МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И МОЛОДЕЖНОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ СТАВРОПОЛЬСКОГО КРАЯ Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования «Ставропольский строительный техникум» Комиссия общих гуманитарных и социальных дисциплин УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов 1 курса специальности: 270802 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений Ставрополь, 2014 Рекомендовано к применению решением Методического совета ГБОУ СПО «ССТ» протокол № 7 от 22.04.2014г. Рассмотрено на заседании цикловой комиссии Общих гуманитарных и социальных дисциплин «____»_____________20__ г. председатель комиссии Булавин Э.В. Автор- разработчик (и): Нестеренко Алла Анатольевна Рецензенты: Халебская И.М., преподаватель иностранного языка (фамилия, имя, отчество) Печалова Л.В., методист техникума (фамилия, имя, отчество) 2 Пояснительная записка Новое образование состоит в постоянном поиске методов и приёмов созвучных времени, которые так организуют жизнь обучающегося, что в дальнейшем он сможет спокойно, самостоятельно строить свою жизнь. Чем бы наши студенты ни занимались в будущем, хотелось бы видеть их свободными этичными и интеллектуальными личностями. В соответствии с этим желанием я стараюсь строить и стиль диалоговой работы на уроке. Студенту должно быть интересно на уроке, интерес – это синоним мотивации. Данное учебно-методическое пособие разработано для студентов 1 курса на основе информационно-коммуникационных образовательных технологий, технологии развивающего обучения, технологий групповой деятельности, современного проектного обучения. В данном учебно-методическом пособии студенты изучают различные темы: здоровье. спорт, описание внешности, моя семья, внешность и характер, город, деревня, инфраструктура, село, инфраструктура, погода. В ходе занятия они изучают, повторяют, обобщают, закрепляют и систематизируют знания, полученные на раннее проведенных уроках. Методическая цель пособия показать применение современных образовательных технологий в преподавании иностранного языка (английский) с целью повышения качества подготовки студентов. Ход занятия сопровождается демонстрацией слайдов по каждому этапу урока. В процессе подготовки к занятиям была организована самостоятельная внеаудиторная работа студентов по разработке электронных презентаций по темам: известные спортсмены, инфраструктура, село. Подведение итогов занятия предусматривает активность студентов по следующим видам работ: участие в речевой зарядке, выступление с электронными презентациями, работа с аудиторией, самостоятельная работа. 3 1. Тема: Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества, профессии) 1. Активизация лексики в речи учащихся, диалогическая речь Hair style Hair colour long длинный black short короткие straight darkhaired прямые red wavy вьющиеся fair curly кучерявые blonde neat untidy аккуратные grey неухоженные brownhaired with plaits в косе dyed a fringe челка bald a brunette лысый a blonde a redhead in a bun в пучке pony-tail хвостик mousy dark coloured Face черноволосый thin худое брюнет long вытянутое рыжий round круглое русый oval овальное светлый square (блондин) седой heart-shaped шатен крашеные high cheekbones high forehead брюнетка thin/fulllips (амер) блондинка freckled рыжеволосый long nose мышиный цвет straight nose темный turned-up nose крашеный a cleft chin a pointed chin a double chin 4 квадратное сердцевидное высокие скулы высокий лоб тонкие/полные губы в веснушках длинный нос прямой нос вздернутый раздвоенный подбородок с ямочкой двойной подбородок Complexion- цвет лица Eyes голубые pale blue sunburned/ sunburnt grey серые brown карие tanned long eyelashes длинные olive-skinned ресницы thick eyelashes густые fair-skinned ресницы bushy eyelashes пушистые oriental ресницы Dress бледный smart загорелый scruffy (обожженный) загорелый well-dressed оливкового цвета casual светлой кожей conservative восточного типа elegant brown мулат fashionable black метис привлекательно грязный, неряшливый опрятный повседневный, обычный старомодный элегантный модный 2. Чтение текста с полным пониманием прочитанного The way we look means much in our lives. People usually judge us by1 appearances2. So it takes much time to look well. So there are a lot of medical services3 which help keep beauty. The variety of cosmetics is great. And so it is important to know how you should describeappearances. I’d like to tell you some words about me. I am 30,but everyone says that I don’t look my age 4. Itake much care over my appearance5 and I have aged quite well6. I am of medium height and built 7. I do a lot of sport and so I look slim. My hair is wavy and blond. My nose is straight and eyes are blue. My ears are not big, the face is oval. What I don’t like in myselfis freckles 8. They always come in spring. My friends sometimes call me a«typical blonde». I should admit that this style is close to me9. I take after10 my granny. She looked just like me when she was young. I prefer dresses, skirts and romantic style. I try always to be well dressed11.To tell the truth12 I devote much time for my appearance and spend much money for it. I’d like to add some words about my character. I am even-tempered13, rather reserved14, calm and moderst. Sometimes I can lose my temper15 and become either angry or sad. At these moments I like staying alone and sometimes I retire into my shell 16. But I have a lot of friends. I am opened for everything new, appreciate people for17 honesty and justice. I like to laugh and to joke. I have a good sense of humour. But remember that appearances can be deceptive18. And you mustn’t judge people by the first impression. Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. judge by – судить по appearances - внешности medical services - медицинские услуги don’t look my age - не выглядеть на какой-то возраст 5 5. take much care over my appearance – следить за собой 6. have aged quite well - хорошо сохраниться (о внешности) 7. medium height and built - средний рост и телосложение 8. freckles - веснушки 9. to be close to smb – быть близким кому-либо 10.take after - быть похожим на(члены семьи) 11.well dressed – хорошо одетый 12.To tell the truth – по правде говоря 13.even-tempered - уравновешенный 14.reserved - сдержанный 15.lose my temper – терять самообладание/выйти из себя 16.retire into my shell – уйти в себя 17.appreciate people for – ценить людей за 18.appearances can be deceptive – внешность может быть обманчива 3. Чтение текста с полным пониманием Text B: «MY BIOGRAPHY» after Mark Twain I was born on the 30-th of November 1835 in the village of Florida, Missouri. My father was John Marshal Clemens. According to tradition some of my great-great parents were pirates and slave traders — a respectable trade in the 16-th century. In my time I wished to be a pirate myself. Florida contained a hundred people and when I was born I increased the population by one per cent. It had two streets and a lot of lanes. Both the streets and the lanes were paved (мостить) with the same material — black mud in wet times, deep dust in dry. Most of the houses were of wood — there were none of brick and none of stone. Everywhere around were fields and woods. My uncle and everyone on the farm treated the slaves kindly. All the Negroes on the farm were friends of ours and with those of our own age we were playmates. Since my childhood I have learned to like the black race and admire some of its fine qualities. In my school days nobody told me that it was wrong to sell and buy people. It is only much later that I realized all the horror of slavery. The country school was three miles from my uncle's farm. It stood in a forest and could take in about twenty five boys and girls. We attended school once or twice a week. I was a sickly (хилый) child and lived mainly on medicine the first seven years of my life. For ten years I worked in printshops of various cities. I started my journalistic life as a reporter on a newspaper in San-Francisco. It was then that I began to sign my publications by my penname Mark Twain. 4.Ответить на вопросы по тексту 1. In what state was Samuel Clemens born? 2. What were the great-great parents of Mark Twain? 3. What did Mark Twain want to be? 4. What were the streets and lanes of Florida paved with? 5. How does the author describe his uncle? 6 6. How many slaves did Mark Twain's uncle own? 2. Тема: Моя семья 1.Введение новых лексических единиц: typical — типичный, Spanish — испанский, ability — способность, painter — художник, fiction — художественная литература, funny — смешной, to spend — проводить, to grow — выращивать, to enjoy — наслаждаться, greens — зелень, to be fond of smth — нравиться кому-либо 2.Аудирование текста по теме занятия My family is not very big, just a typical family: Dad, Mom, me, my brother and sister and our cat. My Mummy is forty one; she is a teacher of Spanish at the University. She is a born teacher. She has teaching abilities. My Dad is forty-two, he is a professional painter, he works for a design company. My parents both like their work very much. My elder sister Natasha is nineteen, she goes to the University, she wants to be a teacher of history. She is fond of reading books on history and fiction. My younger brother Igor is only six years old, he goes to the kindergarten. He is very funny, I like to spend my free time teaching him something. Igor likes to play with our cat. My grandparents are retired. They like gardening. They spend a lot of their time in the garden. They grow vegetables and fruits. We enjoy having fresh vegetables and greens on our dinner table. I love my family very much. We always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend. 3. Ответить на вопросы 1.What is your name? 2. Where and when were you born? 3. How old are you? Where do you live? 4. Have you got a family? How large is your family? 5. What are your father and mother? 6. How many rooms are there in your flat? What modern conveniences have you got in your, flat? 7. What is your favourite subject at the college? 8. What books do you like to read? What music do you like to listen to? 9. Do you go in for sports? What sport do you go in for? 4. Составить монолог о своей семье. 