has been completed to identify best practices for incorporating student groups within these organizations. Of AAMC, AACN, and ADEA, only AAMC has a well-developed process. An evaluation of their “Organization of Student Representatives” will be completed by the task force in consultation with AACP representatives. Other possible avenues the taskforce may examine include (1) evaluating the development of student organizations with mentorship model integrated at the institution level, and (2) developing additional student programming on attaining faculty positions, networking 101, and residency teaching certificate programs. Strategic Planning Task Force (Steve Stoner, Chair) Charges: 1. Based upon the recent survey, assess the level of strategic planning in each Section, and facilitate sharing of the established strategic plans with others who are formulating/writing one. Goal statements are in the process of being developed, 25% completed: Goal 1: Provide interdisciplinary support to schools and colleges of pharmacy by identifying and providing resources that assist members in attracting, motivating, developing, and retaining the highest quality and most diverse faculty, students, administrators, and professional staff. Goal 2: Provide interdisciplinary support to the schools and colleges of pharmacy in supporting their institutional missions and ensure the delivery and assessment of the highest quality pharmacy education programs. Goal 3: Provide interdisciplinary support to colleges and schools of pharmacy that enhances patient care provided by pharmacists in the changing healthcare environment. Goal 4: Consistently facilitate and maximize the nature and extent to which colleges and schools of pharmacy promote the needs and impactful achievements of the different pharmacy disciplines to local, national, and international stakeholders. Goal 5: Provide resources to colleges and schools of pharmacy to obtain the needed research infrastructure and tools to build more successful pharmacy research within pharmacy education and amongst section members. Goal 6: Assist with the identification of revenue generating resources to support the financial sustainability of the academy. 2. Develop a process for writing, and begin the writing of a strategic plan for the COS that will guide it for the next three to five year period. 3 Scholarly Teaching Task Force (Tom Cook, Chair) Charges: 1. Guided by the report of the 2011-2012 Academic Affairs Standing Committee, The Evolving Role of Scholarly Teaching in Teaching Excellence for Current and Future Faculty, assess each Section’s current level of planning for, or implementation of faculty development programs, with respect to scholarly teaching. 2. Assess the best practices of faculty/colleges in each discipline, as represented by Sections, with respect to enacting mentoring programs dedicated to helping new faculty with scholarly teaching. 3. Outline a process for dissemination of these best practices to curriculum committees/department chairs for their use. The Task Force held teleconferences (September 4, 2013; December 5, 2013) to discuss the charges and to work on the objectives. After further discussion with Timothy Ives, the Task Force concluded gathering information at the School/College level would be the best approach to obtain the information desired by the Council of Sections as indicated in the charges. The Task Force focused on developing a process to evaluate the activities of Schools and Colleges with respect to promoting Scholarly Teaching within the ranks of their faculty. Using Google Drive to facilitate collaborative work on documents, the Task Force drafted a rubric by which Schools and Colleges would use for a self-evaluation. The rubric is based on the suggestions from the final report of the 2011-2012 Academic Affairs Standing Committee: The Evolving Role of Scholarly Teaching in Teaching Excellence for Current and Future Faculty. (The suggestion list below is adapted from that report): Suggestion #1a: Suggestion #1b: Suggestion #2: Suggestion #3: Suggestion #4a: Suggestion #4b: Suggestion #5: New faculty teaching orientation Faculty Development Annual review of 6 standards of scholarly teaching Faculty documentation Student discussions Teaching Awards Teaching mentor program The current draft of the rubric has seven criteria for evaluation with a four point scoring scheme. Details on the scoring still need to be finalized. The remaining work to be completed for this year: Finalize the rubric Confer with AACP staff for feedback Organize a session at the AACP annual meeting to present the rubric Incorporate feedback from session into rubric Solicit information from Schools and Colleges (with consultation with AACP staff) Those Schools and Colleges with the best overall implementation of scholarly teaching would be highlighted for best practices 4 Pharmaceutical Sciences Task Force Representatives: Biological Sciences: Marcos Oliviera (Incarnate Word), Arbi Nazarian (Western); Chemistry: Marc Herrold (Duquesne), Robin Zavod (Midwestern); Pharmaceutics: Cary Mobley (Florida), Cathy White (Georgia); AACP Liaison: Jen Adams; COS: Tim Ives As a result of a meeting of representatives of recent on (attached) that the COS consider writing a white paper on the pharmaceutical sciences and their role in pharmacy education and practice as a part of the CAPE 2013 white paper development work plan. At this initial point in its activities, this task force, comprised of representatives of the pharmaceutical sciences sections, will provide an up-to-date definition of each of the specific bodies of study within all of the pharmaceutical sciences, and their clearly defined role in education and practice. This redefinition will be provided to AACP staff and ACPE for the current guidelines revision process. Standing Rules and Resolutions Committee (Craig D. Cox, Chair) Progress of Committee: The committee has reviewed in detail both the AACP Organization Bylaws and AACP Council of Sections Bylaws. Considering the AACP Organization Bylaws had significant changes approved at the AACP Annual Meeting in July 2013, the committee has tried to determine what changes (if any) were needed to the Council of Sections Bylaws to be sure they are still consistent with the Association’s. We identified approximately (6) areas where minor modifications needed to be made. Each committee member proposed language/wording for these Sections and we are in the final stage of creating a revised version of Council of Section Bylaws. This will be completed by mid-January 2014 and then will be circulated to Council of Section membership for review. The committee would like to consider adoption of the new Bylaws document at the upcoming Council of Sections meeting in conjunction with the AACP Interim February meeting. Remaining Work: The committee has also had preliminary discussion on the process currently utilized by individual Sections to submit resolutions to the Council of Sections. No firm recommendations can be made at this time, but the committee will continue to look into this process and will be ready to provide a report to Section members at the AACP Annual Meeting in July. 5 SECTION REPORTS Biological Sciences Section (Marcos Oliveira, Chair) Programing Committee: Arbi Nazarian (Chair) in consultation with Chair and Immediate past Chair. The biological sciences section will be holding two programming sessions. The first will be on active learning. Two speakers will take part in this section: Dr. Melissa Medina will introduce active learning and focus on higher order methods, and assessments, while Dr. Dan Berlau will specifically focus on team-based learning. The second programming will be a joint session with the Pharmacy Practice section. The joint session program will be on the role of basic sciences in effective clinical decision making. We are currently in the process of identifying speakers for this program. We are certain that speakers will be identified on-time to meet our deadlines. We look forward in providing this programming to our section members and the organization at the annual meeting. Nominating Committee: Eric Hanson (Chair): Has finished their activity NIA Committee: Eric Hanson (Chair): Has finished their activity Strategic Plan Task Force: Lila Lagrange (Chair) November 5th – 1st conference call (all members were on the call). The initial intention of this meeting was to discuss the Biological Sciences Section Strategic Plan and develop a timeline for review of the plan and writing of recommendation to Marcos Oliveira to present to the membership at the 2014 AACP meeting. This goal was moved to January 2014 in order to first give input to the COS Strategic Plan Task Force. The outcome of the November 5th meeting was placement of teams to review the 6 AACP Strategic Initiatives and write Goals for each of the 6 that would be specific to Biological Sciences Section. Team: Bob Soltis and Joe Deweese - review AACP Strategic Initiatives 1 and 2 and write Goals for each Team: Steve O’Barr and Dan Berlau - review AACP Strategic Initiatives 3 and 4 and write Goals for each Team: Dan Brazeau and Lila LaGrange - review AACP Strategic Initiatives 5 and 6 and write Goals for each November 15th – The 2nd conference focused on discussion of the Goals written by each team. One document was drafted after discussion and those goals were submitted to the COS Strategic Plan Task Force. Conference Call: Bob Soltis and (Joe Deweese conflict) (Steve O’Barr conflict) and Dan Berlau Dan Brazeau and Lila LaGrange January 30, 2014 – Scheduled conference call to initiate the review of the Biological Sciences Strategic Plan. The Goal is to have a recommendation to Marcos Oliveira by May 1, 2014. All members will be in attendance. Teaching Learning and Scholarship of Teaching: Task Force: Dan Kennedy (Chair) AACP Biological Sciences Section 2013-2014 6 The committee has met in and has developed a survey that has been distributed to the Bioclogical Sciences membership to assess challenges of the membership in the area of teaching. Chemistry Section (James Knittel, Chair) Awards Committee Victoria Roche (Creighton University, Chair), Arthur Cox (South University) and Sandy Zito (St. John’s). The Committee met by conference call on August 14, 2013 to discuss their charge, and kept in electronic contact as it’s elements were addressed. A roster of Section members was obtained from AACP staff and used to identify viable candidates for the Volwiler and Chalmers awards. Discussion among the Committee and a past Section recipient of the Dawson award yielded no viable candidates for this AACP award. Vickie and Sandy worked closely with Volwiler nominee John Pezzuto (University of Hawai’i) and Chalmers nominee Marc Harrold (Duquesne University), respectively, to construct competitive dossiers that were submitted to AACP by the December 4th deadline. The Committee also crafted a document outlining the rationale, criteria, and nomination/selection processes for a new Section Award in memory of Section leader James E. Wynn, Ph.D. The draft document received approval by Section Chair James Knittel and AACP staff leadership. The Committee is awaiting the results of a Section vote to approve the establishment of the Dr. James E. Wynn Memorial Award. Once obtained, Art will coordinate the announcement of the award and the solicitation of nominations. The Section Awards Committee will evaluate the dossiers and select the recipient. A plaque bearing Jim’s likeness will be designed and presented to the first recipient during the Section business meeting held in conjunction with the AACP Annual Meeting. Resolutions Committee Michael Adams (Campbell, Chair), Robert Chapman (Midwestern University Chicago) and Mudit Mudit (D’Youngville College). The committee was charged with developing resolutions for section consideration during the AACP 2014 annual meeting related to the upcoming revision to ACPE standards or for the purpose of studying recommendations presented in the various reports. Currently the committee has not identified any developments in proposed ACPE accreditation standards or reports that warrant the preparation of a resolutions at this time. The committee will continue to monitor developments and publications related to the ACPE accreditation standards. Any resolutions prepared will be forward to the section chair to be placed on the agenda for the section meeting in July 2014. Nominating Committee Shridhar Andurkar, (Midwestern, Chair), Daniel Canney, (Temple), and Patrice L. Jackson- Ayotunde, (Maryland Eastern Shore). The committee was charged with presenting a slate of nominees for Chair-Elect of the Chemistry Section at the 2014 AACP annual meeting of the section. Nominations have been received and will be presented at the during the business meeting in July. Additional nominees may be obtained from the floor at the meeting. This completes the charge to the committee. 7 Programming Committee David A. Colby, (Purdue, Chair), Vicky Mody (South), Ashok E. Philip, (Union) and Srikanth Kolluru, (Texas A&M, Ex-officio as section secretary). The committee was charged with planning and scheduling chemistry section programming for the national meeting in July. The committee has decided on topics to be presented at the annual meeting and will include a mini-symposium for NIA award winners in the section to present updates on their research projects as well as session on using 3D printing in the pharmacy curriculum. For the latter session the committee is looking into providing CE credit. Arrangements for speakers are for each session are currently being made. Continuing Professional Education (Jill Fitzgerald, Chair) Program Committee Chair: Jacob Gettig: Charge 1: Plan one or two programs to be held during the annual meeting. Progress to date: The committee met on January 9, 2014 to review and discuss the AACP special sessions report. They have a follow up meeting this week to finalize the schedule and submit sessions by the January 15th deadline. Charge 2: Recommend webinar program(s) to be held prior to the annual meeting. Progress to date: none to report. Nominating Committee Chair: Ed DeSimone II (Chair): Charge 1: The Committee will prepare and present a slate of nominees at the annual meeting of the Section in accordance with Section 4.2 of the Section Standing Rules. Progress to date: Tina Van Walder and Timothy Welty were identified as candidates for Chair-elect. Resolutions/Standing Rules Committee Chair: Elizabeth Pitman: Charge 1: Study and make recommendations on changes to the quorum requirement for the annual business meeting. Progress to date: none to report. Charge 2: Study recommendations presented in the various reports including the Strategic Plan and suggest changes to the standing rules of procedure. Progress to date: none to report. Charge 3: Study recommendations presented in the various reports, including the Strategic Plan, and develop resolutions for consideration by the Section during the annual meeting. Progress to date: none to report. Awards Committee Chair: Sean Bates: 8 Charge 1: Identify Blockstein award recipient(s), if appropriate. Progress to date: none to report. Charge 2: Develop the criteria and rubric for the proposed new awards from the 2013 annual business meeting. Progress to date: none to report. Strategic Planning Committee Chair: Glen Baumgart: Charge 1: If new name for the section is positively voted on in October 2013, complete necessary documentation for submission of name change to the council of sections. Progress to date: Voting did not occur in October 2013. The section will hold a webinar meeting in early spring to attempt a quorum vote on the topic. Charge 2: Review the Strategic Plan and organize and complete the spreadsheet template. Progress to date: none to report. Scholarship Committee Chair: Nancy Fjortoft: Charge 1: Select abstract reviewers and review abstracts submitted by section members for poster sessions at the Annual Meeting. Progress to date: List is being developed and reviewed. Deadline for submission was reviewed. Communications Committee Chair: Ruth Bruskiewitz: Charge 1: Develop a communications plan for the section. Progress to date: none to report. Experiential Education Section (Schwanda Flowers, Chair) AACP Experiential Section Standing Committees: Program Committee Chair: Lynn Stevenson Charge 1: To survey Experiential Education Section members about interest in programming for the annual meeting as well as webinars held throughout the year. Note: The Programming Committee will assist the Webinar Committee by identifying general programming interests for the section provided by webinars. The chairs of the programming and webinar committees should meet quarterly to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the annual meeting and webinar programming is not duplicative, but instead complimentary. Deliverable 1: Survey (August 15, 2013) Completed Deliverable 2: List of General Program interest for Webinar Series (should be a minimum of 2 general 9 interest webinars provided). (September 1, 2013). Program planning is underway. Charge 2: To develop annual meeting programming (topics/speakers), including budgeting priorities. Deliverable: Submit programming details (budget, speakers, title, objectives) (January 1, 2014). Currently being finalized. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; March 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; March 15, 2014; June 15, 2014 Awards Committee Chair: Susan Vos Charge 1: To nominate individuals who qualify for AACP awards. Primary award for consideration will be the Lyman award. Nominations are due in January 2014. Deliverable: Identify 3 AJPE experiential education themed papers suitable for consideration for the Lyman award using the time points selected by AACP (January 1, 2014) The committee reviewed all experiential-related article published in AJPE in the year 2013. Then, each article was scored on using a Likert Scale (Rating scale: 1-Would not Nominate, 2-Fair, 3-Good, 4-Very Good, 5-Excellent). Committee members could recuse themselves from the scoring of an article and also note if they felt the article wasn’t experiential-related. 1. The committee discussed scores from the Lyman Award on December 20, 2013 via conference call. The committee selected the following articles to be nominated for the Lyman Award. The recommended articles were sent via email to the Section Chair on December 26, 2013 to be forwarded on to the Lyman Selection Committee: a. Susan E. Conway, Eric J. Johnson, and Tracy M. Hagemann (2013). Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences Within Campus-based Influenza Clinics. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 77, Issue 3, Article 61. b. Jane Shtaynberg, Anastasia Rivkin, Bupendra Shah, and Sharon Rush (2013). A Quantitative Professionalism Policy in a Community Pharmacy Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 77, Issue 10, Article 217. c. Rucha Bond, Donald Godwin, Megan E. Thompson, and Kristina Wittstrom (2013). Preceptor Perceptions of the Importance of Experiential Guidelines. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 77, Issue 7, Article 144. d. Angela Q. Maldonado, Brenda S. Bray, Lisa J. Woodard, Celestina Barbosa-Leiker, Karen L. Hardinger, Vivian Wu, and Mary S. Hayney (2013). Impact of Participation on a Solid Organ Transplant Team on Student Pharmacists’ Perceptions of Interprofessional Roles. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 77, Issue 4, Article 74. e. Ellen M. Schellhase, Monica L. Miller, William Ogallo, and Sonak D. Pastakia (2013). An Elective Pharmaceutical Care Course to Prepare Students for an Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience in Kenya. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 77, Issue 3, Article 60. 10 These were emailed (by Schwanda Flowers) to Melinda Colon and Dr. Joseph DiPiro on January, 5, 2014. Charge 2: To solicit nominations and select individuals who qualify for AACP EE Section Awards. 