bible study autumn 2012

Sunday Services and Activities
Minister’s Message
News of the Church Family
Prayer Calendar for November
Diary for November
October 2012
10.30 am
Family Service
Service begins with all ages together, and after a short while the children
may join their own groups in Junior Church for 3 to 13 year olds.
There is also a creche for 0-3 year olds
Holy Communion on fourth Sunday of the month
Parade and Festival services as announced
Weddings and baptisms by arrangement with the Minister
10.30 am - 10.55 am Prayer Group fortnightly
11 am - noon Bible Study (as advertised)
9.30 am - 11.00 am Pramsters (parents and toddlers)
10.30 am - 11.30 am Good Neighbours Coffee Morning
2.30 pm Thursday Fellowship.
Third Thursday of the month
Rainbows, Brownies, Women’s Institute, WEA Classes, Local History Society,
Yoga, Karate, Keep-Fit, Musical Teapots
Church Secretary
Church Treasurer
Lettings Secretary
Thursday Fellowship
Brownies (Tuesday)
Brownies (Thursday)
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts)
Group Scout Leader )
Magazine Editor
Rev Dr Nick Brindley
Mrs Nelda Harris
Mr Ian Robertson
Mrs Rita Robertson
Mrs Nelda Harris
Mrs Rita Robertson
Mrs Christine Poulton
Miss Julia Cheek
Mrs Pippa Gomez
07904 -112221
Mr Ian Lewington
Mrs Norma Wheeler
Rev Dr N Brindley, 1 Cedar Close, Potters Bar, Herts., EN6 1EW
Please submit items for the magazine by the third Sunday in the month.
Dear friends
It is wonderful to be your Minister at last! I have occupied my office and begun to
explore all the various ways there are to walk from the manse in Potters Bar to the
church in Brookmans Park. I have led worship, I have chaired Elders meeting, I
have begun to visit the members of the congregation, I have spoken to my
ecumenical colleagues and begun to plan for the Bible Study. I have taken tea
with the ladies of the Craft Group and I have taken coffee in the Brookmans. All in
all I have started to get to know your village and to get a sense of what God has
sent me here to do.
These are exciting times for me and for my family as we settle into our new home,
get to know our new friends and, in Jess’ case, adapt to the different ways of a new
school. We would like to thank everyone for the warmth of the welcome they have
extended to us.
For anyone who doesn’t yet know, the two days of my week that I am spending
based in my office are Monday and Tuesday (although I will sometimes be around
at other times) and I will do my best to be actually sitting at my desk every week
between 2 and 4 (although I do tend to join the Craft Group around 3 and then to
enjoy myself so much that I may not get back to my desk for a while, so do look for
me in the lounge if you can’t see me).
I would be very glad to see anyone who feels like dropping in, definitely be able to
offer tea and coffee, and if you’re lucky I might have a cake or a biscuit to share.
I’m looking forward eagerly to the resumption of the Prayer Group and the Bible
Study, which as I write, are still in the future and to presiding at the sacrament of
the Lord’s Supper as an ordained Minister.
God bless you all
Being green is the new thing, or is it?
In the queue at the store, the cashier told an older woman that she should bring her own
grocery bag because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The woman
apologised to him and explained, ‘we didn’t have the green thing back in my day.’ The
clerk responded,”That’s our problem today. The former generation did not care enough to
save our environment.”
He was right, that generation didn’t have the green thing in its day.
Back then they returned their milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The
store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilised then re-filled, so it could use
the same bottles over and over. So they really were re-cycled.
But they didn’t have the green thing back in that customer’s day.
In her day, they walked up stairs because they didn’t have an escalator in every store and
office building. They walked to the grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300 horsepower
machine every time they had to walk two blocks.
But she was right, they didn’t have the green thing in her day.
Back then they washed the baby’s nappies because they didn’t have the throw-away kind
They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 240 volts –
wind and solar power really did dry the clothes. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their
brothers or sisters, not always brand new clothing.
But that old lady is right, they didn’t have the green thing in her day.
