Information Technology at Emory

Information Technology at Emory
IT Briefing Agenda 3/18/04
March Action Items
Kronos Update
eVac Demonstration
Netscape Migration
Vacation App.
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Karen Jenkins
Byron Nash
Garrett Bryant
Mahbuba Ferdousi
Theresa Goriczynski
Information Technology at Emory
protect your
digital self.
Information Technology at Emory
What makes our job tough?
• Viruses
• Trojans
• Worms
• Hackers
• Spyware
• Unaware users
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
• Reduce virus presence on
networked computers
• Reduce visibility and vulnerability of
networked computers to hackers
• Be as automated as possible
• Be easily customized or OEM’ed
• Be easy to update
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
• Clean sweep approach
• Best-effort known-state localization
• Fixed order of operations to ensure
best results
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Information Technology at Emory
What’s the answer?
For now, it’s eVax.
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Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
• Detailed OS Detection
• Run Removal Tools
• Install Latest Service Pack
• Install Latest Critical Updates
• Set Windows to Auto-update
• Setup the Built-in Firewall
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Features, cont.
• Install/Update/Scan with Symantec
• Install/Update/Scan with Lavasoft
• Blank password account detection
• Sends user to windowsupdate upon
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Information Technology at Emory
Design Architecture
• Modular, portable file structure
• Application agnostic
• Scriptable for OEMs
• Fully-automatic mode for end users
• A la carte mode for advanced
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Case Study: ResNet
• 600 calls have been run with eVax
since Freshmen Arrival Weekend
• Zero blue-screens
• 75% of calls in the ResNet queue
are resolved by an RCC with eVax
alone and don’t make it to tier II
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Current Impact: ResNet
• Shifting nature of Tier II calls back
away from virus and hack attempts
to application issues
• RCCs resolving more calls on their
• Better overall perception from
customers of fast, effective service
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Future Impact: ResNet
• eVax distributed to end users in Fall
2004, eliminating 50-75% of calls
• RCCs have fewer, but more difficult
calls; we can train them for this
• RCCs begin to handle some Tier II
calls, allowing more expensive staff
to be re-tasked as appropriate
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
What’s the Catch?
• Some items are very date-sensitive:
Removal Tools
Critical Updates
Virus Definitions
Spyware Definitions
• Some are less sensitive:
– Service Packs
• Some are not:
– Setting windows auto-update
– Setting the built-in firewall
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
What’s Next?
• Empower the end users
• Continual testing and feedback on
eVax help make it better for
• Distribution to end users is the
ultimate goal: reduce support
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
The Future of eVax
• Advanced user toolkit add-on:
– Symantec Registry Removal Tool
– Undo for Firewall/Auto update
– “Trojan Hunter” scripting language
• Longhorn support built-in through its
• Client-server model to pull down
updates after initial run
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
R. Garrett Bryant
(404) 727-4847
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Migrating from the
current web server
(www-source) to
the new web server
Mahbuba Ferdousi
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Why Migrate?
 Demand for new technologies
 Cold Fusion
 Database Access
 Security requirements / Protection
 Move from Netscape to Apache
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
What is Maple?
• Maple is the new web server
• Created 2 years ago
• Target date to decommission the old
web server environment using
Netscape by July 30, 2004.
• It is not feasible for us to continue
both services
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Anyone who has content in the current
web server (www-source) should begin
migrating their content to the new
web server (“Maple”).
For help, please go to:
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
What Changed?
• The way in which you create your web content
will not change, you can still use the webediting tool you are familiar with.
• Knowledge of Cold Fusion, PHP or databases is
not necessary to use Maple.
• How you transfer your files will change.
• The change that will affect everyone is that
“ftp” is not available in the new web server.
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
What Changed?
• The new transfer method (protocol)
is called WebDAV and is used to
upload/download files.
• If you are currently using ftp to
upload/download files, you will now
use WebDAV.
• WebDAV is easy to learn.
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Available Training
• ITD will conduct a training session to help you
migrate your content to Maple.
• How to use WebDAV to upload/download your
• Training is scheduled for Tuesday, March 30,
2004 in the North Decatur Bldg., in 4th floor
• For more information on migrating visit
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Information Technology at Emory
Migration Process
• Met with content owners on 3/15/04
• Obtained a list of action items from
the community
• Formed a technical team to discuss
known issues with Mac OS/X, WebDAV
and Dreamweaver
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Migration Process (cont.)
• Will setup a training session for
people using Dreamweaver
• Will schedule future meetings for
April, May and June.
• Continue to communicate to Local
• Communicate via the
Information Technology Division
Technical Services
Information Technology at Emory
Information Technology Division
Technical Services