File - Church of the Good Shepherd

Table of Contents
Church of the Good Shepherd
Standard Operating Procedures
Section I Purpose……………………………..…………………………………….……..…..1
General Information……………………………………………………………………..…...…2
Use of Church Property……………….………………………………………………….….....3
Mass Support……………………………………………………………………………….…...4
Section II Committees, Councils, and Groups…………………………………….……..8
Building Committee……………………………………………………………………………..1
Christian Formation……….………………………………………………………………......10
Finance Council………………………………………………………….……………........…13
Grounds Committee………………………………………………………………….……..…15
Justice and Peace Committee………………………………………………………….…....16
Haiti Committee…………………………………………….……………………………….....19
The Ladies Guild………………………………………..……………………………..………20
Liturgy Committee……………………………………………………………….…….………21
The Men’s Club…………………………………………………..…………………….….......25
Money Counters……………………………………………………………………………….26
Parish Community Life……………………..……………………………………………..…..27
The Parish Pastoral Council………………………………………………..………….……..28
Expenditure and Reimbursement Policies………………………………………………….36
Check/Reimbursement Request……………………………………………………………..38
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Church of the Good Shepherd
Standing Operating Procedure
1.0 General
2.0 Purpose: The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure is to have a single
source document that provides information to the pastor and parishioners of the
activities, committees and administration of the Church of the Good Shepherd in
Smithfield, Virginia.
3.0 Applicability: The procedures and information outlined in this document are
applicable to all members of the parish community and organizations that use the
church buildings and or grounds.
4.0 Review: This Standard Operating Procedure will be updated as contents change,
but at least annually. The Parish Leadership Committee is responsible for the
annual update.
Church of the Good Shepherd SOP September 2012
Chapter 1
General Information
Contact Information
A. Church Building
Church of the Good Shepherd
300 Smithfield Blvd
Smithfield, VA 23430
Church Mailing Address:
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
P.O. Box 840
Smithfield, VA 23431
B. Rectory
245 Lane Crescent
Smithfield, VA 23430
C. Website :
D. Email address:
E. Contact Telephone numbers:
1. Office: 757-365-0579
2. Fax: 757-365-4749
Office Hours
1. Normal Office hours: M-F 9:30-4:30
2. Closed on Holidays
Mass Schedule
1. Saturday 5:00 PM
2. Sunday 9:00 AM
3. Tues/Thurs 12:00 noon
4. Wed/Fri 9:00
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1. Saturdays 4:00PM
2. Sundays 8:00AM
3. By appointment through the parish office
Visitation of the Sick
1. Requests should be made through the parish office or directly to the pastor.
Parish Registration: Registration Forms are available in the vestibule of the
Church. You may notify the office if you wish to register with, or be removed from the
parish records, or if you have a change of address or telephone number.
Scheduling Procedure: Please contact the office to schedule all meetings and
activities at our facilities or for placement on the calendar.
Access to the facility: Church staff, pastor and ministry chairs have church key and
security code. Church is open during regular office hours
Announcement Procedure: Weekend Mass announcements are due in the church
office on Thursday at noon. Bulletin items are due Tuesday morning at 10 am.
Committee Expenditures: Please see the Expenditure and Reimbursement Policy
for Committees [Appendix I] and an example of the Check Request/Reimbursement
[Appendix II]. These forms are available from the church office.
Parish Master Calendar: All events are planned at the Parish Leadership meeting.
Contact the office for rescheduling of the event or for placement of a new event onto
the master calendar.
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Chapter 2
Use of Church Property
From: Father Oscar
All ministries and groups that use the Church
Subject: Responsibilities and conditions for use of Church property
1. Use of the church requires approval from the pastor. Items on the church
calendar approved at the annual calendar meeting held in June constitute
approval. Any other use requires two week advanced notification.
2. Use of the sanctuary is not authorized for other than religious activities without
specific authorization from the pastor.
3. Use of sacramentals [i.e. ashes, bells, candles, crucifix, holy oils, holy water,
incense, palms, rosary, and vestments] for secular purposes is prohibited.
4. If special arrangement of the commons area is required, it is up to the user to set
up, clean up and rearrange the commons area.
5. After using the facility, the commons is to be vacuumed, all trash removed and
the chairs and tables in the commons are to be put back in place as shown on
the diagram taped inside the storage closet door. Replace trash can liners,
which are located in the storage room.
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6. Cleaning materials are located in the sink room next to the kitchen except the
vacuum cleaner which is in the storage closet in the commons area.
7. Clean the restrooms please make sure the toilets are flushed, the trash cans are
emptied and the lights are turned off.
8. Clean the kitchen as delineated on the Kitchen checklist mounted on the wall in
the kitchen.
9. All trash is to be removed from church property.
10. Use of the grounds must be coordinated with the office. The user is responsible
to set up and clean up the grounds. Trash is to be removed from the church
property by the user.
11. Use of any items in the outside storage shed must be prearranged with the group
that owns the property, i.e. the Men’s Clubs cookers or deep fat fryers.
Father Oscar
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Chapter 3
Mass Support
Purpose: This delineates the responsibility for preparing the Church for celebration of
the Eucharist. It describes how the Commons area, the Sacristy and the Sanctuary will
be prepared for Mass.
1. The Sacristan:
a. Opens the Church and ensures that the Commons is welcoming to the
parish community and visitors. The arrangement of the Commons is
depicted in a Power Point Slide on the inside door of the storage area on
the west side of the Commons.
b. Prepares the Sacristy ensuring the following:
i. The books used at Mass are “ribboned” for the correct day, this
includes the Book of the Gospel and the Red Book;
ii. That the cruets have water and wine. The wine is in the refrigerator
in the kitchen and in the office space opposite the sink;
iii. That collection bags are placed in the brown rectangular basket
and set on the table in the Sanctuary. The collection bags are
located in the office space in the sink cabinet’s lower left drawer.