7 3. Тема: Внешность и характер Введение лексики, необходимой для описания внешности T:What do you see? What is the first thing that we notice? St:It’s their age. T: And what can you say about the age of this man? St: He is middle-aged. T: The girl is in her early twenties, and what can you say about the age of these people? St: He is in his late fourties, he is in his late eighties, etc. T: There are some words which can be used to describe the first impression you get when you see a person. Have a look at the picture and make sure that you know them. T: Memorize the words and repeat them after me. Say it again. T: The hairstyle is very important. Women spend a lot of time doing their hair. Read the words that can describe a hairstyle. Say it again. Тренировка в восприятии на слух новой лексики в контексте Teacher: Now listen to two friends describing the people in the pictures. Number the people in the order you hear the descriptions. What is each person’s name? Tapescript Al: Hey Jane, I hear you’ve got a new neighbour. What does she look like? Jane: She’s very tall and has long brown straight hair. She’s also slim and rather pretty. Al: Umm ... she sounds great. Jane: Yes, she’s a lovely girl. She’s friendly and has a great sense of humour too. Oh, and she loves photography. Just like me. Al: What’s her name? Jane: Laura, Laura Smith. Al: Who was that man I saw you with in the town centre last week? Jane: Which one? Al: He was a bit on the plump side and not very handsome. Jane: I can’t think who you mean. Did he have a beard and a moustache? Al: Yes, and he was almost bald. Jane: That was my uncle, Roger. We were shopping for shoes. Al: Have you met the professor at college yet? Jane: No, why? Is she nice? Al: She is actually. She’s very talkative, not dull and boring like Mrs Brown. The whole class wasn’t falling asleep for once during the lesson! Jane: That’s good. I saw a short thin woman going into your classroom earlier. Was that the new teacher? Al: No, no. Mrs Jones is in her early fifties, has short white hair and is about average height. Jane: I’ll look forward to meeting her. Al: Who’s that young man over there? Jane: Which one? Al: The one with short curly fair hair and green eyes. Jane: Is he holding a rucksack? Al: Yes, he is. Jane: That’s my cousin, Bill. 8 3. Тренировка в применении новой лексики для описания различных людей. T: Choose one of the people in the picture and describe him or her according to the plan. 1. Looks + Age 2. Height + Weight 3. Hair + Eyes Example: She is a nice-looking old lady in her mid-eighties. She is of medium height and rather slim for her age. She has white curly hair and blue eyes. 4. Активизация лексики, обозначающей личностные характеристики и введённой на предыдущем уроке. Teacher: Very often people say that personal qualities are far more important than somebody’s appearance. What is more important for you? Look at some adjectives and try to explain their meanings. Example: Optimistic people always look on the bright side of life etc. Teacher: Now match the adjectives to their opposites and try to explain what they mean. Example: optimistic – pessimistic Pessimistic people always expect something bad to happen etc. Teacher: Have a look at the words and say the corresponding opposites. Teacher: Look at the pictures and choose the most suitable adjective for each of them. 5. Тренировка в восприятии на слух текста, содержащего character adjectives. Ann: I consider myself to be the sort of person who enjoys other people’s company. I like to meet new people and I love to chat. Sue: I like to do things my own way and I don’t listen to other people even if deep down I know that what they are saying makes sense. Billy: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with putting yourself first. I mean, let other people worry about themselves. We’ve all got our own problems and I always look after my own needs before I think about anyone else. 6. Формирование умений и навыков диалогической речи на основе отработанного языкового материала. Teacher: Now imagine that you have decided to go hiking and suggest inviting some more people to join you. Discuss with your companion who could accompany you. Have a look at the scheme of the dialogue. Let’s revise some useful expressions. - Making suggestions What about…?; Do you fancy going…?How do you like the idea of…?We could invite...; - Supporting the idea That sounds great; It’s a good idea; I like it! - Rejecting the idea Frankly speaking…; I’m afraid I…; I don’t think it’s a good idea; - Reacting to objections Really?; OK, let’s…; I didn’t know about it; Maybe you are right; - Linking ideas and arguments First of all; Also; Besides; What is more; too; 9 - Asking for opinion What do you think?; How do you like it?; Do you agree? Teacher: Work in pairs and make up your dialogues according to the plan. Students work in pairs and the teacher monitors their activity. Then one or two dialogues are role-played to listen for the rest of the group. 7. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Составьте пересказ. MYFRIEND I have many friends. Most of them are my former c l a s s m a t e s but my best friend is Peter. He is fifteen. Now he is a student of a college. He is a good student because he s t u d i e s hard and is very d i l i g e n t. Now I want to tell you about his a p p e a r a n c e. He is rather t a l l and s t r o n g. He has an oval face, straight nose, dark-brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. People find him goodlooking. Peter goes in for sports. He plays football and basket-ball well. H i s basketball team is very popular at the college. We made friends with Peter when he and his family m o v e d to our house. We have very much in common: we like the s a m e music, we b o t h like reading. In general my friend is a very interesting person: he is i n t e l l i g e n tand well-read. But the most important t h i n g is that Peter is h o n e s t and kind. I can fully rely on him and trust everything to him. Peter has a great s e n s e of humour and I like to him. 10 4. Тема: Межличностные отношения 1. Активизация лексики в речи учащихся: homeless people, lonely people, needy people, disabled people, elderly people, orphans, nursing homes, raise(money, clothes), donate (money) / make donations, provide (shelter), show sympathy to, support needy people, make a contribution to work, be involved in a project, make a difference, get life experience, give a helping hand to, the charity, voluntary work, charity, volunteer. My dear friends, Today I want us to discuss one important theme. Answer the question, please: Do you do any voluntary work? I suggest speaking about charity. 2. Look at the blackboard and match the words and their meaning. Charity is kindness in giving help. A charity is an organization that helps poor people. A volunteer is a person who helps without any money. Voluntary (work) is work without any money. Listen and say after me.(на доске написана транскрипция новых слов, необходимо выйти и подчеркнуть произносимое слово) In Britain there are more than 157 000 charities. There are charity organisaitions for every area of life. These organizations help the needy. We are going to answer 3 questions to the following charities: 1. Who or What does the charity help? 2. How does the charity help? 3. Why do people work for charity? Look at the board and complete the word. Orphans Now we can answer the first question. Who or What does the charity help? Answer the second question. How does the charity help? - Why do people work for charity? -Do you think that the charity organizations are important? Why? 3. Аудирование по теме занятия On the 5th of December is International Volunteer’s Day. A lot of children in Russia do something for charity. One of the children is Ksenya Bolokhova. We are going to listen to what she says about her work. Your task is to listen and take notes. Then answer the questions: – What charity does she help? – What does she do in the charity? Listen to the text twice. Will you answer the questions? What charity does she help? What does she do in the charity? P1: She helps the youth voluntary organization. P2: She works for help the homeless children. T: Do you find Ksenya’s work useful? 11 P3: Yes? I think her work is useful. She helps homeless children and cares for them P4: She also takes part in charity concerts to raise money. T: What makes young people help a charity? P5: I think that young people help a charity because they want to make a contribution, to get experience and to make a difference. 4. Чтение текста.Пересказ. ABOUTMYSELF My name is Marina Suvorova. I am fifteen. I was born in Rostov with my p a r e n t s and my grandmother. My family is not very large. We have five people in our family. My father's name is Igor Petrovich He is forty years old. He is a doctor and he works at a hospital. My mother's name is Lyudmila Leonidovna. She is thirty nine years old. She is a h o u s e w i f e . My y o u n g e r sister is a pupil. She is in the seventh form. My grand m o t h e r l i v e s w i t h u s . S h e d o e s n ' t work. S h e i s a pensioner. I love my family. We are all friends and we love each other. I have one a u n t and two u n c l e s . Their children are my cousins. We live in a big flat in a new house. There are four - b a t h r o o m and two bed rooms . W e have all modern conveniences: gas , hot and cold, r u n n i n g water,electricity and telephone. I have my d u t i e s about the house. I must go s h o p p i n g. I help my Mother to clean the rooms. I t ' s not difficult for me. I like our home to be clean and tidy. I am a student of the college now. We have many goodteachers at our college. I try to be a good pupil and I do w e l l in all subjects. But my f a v o u r i t e subject is English. I spend much time on it. I like reading. I like detective stories but I prefer to read historical novels or modern writers. I have many friends. Many of them are my classmates. We spend much time together, go for a walk, talk about lessons, music and discuss our problems. I like to listen to modern music, but s o m e t i m e s I like to listen to some classical music. My favourite composer is Tchaikovsky. I haven't much time to watch TV but sometimes I spend an h o u r of two watching an interesting film or a news programme. In the evening I often read newspapers or an interesting book. I like f r e s h air and exercises, but I have not m u c h time to go in for sports. 5. Составить монолог. 12 5. Тема: Спорт 1. Активизация лексики в речи учащихся, диалогическая речь humanity — человечество, activity — деятельность, to make for — способствовать, health — здоровье, to exercise — упражняться, tiredness — усталость, flexibility — гибкость. 2. Аудирование текста по теме занятия Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. It has been developing with the developing and growth of the mankind. All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games. Sport not only helps people to become strong and to develop physically but also makes them more organized and betted disciplined in their daily activities. It makes for a healthy mind in a healthy body. Sports help people to keep in good health. We all need to exercise. Even if you don’t plan to make a career in sport you still have to practice. Regular exercises give you more energy. That is why many people who suffer from general tiredness should take more exercise than more rest. Exercise makes you feel and look better. The best exercise is one which involves in repeated movements, those are: walking, jogging or swimming. Bending and stretching will add flexibility and feeling of lightness. Among the sports popular in our country are football, basketball, swimming, volleyball, ice hockey, tennis, gymnastics, figure skating. A person can choose sports and games for any season, for any taste. 