GALLATIN COUNTY EXTENSION HOMEMAKERS ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Mission Statement The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA) is a volunteer organization that works to improve the quality of life for families and communities through leadership development and education in the cooperation with the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Article I – Name The name of this organization shall be the Gallatin County Extension Homemakers Association. Article II – Purpose The purpose of the Gallatin County Extension Homemakers Association shall be to promote educational programs in family and consumer sciences in cooperation with the Cooperative Extension Service of Gallatin County and the Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Kentucky. Article III – Membership Membership shall be open to all persons desiring affiliation with Gallatin County Extension Homemakers Association irrespective of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, disability or age. Article IV – Objectives A. To create an awareness of needs of families in the home, community, state, nation and world; B. To promote an educational program by making maximum use of the total resources of the Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture to meet the needs of the family, home, community and state; C. To develop an enthusiastic leadership in its members and a willingness to assume responsibilities to further strengthen, develop, coordinate and extend adult education in Family and Consumer Sciences. Article V - Officers and their Election A. The county president shall appoint a three-member nominating committee at least three months before the Gallatin County Homemakers Annual Meeting. B. The nominating committee shall present candidates, whose names and credentials are in order, to the county annual meeting. The entire credentials of nominees shall be available to members at least two (2) weeks before election. C. The qualifications for officers are: Officer Nominees shall be an active club member for a period of at least two years. D. The nominating committee shall report at the annual meeting. Any member may nominate from the floor with the consent of the nominee and presentation of proper credentials. E. Election shall be by ballot unless there is but one nominee for the office to be filled, in which case, the secretary may be instructed to cast the ballot. F. They shall be elected and installed at the county annual meeting to serve a term of two years. G. Vacancy of the office of president shall be filled by the vice-president/president elect for the unexpired term with election to be held at the next annual meeting. The county president shall appoint the secretary and treasurer in event of a vacancy. In the event of the vacancy of the vice president/president elect’s office, the executive committee shall have authority to appoint a person to serve as vice president/president elect for the remainder of the term. Article VI – Duties of Officers and Chairmen A. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, Advisory Council, and Executive Committee; shall appoint special committees; shall appoint educational program chairmen for his/her term of office to correspond with the state and area program chairmen; attend area council meetings; and be a voting delegate to the State Convention with expense paid as specified in the standing rules. B. The Vice-President/President Elect shall perform all duties of the President in the absence of the President and shall act as an aide to the President; serve as county leadership development chairman; shall be a voting delegate to the State Convention with expense paid as specified in the standing rules. C. The Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings of the Association, the Advisory Council and the Executive committee and perform the duties required by the office. D. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all funds received, pay them out on order of the Association or Advisory Council, and make a report at all meetings; receives dues from clubs and report paid membership to vice-president. The Treasurer shall file the 990-N e-postcard annually in October. The accounts shall be examined at the end of the term of office by an Auditing Committee of three (3) appointed by the President. These consist of the county president, one club president and the county Family Consumer Sciences (FCS) agent. E. The Auditing Committee shall report at the Advisory Council meeting following the change of officers. F. The duties of the county educational program chairmen shall be to plan methods for carrying out countywide programs in their respective subjects. The program chairmen are expected to work together to integrate their programs of work when possible. They shall attend all Homemaker Council meetings. 1. 4-H/Youth Development – This program should address the youth of Gallatin County and the Gallatin County Extension Homemakers bond with them. 2. International – This subject covers our link to other parts of the world. 3. Cultural Arts/Heritage – This subject will cover an appreciation of our heritage, fine arts and culture as well as that of others. 4. Food, Nutrition and Health – This subject deals with one’s health, nutrition and food. 5. Management & Safety – This subject deals with management of time, human energy, money, etc. 6. Leadership Development – This educational focus area deals with developing a strong leadership base for the organization. 7. Family and Individual Development – This program section takes into consideration areas of the family and individual not specifically covered under Management & Safety; Environment, Housing & Energy; or Foods, Nutrition & Health. 8. Environment, Housing and Energy – This educational focus area deals with the near environment in which one lives to include issues related to housing, interiors, and energy as well as traditional environmental concerns. Article VII – Executive Committee A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the advisor Family Consumer Sciences Agent, County President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate past President of the county and selected honorary members as defined in the standing rules. This committee shall serve for one year and shall meet when called by the President, FCS agent, or a majority of the members. B. A quorum shall be one-half of the members of the committee. Article VIII – Advisory Council A. The advisory council shall consist of county officers, county chairmen, club presidents and club vice- presidents. This council shall convene four (4) times a year or on call of the president. The County Homemaker Council shall send the current county president as a representative to the Area Extension Council. B. The Council shall meet when called by the President, FCS agent, or one-half of the members of Council. A quorum shall be representative of one-half of the Council members. C. Presidents of Homemaker Clubs or representatives shall attend all meetings of the Advisory Council. D. Every officer and chairman of the Homemaker Clubs shall attend officer and chairmen training. Article IX- Dues A. County dues shall be paid by each club. These dues should be as specified in the standing rules. Payment should be made to the county treasurer by December 15 of each year, based on membership as of December 1. B. A Budget Committee shall be composed of County President, Treasurer, immediate past president and immediate past treasurer. This committee shall present a budget for approval by the Executive Committee to be presented at the Spring Advisory Council meeting for a vote. Article X – Limitations No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, any of its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the exempt purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Article XI – Dissolution In case of the dissolution of this organization, after providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to the Gallatin County Extension Homemakers for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Article XII – Amendments These By-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Advisory Council by a two-thirds vote for the members present and voting. A notice of amendments shall be sent to each Council member at least fifteen days before the meeting. Article XIII – Parliamentary Authority Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, as interpreted by Mrs. Melanie Menderson, shall be Parliamentary Authority for this Association. Revised July 2010, October 2010