Ensure that there is a bag for each collection if there are two
iv. Turn on the lights and the microphone for the Sanctuary. The
sound room adjacent to the working Sacristy is the location of the
light switches and the sound system;
v. Sets up the Credence table with the plates and cups, the Lavabo
set and purificators and corporals;
vi. Sets up the presider’s table with the Book of the Blessings, hymnal
and priest’s notebook. Provides a glass of water if needed;
vii. Provide the wireless microphone [check battery] and the vestments
for the priest. Location is the dressing Sacristy;
viii. Coordinates with the priest on any special needs or
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c. Ensure that the ministers sign the “sign-in” sheet and that there are
enough ministers to assist at Mass. Ask trained ministers to fill in if
d. Ensure that the money counters have access to the office space and that
they deposit the money at the bank and return the night deposit key to the
church prior to closing the church.
e. Ensure that those assisting at Mass (LEMs, Lectors) are dressed
appropriately. Common sense dictates what is appropriate.
f. Ensure that the candles are snuffed (be vigilant on the Pascal candle) and
that the lights and sound system are turned off.
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Section II
Committees, Councils and Groups
1.0 General
2.0 Purpose: Section II lists the Committees, Councils and recognized Groups within
the parish community. All members of committees and councils are approved and
appointed by the pastor. For those committees and councils that require
appointment letters, the pastor will provide on as needed basis.
3.0 Financial Responsibility: All Committees, Councils and Groups within the parish
community that require funds must submit their budget annually to the Parish
Pastoral Council for approval.
4.0 Review: Each organization is responsible to the Parish Leadership Committee to
update their section as information changes but at least annually.
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Chapter 1
Building Committee
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Chapter 2
I. SACRAMENTS: Sacraments are efficacious (effective, efficient) signs of grace
instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is dispensed to us.
The visible rites by which divine sacraments are celebrated signify and make present
the graces proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those who receive them with
the required dispositions. (CCC # 1131)
Baptism: Parish Registration, active participation in liturgy and baptism class is
required. Personal meeting with the priest is required to schedule the baptism
date. Call the parish office for an appointment and baptism class information.
First Sacraments:
Preparation for First Sacraments (Reconciliation and First Eucharist) takes place
during the 2nd grade year. Formation is done at home with a curriculum provided
by Good Shepherd. The class comes together throughout the year to review the
curriculum and a retreat is included as part of the formation process for each
Sacrament. Parent meetings are also part of the formation. All children should
be baptized and members of Good Shepherd before registering for classes. If
your child is in need of First Sacraments but past the 2nd grade year please
contact the Coordinator of Religious Education at 365-0579.
In order for an adolescent who has received the Sacraments of Baptism and
Eucharist to begin preparing for Confirmation, he or she must be currently
enrolled in at least the tenth grade and be at least 15 years of age. Reception of
the Sacrament of Confirmation will occur in the spring of the year in which the
candidate has completed preparation. Confirmation classes take place
throughout the year and are separate from regular formation classes for youth.
Candidates are expected to be enrolled and attend classes in both programs. For
more information please call the Coordinator of Religious Education at 365-0579.
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is an extended period of
formation and conversion through prayer and reflection on the Gospels by which
a person is initiated into the Catholic faith and receives the sacraments of
initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. It is also a communal journey in
which the church community ritually celebrates the candidate’s conversion along
the way. RCIA is for unbaptized adults, unbaptized children of catechetical age,
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and baptized adults seeking Confirmation and Eucharist. Participants usually
meet on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 Sept through the Easter season. Please
contact the CRE for more information at 365-0579.
Marriage: Registered parishioners must contact the parish office to make
appointment with the priest at least 6 months prior to the intended date.
Sacrament of the sick: Individuals in need of Sacrament of the Sick, or an
immediate family member, please call the parish office or the pastor to arrange
for communion, anointing of the sick, or when someone is ill or hospitalized and
requires a pastoral visit.
Funerals: Family needs to contact the priest or parish office to schedule
personal funeral liturgy planning meeting with the priest and to schedule the date
and time for the funeral.
II. ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Adult faith formation, by which people consciously
grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study, must be the
central task in any catechetical enterprise becoming the axis around which revolves the
catechesis of childhood and adolescence as well as that of old age (OHWB 5) . Growing
our relationship with Jesus Christ happens in many ways in our Church family through
prayer, Liturgy, community life, missionary opportunities, moral instruction and faith
sharing. Our purpose as an Adult Faith Formation team is to provide engaging
opportunities to the parish to help deepen, grow, and enrich our relationship with Jesus
as we journey throughout our lives.
We provide monthly faith gatherings on different formation topics from Sept to
May on the 2nd Wed. night of every month. We communicate upcoming formation
through an email list, so please let us know if you would like to be part of that list.
Father Oscar also provides a Gospel Reflection on the upcoming Sunday Gospels
weekly. Please see our bulletin board or call the church office for more information at
365-0579. We are always looking for new facilitators so please let us know if you would
like to be part of our team.
III. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION K-7 Catechesis in a religious education program is only
one aspect of a child’s formation which begins at birth and at Baptism when parents are
given the responsibility of being their child’s first teachers of the faith. Most of the
religious attitudes and values that children acquire come from their parents and home
life. We, at Good Shepherd, are committed to providing a systematic curriculum
outlined by the Richmond diocese to support their role as “primary educators in the
faith” (GDC 255). We ask that the parents take an active role by supporting their
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catechist in reading parent pages, practicing prayers at home and being a participant in
what is happening in the classroom.
Classes for K-5 meet on Sundays following Mass Sept. through May for one
hour (10:15-11:15). Older children (6th -7th) meet on Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:30.
