Northstar Greece trip overview

Northstar International
Program: Greece
Greece Trip Meeting
June 4, 2015
With updates
Northstar’s Greece trip is led by:
• Russell & Lucy Bartholoee, trip leaders & teachers
• 13 years experience leading 11 student tour groups
to Europe, including England, Spain, France, Morocco
& Italy & 5 professional conferences in Italy & Greece
• Russell has an MA in History and 21 years teaching
experience; he currently teaches the International
Baccelaureate History and Film at Arlington High
School as well as history classes at Northstar.
• Lucy has an MA in Humanities /Art History and 18
years teaching experience; she currently is in the PhD
program at UNT in Art Education and teaches art
classes at Northstar.
What is Educational Travel?
• A classroom without walls
• Traveling with your friends
• Bringing history to life by walking in and
through castles, battlegrounds, ancient ruins
and architectural triumphs.
• Short lessons about the sites from our tour
guides (5-10 minutes on the way, or while
we’re there walking through)
Led by people who love education, history, art,
culture, food and travel
Local Guide at Westminster Abbey
Northstar students
& Families
What is Educational Travel?
• Local guides walk & talk
• Engaging cultural activities
• See, hear, feel, smell and sometimes taste it all
for yourself.
• Shopping & Games, too
• Not: a ‘party’ trip or a
‘lay around’ vaca
Pizza making in Rome, Italy
Besides a having a fun trip, what will
educational travel do for me?
• Learning that endures, is fun and lively
• Gives you an advantage on job applications
and interviews
• Important for college applications &
• Northstar Academic credit
Colleges are looking for engaged
learners & active students
• Many students & parents have told us how valuable
the international experience was during college
application and consideration for scholarships
• Demonstrate that you are actively engaged in
education and campus life
• Take initiative / not a passive learner
• You will be an asset to their campus/program
• Statistics hold that students involved in extra-curricular
programs have a higher graduation rate
• Many colleges have written into their official objectives
an “international perspective” and “global citizenship”
Academic Credit at Northstar:
Seminar in Art History or
Seminar in Greek History
• One week trip = 1 semester credit advanced History or Art
4 hours of class prior to the trip
Prepare one 15 min. presentation or video @ destination
During the trip, keep a journal/sketchbook
Meet after the trip for a celebration
History course: 5 page paper
Art course: 3 pieces of artwork
University Credit also possible! See Lucy for details.
Northstar’s Greece Trip
• Itinerary
• Scholarships
• Fundraisers
9 days in Greece
• Includes: airfare, hotels,
• Local tour manager, tickets
into everything, ground
• Breakfast & dinner daily
• In Athens:
• Acropolis and Parthenon
• Acropolis Museum
• Greek Taverna Dinner
• Greek Dancing Lesson
• Mycenae (1600-1100 BC)
• Ancient Greek Ceramics Workshop
• Theater of Epidaurus
• Ancient Delphi Site and Museum
• Monasteries of Meteora
Olympia: the original Olympic park
• 8th century BC--4th century AD
Beaches & Islands
• Near Athens:
Asteria Beach in
Glyfada, access by
local tram
• Ferry to Hydra
island for shopping,
• Ferry to Aegina
island for the beach
Be creative!
You’ll be there before you know it!
– Talk to your family, and make a plan
– Set a goal, then follow through