3. Отработка речи учащихся, диалогическая речь. 1.Why is sport so important in our life? 2.Do all the people need exercise? 3.What should people who suffer from general tiredness do? 4.How does exercise change you? 5.What kind of exercise is the best? 6.What sports are popular in our country? 4. Чтение и перевод текста Text A: «SOCHI» Hello, everyone! Here is Ann Sokolova again. This time I'll tell you about my lovely hometown — Sochi. I am sure everyone knows where Sochi is. For those who are not really sure I remind that it is situated on the Black Sea coast about 1500 km south from Moscow. But what makes this city so special? Sochi is called the city of three seasons because there's no winter here. As we usually say, «the golden autumn slowly turns into the early spring». When golden leaves slowly fall down on the earth the first flowers begin to blossom. Sochi is the only northern subtropical city in Russia. One can bathe in the Black Sea from May till October because the water of the Black Sea is still warm. The water of the Black Sea contains many chemical substances such as iodine, chlorine, bromine, sulphates, carbonates, sodium, potassium, etc. All of them react with your body and make you healthier. There are many mineral water springs in Sochi and its area. 13 Have you ever heard the name Big Sochi? Sochi is one of the most stretched cities along the sea coast — it is 148 km long! Small towns and cities Adler, Khosta, Kudepsta, Dagomys and Lazarevskoye belong to Big Sochi! The history of this area goes back to the ancient times. One can call this area «the Cradle of Mankind». People came here from the Asia Minor 400-350 thousand years ago. There are more than 150 historical places of interest in the area. Here the camps and caves of prehistoric people have been found. The dolmens — massive prehistoric grave structures from the 2nd thousand B.C. are the features of the Bronze era. The most ancient five-stone dolmens are found in the Sochi area. Travellers of the 19th century called dolmens «the houses of the giants»because each grave stone weighs from 500 to 3000 kg. It is still uncertain what technical developments made it possible to construct such structures. The rich lands of Caucasus always attracted invaders: Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Genuese, Turks. In the VIth century B.C. the Black Sea coast attracted Greek colonists, who have based a number of trade-settlements, such as Dioscuria (modern city of Sukhumi), Pitiunt (Pitsunda), Triglif (Gagra). Christian religion was brought over from the Byzantynne three centuries earlier than to Russia. In the end of Xth — beginning of the XIth centuries A.D. the first known Christian constructions were built in Loo, Galitsino and Veseloye. During the XVIIIth-XIXth centuries Russia conducted long wars with Turkey for the exit to the Black Sea. In 1829, after the end of Russian-Turkish war, by the peace treaty the Black Sea coast of Caucasus, from the mouth of the Kuban river up to a fort St.Nicholas (to the south of modern city Poti), has departed to Russia. Symbol of the victory of the Russian weapon in the war of 1829 is the monument near modern hotel «Leningrad»— «Anchor and Cannon». The end of Russian-Turkish war has not solved all the problems of strengthening of Russia on the Black Sea coast. The Black Sea coastal line consisting of 17 forts was created with this purpose. On April 21st, 1838 a small wooden fortress was established in the Sochi river area to protect this land from local tribes. It was named Alexandria in honour of emperess Alexandra. It was renamed one year later, on May 18, 1839 and became Navaginskoye. But in 1854, because of the beginning of the Crimean war, the fortress was destroyed by Russian army. Russians left this area. Only 10 years later, on March 25th, 1864 the new fortress named Dakhovskiy was established on the place of the Navaginskiy fortress. In 1896 by the decision of the Tsarist government fortress Dakhovskiy was renamed in the settlement of Sochi, after the name of the river Sochi. In the end of XIXth century the Black Sea coast was intensively occupied by the immigrants from central parts of Russia, Moldova, the Ukraine, Byelorussia, Georgia and Armenians and Greeks from Turkey. The Sochi district becomes multinational area of Russian Empire. In Soviet times Sochi was a quickly developing port, industrial and resort city on the Black Sea. The fast development of the city and construction of modern houses was due to Joseph Stalin's sympathy to this place. Many streets in the center of Sochi look like the center of Moscow built in 30s and 50s. Until now the favourite residence of Russian Presidents was Bocharov creek (ручей). Ski resorts of Krasnaya polyana, warm blue waters of Black Sea, luxurious tennis courts create irresistable atmosphere around the place. 14 I guess, I have taken a lot of your attention already. You know yourself what a popular resort is Sochi nowadays. Just buy the ticket and have your suitcases packed! Vocabulary: to remind — напоминать to turn into — прeвращаться (во что-либо) blossom — цвести chemical substances — химические вещества iodine — йод chlorine — хлор bromine— бром sulphate—сульфат carbonates — карбонаты sodium — натрий potassium — калий to be stretched — быть вытянутым events — события, мероприятия «the Cradle of Mankind»— «колыбель человечества» B.C. (Before Christ) — дон.э. Asia Minor — п-ов Малая Азия camp — лагерь cave [keiv] — пещера Bronze era — бронзовый век pre-historic — доисторический grave structures — могильники dolmens — дольмены features — особенности to weigh — весить uncertain — неопределённый construct — возводить, строить attract — привлекать invader — захватчик trade-settlements — торговые поселения, фактории Byzantynne — Византия A.D. — (Anno Domini) — нашей эры (н.э.) to conduct — проводить peace treaty ['tri:ti] — мирный договор mouth of the river — устье реки weapon — оружие anchor — якорь cannon — пушка purpose — цель fortress — форт, укрепление in honour of emperess Alexandra — в честь императрицы Александры to be occupied — быть занятым, заселенным due to — благодаря (кому-либо, чему-либо) luxurious — роскошный irresistible— неотразимый 15 6. Тема: Спортивные игры 1. Активизация лексики в речи учащихся, диалогическая речь all over the world — во всем мире to be fond of — зд. любить · healthy — здоровый to be fit — быть в форме personal initiative — личная инициатива skiing — лыжный спорт skating — коньки body-building — культуризм facilities — помещения, оборудование swimming-pool — плавательный бассейн skating-rink — каток attention — внимание compulsory — обязательный sailing — парусный спорт rowing — гребля wrestling — борьба fencing — фехтование weightlifting— штанга out-of-doors — на воздухе indoors — в помещении sportsocieties — спортивные общества outdoor winter sports — зимние виды спорта на открытом воздухе shooting — стрельба hunting — охота to bogganing — санный спорт to sledge - кататься на санках yachting - парусный спорт gliding — планерный спорт to establish oneself in favour — стать в почете lawn-tennis — теннис track and field events — легкая атлетика scores of young girls and women — множество девушек и женщин calisthenics — ритмическая гимнастика indoor gamed — игры в закрытом помещении impressive example — замечательный пример inexhaustible — неисчерпаемый cheerfulness — бодрость enthusiast — энтузиаст to initiate — приобщить кого-то к чему-то tournament — турнир, спортивное соревнование 16 2. Чтение текста с полным пониманием прочитанного. People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. That is one of the things in which people of every nationality and class are united. The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunting, hockey and, in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow — skating, skiing and tobogganing. It’s so nice to go to the skating-rink on a frosty sunny day. Some people prefer to be out of town in such weather and to sledge or to ski in the woods. Many people greatly enjoy figure-skating and skijumping. Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling, gliding and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interests; this game is played in all the countries of the world. The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are cricket, volley-ball, basketball, and so on. Badminton is also very popular both with young and old. All the year round many people indulge in boxing, wrestling, gymnastics and track and field events. Scores of young girls and women go in for calisthenics. Over the last few years aerobics has become popular with young girls and women. Aerobics helps them to be slim, healthy and strong. The interest for it greatly increased thanks to Jane Fonda, a prominent American actress, the founder of this kind of sport. This woman may serve as an impressive example of inexhaustible health, cheerfulness and beauty. Being a great enthusiast of aerobics she has been trying to initiate many women all over the World into this sport. Among indoor games which one can go in for all the year round are billiards, table tennis, draughts, chess, of course. The results of chess tournaments are studied and discussed by enthusiasts in different countries. So we have all grounds to say that sport is one of the things that makes people kin. 3. Ответить на вопросы 1. What are people all over the world fond of? 2. What unites people of every nationality? 3. Why do people prefer to be out of town on a frosty sunny day? 4. What are the most popular outdoor winter sports? 5. What opportunities for sports does summer afford? 6. What game takes the first place in public interest? 7. When do many people indulge in boxing, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics? 8. Who goes in for calisthenics? 9. Why is chess the great international game? 4. Чтение и перевод текста. Пересказ. SPORT Sport is very popular among people in all the countries of the world. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organised and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in forskiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, basketball, body-building etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport swimming-pools, skatingrinks, football fields. 17 But, of course, one have to pay for these services. Sport is paid much attention to in our schools and colleges. Physical training is a compulsory subject. Different sports and games are popular with my classmates. All my friends go in for different kinds of sport, such as water sports (that is swimming, sailing, rowing), weightlifting, boxing, football, basketball, volleyball etc. Physical training lessons at our college are held out-of-doors in summer. When it is cold outside the lessonsare held indoors in our college gymnasium. Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our country. In the city where I live, there are different sport societies, clubs and sport schools. Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our country, but gymnastics and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity. The most popular kinds of sports in the United States are baseball, basketball and American football. In England popular kinds of sports are golf and rugby. Englishmen like football too. It is their national kind of sports. 5. Ответить на вопросы по тексту. 1. Why do people all over the world are fond of sports and games? 2. What are summer sports and what are winter sports? 3. What kind of sports are popular with your friends? 4. Do you have to pay for sports facilities, such as stadiums, swimming pools and tennis courts? 5. What can you say about physical training lessons at your college? 6. What kinds of sport are most popular in our country? 7. What are the sports organisations in our country? 8. What are the most popular kinds of sport in America and England? 9. What other American or English kinds sports do you know? 10.Are American football and baseball popular in Russia? Why and why not? 6. Составить монологическое высказывание по теме: «Как я отношусь к спорту»(на примере любого вида спорта) 18 7. Тема: Здоровье 1. Активизация лексики в речи учащихся, диалогическая речь to catch a cold, a scarlet fever, to suffer from, to sound one’s heart, to examine, tonsillitis, to recover after illness, to be a chain-smoker, to take one’s temperature, a sore throat, to have a running nose, cough, a toothache, to prescribe medicine, to have one’s chest x-rayed. 2. Заполните таблицу: names of diseases people can doctors can 3. Answer the questions. T:a. When does one go to see the doctor? (When he feels bad, complains of smth, suffers from a headache, a heartache etc.) b. What infectious diseases do you know? (AIDS, the flu, diphtheria, tonsillitis…) с. Who discovered the first antibiotic-penicillin? (Alexander Fleming) d. What are the symptoms of the flu? (A high temperature, a sore throat, a running nose, a stuffed-up nose, a headache, Sneeze…) e. What examination do the doctors give if you are ill? (They feel our pulse, test our blood pressure, take our temperature etc.) f. Why do doctors recommend their patients to stay in bed for some time? (P1. they can recover quicklyP2. some other people can catch disease if it is infectious.) g. Where do we get the medicine which the doctors prescribe? (At the chemist’s) h. Can you name any diseases that modern drugs can not cure? (AIDS, cancer) i. How long does it usually take you to recover after the flu? (About a week or more) 4. Необходимо выстроить текст в логической последовательности. To be healthy is very important. You can work, learn and have fun only when you are healthy. Health is the man’s greatest wealth. People in all times understood how important food is. To be healthy you need vitamins and fibre. You should eat fruit and vegetable. The English say “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It is because apples have vitamins and are good for your health. The most important vitamin is vitamin С. You can find it in lemons, oranges and even in cabbage. You can find fibre in plants. But if you eat fruit and vegetables, it does not mean that you keep to a healthy diet. There are things you should not eat much. They are chocolate, pasta, cakes and sweets. They have much fat and sugar. This food gives a lot of energy. If you do not work it out, it becomes fat in your body. 19 If you eat sweet and fat food from time to time, you have to exercise regularly. Маnу peoplе jog, walk or cycle in their free time. Physical exercises help you keep fit, have a good gait and figure. They also help you lose weight and work out energy. It is not good to be as thin as a stick, but extra weight can cause serious problems, such as heart problems and diabetes. There are a lot of advertisements both on TV and in newspapers of different pills and drops which can help you become slim and slender in two weeks. But I know that to take medication without a doctor’s control is dangerous. Also I know that pills can not work a miracle. There are also some bad habits, which can ruin your health. They are smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. My parents do not smoke, and I do not smoke, either. I think these bad habits ruin health and show your weak character. Nowadays it becomes more and more popular to be healthy and slim. Yet everyone has to decide what he can do to be healthy. What do you do? 5.Чтение и полное понимание текста. «A VISIT TO THE DOCTOR» Once an old gentleman came to consult a doctor. «What do you complain of?»– asked the doctor. «You see, doctor, my nervous system is in a bad state. I have a heartache, often headache and my sleep isn’t good. Sometimes I cannot sleep all night long.» The doctor examined the patient very carefully and said:«Your treatment will be very simple, is other words it will be a rest-cure. You should go to a quiet place in the village for a month and have an active rest there: get up early, do morning exercises, have breakfast and go for a walk. You should walk much, go to the forest for fresh air, eat much fruit and vegetables and drink milk before going to bed. And you can smoke only one cigarette a day.» A month later the gentleman came to see the doctor again. «How are you?» – asked the doctor. «I am quite well now,» –answered the patient – «I’ve done everything that you recommended me, doctor. I strictly followed all your orders. I walked much, ate much fruit and vegetables and drank milk before going to sleep. But one cigarette a day almost killed me.» «But why?» –asked the doctor. «It’s not a joke to begin smoking at my age, I had never smoked before.»–answered the gentleman. 20 6. Решение кроссворда. Задание для групп. T: Let’s finish our lesson with doing a crossword connected with parts of body and health. Across: 4. You use your__________ to listen to music. 5. Lifting weights makes you____________. 6. Good food and exercise help you stay___________. 9. You use your__________ to watch a game. 10. Candy, potatoes, chips and hamburgers are called________foods. 12. The dentist extracted a bad_________. 14. Exercising in water____________. Down: 1. What makes your body parts move? 2. Doing something by yourself. 3. Use your_________ to kick a ball. 6. Running and swimming are good for your . 7. In winter we spend much time__________the skating rink. 8. It is a sport with rackets_______. 11. You use your________ to throw a ball. 13. What are you complaining__________? 21 8. Тема: Как держать себя в форме. 1. Активизация лексики в речи учащихся, диалогическая речь The beginning of the lesson. Teacher: Today we are going to discuss the most important problem of our life - our health. Why is this problem the most important nowadays? What’s your opinion? -There are a lot of different diseases; -Unfortunately, about 80% of pupils lеаving school have health problems. -Choosing of the motto. People of different nations have proverbs about health which underline the importance of health. Let’s remember some of them: 1. Early to bed early to rise. 2. Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 3. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. 4. You are what you eat. 5. Eat to live, not live to eat. What proverb can we choose as a motto of our lesson? Учащиеся выбирают девиз урока. Teacher: Our health depends on different things. What are they? Speech drills. Bad habits. -They are: our habits, the food we eat, physical activity. Teacher: Let’s begin with our habits. First name bad habits. - eating lots of sweets - eating between meals - snacking - skipping breakfast - smoking - taking drugs - physical inactivity - sleeping too much or too little Teacher: How do bad habits influence our health? Pupils: - they could lead to diseases -lead to obesity -such habits as taking drugs, drinking alcohol or smoking are really deadly and could be cause of death -eating between meals, snaking, skipping breakfast, sleeping too little or too much are indicative of chaotic lifestyle Good habits. Teacher: On the contrary good habits promote our health. What are they? Pupils: Eating healthy food, regular meals, sleeping 7-8 hours, doing morning exercising, playing sport. 22 Teacher: So, to stay healthy for a long time we should have good habits and to avoid bad ones. Do you have any bad habits? Do you try to give them up? What good habits do you have? Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя. Eating habits. Teacher: Now let’s discuss another thing which influences our fit – the food we eat. «We are what we eat» the proverb says. Pupils, what food do you prefer to eat? 2.Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы. Teacher: Pupils, are you sure that food you usually eat is good for your health? Listen to Dr. Amy Murphy’s lecture about healthy eating and answer what food is good for our health. Unknown words: Balanced diet Contain Carbohydrates Pasta Stomach Vitamins Minerals 3.Учащиеся слушают текст первый раз. Затем они получают текст лекции с пропущенными словами, которые они вписывают во время второго прослушивания. (Пропущенные слова даны курсивом). Проверка понимания – учащиеся зачитывают вставленные слова. Текст для аудирования: In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet– in other words, food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food. These groups are protein, fat, and carbohydrates. You find protein in lots of food, for example meat, fish, nuts, cheese and milk. It helps your body to grow and to be healthy and it gives you energy. Fat gives you energy but don’t eat a lot – it’s bad for you. There are a lot of fatty foods that come from animals, for example milk, cheese, butter and meat. Carbohydrates give you more than 70% of your energy.Bread, pasta, cereals, fruits, and vegetables such as potatoes and cabbage all contain lots of carbohydrates. Fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts, brown bread all have fibre. It doesn’t give you energy but it fills your stomach when you are hungry. There are many different vitamins and minerals. They help our body be healthy. You can get all your vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables. 