Back then they had one TV, or radio, not a TV in every room. And the TV had a screen the
size of a handkerchief, not one the size of Yorkshire. In the kitchen they blended and
stirred by hand because they didn’t have electric machines to do everything for you. When
they packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, they used a wadded up old newspaper to
cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then they didn’t fire up an engine
and burn petrol just to mow the lawn. They used a push mower that ran on human power.
They exercised by working so they didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills
that operate on electricity.
But she’s right, they didn’t have the green thing back then.
They drank from a fountain when they were thirsty instead of using a cup or plastic bottle
every time they had a drink of water. They re-filled their writing pens with ink instead of
buying a new pen, and they replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away
the whole razor just because the blade got dull.
But they didn’t have the green thing back then.
Back then people took the tram or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or went on the
bus instead of turning mums into a 24-hour taxi service. They had one electrical outlet in
a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And they didn’t need a
computerised gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in
order to find the nearest pizza joint. But isn’t it sad the current generation laments how
wasteful the old folks were just because they didn’t have the green thing back then?
Dear Mary,
We arrived safely this afternoon (26 August) and we just wanted to let people know. Will you please be
so kind and send this message to those who are on your e-mail list. Thank you very much.
Best wishes to you and Michael.
* * *
Dear friends,
We safely arrived back to the Czech Republic. Our last stops were in Canterbury where we wanted to
see the famous cathedral (it´s beautiful) and then the Dover Castle (it´s powerful). The ferry was a bit
delayed because of the weather, the sea was rough and many passengers pale-green!
We made several stops overnight and arrived about 3pm this afternoon.
We want to thank you once again for the whole time we spent with you. Thank you for your prayers, for
all your support and encouragement. It was a great time!
We do hope to keep in touch and welcome in our country those of you who are interested in the Czech
Republic (or in meeting us).
Best wishes,
Gabriela and Martin Horakovi
You are invited to attend a Free Church Service in The Lady Chapel on:
Wednesday 3 October 2012 at 11 am
Preacher: The Rev Dr. Kevin Walton, Canon Chancellor, The Cathedral and Abbey Church of
St Alban.
At noon join a Fellowship Lunch in the Abbots Kitchen
Wednesday 7 November 2012 at 11 am
Preacher: The Rev Dr. Ulrich Lincoln, Lutheran Pastor, Ecumenical Chaplain, St Albans
At noon join a Fellowship Lunch in the Abbots Kitchen
Wednesday 5 December 2012 at 11 am
Preacher: The Vey Rev Dr. Jeffrey John, Dean, The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St
At noon: The Christmas meal in the Abbots Kitchen
(Please book a place in advance with Peter)
Rev Peter Hudson, Free Church Ecumenical Chaplain
Telephone: St Albans 812076
This was the programme for the Ordination and Induction of Dr Nick Brindley to
the Pastorate of Brookmans Park and Potters Bar URCs held at 6 pm on Saturday
8 September 2012 at Potters Bar URC, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar.
Presiding Minister: Rev Dr Andrew Prasad, Moderator of the Thames North
Synod of the United Reformed Church
The Moderator warmly welcomed the congregation and opened the Service with a hymn
“All people that on earth do dwell”. A member of Brookmans Park URC said a short prayer
finishing with The Lord’s Prayer.
The Statement of Purpose was made by the Moderator, followed by a Reading, Nehemiah
8:1-12, by a member of Potters Bar URC.
After the Act of Ordination and Induction the new Minister was presented by the Interim
Moderator. The Church Secretaries from both URCs announced their Narrative of the call.
Questions were put to the Minister-elect, and after his response the congregation then
confirmed their willingness to receive Dr Nick Brindley as a minister of Word and
Sacraments of the URC, and welcomed him into membership of the Thames North Synod
and promised to support his ministry.
The hymn “Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me” was followed by Ordination Prayer,
and, Declaration of Ordination and Induction, by the Moderator.
The joint choir of both churches sang the Anthem Non Nobis Domine. Then the Right Hand
of Fellowship was offered to Rev Dr Nick Brindley by representatives of The Local Church,
Churches Together, Community Representative, The Area, and United Reformed Church.