Please refer to Youth ministry for 8-12th grade. All children should be members of our
parish before enrolling in classes. Registration for classes takes place following Mass
in late August to early September. Please call the church office for more info.
Catechists play a vital role by echoing our faith to our children. This ministry is
open to those actively participating in the Sacramental life of the Church. If you are
interested in being a catechist please contact the CRE at 365-0579. Background
checks, VIRTUS training and Pathways certification are all requirements for catechists.
The church must become the traveling companion of young people – and that is
what we mean by youth ministry. If, indeed, it takes an entire village to raise a child,
then it certainly takes an entire church to journey with young people as they grapple
with the Good News and respond in discipleship.
The National Conference of Catholic Bishops, in their 1997 document ‘Renewing
the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry’ (RTV) identified three goals which
provide direction for this ministry: 1) empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus
Christ, 2) draw them to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the faith
community, and 3) foster personal and spiritual growth and use of their gifts. Youth
Ministry at Good Shepherd Catholic Church aims at offering youth opportunities in each
of these three goals.
Youth meet most Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:30 in addition to various off-site
activities. All youth should be members of the parish before enrolling. Registration
takes place following Mass in late August to early September. Please call the church
office or the Youth Minister for more information.
Catechists play a vital role in developing youth as disciples, faith community
participants and a spiritual people. This ministry is open to those actively participating in
the Sacramental life of the Church. If you are interested in being a catechist for this
ministry please contact the CRE or Youth Minister at 365-0579. Background checks,
VIRTUS training and Pathways certification are all requirements for catechists.
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Chapter 3
Finance Council
Purpose – The Finance Council is to assist the Pastor in carrying out the work of
financial administration in the Parish. The Parish is a steward of gifts from God,
including monies given it as offerings, the land and buildings it purchases and
constructs, and the furnishings and equipment it acquires. The purpose of ownership of
these goods is the mission of the Parish itself, including provision for worship and the
ministries of the Parish, the decent support of the clergy and others in ministry and the
works of charity. In its recommendations to the Pastor, the Council seeks to model the
prudence, justice and care that all should exercise in the stewardship of their own
Responsibilities – The Finance Council shall:
See that proper financial records are maintained for all Parish assets and liabilities,
revenues and expenses in accord with the Chart of Accounts approved by the
Diocesan Finance Office;
Assist the pastor in developing a balanced Parish budget for each fiscal year
according to the priorities and goals set by the Parish Pastoral Council and approved
by the Pastor;
Monitor the finances of the Parish by reviewing monthly comparison of actual
revenues and expenditures with the budget, the investments, and the overall
financial operation of the Parish;
Review unforeseen expenditures not anticipated in the budget before they are
Assist the Pastor in compiling an Annual Report of the Parish’s finances which is to
be sent to the Bishop;
Provide to the Parish the Annual Report and other regular reports on the Parish’s
financial status;
Review the internal accounting controls over the Parish’s financial operations and
will review in detail the books and records of the Parish so that it is assured that
these are properly maintained;
Exercise oversight over all Parish investments and all finances relating to the Parish
or any other Parish programs done in the name of the Parish;
Membership – The Parish Finance Council is made up of at least five persons selected
by the Pastor. These members should be in full communion with the Catholic Church
and members of the Parish they are to serve. Persons are to be selected for their
expertise in financial matters, economics, general business management, banking, law,
insurance, accounting and financial investments. In addition, members are to have
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prudence, uprightness and knowledge of the Catholic faith. The Council shall have a
chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary.
Meeting Schedule – The Finance Council meets monthly on the third Thursday of the
month at 7 p.m. These meetings are not public, but parishioners may request to
present an issue to the Council for its consideration.
Recurring Committee Events –
1. Preparation of Annual Budget due May 15th each year
2. Preparation of Annual Report due August 15th each year
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Chapter 4
Grounds Committee
Purpose- The purpose of this ministry is to invite and have members of the parish
come together in light of stewardship primarily to keep the church exterior surroundings
beautiful and properly maintained. The stewardship is formed through prayerful
participation of those who are willing to help out in any manner according to their gifts or
talents to offer and as the Spirit of the Good Shepherd allows.
1. The Grounds keeping Coordinator (GC) is responsible for leading this
ministry. This person will serve as the primary point of contact regarding anything that
involves the upkeep of the exterior surroundings of the church. He or she will lead the
members of this ministry to be centered in prayer, to safely and successfully perform in
work assignments, and to preside over their seasonal fellowship gatherings. He or she
will ensure the availability and accountability of needed materials and tools. The GC will
make regular reports to the pastor and parish council and will provide updates and
notices to parishioners through the Sunday bulletin.
2. Team Leaders are responsible for leading their team members during the routine
performance of mowing and trimming the lawn and other work assignments as
discussed with the GC. They will report to the GC as necessary.
Membership- This ministry is open to all parishioners. . The more parishioners join in,
the lesser work is for each one. What is different here is the centering in prayer and
serving for the benefit of the whole parish of the Good Shepherd.
Meeting ScheduleMembers of the ministry are invited to come together in fellowship with each other
along with family members and friends at every change of season. Other meetings may
be called for as necessary.
Recurring Ministry Events
Aside from the regular moving and trimming of the lawn areas, planting, weeding,
trimming of trees and bushes, and clearing of small debris around the entrances and the
parking lots, the following work events may be scheduled and accomplished through
this ministry:
 Washing and painting of church building sidings.
 Re-striping of paved parking lot
 Resurfacing of gravel parking lot
 Spring cleaning
Other pertinent information
Coordinator is Moses Lleva, (757)232- 7913,
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Chapter 5
Justice and Peace Committee
Mission Statement: Justice and Peace demonstrates the message of the Gospel. It
assesses and responds to the needs of the deprived, disabled, neglected, and
oppressed in the parish, the local community, and the world at large.