23 4. Используя текст, учащиеся заполняют таблицу: From For Carbohydrates Protein Fat Fibre Vitamins A B C D Minerals Calcium (Ca) Iron (Fe) 5. Работа в группах: учащиеся группами выводят правила здорового питания. Teacher: working in groups make «Eating rules» For example:eat regular don’t skip breakfast don’t eat between meals eat whole meal bread instead of white eat high fibre food eat low fat food eat more fruit and vegetables and less sweet Physical activity. Teacher:Now let’s discuss our physical activity. What does it mean? -doing morning exercises -playing sport -spending a lot of time in the open air. Do you do morning exercises? Do you go in for sport? There are different kinds of sport, name them. Pupils: boxing, tennis, running, potholing, mountaineering, windsurfing, parachuting, trampolining, figure skating, skiing, horse riding and so on. There are some kinds of sport on the blackboard: jogging, mountaineering, windsurfing, parachuting, trampolining, figure skating, skiing, tennis, horse riding, potholing, running. 6. Учащиеся составляют диалоги, сравнивая различные виды спорта в соответствии со своими вкусами и пристрастиями. 24 7. Чтение диалога, который составляют учащиеся: P1:What’s your favorite sport, ……? P2:Well, I like most sports, but I suppose I like football most of all. Like most people. P1:Yes, I suppose football most popular sport. Personally, I don’t like football. I don’t enjoy competitive sports. I like cycling and horse riding. P2:Isn’t horse riding very expensive? P1:Yes, it’s more expensive than cycling. P2:I think horse riding is the most expensive sport. What do you think is the most tiring sport? P1:Well, horse riding is very tiring. P2:Do you think it’s more tiring than, say, tennis? P1:Oh, yes, I’m exhausted after I’ve been horse riding. What do you think is the most dangerous sport? P2:I think hanggliding is very dangerous. P1:Well, that’s what many people think. But you know, there are more accidents to do with windsurfing than there are with hanggliding. P2:I didn’t know that. Which is the most difficult sport, in your opinion? P1:How about climbing? I think climbing is very hard. P2:Well, I think skiing is more difficult than climbing. P1:No, I don’t agree. Climbing looks incredibly difficult. P2:And what do you think is the most exciting sport? P1:Well, tennis, I think. What about you? P2:It has to be motor racing. Motor racing is the most exciting sport for me. Teacher: Now, pupils, you know what to do to keep fit and to be healthy. Tell me, please, what do you do to promote your health. 25 9. Тема: Знаменитые спортсмены 1.Словарная работа Go to the black-board and correct mistakes: th [Ө] ahthlitics (athletics) ch [tς] khampeon (chempion) ee [i:] kiip fit (keep fit) o [u:] lase (lose) ss[ς] prafeseonal (professional) 2. Активизация лексического материала Michael Schumacher – Germany – Formula 1 Yelena Isinbayeva – Russia – athletics Inna Zhukova – Belarus – gymnastics Christiano Ronaldo – Portugal – football Vitaly Klitschko – Ukraine – boxing 3. Подготовить реферат и презентацию по теме: «Известные спортсмены» 26 10. Тема: Город, деревня, инфраструктура 1. Чтение текста по теме занятия MY NATIVE TOWN I was born in a big city. It is an industrial and commercial centre of a large region. There are some big plants and factories there. The prosperity of our city comes from its varied industry in which electronics is the strongest. The industrial part of it is situated in the suburbs. The city is a centre of the students’ life. There are several institutes, the University and hundreds of schools and colleges, where the children get perfect knowledges. We are be proud of our University because many well-known people, scientists, writers, musicians, politics, and others studied there. Of course there are many nurseries and kindergartens for children under six. The city is situated on the both sides of the river. Its banks are very picturesque. Some bridges join different parts of the city together. The transport is very heavy and often it is rather difficult to get on the other bank of the river, because the bridges are overcrowded with cars and buses. The city is old enough. Its history was difficult and sometimes bloody as the history of all Russian towns. Fortunately most of the historical buildings and places have been kept or reconstructed. The buildings of the University, the Opera House, the Museum of Natural History, the Central Market, the churches and some hospitals are old enough to be called»historical places». They are very beautiful and magnificent. The inhabitants show them proudly to the visitors. In the city there is a large railway station, modern airport and the port on the river, so everyone can imagine how many visitors we get every day. The centre of the city is smart indeed. There are several modern skyscrapers, some fine hotels, the Art Gallery, the Theatre, a big marketplace, a range of shops, restaurants, cafes, nightclubs. During the past few years the new office buildings made of steel and glass have appeared in every part of the city. There are several lovely parks and public gardens in our city where the citizens like to spend their time of leisure. Of course they are very attractive in spring and summer. We have also a few comfortable beaches. Crowds of citizens go there almost every summer day when the weather is extremely hot. 2.Прочтите и переведите текст. MY NATIVE TOWN Among other biggest cities of the world my native town is very small and it is rather difficult to find it on the map, but it has a great meaning for me because it is the place where I was born, where I’ve got my first impressions of life, its beauties and sorrows. I was born in a small provincial town in the heart of Russia. It has a long and great history for as it often happens small towns always get the strongest blows during the wars. Some centuries ago the town was ruined and most of its inhabitants were killed, but it later it was reconstructed and started a new life. 27 In spite of all the misfortunes several very old houses in its centre and a beautiful ancient wooden church have been kept. It was rather difficult, because many churches were destroyed during the past 20th century. Nowadays the town is constantly growing. The streets has become wider, many modern beautiful buildings have appeared. In the centre there are some new offices of big Russian and foreign firms, the Administration Building, the cinema, the theatre, two restaurants and some small cafes. The streets in small towns and villages are usually rather narrow and not very long. In summer they are green, fresh and shadowy. In winter they are white with snow. But in every season and in every weather they are quiet and almost empty. 3. Чтение и перевод текста. Составить пересказ. People are always wondering whether the country or the city is the ideal place to live. If there is one preference-which I take leave to make a conclusion-then it is the country rather than the city that provides people with optimal living conditions. There widespread testimonies for it and the primary ones are listed as follows. The foremost reason for dwelling in the countryside is the soothing and comfortable life provided by the pastoral view. Hardly anyone could resist the clean atmosphere, the friendly neighbors, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living. Those who have enjoyed the first cock crow in the morning, the twittering of birds in the tress and the breathtaking sight of the rising sun would go into rapture at only mere mention of the idyllic life. Relaxed and suburban dwellers are able to hold a more positive attitude for life and achieve more accomplishment. Oppositely, the obvious things brought about by noisy and flashy city life are more pressure and forever-lasting anxiety, agonizing and torching people mind day in and day out. Another subtle explanation rests on the fact that country habitants are fortunate enough to enjoy the cozy and pleasant ambience of the family without exhausting social life. How satisfactory and refreshing it must be to have dinner together with your loved ones in the spacious and pastoral surroundings after a frustrating day! Furthermore, nothing can be compared with the joy of watching heart warming TV programs, playing convivial games and sleeping in the tranquil and relaxing atmosphere. On the contrary, it would be far more difficult to acquire such pleasure for those urbanites. Consecutive and excessive recreations not only thrift money but also deteriorate people»s health, which is the last thing one would like to encounter. Naturally, it is possibly to reckless to assert that nothing beneficial combines with city life since several accompanying merits also come along with it. Living in the metropolis means having more accesses to various people involved in multiple attractive cultures. Living in the metropolis also provides plentiful opportunities, both in career and studies. Nevertheless, the fact that city life makes it more convenient to purchase a job does not prevent us from concluding that country life is more enjoyable as well as healthful and placing a certain amount of reliance on the notion that country life is always the sensible choice. 4. Составить рассказ о своем городе. Тема «Город» является одной из основных при изучении английского языка. Школьникам, абитуриентам, студентам требуется овладеть необходимым лексическим минимумом, уметь рассказывать о городах стран изучаемого языка, например: 28 Великобритании (London, Liverpool, Bath, Edinburgh, Glasgow, etc), США (Washington, New-York, San-Fransisco, Chicago, etc.), Канады (Toronto, Quebec, Montreal, etc), Австралии (Sydney, Canberra), Новой Зеландии (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, etc), и родной страны: о Москве, Санкт-Петербурге и обязательно о родном городе или деревне. Последняя тема предусмотрена для самостоятельной работы. Каждый город, село, деревня – неповторимы. В них есть что-то свое, уникальное, что не поддается трафаретным описаниям. Ниже представлены образцы текстов «Мой родной город». Рассказывая о городе, надо сосредоточить внимание слушателя на достопримечательностях, которые есть только в вашем городе, упомянуть о названиях улиц, площадей, парков, вокзалов, аэропортов, театров и кинотеатров. 29 11. Тема: Село 1. Life in Town and in the Country. Ex.1 Look through the words. Read out a) positive adjectives, b) negative adjectives. Crowded, noisy, quiet, polluted, clean. Ex.2 Which of them can you use to speak about life a) in town b)in a village E.g. Towns are noisy. Ex.3 Look at the pictures. Compare life in town and in a village. Ex.4 Where do people spend more time in the open air: in town or in a village? Why? Is it good or bad? Ex.5 Divide into 2 teams. Team 1 is FOR life in town. Team 2 is AGAINST life in town. Who can give more arguments? Every time begin with one of the phrases. 