工 商 設 計 研 究 所 (Industrial and Commercial Design MA Program Courses) 課程代 中文課 碼 程名稱 英文課程名稱 學分 上 實 Introduction Eng 數 課 習 lish (cred 時 時 Pro it) 數 數 gra m DT5003 DT5004 DT5005 創新設計 Innovative Design 管理 Management 工業設計 (一) 工業設計 (二) 三維產品 DT5006 網頁互動 展示設計 DT5007 DT5008 DT5009 DT5010 DT5011 DT5012 3 3 0 Industrial Design (1) 3 2 2 Industrial Design (2) 3 2 2 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Industrial Design (1) 3 2 2 Industrial Design (2) 3 2 2 3D Interactive Product Web Display Design 商業設計 Commercial Design (一) (1) 商業設計 Commercial Design (二) (2) 創造力開 發與實務 Creativity Development and Practice 廣告理論 Research and 研究與創 Innovation in 新 Advertising Theory 工業設計 (一) 工業設計 (二) Throughout the course there will be a dual emphasis on the deployment of DT5013 設計企畫 Design Planning 3 3 0 systematical and strategical aspects of developing a design plan. A primary goal of this course is to develop students’ competencies in design planning that will be useful to the students’ in both the short and long terms. In principle, there are two main components of a successful design plan: ‘highly innovative concept’ and ‘maximal feasibility’. This course has two central agenda: 1) the contents of a design plan and 2) the simulation of a design plan. The primary course material will be a series of cases illustrating both successes and failures. The students will also be provided with supplementary readings to further explain concepts and frameworks. Throughout the course there will be a dual emphasis on the deployment of systematical and strategical aspects of developing a design plan. DT5013 設計企畫 Design Planning 3 3 0 A primary goal of this course is to develop students’ competencies in design planning that will be useful to the students’ in both the short and long terms. In principle, there are two main components of a successful design plan: ‘highly innovative concept’ and ‘maximal feasibility’. This course has two central agenda: 1) the contents of a design plan and 2) the simulation of a design plan. The primary course material will be a series of cases illustrating both successes and failures. The students will also be provided with supplementary readings to further explain concepts and frameworks. Design which involves high uncertainty is a critical business activity, regardless of industry or organization. Theoretically, project management knowledge and skills are essential for designers to communicate DT5014 設計專案 Design Project 管理 Management and coordinate their 3 3 0 stakeholders, and to improve their performance effectively and efficiently. This course features a comprehensive set of lecture notes, readings and assignments. To allow the students with the ability to explore related topics on design project management, this course underlines four levels of evaluation: cost, time, quality, and overall satisfactions. At each level of evaluation, particular attention is given to the conditions under which various design project management succeeds and fails. In addition to interpreting basic design management theories, this course is designed to offer the students with various design management knowledge through the discussions of various and DT5015 設計管理 Case Studies of 個案研討 Design Management real design management 3 3 0 cases. In the meantime, the core of the course contains a number of successful and unsuccessful design management cases. Students are required to accomplish supplementary readings assigned and discussions related to the course. This course emphasizes both theory and practice including both guided 使用者導 DT5016 向創新設 計 User-Oriented Innovative Design reading of theoretical 3 3 0 papers and practice of design projects. Teaching methods in this course include: 1. Oral and multimedia presentations of related design theories and cases. 2. Students have to read related literature and discuss it. 3. Practical operation of workshop of SCENARIO APPROACH. 4. Students have to cooperate to realize their ideas and provide design products in the end. This course is divided into three stages. The first stage is to examine current phenomena, including different types of consumptions in commodity, body, image, culture, and internet. The association between design and these phenomena will be discussed. In order to obtain an insider 人類學方 DT5017 法運用於 設計 Anthropological Approach in Design perspective and generate 3 3 0 new understanding, design ethnographic research is introduced and discussed in the second stage. There are two parts in the third stage. By applying what we learn in the design ethnographic research, behavioral and situated space become a target for observation and exploring new arrangement and design possibility. Lastly, an additional design project done by the student is required to address the relationship between design, technology, and situated practice in home environment. In addition to interpreting service design related theories, this course is designed to offer the students with various service design knowledge through the discussions of various and practical DT5018 服務設計 Service Design 3 3 0 cases. Therefore, this course contains a number of successful and unsuccessful service design cases. And, the students are required to accomplish supplementary readings assigned in this course. 1. Introduction--Cultural and Creative Industries 2. The experience economy DT5019 文化創意 Cultural Creative 產品設計 Product Design and consumption patterns 3 3 0 3. The role of design in cultural creative industries 4. Sustain and promote local cultures 5. Studies on cultural creative industries 1). to create opportunities for students to appreciate DT5020 創意產業 Creative Industry Case 個案研討 Studies 3 3 0 the essence of cultures and social activities in order to stimulate students to have awareness of cultural importance to future aesthetic . 