Presentations were made by both churches, and Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
were offered by a member of Potters Bar URC.
The final hymn was “He who would valiant be”, and The Benediction by Rev Dr Nick Brindley
brought the Service to a close.
Refreshments were laid on immediately after the Service which gave everybody an
opportunity of meeting our new Minister, his wife Pam and daughter, Jess.
FRIENDSHIP is a SHINING GIFT that warms you with its glow,
Brightening life’s path for you no matter where you go.
FRIENDSHIP is a PRICELESS GIFT that you can never buy –
Made of love and trust and care that cannot fade or die.
FRIENDSHIP is a PRECIOUS GIFT that’s always sweet and fair,
Bringing treasures bright as gold and happiness to spare.
“The 2012 Games have sprinkled a little magic on us, made us nice people!”
What a lovely title and one that is generally shared by most of us. Melanie Reid, a writer in
The Times expressed her sentiments beautifully and I would like to share it with you now:
“Thick and fast they have come, the moments when you shake your head and say, did I just
see that? Was that for real? The drama of 80,000 people falling silent so that a blind
long-jumper can sprint into her darkness towards the sound of someone clapping. The
sight of a young woman, her body frantic with cerebral palsy, achieving serenity on the
back of a horse. The potency of men with no legs turned into gods by the menace of their
running blades. Paralympics have far surpassed all our expectations. The athletes provided
us with beautiful, surreal memories which have altered our values towards the human
body...frailties haven’t just been revealed, they were celebrated, they were turned into
Many of us would have liked tickets to the Olympics Village to see the events but were
unable to do so for various reasons. Amongst us the lucky few who did have the thrill and
experience of the Olympics or Paralympics were Nelda Harris and June Eames, each with
their family and friends, and our own grandchildren with their parents. Ron also spent a
whole day in the Olympics Park along with a family member who was visiting from New
Zealand. They had a great day and soaked up a real sense of joy in the mixed crowd and
very helpful volunteers. 2012 has certainly given us much to remember for a long time not
least with the late news of Andy Murray winning the Grand Slam in USA, after 76 years in
the history of tennis for Great Britain.
It is good to hear that Janet Coker’s health is improving, and that Lily Lucas was able to
attend the September Community Lunch.
Rita Robertson had a spell in hospital but is now home and back to her cheerful self.
Esther Callomon is in telephone contact with Jean Scott.
Yasmin (Ron and Norma Wheeler’s granddaughter) started at St Albans High School in
September and has settled in very well already. She has taken up the cello, in addition to
the piano which she started a couple of years ago. Yesterday she succeeded in a swimming
competition at school and achieved membership in a team.
Please note Valerie Bamford’s telephone number is changed to 01707-709732.
May Jesus’ love surround all our friends.
Please let me know if you have any news you would like included in the magazine.
MARY BIGGS (01707-653627)
(Patience Strong)
The first faint hint of what is yet to be
A pinkish tint upon the cherry tree.
The old Virginia creepers burning red around the timbers of the garden shed.
Lovely in its dying, yet how beautiful
September’s golden leaves; the autumn miracle.
As sure as clocks and calendars The year when growing old
Cloaks the woods in glory - bronze, crimson, amber, gold.
The fires of Nature’s making, the flames no man can stay:
the mighty conflagration that runs from day to day
Like torches blaze the branches in wood and garden bower
September fades but not before it lives its finest hour.
WASH DAY..........
Monday ** Wash Day
Lord, help me wash away all my selfishness and vanity
So I may serve you with perfect humility
Through the week ahead.
Tuesday ** Ironing Day
Dear Lord, help me iron out all the wrinkles
Of prejudice I have collected through the years
So that I may see the beauty in others.
Wednesday ** Mending Day
O God, help me mend my ways so I will not
Set a bad example for others.
Thursday ** Cleaning Day
Lord Jesus, help me to dust out all the many faults
I have been hiding in the secret corners of my heart
Friday ** Shopping Day
O God, give me the grace to wisely see the gift of eternal happiness
You purchased for myself and all others in need of love.
Saturday ** Cooking Day
Love and serve it with clean, sweet bread of
human kindness.