1. Award of Excellence in Experiential Education 2. Award of Excellence in Scholarship in EE Award of Excellence in Experiential Education The committee decided to send out a solicitation email to the EE listserv in early January to solicit nominations for our section award. The deadline for submission to our committee will be March 1. The committee will plan to have the award recipient(s) selected by May 1. i. ii. iii. January 15, 2014—send email to EE section March 1—deadline for section award submission May 1—goal for final award recipient sent to section chair Award of Excellence in Scholarship in Experiential Education The committee reviewed all experiential-related article published as described above in Charge 1. The committee determined the paper authored by Conway,, Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences Within Campus-based Influenza Clinics, would receive the section’s Award of Excellence in Scholarship in Experiential Education. However, if the Conway paper should receive the Lyman award, then the paper authored by Shtaynberg,, A Quantitative Professionalism Policy in a Community Pharmacy Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience, would receive the award. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014; June 15, 2014 (Final). Resolutions Committee Chair: David Bowyer Charge 1: To study recommendations presented in various committees and other reports and to develop resolutions for consideration by the Section during the annual meeting. Committee should review Bylaws for the Section and determine if any changes are warranted. Deliverable: Submit any resolutions (including intent) for section consideration at the annual meeting by May 1, 2014. No report to date. Charge 2: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15, 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014; June 15, 2014 (Final) Membership Committee Chair: Patricia Darbshire Charge 1: Identify points of contact and update and maintain the current list of Experiential Education Faculty Administrators (Asst/Assoc Deans and/or Chairs, APPE Director, IPPE Director) at all participating 11 Colleges of Pharmacy. Disseminate this information to section members. Be sure to include the Canadian Colleges/Schools of Pharmacy as well as those in the US (states and territories). Deliverable: October 15, 2013 Discussion: Our committee compared the list of institutions on the AACP website to those listed on the spreadsheet in order to capture new schools/colleges. We are using the “conquer and divide” method to update the spreadsheet and assignments have been made and work is in progress. Contacts are being made with a live person when possible, since some school websites are out of date. At this point in time the spreadsheet is 50% complete. The committee members discussed and agreed that we will distribute the completed document via the listserve. (Deliverable February 1, 2014) Assigned Committee Member Patti Darbishire Cathy Worrall Flora Estes Nancy Ordonez Paul Walker Peter Brody Gloria Grice Begin updates on excel spreadsheet with this school Albany Howard Pacific University Sullivan Thomas Jefferson University of Minnesota West Virginia and continues through this school Harding Oregon State St Louis University of Utah University of Michigan Wayne State University of Waterloo Charge 2: Using the AACP section membership information, identify the primary interest areas of our section and explore ways to effectively communicate with and engage the diverse section membership. Deliverable: March 15, 2014 Discussion: The previous committee surveyed the primary interest areas of the section members. These include: EE Administration, IPPE practice models, APPE practice models, simulation, preceptor development, quality assurance/assessment, and student professional development. We are using this list for Charge 3. Charge 3: Work with AACP liaisons to establish a process to develop small working groups within the section based around interest areas such as EE Administration, IPPE practice models, APPE practice models, simulation, preceptor development, quality assurance/assessment, student professional development, etc. Once established, facilitate developing the working groups and setting up networking opportunities for the various groups at the 2014 AACP annual meeting. Deliverable: March 15, 2014 Discussion: After speaking with the section chair, it was determined that dedicated meeting rooms are not an option for the working groups, nor are set times in the official program. Therefore, we will use the listserve to determine member interest in participating in a working group to meet at the annual meeting. Each committee member has selected one of the 7 interest areas and will facilitate/lead a working group. If the committee member is not attending the annual meeting, then he/she will appoint another individual to organize and lead that group. The committee leader will contact those members 12 who showed interest prior to the meeting and arrange a meeting time and place while at the annual meeting. General networking rooms will be available and are an option (confirmed). Further consideration will be given to ways to determine if the working groups are successful. Rubric? The committee developed the following short survey to be administered as a link through the EE listserve. This survey will be distributed in the summer prior to the annual meeting. Survey questions: 1. Select any of the following areas in which you would be interested in networking with others. The first networking meeting will likely be scheduled at the AACP annual meeting. EE Administration, IPPE practice models, APPE practice models, simulation, preceptor development, quality assurance/assessment, student professional development 2. List 2 things you would like to discuss/do/accomplish with this group. 3. Please include your name, school, email address, and cell phone number in the space below. Assigned Committee Member Leader Patti Darbishire Cathy Worrall Flora Estes Nancy Ordonez Interest Area Assignments for Small Working Groups IPPE Practice models (confirmed) Preceptor development (confirmed) Quality assurance/assessment Simulation (confirmed) Paul Walker Peter Brody Gloria Grice APPE Practice models (confirmed) Student Professional Development ExpEd Administration Charge 4: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15, 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014; June 15, 2014 (Final) Nominations Committee Chair: Lori Duke Charge 1: Solicit potential candidates for Section Officer (Chair Elect, Secretary) and disseminate materials to prospective candidates for Section leadership positions to explain officer responsibilities. Deliverable: April 15, 2014. Completed work: Through the use of email and phone conference, the members have updated and posted two documents on the section website. The first document, Leadership Position Description, is a comprehensive document that outlines the obligations (work, financial, and travel) of the following leadership positions by year: secretary, chair-elect designate, chair-elect, chair, and immediate past chair. The second document, Leadership Nomination Form, is the official nomination form for the section leadership positions. The nomination period has been designated from February 1, 2014 – March 15, 2014. We will be seeking both a Chair-Elect and Secretary for the 2014 fall election. 13 Continuing work: The committee will either hold a conference call or webinar for potential candidates in late January or early February. Charge 2: Prepare and present a slate of nominees (2 per vacancy) for Section officers (Chair-Elect, Secretary) at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. The committee will select a Chair-Elect and Secretary for the 2014 slate of candidates. Deliverable: June 15, 2014. Continuing work: This will be done once the nomination process has concluded in mid-March 2014. The committee is interested in creating a ranking system for candidate nominations. Through reaching out to other sections, it was found only Pharmacy Practice had developed a process. Contact was also made to Cecilia Plaza to see if a rubric had been developed for Council of Faculty nominations, but it was found no such document had been developed. Committee members will attempt to develop a rubric for our section by the end of January for use in the 2013-2014 nomination process. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15, 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014; June 15, 2014 (Final) Experiential Education Special Committees: Scholarship Committee Chair: Vincent Dennis Charge 1: Develop a list of various types of Experiential Education duties that can be used for scholarship (using references to articles in literature when possible) in order to direct colleagues to initiate new projects. Deliverable: Spring 2014 Action items- October 28, 2014 disseminate October 28 meeting minutes (Vince Dennis, by October 28) target ~2 journals to review for articles of focus and develop a draft of common search terms (Dianne May, by November 13, assistance from Michelle Serres as needed) use draft search terms and generate ideas to expand/refine common search terms (all committee members, November 13 to 25) create a drop box site for committee members to post and work from common documents (Michelle Serres) plan for our next meeting November 25, 1 – 2 p.m. CST: finalize broad category areas, common search terms and target journals divide journals between committee members • apply common search terms to journals • identify and catalog journal publications under one of the broad categories further deadlines to be established committee members agreed it would be desirable to ultimately craft our work into a publication-quality manuscript 14 Action items- November 25, 2014 Assign time frames and responsible committee members for initial searches (Vince Dennis, done November 27, 2013) Methods document and excel data collection for phase 1 article inclusion circulated for review (Vince Dennis, done November 27, 2013) Committee members to complete independent reviews by next meeting January 27, 2014, 1 – 2 PM CST Charge 2: Create a forum for networking and collaboration opportunities with the purpose to share research ideas. Deliverable: Spring 2014; Pending Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15, 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014; June 15, 2014 (Final)- Submitted Webinar Committee Chair: Anne Policastri Charge 1: Working in conjunction with the Programming Committee, develop a schedule of webinar topics/formats for the 2013-2014 year. Identify moderators/speakers for the various sections. Note: Use feedback collected from members on success of webinars and discussions at the 2013 annual meeting in addition to basic criteria developed during 2012-2013 on selection and conduction of webinars. Deliverable: September 30, 2013 - List of Webinars available. Charge 2: Provide a minimum of 2 regular webinars focused on section interests and a minimum of 1 business meeting webinar. Evaluate feedback on the webinars to determine changes needed in the presentation format. Deliverable: June 15, 2014. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15, 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014; June 15, 2014 (Final) Abstract Committee Chair: Schwanda Flowers Charge 1: To review poster abstracts submitted for acceptance at the annual AACP meeting in July 2014. Review process will begin in March 2014. Based on historical number of experiential education submissions, each committee member would review between 5- 10 abstracts. (General process: reviewers grouped in 3's to review 5 -10 abstracts). Committee has been confirmed. Reminder email will be sent Jan. 2014. Deliverable: Spring 2014 Charge 2: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15, 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014; June 15, 2014 (Final) 15 Newsletter Committee Chair: Craig Cox Charge 1: To assist in determining the “themes” for the Fall 2013, Spring 2014, and Summer 2014 Experiential Education Section Newsletters. Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline. Progress of Committee: The committee has formally met on two occasions in addition to email correspondence. To address the first charge, the committee completed a short survey they asked committee members to list the topics they feel are most important to the Experiential Education Section. From this list we determined the “theme” of our next newsletter which will be “Quality Assurance in Experiential Education”. In this same survey, we determined the number of articles that should be included regarding the theme in each issue (2), the types of supporting information (i.e. calendar of events, trivia, committee updates, etc.), the number of issues we should put out each year (2), and the process we would following for soliciting and selecting articles for the newsletter. A call for articles was sent out on November 21st, 2013 to Experiential Education Section members, with a reminder on January 2nd, 2014. The submission deadline for articles is January 13th, 2014. The expected release of the 2nd issue of the newsletter is late February 2014. As the committee waits for submissions, each member has been assigned an area of supporting information to complete (This task is related to the third committee charge). Remaining Work: The committee will be reviewing article submissions for the newsletter during January and February. The committee will complete formatting of newsletter in late February and then release to Section members. Discussion is ongoing to determine theme of next issue and to decide which format (pdf) vs. online will be most appropriate for future versions. Charge 2: To review articles submitted for inclusion into the Fall 2013, Spring 2014, and Summer 2014 Experiential Education Section Newsletters Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline Charge 3: To determine supplemental content and/or design features to be included within the Experiential Educations Section Newsletters Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline Charge 4: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15, 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; May 15, 2014; June 15, 2014 (Final) Health and Wellness Committee Chair: Kris Harrell Charge 1: To survey Experiential Education Section members about current efforts by experiential students to promote/provide improved health and wellness for patients. No report at this time. Deliverable 1: Provide information regarding best practices and unique opportunities to promote health and wellness in the experiential curriculum. (January 1, 2014). Report coming soon. 16 Charge 2: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; March 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; March 15, 2014; June 15, 2014. Engagement Committee Chair: Beth Young Charge 1: To explore potential opportunities to engage EE members and students in the section. NOTE: All new members were sent a welcome email December 2014. Deliverable 1: 1. Provide information regarding various methods to engage membership and increase participation by faculty and students. (January 1, 2014) Members felt that it was important to formalize the Master Preceptor Program to get members and future preceptors more engaged. a. Offer courses that cover the basics at all meetings that could be counted towards a certificate. b. Topic: How to develop an Academic APPE elective 2. Set-up a website where materials, articles, a blog (?) could help new preceptors learn methods about teaching and learning 3. Identify mentors who are willing to meet, collaborate, and advise with their mentees. a. Have meeting times set-up at the annual meetings to help foster these relationships 4. EE management workshop a. Provide lectures online through a webinar format b. Provide CE credits, or Master Preceptor certificate credits Deliverable 2: 1. Have students represented in the section. Call for members. 2. Have a student panel presentation at the annual meeting using Walmart scholars(?) to talk about best experiences, what models worked for teaching, measurement/ assessment tools 3. Can we give a presentation to Walmart scholars? a. Careers in academia b. ACPE standards c. APPE academic elective Charge 2: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; March 15, 2014) and an annual report (June 15 2014) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2013; December 15, 2013; March 15, 2014; June 15, 2014. 17 Library and Information Science Section (Jean Waldrop, Chair) The following is a listing of the charges and what has been done up to this point in the year: Awards Committee Chair: Vicki Killion Charged with the selection and nominations of individuals qualified to receive association awards. No activity for the Awards Committee since the summer. They will begin the process for 2014 in March. Basic Resources Committee and Core Journal List Co-chair: Sharon Giovenale Charged with maintaining the Basic Resource Recommendation List for AACP along with the Core Journal List. The January edition of the Basic Resources for Pharmacy Education will be published soon, so we are on track to review the entire list every 3 years. Barbara Nanstiel’s retirement next year was announced. As the Basic Resources list Co-editor appointee for next year, Bill Lundmark is shadowing Barbara and interacting with Sharon Giovenale, continuing Co-editor, to prepare to take on his responsibilities. Barbara’s many years of service as Co-editor of the list was praised and she was given a hearty round of applause and cheers. A new category was recommended, based on the recently revised CAPE Educational Outcomes. It is Cultural Sensitivity. The category E.3.0, Pharmacists’ Professional Development title, has been changed to “Personal and Professional Development” to mirror the CAPE Educational Outcomes 2013 Domain 4. The scope note has been written to reflect the outcomes. Updated versions of EndNote were acquired by the section to stay current and allow for compatibility between editors. Rob Beckett, Editor, announced that the 5th edition of the Core Journals List for Libraries that Serve Schools and Colleges of Pharmacy (2013) was approved by the section and published on August 10, 2013. The list will be updated every three years. Communications Committee Chair: Skye Bickett Charged to review the website to see what changes, if any, needs to be made and to look into the use of a webinar and other social media. There was discussion about various aspects of communication from this section. There was talk about the website, hosting webinars, and social media. A private Google Community was created to share ideas and other pertinent information. 18 The committee is in the process of reviewing the website to see what changes, if any, should be made, but have no suggestions at this time. The committee will continue to review the website and make suggestions as needed. There was also discussion of hosting a webinar, but do not know if we wish to pursue because of associated costs. Some ideas were to create short videos to place on our wiki or in social media. More discussion is needed. Another topic of discussion was social media. The committee examined several types of social media that could be used, including Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook. Although, these could all be a means of dispersing information we decided it was best to focus on enhancing the wiki. We are currently waiting to be set up as administrators. Once we have login information we will begin updating the wiki. Membership Committee Chair: Jill Nissen Charged with identifying COPs that do not have representation within our section and then contact the librarians at these schools. Time was spent identifying schools that had Candidate or Pre-candidate status. Then time was spent verifying whether or not they already had a person in this section. If not, committee tried to identify any library liaison or drug information pharmacist at the newer schools who might have a potential interest in joining our section. Work is being done with committee member Melissa Hunter to come up with wording for an email, directed at these people, explaining the benefits of the section. The plan is to contact these before the next annual meeting. Nominating Committee Chair: Vern Duba Charged with preparing and presenting a slate of nominees at the annual meeting in accordance with the section rules. No activity for the Nominating Committee since the summer. They will begin the process for 2014 in March. Programming Committee Chair: Christina Seeger Charged with organizing sessions for the annual meeting. Section Programming submitted the following sessions: Visiting Librarians Welcome, Business Meeting, Panel Session: The Rx for Open Access (speakers confirmed) and Pending: Lightning Librarians (will be submitted before the deadline). The proposed budget was submitted. Resolutions Committee Chair: Leslie Bowman 19 Charged with reviewing the standing rules and procedures for the section, developing resolutions, and presenting them at the next annual meeting. The Resolutions Committee has reviewed the Library and Information Science Section’s Standing Rules and Procedures along with the committee’s charges from the section chair. 