Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart E-pistle
January 23, 2015
Service of Installation
We've invited friends from across the Central Rocky
Mountain Region and our community to join us for
worship on Saturday, January 24, celebrating the
installation of Jason-Paul Channels as our new
pastor. Reception to follow.
You may now contact J-P at
j-p@heartoftherockies.org, the church office (2231230), or on facebook.
Congregational Meeting
The Board has called a congregational on Sunday, January 25, at 9:50 a.m. At this
meeting, the 2015 budget will be presented and voted on. A letter was mailed last week
that will included a summary of the budget for your review prior to the meeting. If you
need a copy, call the church office (223-1230).
E-Giving is Here!
Electronic giving is a secure, convenient way to provide consistent financial support to the
ministries of our church. Setting up electronic funds transfer (direct debit from your
checking or savings account) is easy and secure. Click here. For more information about
e-giving, plan to stay after Sunday's congregational meeting at 9:50 a.m. for a brief
Pastoral Transition Update
Our pastoral transition continues according to plans recommended by the Personnel Team
and approved by the Board in conversation with our HeartMinistry team leaders (mailed in a
letter to the congregation in October). Jason-Paul, our new associate minister, has arrived,
and Melissa has been installed as our senior minister. As of January 1, Jeff has been
working from his home office, sorting through twenty years of church records/files, and
visiting with members and friends, but not attending administrative meetings, starting new
counseling relationships or leading in worship. In worship on March 1, we'll share in a
covenant of separation. That afternoon, we'll celebrate Jeff and Janet's ministry.
Souper Bowl Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday, February 1
Club 4-5-6 members will be stationed with their soup pots after both services to collect
dollars and canned goods to give to agencies that serve the hungry in Larimer
County. Please give generously!
Youth News
Youth Group Calendar Changes
 Youth Group will NOT be held Sunday February 1 as many already have plans to
watch the Super Bowl elsewhere.
 YOUTH SUNDAY PLANNING continues THIS Sunday and SATURDAY February 7 from
5-6:30. Sunday February 8 we will NOT have Youth Group because we will be
leading worship on Sunday morning at BOTH services.
 MID-WINTER is February 13-16. There will NOT be Youth Group on February 15.
 YOUTH ARE INVITED to participate in the Morning of Service for Jeff and Janet on
Saturday February 21. See the article in the E-pistle for more information. We
WILL have Youth Group on Sunday February 21 at the regular time.
YOUTH ARE SERVING the Lenten Dinner on Wednesday February 25.
Cheers to Beer & Hymns
Thanks to the 60+ people who came out to sing songs over a pint at Mulligan's last Sunday
night with Christian Piatt. It was heard repeated many times, "We should do this
again!" We will.
Our Lenten Journey Soon Begins
Lent is the 40-day season marked by prayer and preparation leading up to Easter
Sunday. The number 40 is significant throughout scripture, including the 40 days Jesus
spent in the wilderness preparing for his ministry. Many use the journey through Lent as
an opportunity for Introspection, self-examination, and repentance.
Our HeartMinistry Team leaders invite you to an Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m. on
February 18. On each of the following 5 Wednesdays, join us for a simple supper and brief
program, Along the Way, from 5:30-7 p.m.
Abrahamic Trialogue
This Sunday, our church hosts an ongoing group of Jews, Muslims and Christians who share
their lives, their faith and their hope for a future free of religious intolerance. Join this
month's conversation, "Death, Dying and the Afterlife: Beliefs, Rituals & Experiences" from
3-5 p.m., here at the church in Room 1.
2015 General Assembly
The 2015 General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is set for July 1822 in Columbus, Ohio and planning is well underway. Heart of the Rockies has a tradition
of participation in this wider church gathering through its pastors and lay delegates. More
information about serving as a delegate coming soon. In the meantime, click here to see
the schedule, workshop offerings and register online. See you in Columbus!