Responsibilities: The objective of Justice and Peace is to raise social awareness
through education, legislative advocacy, and reflection on the Gospel’s social teachings;
it offers concrete examples on how to contribute toward eliminating human tragedies
such as abuse and hunger; and enables the parish to witness their convictions by
participating in service activities. This committee will receive, reflect upon, and support
various outreach requests, taking into consideration the time, talent, and financial
resources of the Good Shepherd community. In addition, Justice and Peace serves as
an “umbrella” for subcommittees that address various issues under the Diocesan
Justice and Peace ministry.
Membership: Membership is open to any parishioner interested in taking an active role
in addressing the needs of the parish, local, and global communities through direct
service, organizing, advocacy and global solidarity. The membership includes the
following positions:
Chairperson or co-chairs- responsible for setting the agenda for monthly
meetings; record minutes and disseminate to parish council and committee
members; update the ministry bulletin board; submit bulletin announcements;
submit and present annual budget to parish council; attend quarterly parish
calendar meetings; attend diocesan Justice and Peace meetings as able;
schedule a rep for new member registration meetings; and attend parish council
meetings as requested.
Subcommittee members- report monthly to the committee on up-coming events,
fund-raisers, status of their ministry, and if assistance is needed with a particular
event, etc.
Meeting Schedule: Justice and Peace meets in the chapel after Mass the 3 rd Sunday
of the month September-May. Members receive an e-mail a week prior to the meeting
for input on agenda items. During the meeting, the chairperson takes minutes and
sends them to members for editing prior to disseminating them to the parish council
before their monthly meeting.
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Recurring Committee Events:
Justice and Peace Committees:
Barron Dempsey Good Samaritan Fund-Year-round, this emergency fund was
established in memory of a parishioner for immediate outreach needs within the
county. Donations are accepted in the box in the commons, through quarterly
envelopes, and as funeral memorials.
Bread for the World-This annual spring event is a non-partisan letter-writing drive to
Congress to advocate for the annual Bread for the World hunger initiative.
Christian Outreach Program (COP)-This year-round ecumenical charity group
provides food, dental assistance, transportation and housing assistance within the
Hog Jog- This annual October event is a 5K and children’s fun run that benefits fuel
assistance in the county.
Mission of Hope Homeless Shelter- This is an ecumenical effort to offer temporary
shelter in local churches November- March.
COP Housing Projects-These are local housing projects held seasonally which may
include painting, repairs, cleaning, etc. for those in need.
Haiti- This ministry twins with St. Anthony’s of Padua in Croix Fer, Haiti and offers
support through fellowship, prayer, and monetary assistance for the parish school.
Respect Life-This committee defends the dignity of all human life from its beginning
to natural end. Annual events include Walk for Life and collecting baby items for the
Crisis Pregnancy Center.
Offertory Food Collection-Year round, non-perishable food items are collected for
the Isle of Wight food pantry. Quarterly, bags are distributed to parishioners with
specific requests for items.
St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children-Quarterly collection of various items to assist
with the recreation and occupational therapy needs of the children, such as
batteries, book bags, videos, books, school and party supplies.
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Souper Saturday- This annual October ecumenical event raises money for fuel
assistance to those in need in the county. Eat-in or take-out sale of donated soups,
hot dogs, and desserts.
Soles4Souls-Annual collection in June of new or gently-used shoes to benefit those
in our country and globally who go without.
United Christian Ministries-Year-round ecumenical organization established to
network from area churches. This group works with COP and Social Services to help
provide food and payment of electric, gas, and medical bills of those in immediate
need within the county.
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Chapter 6
Haiti Committee
Purpose- Through the Diocese of Richmond Office of Justice and Peace Haiti Ministry,
the Good Shepherd Haiti Committee serves Jesus Christ through solidarity and
partnership with St. Anthony’s of Padua in Croix Fer, Haiti. The committee shall
promote fellowship with: the Good Shepherd parishioners; the committee members
themselves; the twin parish in Haiti; other twinned parishes within the Richmond
Responsibilities- The committee shall organize itself and assign positions to each
committee member. Recruitment of new members shall be on-going throughout the
calendar year.
Membership- Open to any adult in the parish that wishes to serve on the committee
Meeting Schedule-The Haiti Committee shall meet the second Friday of each month at
5:00 PM at the parish.
Recurring Committee Events-The committee shall hold a fundraising drive for the
Sponsor a Haitian Child program during the first three weeks of Lent each year. The
timing of the fundraiser drive may be adjusted year to year with final dates advised
during the Q3 ministry calendar meeting.
Up to four fund raising activities may be undertaken at the discretion of the committee.
The timing fundraising events shall be advertised well in advance through the ministry
calendar meeting. All fund raising shall be in accordance with church fund raising
guidelines found in the church SOP.
Other Pertinent Information- Mike Grimm and Moses Lleva serve as co-chairs for the
2012-2013 calendar year.
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Chapter 7
The Ladies Guild
Purpose- To provide fellowship for the women of the parish community and to provide
services for the parish, social camaraderie, and spiritual growth while performing works
of charity primarily for the Church of Good Shepherd parish, its ministries, and
Responsibilities-The Ladies Guild provides fellowship for the women of the parish
community in support of the parish mission and to promote the Catholic faith and
traditions. The Ladies Guild works in conjunction with other ministries by hosting
dinners and assisting in charitable events. It works closely with Parish Community Life
and the Men’s Club ministries.
Mission Statement- The Ladies Guild welcomes all the women of Good Shepherd
Parish; sisters, friends, mothers, daughters, and parish supporters. With the blessed
Mother Mary as our model, our mission in support of the parish mission is to promote
the Catholic faith and traditions, nurture strong families and relationships, and
contribution to our parish and community through prayer, education, and service, social
and charitable events.