1. Consider the limits on the number of members for the various committees. For almost all of the section committees, a specific number of members is dictated. This seems to some of us to be unnecessarily restrictive. 2. Consider how our officers are nominated and elected. What the rules say and what we do are two different things. Also, the Basic Resources Committee has asked that we review the section pertaining to it and consider how the journals’ list should be included in this committee. There were also some procedural issues that should be discussed along with some wording and punctuation that needs to be cleaned up. We have identified areas of concern and begun a discussion of how to address those concerns. We are particularly focusing on the progression of officers from one office to another and the sizes of the section’s various committees, although other issues may arise. Mentoring Program/Guidelines Task Force Chair: Skye Bickett Charged with collecting ideas and suggestions from members on the development of a mentorship program within the section for new librarians and information specialists. The establishment of guidelines for a structured activity will also be developed. A draft of a mission statement was sent out to task force members for suggestions and review. The mission statement was reviewed and changes made by task force. The statement is ready to submit to section leadership. A discussion of the goals of the task force was also started. It was decided that the program be formal to ensure its success. If mentoring is approved as a formal program it should be folded into a committee and a mentor/mentee database created. The suggestion was put forth that the program would fit well within the membership committee. A listing of guidelines/goals was created resulting in a to-do list and questions that need to be answered to move further. The task force will continue to have discussions about the mentoring program, its guidelines, and other goals of the program. Re-codification of AACP Cumulative Policies Task Force – charged with looking into the request from AACP to create an index and storage mechanism for AACP policies and documents. They will explore the creation of an indexed digital repository for the association. It was decided that this task would be given to the Communications Committee to get further information on the scope of the project and the requirements of AACP. Barbara Nanstiel and 20 Jennifer McDaniel agreed to assist. A phone conference was held to discuss the re-codification of the cumulative policies. Vern Duba is assisting with this project, though he is not a member of the Communications Committee he is the most knowledgeable about this specific project. We created an outline of how we’d like to move forward with indexing the policies and creating a database, but have not set anything in stone. The committee has contact information for an AACP staff liaison and a technology contact once we finalize how to proceed. Pharmaceutics Section (Laura M. Fox, Chair) Resolutions Committee Chair: Christine Birnie, St. John Fisher College Charge: formulate section strategic plan and assure alignment with the association's strategic plan (assigned 2012-2013 and carried over to 2013-2014) Progress: We had some good preliminary discussion about this at the Pharmaceutics Business Meeting. A few of the items discussed were: curricular issues – minimum number of Pharmaceutics credits required in a pharmacy curriculum, AACP/AAPS Collaboration – Regional Meetings, Public Health Concerns in regards to sterile products, alignment of pharmaceutics concepts with clinical aspects of the pharmacy curriculum, more interaction with ACPE, involvement in advocacy groups, involvement in the development/changes in ACPE standards, and establishment of essential pharmaceutical concepts. Programming Committee Chair: Delwar Hussain, California Health Sciences University Charge: develop programming ideas for the AACP annual meeting and webinars Progress: The committee is charged to develop programming ideas for the AACP annual meeting and webinars. The members of the committee started discussions on the charge in early November, 2013. A lot of cordial discussions by the committee members ensued for the programming ideas for the AACP annual meeting and other venues. Several programming ideas were proposed by the members. From the overall discussion two topics/sessions were selected for the AACP annual meeting. We also discussed and identified possible speakers for the two topics for programming during the AACP annual meeting. Remaining work to be completed for this year includes: (1) Solicit/confirm the speakers for the two topics selected by the committee members; (2) Manage on-site programming needs at the AACP 2014 annual meeting; (3) Discuss the possibilities of webinars and topics/sessions during other venues. Abstract Review Committee Chair: Laura Fox, Presbyterian College Charge: review abstracts submitted for presentation at the AACP annual meeting 21 Progress: review will begin after the abstract submission date NIA Review Committee Chair: Melanie Jordan, Midwestern University – Glendale Charge: review proposals submitted for NIA Progress: 21 completed NIA proposals were reviewed. The proposals scoring in the top 20% (n = 4) were submitted for final review by the AACP NIA Program Committee (all Immediate Past Chairs) for voting. Following review and voting by the Committee, 2 TOPS NIA proposals were accepted for funding. This charge is completed. Charge #2 is ongoing and awaiting further request from COS. Ad hoc Membership Committee Chair: Cary Mobley, University of Florida Charge: formulate ideas for involving new AACP members and encouraging non-AACP members to join. Progress: Below is our tentative plan. We are currently at step 1, where we are reviewing several documents for ideas related to meeting the charge. 1. Research and create ideas for meeting the charge 2. Select and describe plausible ideas – by February 7th, 2014. A Google doc will be created for each of us to post and describe our ideas 3. Evaluate, rank and choose the best alternatives – March 7th, 2014. A phone conference will be arranged to discuss the alternatives – Mid to late February 4. Suggest action plans for implementation of the best alternatives – April 4, 2014 5. Deliver a final report by a date to be determined. Ad hoc Bylaws Review Committee Chair: Scott Asbill, Presbyterian College Charge: review section bylaws for any necessary updates and to assure congruence with the association's bylaws Progress: All committee members have received copies of the pharmaceutics section standing rules of procedures, the Council of Faculities standing rules of procedure, and the AACP bylaws. Each committee member has been tasked with evaluating each of these documents and comparing the pharmaceutics section rules of procedure to the AACP bylaws. We have a conference call planned between committee members in early to mid January to discuss the similarities and differences between these documents. We anticipate finalizing recommended changes to the document during March. Ad hoc Awards Committee Chair: Douglas Boudinot, Virginia Commonwealth University Charge: determine if section should give member awards and if so, determine award type(s) and 22 selection criteria. Progress: The Committee reviewed awards given by AACP as well as those given by sections of the association. Discussions focused on monetary travel awards/grants for members of the Pharmaceutics Section to attend the annual AACP conference. Questions for further consideration are: 1. How much funding might be available for AACP annual meeting travel awards? a. Number of awards b. Monetary value of travel grants 2. What types of travel awards might be given? a. Early stage career (Promising New Faculty Travel Award) or open to all members of the section b. Awarded for innovative teaching technique/resource development with presentation at the annual meeting (Innovation in Teaching Travel Award) c. Awarded for pharmaceutical research presentation at the annual meeting (Excellence in Research Travel Award) 3. What criteria and selection process would be used to select recipients? a. Peer review committee b. Financial need Pharmacy Practice Section (Charles Taylor, Chair) STANDING COMMITTEES: Awards Committee Chair: Leslie Hamilton (Tennessee): Charges: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Evaluate the existing plan for identification, mentoring, and nominating Section members for appropriate awards in the Association. – 100% COMPLETED Solicit nominees for AACP Awards from Section members, gather the required supporting information, prepare nominations for submission and submit materials to the Section Chair prior to November 1st. – 100% COMPLETED [submitted one nomination for Volwiler, Dr. Milap Nahata; one for Chalmers (Dr. Bob Talbert); assisted with Chalmers nomination for Dr. John Murphy]. Collaborate with the Scholarship and Research Development Committee to identify exceptional and productive scholars in pharmacy practice worthy of AACP recognition.- 100% COMPLETED Develop and implement, in collaboration with AACP staff, a plan for lifetime achievement award for Section members that can be awarded periodically to Section members.- In Progress [assigned to Leslie Hamilton and Lauren Garton; working with AACP staff on this] Maintain current list of past AACP award recipients, highlighting Section affiliation of previous winners, and coordinate the placement of this information on the Section web 23 page with AACP staff and Section Secretary.