Sunday ** The Lord's Day. God, I have prepared my house for you
Please come into my heart so I may spend the day and the
Rest of my life in your presence.
'Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you
Meet is fighting some kind of battle.'
Bible Society in Turkey
Years ago at the Bible Society’s annual book fair in Turkey, a six year old
boy pointed to the Bible and said, ”Mum, this is the corrupted Bible” Tamar
of Bible Society has never forgotten these words she overheard back in
2003. Today she cites this story as the reason why they are so passionate
about their programme to educate students concerning the facts about
Christianity. Tamar says when asked who had told him, the boy said his
Teacher. Being only six he wouldn’t have come across the Koran yet but
already he had learnt to mistrust the Christian faith. Every year, Tamar’s
small team approach all 22 universities in Turkey to see if they could come
and talk to the Islamic Studies students, and give them Bibles, as part of the
Christian History module. This year, Bible Society in Turkey hopes to
distribute as many as 500 Bibles to new students. Of the 80 million people
living in Turkey, only 100,000 are Christian. Discussions about Christianity
simply don’t happen in Turkish culture, and as a result, teachers unwittingly
pass on false information that they have been taught believing it to be true.
Among the misconceptions is the notion that Christians believe in three
Gods- that the Trinity consists of God the Father, God the Son and God the
Mother Mary. From what people see in American TV programmes, they think
Christians don’t have strong morals on things like marriage, divorce or
promiscuity. Tamar says that they want to tell the students about the reality
of Christianity. Over the past four years, Bible Society in Turkey has won the
confidence of an increasing number of Islamic Theological Faculties- despite
a pervading culture of suspicion that exists throughout Turkey towards
Christianity. Please pray for Tamar and her team working in Turkey to share
the true message of the Bible.
Thank the Lord for a rare case of justice for the Christian community in
Egypt. A Muslim policeman who shot six Christians on a train, killing one of
them in January 2011 was sentenced to death by a court in Minya on May
14th. Amer Ashour Abdel-Zaher had chanted “Allahu Akbar” (“god is great”)
before opening fire on the Christians, who were sitting together. Fathy
Ghattas (71) was killed instantly. The sentence surprised Christian activists
in Egypt, one said ”Usually killers of Christians literally get away with
murder”. Pray that crimes against Christians in Egypt will be penalised
appropriately and justly.
Pray for those awaiting hospital appointments
Pray for those being treated for cancer
For all those enjoying the Community Lunches
For past friends and members who have moved away
Pray for those in Care Homes
Pray for our MP Grant Shapps and all in Government
May Jesus be glorified in our Church
Pray for the Elders meeting tonight
Pray for all children, parents and leaders of the Pramsters
The Good Neighbours for all members and helpers
Pray for our friends who are housebound
Pray that we will be faithful in our Witness to Jesus
Pray for those who mourn that Jesus will be very near to them
Give thanks for visiting Preachers
For the work of Barnabas Fund
For good fellowship at the Craft Group
Pray for peace in the world
For the Thursday Fellowship meeting today
Pray for all students at University and College
Give thanks for Street Pastors reaching out to Young People
Help us as a Church in our Christian Witness in the community
Pray for the people of Kenya
Pray for Premier Christian Radio
Pray for those with worries about their jobs and businesses
Pray for INF working at Green Pastures Hospital in Pokhara, Nepal
Pray for all past Ministers
For those exchanging Marriage Vows
Bible Sunday when we pray for the work of the Bible Society
For Embrace in the Middle East previously called Biblelands
Give thanks for the beauty of the earth in its autumn colours
Pray for safety for MAF pilots and support teams
If anyone would like to prepare the calendar for subsequent months or suggest items for
inclusion, speak to Mary Biggs (01707 653627) by the second Sunday of the month.
Here comes a winter warmer just for you! The Missionary Committee is organising a “Chilli
Evening” in aid of “Buy a Bed” for Green Pastures Hospital in Nepal. If you would prefer a
non-spicy hot meal, please mention it when you buy your ticket. Tickets are £9, which
includes a three-course supper followed by coffee or tea and mints. There will be a raffle
and a guest speaker.