Membership- All women, 18 years or older, Catholic or not, who are registered
members of The Church of the Good Shepherd are eligible to be members of The Good
Shepherd Ladies Guild. Life Members is a special category of member, one is
considered a Life Member if that person is over the age of 70 years and has been a
member of Good Shepherd Ladies Guild for over five years.
Meeting Schedule-The Ladies Guild meets the first Wednesday of the month, unless
otherwise directed.
Recurring Committee Events:
The Angel Tree
Parish Thanksgiving Dinner
Easter Eggs Sales
Snack/Bake Sales for Super Bowl, Halloween and special events
Religious Gift Store
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Chapter 8
Liturgy Committee
Purpose: Our Mission is to offer the people of Good Shepherd worship experiences
that foster a life-long loving relationship with Jesus Christ. We strive for our parish’s
liturgical prayer life to be reverent, beautiful, and joyful in the Lord.
Why a Liturgy Committee:
The revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal notes that since liturgy is the
“primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true
Christian Spirit … the entire celebration is planned in such a way that it leads to a
conscious, active and full participation of the faithful both in body and mind” (No. 17).
Since the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist is the “source and summit” (SC 11) of Christian
life, the Liturgy Committee is actively and directly connected and concerned with all of
the aspects of the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church of the Good Shepherd.
The Liturgy Committee collaborates with the Pastor, Parish Pastoral Council, and the
Office of Worship of the Diocese of Richmond. It develops and establishes objectives to
accomplish for the parish, with attention to the specific needs of our faith community
and with fidelity to Roman Catholic norms.
To discern the parish’s worship/liturgical/prayer needs;
To coordinate the planning and scheduling of the liturgical celebrations for seasonal and
special celebrations;
To coordinate, support and evaluate all liturgical ministries in the parish, i.e. readers,
extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, altar servers, lectors, cantors, musicians, etc.
Membership- Members are appointed by the Pastor and serve at his discretion.
Meeting Schedule-The Liturgy Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the Month
except June and July.
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Recurring Committee Events—The Liturgy Committee provides soup and sandwiches
to parishioners who attend Stations of the Cross on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of Lent.
This dinner is to encourage participation at Stations and is at no cost to the parishioner.
Liturgical Ministries:
Liturgy Committee--Liturgy includes the set forms for the rites, ceremonies,
prayers, and sacraments that comprise the communal, as opposed to private,
worship in the Church. The goal of the liturgy team at Good Shepherd parish is to
develop the worship and sacramental life of the parish so that all are nourished in
faith and invited to full participation in the liturgy and prayer life of the church. The
liturgy committee works within the guidelines of the church for liturgy to establish
a consistent, prayerful, and inviting liturgy for each Mass. This includes planning
for each of the seasons of the church year.
Lectors--Lectors proclaim the Sacred Scripture so that the community of faith
may hear the Word of God. Lectors are people of faith who have good
communication skills and develop the ability to announce the Word of God at the
Liturgies to the whole community. Meetings: Training for this ministry occurs
once a year. Lectors usually serve once every two months at the Mass of their
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion-- Eucharistic ministers are selected
by the pastor to assist in the distribution of the Eucharist on Sundays and Holy
Days. Teams of nine serve approximately once every five services. Lay
ministers must be actively participating in the sacramental life of the Church. Lay
ministers are also needed to bring communion to the sick and shut-ins of the faith
Art and Environment-- The function of the Art and Environment Committee is the
creation of a meaningful environment that will stimulate all the senses and help
promote an understanding of the liturgy. The environment changes with each
liturgical season and on special Feast and Holy days. Volunteers set up and take
down the decorations with each change of season or special day. Do you have a
flair for flowers, plants, and decorating? Consider offering those skills for the
glory of God's house. Adults and teens are welcome to volunteer.
Altar Servers-- Boys and girls, from third grade through high school, are
encouraged to volunteer for the very important ministry of assisting the priest and
deacon at the altar. Training is provided, and volunteers are signed up in the fall
and spring.
Liturgy of the Word for Children-- Children's Liturgy of the Word is an opportunity
for adults to share their faith with children whose ages range from 4 through 8
years. A prayer leader reads the Sunday readings to the children from a
Children's lectionary, and then spends time with the children sharing the
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message from the readings. This is done during Liturgy of the Word during the
Mass. Children are dismissed with their prayer leader to a separate prayer
space. No formal training is required. Anyone interested should attend a
Children's Liturgy of the Word at a Sunday Mass. Currently; Children's Liturgy of
the Word is provided at 9:00AM Mass.
Ushers/Greeters-- The primary goal of the Usher/Greeter ministry is to greet all
who enter the church and care for them during the liturgy. It is important that all
who attend services feel welcome and comfortable. The Usher/Greeters will
assist anyone who may have special needs and take care of the logistical
requirements as needed (e.g. taking up collections, guiding, handing out
bulletins, etc.). In the event of an emergency, the Usher/ Greeters will insure the
safety and wellbeing of all in attendance. Ushers are also in constant
communication with the Nursery.
Sacristan Ministry-- Sacristans are responsible for setting up the Church for all
liturgies. They are to ensure that the sacred vessels are placed on the credence
table, and for coordinating and cleaning those vessels used in the transformation
of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ for liturgies on weekdays,
weekends, and for special occasions. The requirements are to be a member of
the parish in good standing, to have the desire to serve your fellow parishioners
in the Ministry, and to have been previously commissioned as an Extraordinary
Minister of the Eucharist. The sacristan also coordinates with the director of
Liturgy to make sure the sacristy is adequately supplied. Training will be provided
as needed.
Altar Linen Care—Care for the linens and priest’s vestments.