Living the Word Day of Service
Living the Word, an all-church day of service to honor and thank Jeff and Janet Wright for
their legacy of community service will be held on Saturday, February 21. We will be
volunteering with the Homeless Gear Children in Need Program. Volunteers will gather
downtown at 8 a.m. to be shuttled to the nearby Matthews House Community Life Center
(parking at the Matthews House will be restricted to the families receiving services). We've
committed to 50 volunteers, but more are welcome! Spanish speakers are especially
needed. Older children (say 6 and up) are encouraged to participate. Volunteers will serve
either as personal shoppers for the families, or helping at the different distribution stations
from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Additional volunteers are needed to serve at the church preparing
a lunch when our volunteers regroup for food and fellowship. Sign-up sheets are on the
lobby table; or go to our website at www.heartoftherockies.org.
Help Wanted
Do you like to tweet? Post? Design? Are you interested in taking pictures, writing stories,
or planning and implementing really fun events? The Communications Team needs all of
you. Join the team that meets few times but accomplishes much. Contact Stacy (2197390; sponcelow@comcast.net) - you'll be glad you did!
Faith Family Hospitality
The FFH Day Center (located at the Fort Collins Mennonite Fellowship, 300 East Oak) needs
volunteers! The center provides a place for families to go during the day to get out of the
heat or the cold, and to access resources such as showers and laundry facilities. Volunteers
are needed to help ensure that the FFH Center is a welcoming and restful place. You are
welcome to bring your children with you during the two-hour volunteer shift. Day center
hours are 9 to 5 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. To volunteer, click here.
DISCIPLE I - new day/time
DISCIPLE I is now meeting on Tuesdays, 9-11:30 a.m. This course is an in-depth study of
the Bible offered in two 17-week sessions: Old Testament through May 18, followed by
summer break and New Testament beginning after Labor Day. $35 for the class
materials. Open to all ages and levels of biblical knowledge. Led by Rachel
Chappell. Contact the church office (223-1230) to reserve a book.
Winter Sunday School Schedule
Sunday School for all at 9:50 a.m. This Sunday, January 25, there will be no adult classes
due to the congregational meeting.
Worship & Wonder: Pre-K - 3rd grade - Room 1 - a unique way to hear the stories
of Scripture that offers children opportunities to make space to be with God and
allows time for wondering through their own questions. Led by Erin Tyler and
Fruits of the Spirit: 4th-8th grade - Modular - Learn more about the fruits of the
spirit while preparing a musical with the hopes of presenting it in late spring. Led by
Carrie and Barry Broughton, Jaden Adamson, David Weeks.
Adult classes - Modular
o Fully Faithful, Fully Flawed: What has been God's role throughout our lives
and the history of our faith? Led by Rachel Chappell.
o Act-ing as Church: Studying the book of Acts to explore what it means to be
church. Led by Melissa St. Clair.
Parenting the Love and Logic Way
Would you like to feel more confident as a parent? Are you tired of your kids
fighting? Would you like to have more fun parenting? Would you like to feel more relaxed
at the end of the day? Help make your family life more enjoyable! The class starts Friday,
February 27, 6-9 p.m. and continues through Saturday, February 28, 10-4:30 p.m. (lunch
12:30-2 p.m.).
Class will be held at Heart of the Rockies and cost per individual is $125.00 and $175.00
per couple (includes workbook and materials). This class is open to all parents with
children of all ages. Details and registration can be found
at: http://www.shannonyockey.com/services-parenting.html
For more information about the class, contact Shannon Yockey at (402-7030). Class size is
limited and you must register by Friday, February 20. Limited childcare will be available
on-site, but you must register in advance. Cost will depend on number of children
Take Note
Each third Sunday of the month at 10:15 a.m., a team brings love and communion
to the residents of Rehabilitation Nursing Center of the Rockies (next to PVH). Our
team needs a few new folks. The time commitment is small; the reward is
huge. Contact Betsy Davis-Noland (689-7173; bdavisnoland@q.com).
If you take prayer seriously and keep a confidence, our Prayer Chain invites you to
join the team that lifts up prayers on behalf of our church community. Call Judy
Mitchell (206-9084) for more information and to join the team.
Heart of the Rockies' JustFaith group has collected thousands of items over the years
to meet the everyday needs of the children at the Disciples Tennyson Center for
Children at Colorado Christian Home. January's list includes: Toilet paper, Kleenex,
small bottles liquid hand soap, Glade air fresheners, Ziploc bags (gallon), deodorant
(travel size), dandruff shampoo, batteries (AA, AAA, 9V, C,D) and hair bands, ties
and barrettes. A box is located in the church lobby to collect these gifts. Thank