Phone Mary, (653627) Shirley (660438) or Norma (647878) for tickets after 24 October.
WED 10
SUN 14
MON 15
TUE 16
WED 17
THU 18
SUN 21
TUE 23
WED 24
SUN 28
MON 29
TUE 30
WED 31
10.30 – 10.50 am Prayer Group. 11 am – noon Bible Study
9.30 am Pramsters
2 pm Craft Group
10.30 am -11.30 am Good Neighbours Coffee Morning
12 noon Community Lunch
10.30 am Family Service led by Rev Dr Nick Brindley
8 pm Elders Meeting
9.30 am Pramsters
2 pm Craft Group
10.30 am Good Neighbours Coffee Morning
10.30 am Family Service led by Rev Mary Robins
10.30 – 10.50 am Prayer Group. 11 am - noon Bible Study
9.30 am Pramsters
2 pm Craft Group
10.30 am Good Neighbours Coffee Morning
2.30 pm Thursday Fellowship. Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals
- Rita Donovan
10.30 am Family Service led by Mr Don Clark
Last day for items for the Church Magazine
9.30 am Pramsters
2 pm Craft Group
10.30 am Good Neighbours Coffee Morning
10.30 am Family & Communion Service led by Rev Dr Nick Brindley
Communion Offertory for Royal British Legion
A reminder! BST ends. Clocks go back today
10.30 - 10.50 am Prayer Group. 11 am – noon Bible Study
9.30 am Pramsters
2 pm Craft Group
10.30 am Good Neighbours Coffee Morning
Arnie, a young American, was on a short break holiday in Piddlehinton in the Dorset
countryside. The next day he was going for a job interview in London but he needed to ask
for directions, so he spoke to local farmhand, Martin. ‘Yo, feller, could you possibly tell me
the quickest way to London?’
Martin replied in a rich Dorset country accent, ‘You drivin’ or walkin’, lad?’
Arnie quickly
replied, ‘Driving .’ Martin nodded wisely, saying: ‘Oooh aargh, that be certainly the
quickest way’.
We send birthday wishes and prayers in October to:
Tracey Arnall
Starting on Monday 1 October at 11 am in the church lounge and meeting fortnightly at this time we
will be following the York Course ”Handing on the Torch- sacred words for a secular world”. This five
part course consists of the following sessions:
Session 1
A Christian Country?
(October 1)
Session 2
A Secular Society?
(October 15)
Session 3
A Beleaguered Church? (October 29)
Session 4
Competing Creeds?
(November 12)
Session 5
Handing on the Torch
(November 26)
THE “COURSE BOOKLET”, written by Canon John Young [2] includes questions aimed at provoking
wide-ranging discussion. Each group needs 1 CD or audiotape, plus a course booklet for each
member. In addition many groups find the transcript booklet, which cross-references to the tracks on
the CD, invaluable. Booklets will be available at the sessions.
THE PARTICIPANTS ON THE COURSE CD (which we will listen to on the evenings) are Archbishop
Sentamu [3] - the Archbishop of York, Clifford Longley [4] - RC author, broadcaster and journalist
and Rachel Lampard [5] - who has responsibility for the Methodist Church’s engagement with political
All are welcome to join us for all or any of these sessions.
and finally....
It was nice to hear recently from our ex-Ministers, Martin and Gabriela Horakovi and their
three children that they arrived back home safely in the Czech Republic. Their year with us
was a busy and happy time and it is hard to take in just how quickly it passed.
But we are delighted to have Rev Dr Nick Brindley, his wife Pam and daughter Jess with us,
and warmly welcome them as they share ministry with Potters Bar URC. In the past we
have had to cope between vacancies for a couple of years or longer, so we are grateful the
change-over this time has been smooth and timely. Let’s take a moment now to thank our
Elders for the time and care they gave to maintain our URC routines between vacancies,
and indeed, even during the change-over periods of Ministers. On reflection, their efforts
and dedication probably went unnoticed because everything has gone like clockwork! And
here’s a reminder for you – don’t forget to put your clocks back on Sunday 28 0ctober.
(No. 39)