Music Ministry--The music ministry includes all members of the assembly, the
choir, musicians and music director. Sung prayer is a large part of the liturgy, and
the music ministry is charged with joining the assembly in sung prayer. It is also
our responsibility to supply the musical skills necessary to encourage and
augment the participation of the assembly, while insuring adherence to liturgical
Nursery—Provide temporary child care for those children under 6 whose parents
which to participate in Mass without their children who could otherwise be
disruptive. The nursery is opened during the 9:00AM Mass on Sunday
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Liturgy Ministry Leads 2012
Liturgy Committee Leads
o Margaret Hickman and Dave Maltby
o Jennifer Stegner
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
o Mary Ellen Bebermeyer
Art and Environment
o Margaret Hickman
Altar Servers
o Amy Bowman
Liturgy of the Word for Children
o Marie Arinello
o Bill Devers
o Dan Falbe and Dave Maltby
Altar Linen Care
o Margaret Hickman
Music Ministry
o Andy Pencola
o Andrea Stephens
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Chapter 9
The Men’s Club
Purpose- The Men’s Club is a faith-based, social organization for all men of the parish
community. We are dedicated to maintaining our Parish as a strong and vibrant
Catholic presence in our community and the Diocese of Richmond. We provide
services to the parish, social camaraderie and spiritual growth while performing works of
charity primarily for the Parish.
Responsibilities- The Men’s Club is responsible to the Parish Council and Pastor for
its general operations. We operate in accordance with written by-laws adopted in 2011.
Each year we identify our activities for the next twelve months and post them in the
Parish calendar for everyone to see and support. Our most visible activities are the
pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, fish fries during Lent, a wine-tasting party in the
fall, and a chili supper in January. Almost all of the funds raised by our activities are
used to support Parish charities and activities.
Membership- We invite all men, 18 years or older, Catholic or not, who are registered
members of the Parish to join the Good Shepherd’s Men’s Club. We welcome all
members, new and existing, and we invite their ideas, enthusiasm, and individual
talents and skills. We are honored to have Father Oscar as a member.
Meeting Schedule- We meet the third Wednesday of each month in a classroom in the
Good Shepherd Church. Our meetings begin at 7 pm and typically last an hour. We
suspend meetings during the summer, from June through August.
Recurring Committee Events:
 Pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday,
 Fish Fries during Lent
 Wine-tasting party in the fall
 Chili supper in January.
Other Pertinent Information- Officers for 2012-2013, are Treasurer Bob Hickman and
President Bill Knapp.
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Chapter 10
Money Counters
Responsibilities – Money Counters are to count, record and deposit all monies
collected at each Mass and also any funds collected during the week by other parish
Membership – Money counters are appointed by the pastor and all teams should be
made up of unrelated persons. There should be four counting teams of three members
each for each regularly scheduled Mass. Currently, that would be 24 members for the
two weekend Masses. Coverage of Holy Day Masses will alternate between the two
Mass groups.
Meeting Schedule – There will be at least one training/refresher session per year. All
current and prospective counters are required to attend. This meeting is scheduled by
the Chairperson of the Money Counters.
For additional information, please see Appendix 13, Rules for Money Counters, in
Called to Stewardship, Diocesan Policies for Parish Finance Councils.
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Chapter 11
Parish Life Committee
Purpose: Promoting Christian Community in the parish
Welcome Ministry-welcomes new members and introduces them to the many
parish activities; Coordinates with other ministries to be present at the welcome
Card Ministry- sends out cards to new members of the parish, those in
bereavement, sick, or recovering from surgery. Names are obtained from the parish
office, from relatives or from parishioners themselves.
Social Committee-Plans the parish picnic, special breakfasts, luncheon and
dinners; Plans and coordinates the setup and cleanup of all major parish functions.
Chair person for the Bi-Annual Auction.
Prayer Shawl Ministry- handmade shawls are provided to the sick and for new
Membership: This ministry is open to all parishioners. The chair of the committee
provides guidance to the various subcommittees as needed.
Meeting Schedule:
There is no set schedule. The Welcome Ministry sets the dates on the Parish
Calendar at the annual Planning meeting.
Recurring Committee Events:
Welcoming is done about every other month. Some summer months and holidays do
not have Welcoming
Card Ministry is done Monthly
Social Committee is as needed
Prayer Shawl Ministry is as needed
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Other Pertinent Information:
This Ministry previously had a Bereavement Support Group. This ministry is no
longer active and needs to be revived.
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Chapter 12
To provide vision and direction to the parish community as this community
lives out its Catholic faith through weekly liturgy as well as serving each other
and those in need spiritually, emotionally and economically.
To establish pastoral priorities, goals, and objectives to fulfill these needs
and to see to their implementation through responsible and caring leadership.
To provide leadership through a shared ministry of service as well as a visible
example of cooperation, healing presence and trust.
The parish pastoral council is responsible for calling and enabling all members of the
parish to discover, develop, and offer their gifts in service to the parish and wider
community. It is responsible for encouraging cooperation and collaborative parish
activity that includes spiritual formation and leadership skills for council members and
other parish groups.
The parish pastoral council is accountable to the parish for the way it discharges its
responsibilities and should follow the direction set by the Diocese of Richmond and the
Universal Church. It shall act in accordance with the teachings and laws of the Church,
the policies of the Diocese of Richmond and within civil law.
The parish pastoral council needs to be open to the Holy Spirit, to be visionary, to reflect
on the past and to plan for the future as it pertains to Church of the Good Shepherd’s
Mission Statement:
Mission Statement:
In thankfulness to God, we, the Church of the Good Shepherd, gather at the Lords
Table, welcoming all, renewing our traditional Catholic Faith, and worshipping
together through meaningful liturgies to build our community, the Body of Christ.
We embrace life-long catechesis to grow spiritually and serve as an example to
our children. We commit ourselves to sharing the teachings of Jesus Christ. As
good stewards and followers of the Lord, we open our hearts to all, sharing our
God given talents and treasure.