1-st argument: 2-nd argument: - I think/believe/suppose - I see your point, but… - In my opinion - I agree with you about that, but... - As far as I know/understand - On the one hand you are right, - As I see it but on the other hand… Disagreement: I can’t agree with you here 30 As for me I am sure that… I’m afraid you’re mistaken Ex.6 Match the paragraphs (A- D) with the ideas 1- 4: Introduction Arguments for living in the country Arguments against living in the country Conclusion A Air in the country is clean, there are many forests and fields in the country. People can spend much time in the open air. It’s very good for health. They work outside and spend their free time outdoors. That’s why country people are stronger and healthier, than people in towns and cities. They are kinder and friendlier too. People in the country know who lives the next door and can always help each other. B So it’s good to live in a village but on the other hand there are some problems. I am an energetic and active person. I am outgoing and enjoy going to different places. It’s great to spend some time in the country in summer playing, swimming and riding a bike with your friends. In the rest of the time I prefer to live in town. C We live on planet Earth. It’s big and beautiful. There is much blue water and there is land too. People live on the continents. Some of them live in towns. Others live in villages. D But there are not many places to work in the country. There is only one school in a village. There are no buses or trams and you have to walk a lot. Sometimes it’s not very good, when the weather is rainy or cold. The roads are dirty and you can’t wear nice shoes. There are not many things to do in the country in rainy weather. It can be boring. Ex.7.Put the paragraphs in the logic order. Ex.8. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with the phrases: 1. I believe 2. As for me 3. on the one hand 4. in my opinion 5. I think 6. too 7. As far as I understand 8. As I see it 9. because 10. on the other hand 11. but 12. I suppose We live on planet Earth. It’s big and beautiful. There is much blue water and there is land too. People live on the continents. Some of them live in towns. Others live in villages. 31 Air in the country is clean, (1)… there are many forests and fields there. People can spend much time in the open air. (2)…it’s very good for health. They work outside and spend their free time outdoors. That’s why country people are stronger and healthier, (3)…, than people in towns and cities. They are kinder and friendlier too (4)…. People in the country know who lives next door and can always help each other. But (5)… there are not many places to work in the country. There is only one school in a village. There are no buses or trams and you have to walk a lot. Sometimes it’s not very good, when the weather is rainy or cold. The roads are dirty and you can’t wear nice shoes. (6)… there are not many things to do in the country in rainy weather (7)… . It can be boring (8). So (9)… it’s good to live in a village but on the other hand there are some problems. (10)… I am an energetic and active person. I am outgoing and enjoy going to different places. (11)… it’s great to spend some time in the country in summer playing, swimming and riding a bike with your friends. (12)… in the rest of the time I prefer to live in town. Ex.9. Compare your variant and the variant your partner has. Ex.10.Write down your essay about life in town. Ex.11. Translate into English: 1. Мой родной город был основан во время царствования Николая I. 2. Первое укрепление на месте современного Сочи было названо в честь императрицы Александры. 3. Во время Великой отечественной войны немецкие войска дважды захватывали наш город. 4. Мягкий климат и плодородные земли всегда привлекали захватчиков на берега Кубани. 5. Современный Новороссийск — это крупнейший портовый город на побережье Черного моря. Ex 12. Answer the following questions: 1. Do you study in your hometown or you just live here while studying? 2. Do you like the city where you study? Why and why not? 3. Do you know the history of your hometown? 4. When was your hometown founded? 5. Do you know any famous people who were born in your hometown? 6. What are the places of interest in your hometown? 7. What is your favourite place in your hometown? 32 12. Тема: Инфраструктура 1. Введение в тему. T: What’s the weather like today? P1: T: Great! And what season is coming? P2: T: Right you are. Look at the board, summer is coming. And what are your associations with the word “summer”? P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся проговаривают свои ассоциации со словом “лето”) T: That’s right. People usually travel in summer. So, today we are going to speak about travelling. Please, look at the board and read the saying. (The world is the book. And those who do not travel read only one page) What do you think about it? P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся высказывают своё мнение по поводу предложенной цитаты). 2. Постановка цели и задач урока T: So, today we are going to make a plan of travelling. What points should we mention to make a plan? P1: P2: P3: (на основе высказываний учащихся составляем “паучок»с основными аспектами путешествия: куда? на чем? что взять? чем заняться?) T: Well done! 3. Активизация лексики: Страны T: Let’s start with the countries. What countries do you know? P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся называют известные им страны) T: Great, you know so many countries. Look at the board, please. Where can you see and visit these things? (Работа со слайдами) P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся смотрят на слайды и проговаривают фразы) Вещи в дорогу T: Fine. And what things should we take? Work in groups of four. There are a lot of different things on the desks, choose only those you need and call them. P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся в группах подходят к столам, на которых разложены различные предметы, их задача: отобрать необходимые для путешествия вещи, сложить их в дорожные сумки и прокомментировать свой выбор) T: Well done! Take your seats. Транспорт T: And how can we travel? P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся называют различные виды транспорта). T: That’s great. You have sheets of paper on your desks, please, take them. You’ll listen to the sounds of transport means and match the picture and the word. Is the task clear for you? Рисунок.1 33 P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся работают с бланками задания: прослушав звуки разных видов транспорта, соотносят иллюстрацию и слово, затем выполняют проверку у доски и проговаривают грамматическую структуру) Рисунок.1 Глаголы-действия T: Thanks a lot. Look at the board, please. Pronounce the verbs. Let’s sing a song and show the activities. P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся проговаривают глаголы по слайду, поют песню с этими глаголами и выполняют указанные действия в качестве физ.минутки) 4. Составление описания T: Well done, my dear friends! Now make a circle, please. We are going to speak about our travelling. Look at the board. What is the country? P1: T: Right you are. It’s China. We will pronounce the sentences one by one and hold hands. I’ll start. P1: P2: P3: (на слайде дано описание путешествия в иллюстрациях, учащиеся встают в круг, каждый проговаривает предложение по опорным картинкам и берет за руку своего соседа, в итоге получается рассказ о путешествии в Китай; таким образом 34 отрабатываются все изученные ЛЕ грамматические структуры и происходит снятие напряжения за счет рукопожатий) T: That’s great. You may take your seats. 5. Групповая работа T: Let’s work in groups. Each group has an envelop. You can see a plan of travelling, a list of basic words and some pictures (a flag and sightseeing) there. Complete your plan. P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся работают в группах, в конверте каждой группы флаг определенной страны и 2-3 достопримечательности, задача каждой группы дополнить план описания путешествия необходимой лексикой, члены других групп не должны видеть иллюстраций) T: Are you ready? Let’s check then. Read out your plans but don’t name the countries, other groups should guess them. P1: P2: P3: (представители каждой группы зачитывают свои описания, не проговаривая названия стран, члены других групп должны по описанию догадаться, о каких странах идет речь) Рисунок 2 35 6. Индивидуальная работа T: Great! Now you are ready to make the plan of travelling yourself. Choose any country you like and write down the plan. You can use the list of basic words. Рисунок.3 P1: P2: P3: (учащиеся работают индивидуально, пишут план путешествия в определенную страну по желанию, по необходимости пользуясь опорными схемами) T: Well done, my friends! At home you can draw up your plans. Be creative! Рисунок 3 7. Достопримечательность Москвы. THE KREMLIN The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. It is the oldest historical and architectural centre of Moscow. First it was a wooden fortress. Under Dmitry Donskoythe Kremlin was built of white stone. During the reignof Ivan III the walls of white stone were replaced by new red brick walls and towers. The Tsar invited Italian architects to construct the cathedrals. The Assumption Cathedral was built in 1475-1479 and all Russian Tsarsand Emperorswer crowned t h e r e . The Archangel Cathedral was the burial place of the Russian Princesand Tsars. The Annunciation Cathedral was built in 1484.It is famous for the icons painted by Andrey Rublev and his apprentices. Ivan the Great is the Bell Tower, one of the most remarkable structures of the 16-th century. It rises in the centre of the Kremlin. It unites all the Kremlin Cathedrals into a majestic ensemble. On the stone pedestal at the foot of the Bell Towerthere is a Tsar-Bell — the largest bell in the world. N o tfar from it one can see a Tsar-Cannon. Another fine example of Russian architecture is the Faceted Palace. It was built in 148791. One of the well-known Kremlin museums is the Armoury Chamber. It was built in 36 1851. The famous golden cap of Monomach, the first Russian imperial crown of Catherine II, made of gilt silver and many other precious historical items are exhibited there. 13. Тема: Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология) 1. Повторение изученного ранее. It’s warm in the classroom. And what is the weather like today? Look through the window! It’s cold today. The weather is frosty. What season is it? Is it autumn, spring, winter or summer? Pupils: It’s winter. Right. I like winter. It is cold and sometimes frosty in the street. There is much snow. Do you like to play snowballs? What can you do in winter? What seasons do you know? What is your favourite season? Is it cold/warm/hot/windy…in…? Children, there are 4 seasons in Russia. Our climate is temperate continental. But in our planet there are many other countries with other climates. These climates are: polar, tundra, cool temperate, warm temperate, desert, monsoon and tropical ones. There are many different disasters: flood, fire, sand storm, drought, hurricane. 