2). to introduce the principal concepts of creative industries and design economics in order to explore more business opportunities; 3). to furnish students with fundamental knowledge relating to creative design processes and marketing through case studies. DT5305 DT5402 DT5405 DT5406 DT5411 DT5412 創新與智 財管理 設計傳達 Innovation & Management of 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 Visual Semiotics 3 3 0 Design Semiotics 3 3 0 Avant-grade Design 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 Intellectual Property Design Communication 傳達技術 Media (一) Communication (1) 傳達技術 Media (二) Communication (2) 視覺符號 學 設計符號 論 前衛設計 DT5415 思維與實 務 DT5416 DT5420 DT5501 DT5502 DT5503 感性意象 Kansei Analysis 分析方法 Methods 產品設計 Product Design Case 個案研討 Study 設計與行 銷 Design & Marketing 設計策略 Design Strategy & 與管理 Management 人因工程 Special Topics on 設計特論 Ergonomic Design 流行造形 Fashionable Culture 文化設計 Design 廣告策略 Strategic Advertising 規劃 Planning 色彩策略 Color Strategy & 與設計 Design DT5512 流行美學 DT5513 感性品牌 DT5506 DT5507 DT5508 3 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 Fashion Aesthetics 3 3 0 Emotional Branding 3 3 0 A.The course would study the actual cases how the business environment that reformed brings about creation. The product design and brand-new image enable to fulfill entertainment and imagination. B.To realize DT5514 品牌創意 Branding and creative 行銷策略 marketing strategy some pop issues that come 3 3 0 to consumer lifestyle is distinguished. It would investigate emotional branding and marketing in respect of consumer lifestyle. C.It introduces several creative marketing strategies those are benefits to brands establishing and sales promotion. A. The course would experience the different cultures, arts and lifestyles 世界流行 DT5515 藝術與風 格品牌 Global fashion arts and styling brands those affect on the style of 3 3 0 design. B. The collections of creative product branding. They record and sketch visual arts in global fashion market. C. They would make findings of design thinking creatively and brands styling in respect of culture differences. This course examines various aspects of materials and techniques innovation in design, from engineering plastic and metal to composite material and digital fabrication. Course material deals with the DT5517 材料創新 Materials in Design 運用 Innovation broad issues affecting the 3 3 0 nature of materials in architecture and product design, and provides a focused review of the state of the art materials. An additional design project and report done by the student is required to address the relationship between design, materials, and techniques. 1.Introduction to electronic art center 2.Case study: multiple disciplinary labs 3.Workshop: LEGO DT5518 實體空間 Physical Space 互動 Interaction 3 3 0 4.Workshop: arduino 5.Workshop: LED 6.Physical computing and display 7.Theory of media development 8.The study of place and space 9.Interaction design paradigm 10.Creative thinking 11.Sketches 12.Gallery visiting 13.Final projects Introduction to the field of human factors/ergonomics as related to industrial/interaction design. Design and research issues pertinent to human information DT5601 人因工程 Human Engineering 設計 and Design 3 3 0 processing, cognitive ergonomics, cognitive psychology, human-computer interaction, and wayfindings (in both physical and virtual environment) are integrated in this course. DT5603 DT5605 產品分析 Product Analysis and 與評估 Evaluation Techniques 設計管理 Design Management 3 3 0 3 3 0 Introduction to the study of basic design research methods common to industrial, interface, and interaction design. This course will focus on both DT5606 設計研究 Design Research 方法 Methodology quantitative and qualitative 3 3 0 research methodologies including the following research methods: experiment, observation, interview, and questionnaire. Moreover, this course will emphasize that the purpose of conducting a design research study is not merely to generate a set of “good data.” Designers need to analyze the research data and exploit the research findings in elevating the current and future designs. The class will primarily meet in room RB-402 at 1:30-4:20pm on Thursdays. Depending on the progress of project assignment, the class may meet at other design studios or computer labs with prior notices. This course aims to discuss in what ways a graphic, no matter it is a still or a moving one, can tell a great story. Based on the fundamental knowledge in the field of DT5624 視覺設計 Visual Design and 與決策 Decision Making visual communication 3 3 0 design and the techniques learned about information visualization (design/research), we are going to look further into what and how the designed graphics bring the Impression and/or Facts to their readers. DT5625 文化體驗 Cultural Experience 與觀察 and Observation This course intends to 3 3 0 induce students to in?depth learn by culture and life experience and will lead students to apply different cultural probe methods and evaluation methods in order to explore the significance of main or sub?cultures. This course's goals are: 1) to introduce students to observe multidimensional cultures in order to build their cultural tolerances; 2) to cultivate students to know how to apply cultural survey tools, such as ethnography or case study; 3) to create opportunities for students to appreciate the essence of cultures and social activities in order to stimulate students to have awareness of cultural importance to future life and creative industries. 4) to cultivate students’ ability in design research. 