Vision Statement: We are the Body of Christ: We seek to show His ways by our
thoughts, hopes and actions, through our demonstrated love for each.
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I. Eligibility:
Individuals who are at least 18 years of age and have been active, registered
members of the parish for at least one year are eligible for discernment to the
parish pastoral council. The council should consist of “the Christian faithful who
are in full communion with the Catholic Church” (Called to Serve, Page 22,
Canon Law 512). The membership should reflect a cross-section of the parish.
Only one member of a household may serve on the council at a time.
II. Composition:
The parish pastoral council shall be comprised of:
The pastor and Members discerned from the parish at-large.
III. Term of Membership:
The term of membership for discerned members shall be three years. Discerned
members of the parish pastoral council may not serve consecutive terms and
must have a minimum period of ineligibility of one year.
IV. Resignation and Vacancy:
Resignations must be submitted in writing to the pastor and chairperson of the
parish pastoral council. In the event of a resignation, that vacancy could be filled
by a Pastoral appointee. The new member may complete the term of the vacated
seat. This member will be eligible for discernment to the council for a consecutive
term if this will not result in him/her serving more than four consecutive years.
I. Officers:
Officers shall consist of a chairperson and vice-chairperson discerned annually,
at the end of the last council meeting of the liturgical year. The officers will be
chosen from among the council members who are completing their first and
second year of service, and will be staying on council for the upcoming liturgical
year. No person should serve more than two consecutive years in the same
position. The chairperson shall set the agenda, and preside over all parish
pastoral council meetings. The vice-chairperson shall preside in absence of the
II. Recording Secretary
A recording secretary shall be appointed for the parish pastoral council by the
Executive Council. This person should not be a current member of the council.
No audio or video recording by any person will occur without express request
and consent by the Pastor and Council Members present.
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Internal activities for the parish pastoral council are carried out by duly constituted
I. Executive Committee:
This committee shall consist of at least the pastor, the chairperson and the vicechairperson of the parish pastoral council. The parish pastoral council
chairperson shall call and chair the meetings of the executive committee. This
committee develops the agenda for council meetings and conducts such
business as the council assigns to it. This committee acts in the name of the
parish pastoral council between regular meetings when the need arises.
II. Faith Formation:
The parish pastoral council shall assign an individual or group to plan for, and to
arrange for, the annual parish pastoral council retreat and renewal experience.
Other formation and prayer experiences also fall within the responsibility of this
individual or group.
III. Ministry Committees:
Structured committees shall be constituted and shall operate according to
diocesan guidelines and under the direction and advice of the pastor. The
specific purpose and function of the permanent committees should be defined, as
well as the method selecting leadership and setting terms of service. Unless
otherwise specified, terms and selection processes for each committee will be
set by the Pastor. A written report from each committee shall be submitted to the
Parish Pastoral Council prior to the monthly meetings.
IV. Other Committees:
The parish pastoral council may create ad hoc committees or other bodies to
undertake specific functions. In all instances a council member shall be named
as liaison.
I. Guidelines:
The parish pastoral council shall meet monthly at the parish church, unless
rescheduled or cancelled at the direction of the executive committee.
Meeting date, time and agenda shall be made available to members of the
council and the parish at large approximately one week in advance.
The agenda and other materials for discussion will be made available to council
members approximately one week in advance. Council members shall be
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prepared to discuss items listed on the posted agenda. Council members may
also submit additional items for discussion at the beginning of the meeting.
All parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend the council meetings.
Parishioners who desire to address the council shall notify the chairperson in
advance of the meeting.
Meetings shall be conducted in an orderly way, following the prepared agenda.
Respectful listening and constructive dialogue should characterize parish
pastoral council sessions.
II. Decision Making:
All issues should be openly and constructively discussed by the council with the
goal of reaching a consensus. Consensus does not require unanimous
agreement, but that all participants are able to affirm and support the prevailing
When an issue brings out conflicting attitudes of council members,
an orderly process should be followed for resolution. A possible conflict
resolution and decision making process is outlined in Appendix H-J of Called to
Serve (pages 46-48).
The pastor calls the parish pastoral council into being. By canon law, the pastor
is the president of the council. He may delegate the actual work and functioning
of the council to its officers.
The members of the parish staff and other committees, based on their expertise,
will resource the council in the visioning process and in goal setting and policy
The parish finance council is distinct from the parish pastoral council. The
finance council recommends fiscal policy but does not set pastoral direction,
which is the responsibility of the parish pastoral council together with the pastor.
The finance council shall present the budget and quarterly reports to the parish
pastoral council and the parish.
The parish pastoral council will meet monthly, on the first Thursday of the month
beginning at 7:00 pm.
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Items requiring a decision must be placed on the agenda for at least one meeting
for discussion and be submitted in writing to each council member approximately
one week before the meeting for discussion. Decision making shall take place at
a subsequent parish pastoral council meeting, requiring consensus of the
members present.
The council’s agenda shall be maintained in a uniform manner.
The executive committee shall prepare a meeting agenda and distribute it to the
council members approximately one week in advance. The agenda will be
published in the weekly bulletin.
The recording secretary will keep the minutes of each meeting and prepare them
within two weeks to be sent to the pastor and chairperson for clarification and
review, and subsequently distribute to members of the parish pastoral council
and made available to the parish-at-large. The secretary shall keep the
attendance record of council members, and make necessary corrections,
additions and/or deletions to the minutes.
I. Discernment Committee:
The discernment committee shall be appointed no later than the March meeting
of the council. The committee shall consist of at least three people to plan,
schedule and implement the discernment process. This committee will be
prepared to discuss the proposed process no later than May council meeting.