2. Формирование лексических навыков говорения 1) Ознакомление с названиями климатов. Our planet is big. There are many countries on it. There are hot, cold, wet and dry countries. Now, children, let’s have a trip. We are going to visit some countries and see what the weather like there. You should fill in these cards of travelers. Презентация “Countries and climates” (Слайд №1). Слайд №2. The route of our tour. We are going to visit Greenland, Great Britain, Spain, Egypt, India and Brazil. Let’s go there by plane. Слайд 3. Have a good trip! Слайд №4. Greenland has a polar climate. The winters are very cold (-40°C) with dry winds. The summers are short and cool (+8°C). Слайд №5. In Great Britain it is a cool temperate climate. They have rain almost all the year. The weather is foggy and wet. The summers are warm (+20°C) and winters are not cold (3°C).There are often floods. Слайд №6. Spain has a warm temperate climate. It is very hot and dry weather in summer (+40°C). There are a lot of forest fires. The winter is not cold (+6°C) but warm and wet. Sometimes it rains. Слайд №7. Egypt is in a desert climate. There is very little rain. It is very hot during the day (+52°C) but at night it gets very cold (- 2°C). Sometimes they have sand storms. Слайд №8. India is in a monsoon climate. There are two seasons – a wet season and dry one. They have rains from June to October (+16°C). There is a dry season from October till May (+40°C). There are often droughts. Слайд №9. Brazil is in a tropical climate. It is always hot and wet. The temperature is usually 25°C. There is a lot of rain all the year. Sometimes they have hurricanes. 37 3.Чтение и перевод текста Погода и Климат Funny weather we are having' is a statement of the obvious we have used for generations as a greeting. When the deep cold lasts long and heavy snow and blizzards give us the shivers we replace «funny» with something stronger, such as «terrible», «ghastly». At times like these people ask what is happening to the weather. So we go to the experts, who tells us, in language appropriate to the subject, what happened yesterday, what is happening today, and what might happen in the next few years. Weather and climate specialists all over the world have amassed a vast quantity of information. They can describe what is happening around us. With satellites they can forecast more accurately what might happen in the immediate future. Their research has produced evidence of why past climatic changes took place. There have been many climate fluctuations over the 10,000 years since Britain was last covered with an ice sheet. Advances and retreats of ice in the northern hemisphere during the past 500,000 years can be accounted for by changes in the warmth from the Sun. Not long ago a new theory was published in the science journal «Nature». According to Dr. Garry Hunt, of University College, intense radiation from the nuclear explosion of a nearby supernova - a star - could cause the destruction of part or all of the ozone layer and in this way trigger an ice age. As for me, I like Autumn best of all. The days become shorter and the nights longer. It isn't so hot in the day-time. The trees are covered with yellow and red leaves. At the end of summer apples, pears, plums and other fruit become ripe. In the South there are many oranges, peaches and tangerines. Autumn is pleasant when it does not rain. Truly speaking, Autumn is a rainy season of the year. When it rains the weather is nasty. The sky is covered with heavy clouds. It drizzles. It is muddy and wet. 4. Самостоятельная работа. Применение минипроекта «Climates of the world». новых знаний при оформлении Исходя из количества учащихся, образуем творческие группы. Задание каждой группе – оформить коллаж одного из климатов. Учащиеся выбирают один конверт с буквами и складывают название климата, затем из раздаточного материала выбирают характерные для данного климата картинки с изображением погодных явлений и природных бедствий. В раздаточный материал также входят шесть характеристик климатов, но с пропущенными словами, которые нужно вставить. Студенты подбирают материал, оформляют свои коллажи, вывешивают на доску, таким образом, получается выставка «Климаты мира». 38 14. Тема: Погода 1.Чтение и перевод текстов. Текст 1. The Weather in England The English say, «Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather». It happens because the weather changes more often than in other countries. British winters are mild and springs are cool because of the winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean. They blow 2 days out of every 3. In spring sunshine and showers follow each other so often during the day that an umbrella or a raincoat is absolutely necessary in England. The weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forecast. It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong. The weather in spring is generally mild but sometimes the days are really fresh. Spring is the season when nature awakens from its long winter sleep: the temperature grows, the sky becomes blue, and the sun grows warmer. Everything is full of new life again. The days grow longer and warmer; the ground gets covered with green grass. Summer is the hottest season in England. The sunrays become hot, the days are long, and the nights are short and warm. It's time for holidays, when people go to the seaside for sunbathing and swimming. It usually gets hot in July. The summer nights are short, but they are wonderful. As for autumn it isn't so nice. It's a season of winds and beautiful sunsets. The leaves turn yellow and reddish and fall to the ground and the birds migrate to warm countries. In autumn the days become shorter. A spell of sunny weather in September is called Indian summer or «Golden Autumn». In England September and October are warm and dry, but November is the foggiest month. Late autumn is generally an unpleasant season. Everything begins to take a different colour. The trees look bare. The flowers have faded away. The sky is overcast with low clouds. Everything looks gloomy. In winter in England they can hardly forecast their weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows. In England it isn't so cold in winter as in our country and they don't get so much snow as we get here in Ukraine. The rivers in England never freeze, that's why children there go skating very seldom. When there are 8 degrees of frost in England everyone complains of hazards. Текст 2. The Weather in England The weather in England is very changeable. A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening. And a nasty morning can change into a fine afternoon. That is why it is natural for the English to use the comparison «as changeable as the weather»of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. «Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather». This statement is often made by the English to describe the meteorological conditions of their country. The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon, or when it rains all day long. The weather is the favorite conversational topic in England. When two Englishmen meet, their first words will be «How are you?» And after the reply «Very well, thank you; how are you?» the next remark is almost certain to be about the weather. When they go abroad the 39 English often surprise people of other nationalities by this tendency to talk about the weather, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting. The best time of the year in England is spring (of course, it rains in spring, too). The two worst months in Britain are January and February. They are cold, damp, and unpleasant. The best place in the world then is at home by the fire. Summer months are rather cold and there can be a lot of rainy days. So most people, who look forward to summer holidays, plan to go abroad for the summer, to France or somewhere on the Continent. The most unpleasant aspects of the weather in England are fog and smog. Текст 3.Climate in Great Britain The British Isles which are surrounded by the ocean have an insular climate. There are 3 things that chiefly determine the climate of the United Kingdom: the position of the islands in the temperate belt; the fact that the prevailing winds blow from the west and south-west and the warm current — the Gulf Stream that flows from the Gulf of Mexico along the western shores of England. All these features make the climate more moderate, without striking difference between seasons. It is not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer. So, the British ports are ice-free and its rivers are not frozen throughout the year. The weather on the British Isles has a bad reputation. It is very changeable and fickle. The British say that there is a climate in other countries, but we have just weather. If you don't like the weather in England, just wait a few minutes. It rains very often in all seasons in Great Britain. Autumn and winter are the wettest. The sky is usually grey and cold winds blow. On the average, Britain has more than 200 rainy days a year. The English say that they have 3 variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon, and when it rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily, that they say»It's raining cats and dogs». Britain is known all over the world for its fogs. Sometimes fogs are so thick that it's impossible to see anything within a few meters. The winter fogs of London are, indeed, awful; they surpass all imagination. In a dense fog all traffic is stopped, no vehicle can move from fear of dreadful accidents. So, we may say that the British climate has three main features: it is mild, humid and very changeable. Текст 4.The Climate of Great Britain Great Britain is situated on islands. It is washed by seas from all sides. That's why the climate and the nature of Great Britain is very specific. The popular belief that it rains all the time in Britain is simply not true. In fact, London gets no more rain in a year than most other major European cities. Generally speaking, the further west you go, the more rain you get. The mild winters mean that snow is a regular feature of the higher areas only. The winters are in general a bit colder in the east of the country than they are in the west. While in summer, the south is slightly warmer and sunnier than the north. Besides Britain is famous for I fogs. Sometimes fogs are so thick that it is impossible to see anything within 2 or 3 metres. Why has Britain's climate got such bad reputation? Maybe it is for the same reason that British people always seem to be talking about the weather. There is a saying that Britain doesn't have a climate, it only has weather. You can never be sure of a fry day, though it may not rain very much altogether. There can be cool and even cold days in July and some quite warm days in January. 