- In Progress [assigned to Leslie Hamilton and Lauren Garton; working with AACP staff on this] Communications Committee Chair: Terri Wensel (Samford): Charges: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Monitor Section use and value of the listserv and section web page and recommend improvements as needed. – 50% COMPLETED; ongoing monitoring with recommended improvements forthcoming Monitor Section committee communication strategies internally and recommend improvements as needed.- 50% COMPLETED; ongoing monitoring with recommendations forthcoming Recommend strategies to enhance networking and other forms of communications among Section members.- 25% COMPLETED; multiple subgroup meetings [Nick Fusco, Jeff Lalama, Erika Kleppinger] Develop a newsletter or other communication tool to increase awareness among the Section regarding best practices and innovative exemplars within the areas of education, clinical care, scholarship, and service. – 25% COMPLETED; sub group organized [Krista Capehart, Shauna Buring, Terri Wensel] with report pending Provide recommendations regarding the use of social media to engage Section members. – 50% COMPLETED; sub group organized [Amber Hutchison, Matthew Bird, Sneha Srivastava] Recommend strategies for profiling “best practices” in pharmacy practice within AACP.- 25% COMPLETED; sub group organized [Shannon Reidt, Justine Gortney, Sally Haack]. Faculty Development Committee Chair: Michael Neville (Georgia): Charges: 1. 2. 3. 4. Monitor faculty development needs within the Section and recommend strategies to address unmet needs. – 25% COMPLETED; sub group organized with Jeffres as group lead Evaluate the feasibility of a Section-wide formal mentoring program to engage experienced/senior faculty more fully with less experienced members.- 25% COMPLETED; sub group organized with Jeffres, Lodise, and Hilaire. Review and summarize current standards for progression of part time and auxiliary/adjunct faculty in promotion and advancement in academic environment.- 25% COMPLETED; sub group organized with Pitlick, Foote, and Jenkins. Recommend strategies for engaging post-graduate learners (residents, graduate students) within the Section as a means to enhance their awareness of academic pharmacy.- 25% COMPLETED; sub group organized with Jeffres and Hilaire. Membership Committee Chair: Debbie Byrd (Tennessee): Charges: 1. Monitor growth within the Section and recommend strategies to maintain a thriving 24 2. 3. 4. 5. organization. – 15% COMPLETED; sub group formed with Bell and Krause, preliminary strategies have been formed; follow-up planned with AACP for comments. Evaluate strategies to increase membership of adjunct faculty (e.g. preceptors). Implement pilot initiatives if feasible to determine scalability and effectiveness in recruitment of adjust faculty as members.- 20% COMPLETED; sub group formed with Shealy, Suda, and Krause. Discuss with AACP leadership and select one pilot to explore and make contact with the Experiential Education Section. Monitor effectiveness of the “member to member” outreach for non-members in pharmacy practice departments. Incorporate new strategies as indicated to reach nonmembers.- 20% COMPLETED; sub group formed with Ho and Matthews; next steps include determining logistics in defining the faculty member role and responsibilities; incentives and training that may be necessary Create a membership campaign to more effectively recruit graduate students and residents to the Section.- 15% COMPLETED; sub group formed with Pon, Salinitri, and Wright. Next steps include follow up with AACP for comments. Propose changes to the Strategic Planning and Bylaws committee to formalize a role for residents or graduate students in the Pharmacy Practice section, including the process for appointments to committees and working groups of the section.- 20% COMPLETED; sub group formed with DeSevo and Inge; seeking input from AACP. Nominating Committee Chair: Leigh Ann Ross (Mississippi): Charges: 1. 2. 3. 4. Solicit potential candidates for Section officer (Chair elect, secretary) and disseminate materials to prospective candidates for Section leadership positions to explain officer responsibilities.- 25% COMPLETED; multiple meetings organized Coordinate the gathering of supporting materials from nominees as background for members.ONGOING Present a slate of nominees for Section officers (Chair elect, secretary) at the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting.- ONGOING Develop and implement a comprehensive plan for identification, mentoring, and nominating Section members to leadership roles in the Section and the Association.25% COMPLETED; organizing a sub group to focus on this charge during second half of the year. Program Committee Chair: Steve Stoner (Missouri – Kansas City): Charges: 1. Develop section programming for the 2014 AACP Annual Meeting. Consider themes that build upon (a) wellness and health promotion; (b) technology enhanced education; (c) new CAPE outcomes; (d) emerging models of pharmacy practice; and/or (e) grant writing skills.- 50% 25 2. 3. 4. 5. COMPLETED; joint program with biological sciences proposed titled “The Critical Interplay Between Basic and Clinical Sciences Integration”; the second PP session proposed as “Maintaining faculty and student wellness in a stressful academic environment.” Meeting in early January to finalize submission. Develop section programming for the 2014 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. Consider themes that build upon (a) precepting skills; (b) new CAPE outcomes; and/or (c) technology enhanced experiential education.- 15% COMPLETED; sub group organized to develop topic during second half of the year. The 2013 program is set and offered on Monday at Midyear from 2-3:30 pm in Room W208A. Develop a program in collaboration with another professional organization in addition to ASHP. Consider joint programming for student pharmacists at APhA focusing on academic careers.- 95% COMPLETED; committee considering various options. Meeting scheduled with Jen Adams. Implement at least one webinar for the Section. Consider partnership with student chapters of pharmacy organizations (e.g., ACCP, APhA, ASHP) or state associations to highlight models of innovative pharmacy practice.- 5% COMPLETED; sub group formed with ideas generated for options. Target dates May-June. Maintain the inventory of Section programming for use by subsequent Program Committees in collaboration with Section secretary. Resolutions Committee - NO REPORT SUBMITTED Chair: Jeffery Evans (Louisiana-Monroe): Charges: 1. 2. 3. 4. Solicit resolutions from Committee and Section members and educate Section on process for submission. Collaborate with Strategic Plan and Bylaws Committee on this charge. Review all proposed resolutions for adherence to revised Section procedures. Draft a summary of proposed resolutions with rationale, and send to Section Listserv at least two weeks prior to business meetings of the Section or prior to electronic voting. Present resolutions to members at Business meetings and coordinate electronic voting on resolutions with AACP per revised Section rules. Scholarship/Research Development Committee Chair: Katherine Carey (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences) Charges: 1. 2. 3. Recommend strategies to increase research awards (e.g. New Investigator awards) received by Section members. Collaborate with Section’s Immediate Past Chair to encourage member applications as well as recommend ways to improve the rates of funded proposals by members.- 75% COMPLETED; awaiting Vincent Lau feedback to ensure posting on website for section. Communicate to Section members the financial resources available to pharmacy practice faculty for the development of innovative teaching, scholarship, and practice.- 75% COMPLETED; recommend streamline website tools to one section for ease of use. Work with other AACP Sections to advance the idea of a new category of research grant 26 4. 5. 6. 7. specific to residents, fellows, or graduate students.- 25% COMPLETED; first draft under review. Develop a list of section members who are available to assist other faculty in reviewing and critiquing grant proposals. Consider a networking component that would enhance faculty development as scholars.- 25% COMPLETED; ongoing Investigate opportunities for a Section Sabbatical Program for Scholarship.- 33% COMPLETED; currently reviewing pharmacy and nursing programs to gather ideas Recommend a strategy to showcase resident, fellow, and graduate student scholarship/research. Consider pilot initiatives that could use technology to achieve this charge.- 50% COMPLETED; reached out to DiPiro regarding a showcase for resident and student research; consider virtual poster sessions; awaiting feedback potentially linking with Walmart Scholars program. Identify strategies to increase awareness regarding the Scholarship of Engagement within the Section.- 25% COMPLETED; considering methods to this such as newsletter. Strategic Plan and Bylaws Committee Chair: Anne Lin (Notre Dame of Maryland): Charges: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Monitor progress of Section Committees in achieving the existing Section Strategic Plan. Review the 2013 Report of the Section Development Task Force to recommend future committee charges. Recommend a strategy for organizing and creating the Section’s next strategic plan. Recommend bylaw changes within the Section as warranted. Develop mechanisms for Section members to provide input into progress reports and future strategic plans. Submit an interim and an annual report for inclusion in the Section business meetings. The first meeting of the committee has been scheduled. TASK FORCES: Advocacy in Pharmacy Practice Task Force Chair: Diane Ginsburg (Texas-Austin): Charges: 1. 2. Increase awareness across the Section of resources related to advocacy, and actively promote advocacy opportunities (and examples) to our members.