The proposed meetings and selection process shall be approved by parish
pastoral council no later than the June meeting. Its responsibilities shall include
openly seeking parish pastoral council candidates, informing such candidates of
parish pastoral council expectations (Called to Serve, 4th Edition, May, 2010,
Appendix C) and publishing the names of the candidates who accept their
II. Nominations
In accordance with the timeline developed by the committee, an announcement
regarding the discernment process will be made at Mass and published in the
bulletin. Nomination forms shall be made available to all adult members of the
parish. Parishioners shall be encouraged to submit names of individuals
(including their own) by a specified date to the parish office. The final list of
submitted names will be given to the pastor to confirm eligibility
III. Discernment Process:
Nominees shall be contacted by members of the committee to determine their
willingness to participate in the discernment process. Those willing shall be
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invited to attend an initial session to discuss the mission of the parish, the roles
of the parish pastoral council, and any other topics deemed necessary by the
committee. At the end of this session, anyone still interested in continuing with
the process, shall be invited to return to other discernment meetings as
determined by the committee.
IV. Size:
The desired size of the parish pastoral council is twelve members, replacing four
each year. While the goal of the Council is to have four discerned members
every year, this may not always be what comes out of the process. If fewer
nominations are received than needed to replace departing council members, it
should be assumed the Holy Spirit is providing the parish with what it needs to
carry on its mission through the year. The Council shall be flexible enough to
accommodate a fluctuating number if necessary.
V. Change Over of Council Members:
The term for new members will begin at the first meeting of the new liturgical
year. New Chair- and Vice chairpersons will be elected at the end of the last
meeting of the previous liturgical year. The off going and oncoming Chairpersons
shall determine the agenda at the November Executive Council Meeting. One of
the first items on the December agenda shall be the installation of the newly
elected officers. After the new officers have been installed, the departing
members shall be invited to stay for the meeting as parish members.
VI. Orientation of New Council Members:
The discernment committee shall provide copies of Called to Serve, the
constitution and by-laws of the Good Shepherd Parish Pastoral Council, and
other pertinent information to new members at their first meeting. The parish
pastoral council’s annual retreat and renewal experience shall be strongly
encouraged for orientation as a sign of commitment to deepening of faith and
willingness to serve
The recording secretary shall take roll of all parish pastoral council members
present and record those present and absent from each council meeting in the
meeting minutes. Any member absent from more than three meetings in a
council year is liable for removal from the council.
Parish pastoral council members who know they cannot attend a scheduled
meeting shall notify the chairperson and/or pastor in advance of their expected
Special meetings of the council, called by the executive committee, shall not
count toward the rule of three absences, since the meeting is not planned and
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potentially causes an unusual hardship on members. However, council members
should recognize the importance of such a special meeting and strive to attend.
In the event that the parish pastoral council vice-chairperson resigns or can no
longer fill the term of office, the council shall select a new member to fill the
unexpired term at the next regular council meeting. If the resignation involves
the chairperson, the vice-chairperson automatically fills the unexpired term and a
new vice-chairperson is selected.
Parish pastoral council members should realize that the annual retreat/reflection
time usually held as soon as possible after the annual selection, is to introduce
new members to the parish pastoral council, plan the council’s goals for the
ensuing year, and is possibly the most important meeting of the year.
The retreat/reflection time should be considered an obligation for all parish
pastoral council members to attend.
The faith formation/retreat committee should be established no later than
November to plan for a Parish Pastoral Council Retreat early in the year, in
January if possible. A second retreat/day of reflection mid-year is extremely
valuable, and may be one in collaboration with a sister parish.
The Constitution and By-laws shall be reviewed and approved no later than
March of each year.
Pastoral Planning Annual Goals shall be reviewed in February of each year.
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Appendix I
Expenditure and Reimbursement Policies
Church of the Good Shepherd
Items in this category have been submitted to the Pastoral Coordinator/Pastor
and/or the Finance Council during the annual budgeting procedure and have
been approved for inclusion in the annual Parish budget.
A. Requests for payment or reimbursement of expense should be submitted to
the relevant committee chair or staff person, who will review the request and pass it on
to the Pastoral Coordinator/Pastor. Each committee chair or staff person is responsible
for overseeing the use of his/her group’s budgeted funds.
B. When possible, requests should be submitted in advance so that a check can
be made payable directly to the vendor. Advance requests will also help ensure that
funds will be available when needed. If a committee member must pay a budgeted
expense out of his/her own funds, then a request for reimbursement must be submitted,
along with a receipt for the expenditure. You must submit a receipt in order to be
reimbursed. Again, this should be done through the appropriate committee chair.
C. Frequently occurring expenses, such as altar flowers, may be pre-authorized
over a specified time period, with each expenditure not to exceed a pre-authorized
amount. These general authorizations may be given at the discretion of the Pastoral
Coordinator/Pastor and only to persons specified by the Pastoral Coordinator/Pastor.
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This is any expenditure not included in item I.
A. Any requests for expenditures which were not included in the annual budget
must be submitted in writing, through the appropriate committee chair, to the Pastoral
Coordinator/Pastor. This must be done before any non-budgeted money is expended.
If practical, the Pastoral Coordinator/Pastor will consult with the Finance Council for joint
consideration of the request. If this request is for emergency funding, the request will
be reviewed as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be reviewed at the next regular
monthly Finance Council meeting and the decision will be communicated to the
appropriate chair person.
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Appendix II
Check/Reimbursement Request
Church of the Good Shepherd
Expense is for _____________________________________Committee/Ministry
Requested by _____________________________Date of request___________
Date by which check is needed_______________________________________
Name of Payee____________________________________________________
Amount of Check__________________________________________________
Reason for Request:
Please circle:
Invoice attached
Receipt attached
Committee Chair signature: ____________________________________________
Office authorization signature:__________________________________________
Date processed ________________________
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Check # ___________________
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