1.To introduce the meaning and connotation of design classic works 2.To introduce the design DT5626 設計經典 Case Study of Design 個案研討 Classics masters and their great 3 3 0 works 3.How to see the master’s design classic and to analyze the components of their works 4.To experience the design classic works and carry on the classroom discussion Design Thinking has been a hot issue in design practice and business management, referring to the concepts and processes designers use to solve ill-defined problem. Its features include user-centered empathy, multidisciplinary innovation, and technical realization. This idea influences traditional product design, interface interaction design and service design. Using reviews and discussion of DT5627 設計思考 Design Thinking 3 3 0 literatures, analyses of design cases in different fields, operation of design thinking methods, this course expects to achieve the following goals: 1.Cultivate students’ understanding of the meanings, content, application of design thinking 2.Foster students’ design thinking abilities and its methods 3.Lead students to think about the relationship between international design trends and transformation of Taiwan industry DT5628 體現互動 Inquiry into Embodied 3 3 0 1.Introduction to 研究 Interaction embodied interaction 2.Introduction to social science 3.Positivism and post-positivism 4.Structuralism and post-structuralism 5.Phenomenology and hermeneutics 6.Perceptual hermeneutics and embodied interaction 7.Constructivism and critical theory 8.Pragmatist aesthetics and Bakhtin’s dialogism 9.Epistemology of design 10.Epistemology of research through design 11.Epistemology of design in ancient Chinese philosophy 12.Mindful inquiry 13.Reflexive methodology 1.Visual Communication design trend 2.Visual DT5629 視覺傳達 設計實務 Practice of Visual Communication Communication design 3 3 0 Design processes 3.Visual Communication design methods and techniques 4.Case studies 1.Product design trend DT5630 產品個案 Practice of Product 設計實務 Design 2.Product design processes 3 3 0 3.Product design methods and techniques 4.Case studies 1. Constructivism 2. DT5632 批判互動 Critical Interaction 設計 Design Critical theory 3. 3 3 0 Dialogism 4. Activism 5. Pragmatist aesthetics 7. Experience-centered design 8. Critical design 9. Interaction design 10. Performative design 11. Interaction design practice 12. Historical hermeneutics and critical hermeneutics DT5700 DT5701 DT5800 人機介面 設計 Interface Design 設計資訊 Design Information 處理 Processing 專題討論 Special Topics Discussion 3 3 0 3 3 0 0 2 0 1. Understanding environments and rules of factories or company. 2. Learning required basic skills for practice (I) 3. Learning required basic 設計研究 DT5993 與實務校 外實習 Research and Practical Training for Design skills for practice (II) 4. 3 0 240 Applying skills to practical work (I) 5. Applying skills to practical work (II) 6. Applying skills to practical work (III) 7. Applying skills to practical work (IV) 8. Writing internship experience report This course is to discuss about the following issues: 1. Different levels of organizational strategy, DT6201 設計策略 Design Strategies 3 3 0 such as: corporate-level strategy, business-level product strategy, and functional-level strategy 2. New product design strategy and design feature 3. The strategy formulation process DT6202 構成學 Composition 3 3 0 This course aims to provide an analytical view on design objects/production from a visual information design perspective. There are two sections throughout this semester. The former section involves reading, note-taking, and DT6203 資訊視覺 Information 化方法 Visualization 3 3 0 discussion; the latter section deal with information design case studies in various fields. This is also a core course for second semester which will allow students to synthesis theory and practice, and to produce a paper or a design work based on specific theories and/or topics. Fuzzy Reasoning defines concepts and techniques that provides a mathematical method can deal with thought process DT6205 設計專論 Special Topics on Design that arc too imprecise to 3 3 0 be dealt with by classical mathematical techniques. Prouduct Sentantics is the study of the symbolic qualities of man-made forms the context of their use and application of knowledge to industrial design. Kansei Engineering , which is defined as " a translation system for image or feelings into real design componcnts", is a technology for translating human feelings into product design DT6231 DT6232 DT6233 造形美學 Aesthetics of Form 產品設計 Product Design 創新 Innovation 認知性設 計 Cognitive Design Creativity DT6234 創意管理 DT6235 虛擬設計 Virtual Design 視覺傳達 Social Agenda in 之社會議 Visual 題 Communication DT6501 DT6503 秩序與造 形 Management Orders and Forms 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 商業設計 The Theory of 理論 Commercial Design 設計新思 New Thinking in 潮 Design DTG001 設計史 Design History 3 3 0 DTG002 色彩學 Color Theory 3 3 0 DT6505 DT6901 Design Micro-entrepreneurs is the first step for a designer to DTG003 設計微創 Design and 業 Micro-entrepreneur make his/her dream come 3 3 0 true, but the designer should be able to operate and think for the sustainable development and long-term operation. This course is designed for students who plan to face the job market as outlined below: (1) Micro-entrepreneurial experience sharing by alumnus (2) Case study (3) Online report by students 1.Marketing is inseparable from designing. Product positioning, pricing, advertising and targeting should be considered when designing. 2.Customer is the most important element of marketing. Knowing the lifestyle of custumers will make DTG004 行銷學 Marketing 3 3 0 designing closer to the market and attractive to customers. 3.According to some research, word-of-mouth communication highly influences consumers' decision-making process. Combining designing and word-of-mouth communication is one useful way to create a marketing niche.