- ONGOING; this will be addressed as charges 2 and 3 are met. Recommend curricular components (e.g. courses) within schools and colleges of pharmacy that will advance student pharmacist competencies as advocates. Refer to new CAPE outcomes.- 25% COMPLETED; sub group formed with January 15 deadline for working with colleagues across other schools to identify core curriculum components as well as ACPE guidelines. 27 3. Create a repository which will profile “exemplary models” of pharmacy practice, as well as key messaging points (including a referenced bibliography) that could be used by Section members or others to promote pharmacist-provided care to external entities.- 25% COMPLETED; sub group formed and discussed types of models as well as the information to compile. Student Engagement Task Force Chair: Bonnie Brown (Butler): Charges: 1. 2. 3. Disseminate recommendations for a standardized approach to a Teaching and Learning Curriculum for post-graduate learners.- 95% COMPLETED; resolution passed at AACP meeting in July; manuscript accepted for publication in AJHP pending final revisions. Develop a model curriculum for student pharmacists interested in academic pharmacy (e.g. academic teaching rotations). Distribute to schools and colleges of pharmacy, incorporating information on AACP and academic careers.- 25% COMPLETED; collected sample academic rotation syllabi; draft formed with process for input and revisions. Participate with the Council of Sections leadership to recommend strategies to more effectively engage student pharmacists, pharmacy residents, and graduate students within the Section.- 0% COMPLETED; awaiting guidance from Council of Sections. Section Development Task Force Chair: Leigh Ann Ross (Mississippi): Charge: 1. Provide recommendations for ongoing development of the section. The report resulting from this task force will be presented to current section leadership and the Strategic Planning and Bylaws Committee for implementation and incorporation into the strategic plan. The committee met on December 4, 2013 to review the 2012-13 report and develop an action plan for the coming year. Next steps include reviewing the Section Strategic plan and key committee reports from the past. This will include key Council of Faculties reports, Council of Deans reports, and conclude with an email discussion in January 2014. A teleconference is scheduled for February to finalize recommendations. Faculty Practice Model Task Force (department chairs and deans) Chair: John Bosso (South Carolina College of Pharmacy): Charges: 1. 2. Identify and present potential or existing practice models for clinical pharmacy faculty members that allow for fulfillment of clinical teaching responsibilities for pharmacy students and residents and, at the same time, accommodate traditional faculty activities and responsibilities in the area of scholarship. Provide pros, cons, and other considerations for each model presented. 28 100% COMPLETED; Surveyed sixteen colleges of pharmacy with recommendations formed pending submission for publication (attached): Final Report, FACULTY PRACTICE MODEL TASK FORCE Task Force Charges: 1. Identify and present potential or existing practice models for clinical pharmacy faculty members which allow for fulfillment of clinical teaching responsibilities for pharmacy students and residents and, at the same time, accommodate traditional faculty activities and responsibilities in the area of scholarship. 2. Provide pros, cons, and other considerations for each model presented. 3. Submit an interim and an annual report for inclusion in the Section business meetings at the 2012 ASHP Midyear and 2013 AACP Annual Meetings, respectively. Task Force Members: John Bosso, South Carolina College of Pharmacy, MUSC Campus Magaly Rodriguez de Bitner, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Jan Hastings, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Gordon Sacks, Auburn University School of Pharmacy Marilyn Speedie, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy Background The Task Force was appointed and charge in the summer of 2012 by then Section Chair, Leigh Ann Ross and began its work shortly thereafter. Members agreed to take an approach that would gather information on existing models at various types of colleges/schools of pharmacy that would be informative of the variation of clinical faculty1 models currently in place along with the sitting chairs’ impressions of pros and cons of their model and ideas for what might constitute an ideal model. It was also agreed to select an assortment of colleges/schools2 with various characteristics to enhance our ability to accurately capture the expected variation in models. It was also acknowledged and agreed that our data gathering would not represent a true survey, in a scientific sense, but instead targeted data collection for the aims already mentioned. It was not the Task Force’s intent to attempt to categorize model types as related to college/school type as insufficient numbers of programs were being assessed to assure representative samples. Methods Sixteen colleges/schools of pharmacy were identified by Task Force members, which represented various types, i.e., public/private, new/old, urban/rural location, associated with an academic health center or not, and research-intensive or not. While Task Force members had preconceived notions regarding these characteristics of the targeted colleges/schools, each was affirmed by the sitting Pharmacy Practice Chair interviewed. Colleges/schools were classified as new or old based on their existence for less than or equal to/more than 10 years. A data collection tool or survey instrument was created to standardize the data collection (Appendix). Over the course of 2013, Task Force members either directly interviewed Pharmacy Practice Chairs by telephone or asked these chairs to complete the data collection form and return it. Collected information was then collated and de-identified by the Task Force Chair and shared with all members of the Task Force for purposes of consideration and ultimately to make recommendations to the Section on one or more optimal faculty models. Literature of relevance to the Task Force’s charge was also gathered and considered in the group’s eventual 29 recommendations. There have been a number of studies/publications exploring barriers to scholarship by clinical practice faculty. These run the gamut from lack of time to inadequacy of preparation in how to engage in scholarship. This task force focused only on the nature of the faculty model as it affects the pursuit of scholarship for practitioner faculty. Results Considerable diversity was apparent in faculty models across the colleges/schools in our sample. Underlying this diversity were differences in clinical practice/teaching expectations (e.g., number of months per year or days per week and number of learners assigned at one time. Also, variety existed in whether or not the learners were students and/or residents. In addition, the number of hours per day at the practice/clinical teaching site), didactic and/or recitation teaching loads (hours per year), college and/or practice site committee assignments varied. Also, expectations/requirements for scholarly productivity varied by both type (i.e., publication and/or external funding) and number. The academic institutions also varied in class size, and department size as reflected by both total number of faculty and number of clinical practice faculty. Not all schools had an expectation for scholarship of their clinical practice faculty although those that did expected one to two publications per year. Four of the 16 departments expected generation of external research funding. Of those expecting or requiring scholarship, nine indicated that the expectation varied quantitatively from one faculty member to the next, based upon other duties. Another area of variation was the actual employment conditions for the faculty member. In some cases practice faculty were university employees, in others practice site employees. A number of departments described “split-funded” faculty. Perceived advantages and disadvantages of various models appeared to vary with the nature of clinical practice/teaching requirements of the faculty member. With models that required two to three days per week and/or two to three hours per day at the practice site with students, a perceived advantage was ample time to devote to scholarship. In one or two of such cases, there was no real expectation, on the part of the practice site, that meaningful or consistent patient care services would be delivered by the faculty member. Didactic teaching load also appeared inversely correlated with satisfaction with the faculty model. Chairs of larger departments, with more faculty members to share the classroom/recitation teaching load, appeared to have higher satisfaction with their existing clinical practice faculty models. Those colleges/schools accommodating or encouraging practice-based, clinical or teaching related scholarship view this as an advantage directly impacting faculty members’ ability to meet scholarly expectations. Chairs with major concerns about their models described disadvantages beyond competing faculty duties or expectations such as faculty preparation for scholarship, availability of mentoring and availability of research collaborators. These issues cannot legitimately be viewed as characteristics of a faculty model. Insufficient time to pursue scholarship was a frequently cited shortcoming of a number of models. Discussion Great diversity exists in current faculty models which appear to vary directly with the magnitude of various practice faculty duties or expectations. Naturally, those with low or moderate clinical practice/teaching expectations better accommodate pursuit of scholarship, especially if didactic teaching requirements are also low. Those with high practice/clinical teaching requirements make the pursuit of scholarship more challenging. It is equally obvious, that departments have developed faculty models based on the conditions under which they operate, which in turn influence how well the model accommodates adequate time for scholarship. 30 Because of these realities, it is unlikely that an ideal practice faculty model, suitable for all colleges/schools of pharmacy, could be envisioned and recommended. However, it is also apparent, based upon the data and observations gathered that a number of characteristics are conducive to allowing time for scholarship and their incorporation into any faculty model should be seriously considered. Recommendations Operating under the belief that all full-time faculty members should be meaningfully engaged and productive in scholarship, the Task Force recommends that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Faculty job descriptions/contracts have realistic balance in duties and performance expectations across the areas of teaching, service to the university/college, professional service/practice, and scholarship such that the latter can be comfortably accommodated from a time allocation standpoint. The nature/design of faculty models should thus be driven by faculty job descriptions. Department chairs should meet with faculty regularly to assess their scholarly progress and to make necessary adjustments in effort allocation such that faculty members have adequate time to meet expectations in the area of scholarship. An academic environment that accommodates and nurtures scholarship be created regardless of model. This should include formal mentoring by seasoned faculty colleagues and academic leaders, participation in clinical research programs designed to advance the research skills of the clinical faculty member, such as those sponsored by the Clinical and Translational Science Institutes, and/or partnership in research projects with research-accomplished faculty in either Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice disciplines, or colleagues in other health professions. The types of scholarship that are recognized/valued/rewarded should be made clear to faculty members and be quantitatively balanced (by Promotion and Tenure committees) with teaching and service (clinical) expectations. 1 By “clinical faculty” we are referring to those who have a clinical practice component to their job description and are not distinguishing between clinical and tenure track appointments. 2 For ease of reading/understanding we refer to all entities from this point on as colleges. 31 Promotion of Academic Careers Task Force Chair: Lisa Lundquist (Mercer): Charges: 1. 2. Collaborate with other practice-oriented professional organizations to enhance awareness of academic pharmacy as a career pathway, with an emphasis on programs to address issues critical for success in all stages of academic careers.- 50% COMPLETED; ASHP Intersections accepted articles proposal for a 3 part series on academic pharmacy which will reach students and residents considering academic career. Develop opportunities for Section mentorship of post-PharmD trainees and graduate students interested in academic careers. The plan should include means to develop both mentors in the program and engage and support the trainees and students.- 100% COMPLETED; a proposal for a pilot academic mentoring program for students and residents for the AACP section has been submitted for consideration. Health and Wellness Task Force Chair: Susan Bruce (Northeast Ohio): Charges: 1. 2. 3. Summarize “best practices” and exemplary models for engaging student pharmacists in wellness and disease prevention activities. Recommend strategies for incorporating wellness and health promotion within pharmacy curricula. Recommend strategies to create a healthier campus environment to role- model health promotion and wellness. Members have participated in two conference calls and numerous email exchanges. The group decided to send a survey to colleges of pharmacy to capture curricular and extracurricular activities regarding health and wellness. A subgroup drafted a survey that will be reviewed by the entire committee during the upcoming January 14 conference call. Meanwhile, all members have been engaged in literature searches/summaries to gather information regarding “best practices”. 32 Social and Administrative Sciences Section (Nathaniel Rickles, Chair) Graduate Program Committee Mark V. Siracuse, Chair Committee Progress: The committee had a telephone conference on December 2, 2013 and discussed following about the Academic Career Toolkit: a. Status of the toolkit b. Publicizing the toolkit Next Steps: a. All committee members will read the current version of the toolkit and provide feedback b. Two committee members took lead roles in adding two additional sections c. Another telephone conference planned for the week of January 13, 2014 for follow-up Awards Committee Pam Heaton, Chair Committee Progress: The committee has been busy and productive. We nominated a SAS colleague to receive the Volwiler Award. Working closely with the SAS Section Chair, we submitted a thorough and compelling application package. The committee has also made recommendations for the Lyman Award. Next Steps: The work of this committee continues with identifying other awards SAS members might be nominated for. Programming Committee Kimberly S. Plake, Chair Committee Progress: The committee has met and developed programming ideas for the 2014 Annual Meeting. Two topics have been tentatively identified: Professional Development Roundtables and Creative Electives. Ideas for the roundtable topics include: next steps after full professorship, next steps after associate professorship, moving into an administrative position, creating a publication plan, seeking collaborations for sabbatical, seeking collaborations for research, considerations in selecting a first position, seeking graduate school, mentoring relationships, involvement in associations, and seeking leadership opportunities. Ideas for the creative elective session include: entrepreneurship, research methods, and motivational interviewing. Next Steps: Speakers need to be identified and the budget submitted. There are tentative plans to develop 1-2 webinars this spring. These topics are yet to be identified. Abstract Review Committee Michelle L. Cannon-Breland, Chair Committee Progress: We have 40 reviewers for the 2014 Annual Meeting abstract review. We will be ready to review the abstracts after the submission deadline of Feb. 19th. 33 Next Steps: Committee chair will contact all the reviewers to ensure the total numbers of reviewers (40) is still accurate prior to the submission deadline/review commencement date. Nominating Committee Daniel Lane, Chair Committee Progress: We reviewed candidates for chair-elect of the section. We identified two individuals for the election this past year: Ana Quinones-Boex and David Holdford. There was considerable confusion regarding candidates previously slated for the election by last year’s committee. Anandi Law and John Bentley were supposed to have been slated for this fall’s election. Instead, they will be slated for next year’s election. We thank them for graciously agreeing to the changes. Next Steps: The committee’s work is done for the year until we learn of the election results and possibly requiring us to find a replacement for Ana Quinones-Boex, if elected, since she is chairing a term as SAS secretary until 2015. Strategic Planning Committee Nathaniel Rickles, Chair Committee Progress: We have identified key thematic areas as the basis for section’s strategic plan. We have discussed a plan of developing goals for each of the thematic areas. We have had two conference calls and have a third one planned for January. We are using strategic plans of other sections as guides for our strategic planning. We are also trying to make our strategic plan in alignment with COS strategic planning process and the strategic vision of AACP. Next Steps: We will discuss our developed goals during this third call with the hope of moving to specific objectives for a February/March phone call. We hope to arrive at a completed strategic plan to be reviewed by the section membership via e-mail during the months of April/May and approved at the annual meeting. Mentoring Committee Anandi Law, Chair Committee Progress: Committee has accessed and reviewed a recent report of a COS/COF/COD joint task force on mentoring. The committee chair has informally polled mentor-mentee pairings of the SAS section. Overall, perception of the SAS mentorship program was viewed as valuable. Next steps: Discuss ideas of how to ensure access to mentoring material and a formal assessment of the program. AACP SAS Membership Survey Analysis/Assessment Committee Stephanie Y. Crawford, Chair Committee Progress: Committee has accessed the survey results and currently undergoing analysis of data to respond to committee charges. Next Steps: Work of Committee will begin in January 2014. The Committee chair sent an email requesting routine telephone conferences (monthly or bimonthly, as needed) from mid-January through May. Actions undertaken by Committee this year will include: 34 • • • • • Review of data received from AACP Member Needs Assessment Survey. Two different programmatic needs can possibly be addressed -- one toward academy concerns of members, and the other part of AACP membership issues. As summary data were provided in an Excel file, we will contact AACP staff to ascertain whether it is possible to receive raw data for the section responses. If so, the Committee can better: Identify relationships of what we want to explore more in next survey, and Identify how survey was helpful to us and how left some questions. Evaluate available data for better sense of membership needs and potential analyses to find out who are people we should target. The Committee shall consider where gaps exist in sectional membership. For example, it appears more senior faculty are most engaged, but fewer new people. Reasons for that will be explored, as well as potential ways to address. As another example, what disciplinary programs are not represented in list of respondents? Consider how we can leverage our membership expertise to other bodies outside of pharmacy. For example, are there opportunities for synergy with ISPOR, AcademyHealth, etc.? The Committee will explore the possibility of scholarship opportunities, based upon findings. 35