40 The weather changes very often. Mark Twain said about America: «If you like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes», but it is more likely to have been said about England. The lack of extremes is the reason why on the few occasions when it gets genuinely hot or freezing cold, the country seems to be totally unprepared for it. A bit of snow, a few days of frost and the trains stop. working and the roads are blocked. If the thermometer goes above 2ГС, people behave as if they were in Sahara and the temperature makes front-page headlines. These things happen so seldom that it is not worth organizing life to be ready for them. Everyone who comes to Great Britain says that it looks like one great beautiful park. The British people love their country and take care of it. Текст 5 The Climate of Great Britain The common ideas people have about the weather in Britain are: «It rains all the time, it's very damp»; «There's a terrible fog in London, just like in Sherlok Holmes», «The sun never shines in July or August». Britain has a variable climate. The weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forcast. It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong. Fortunately, as Britain does not experience extreme weather conditions, it is never very cold or very hot. The temperature rarely rises above 32°C (DOT) in summer, or falls below 10°C (14°F) in winter. Summers are generally cool, but due to global warming they are starting drier and hotter. Newspapers during a hot spell talk of «heatwaves» and an «Indian summer»(dry, hot weather in September and October). Hot weather causes terrible congestion on the roads as Britons rush to the coastal resorts. Winters are generally mild, with the most frequent and prolonged snowfalls in the Scottish Highlands, where it is possible to go skiing. If it does snow heavily in other parts of Britain, the country often comes to a standstill. Trains, buses and planes are late. People enjoy discussing the snow, complaining about the cold and comparing the weather conditions with previous winters. Contrary to popular opinion, it does not rain all the time. There is certainly steady rainfall throughout most of the year, but the months from September to January are the wettest. Thanks to the rain, Britain's countryside is famous for its deep green colour. Since the 1950's, most British cities have introduced clean air zones. Factories and houses cannot burn coal and must use smokeless fuel. The dirt caused by smoke used to cause terrible fogs, particularly in London. Such fogs are now a thing of the past, but you can still see them in old films where they add mystery and atmosphere to murder stories and thrillers. Текст 6. Климат и Природа Великобритании The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The south-western winds carry the warmth and moisture into Britain. The climate in Britain is usually described as cool, temperate and humid. British people say: «Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather.» The weather in Britain changes very quickly. One day may be fine and the next day may be wet. The morning may be warm and the evening may be cool. Therefore it is natural for the people to use the comparison «as changeable as the weather» of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in Britain. When two Englishmen are introduced to each other, if they can't think of any thing else to talk about, 41 they talk about weather. Every daily paper publishes a weather forecast. Both the radio and television give the weather forecast several times each day. So, we may say that the British climate has three main features: it is mild, humid and changeable. That means that it is never too hot or too cold. Winters are extremely mild. Snow may come but it melts quickly. In winter the cold is humid cold, not the dry one. This humid and mild climate is good for plants. The trees and flowers begin to blossom early in spring. Текст 7.Seasons & Weather Englishmen say «There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes», It means that they like all the seasons, all kinds of weather. Every season is good in its own way. Each person likes this or that season. It depends on his character, mood. They say that Pushkin liked autumn very much. This season is full of colours, bright and tasty. The sky is blue, but sometimes grey clouds appear. The sun shines but it begins to hide behind the clouds. Its rays are not so warm. Autumn is full of vegetables and fruit, mushrooms and berries. There is nothing like Indian summer in autumn. As for me, I like to walk on the carpet of bright leaves listen to the last songs of birds flying to warm countries, look at the nature. It is like a fairy-tale. It fades away and nothing can be done. Soon drizzling rains will begin and everything will be dull and sad. But still I like autumn. Winter in Razvilka is long and severe with dark nights, bitter wings and hard frosts. Even sometimes you can see a quiet winter frosty day. It is snowing. Fluffy soft snowflakes are falling to the ground making a beautiful thick carpet. The iceless glitter in the sun the snow sparkles like diamond. Going outdoors in such weather is pleasant. Many people go to the forests and enjoy tobogganing and skiing, playing snowballs and making a snowman. As for spring, people in Razvilka dream about it during long winter days. But spring is the beginning of new life. Nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The trees begin to bud and soon tiny green leaves will appear. Young green grass appear, fruit trees begin to blossom. Everything looks magic covered with green carpet. Nature looks full of promise. I like summer because we have holiday and enjoy resting after school year. In my opinion every season is beautiful and attractive. 42 15. Тема: Экология. Защита окружающей среды. 1. Активизация лексики в речи учащихся ancient — древний harmony — гармония environment — окружающая среда riches — богатства unlimited — неограниченный to interfere — вмешиваться to increase — увеличиваться, возрастать smoky — дымный enterprises — предприятия by-product — побочный продукт activity — деятельность to pollute — загрязнять substances — вещества oxigen — кислород rare — редкий destruction — разрушение ozone — озон layer — слой interaction — взаимодействие horrible — ужасный disaster — катастрофа to befall — пасть (на что-то) environmental pollution —загрязнение окружающей среды uncrowded — слабонаселенный rural— сельскохозяйственный pollution-causing — вызывающий загрязнение crowded — густонаселенный pollutants — отходы invention — изображение soil — грунт, земля existence — существование goods — товары fertilizer — удобрение pesticide — пестицид to grow — выращивать crops — сельскохозяйственные культуры to ruin — портить immediately — сразу, немедленно to reduce — уменьшить gradually — постепенно to pass a law — принять закон enterprise — предприятие to take measures — принять меры to persuade — убедить 43 activity — деятельность overpopulation — перенаселение to grow (past grew, p.p. grown) — расти, увеличиваться steadily — неуклонно, постоянно to increase — возрастать, увеличивать(ся); расти rate — темп; скорость to believe — верить natural resources — природные ресурсы to raise — повышать, увеличивать to get out of hand — выйти из-под контроля to consume — съедать, поглощать (о еде); потреблять electricity — электричество environment — окружение, окружающая среда to degrade — деградировать, ухудшаться, портиться, приходить в упадок violence — жестокость, насилие pollution — загрязнение coral reef — коралловый риф huge — большой, гигантский, громадный, огромный infrastructure — инфраструктура nutrient — питательный to prohibit — запрещать urgently — срочно abortion — искусственный аборт to remain — оставаться to double — удваивать 2. Тексты для чтения: Текст 1.ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up. The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises. The most horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people after the Chernobyl tragedy in April 1986. About 18 percent of the territory of Byelarus were also polluted with radioactive substances. A great damage has been done to the agriculture, forests and people’s health. The consequences of this explosion at the atomic power-station are tragic for the Ukrainian, Byelarussian and other nations. 44 Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken. Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries — members of the UNO — have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organisation Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment. But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations. 3. Ответить на вопросы: 1.How did people live for thousands of years? 2.What cities appear all over the world today? 3.What pollutes the air we breathe? 4.What is the result of the pollution the atmosphere? 5.Why is environmental protection of a universal concern? 6.What are the initial steps in this direction? 4. Аудирование текста Текст 2. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION People have always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in unсrowded rural areas and did not have pollution — causing machines. With the development of crowded industrial cities which put huge amounts of pollutants into small areas, the problem has become more important. Automobiles and other new inventions make pollution steadily worse. Since the late 1960’s people have become alarmed with the danger of pollution. Air, water, and soil are necessary for existence of all living things. But polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. On polluted soil, food can not be grown. In addition environmental pollution spoils the natural beauty of our planet. Pollution is as complicated as serious problem. Automobiles are polluting the air but they provide transportation for the people. Factories pollute the air and the water but they provide jobs for people and produce necessary goods. Fertilizers and pesticides are important for growing crops but they can ruin soil. Thus, people would have to stop using many useful things if they wanted to end pollution immediately. Most people do not want that of course. But pollution can be reduced gradually. Scientists and engineers can find the ways to reduce pollution from automobiles and factories. Government can pass the laws that would make enterprises take measures for reducing of pollution. Individuals and groups of people can work together to persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities. 5. Ответить на вопросы. 1. Why wasn’t pollution such a serious problem earlier? 2. When have people become alarmed with the danger of pollution? 45 3. What can environmental pollution cause? 4. Why is pollution a complicated problem? 5. Can pollution be stopped immediately? 6. What can, government and individuals do to reduce pollution? 6. Чтение, перевод и пересказ текста. Текст 3. OVERPOPULATION The world’s population is an important issue. For hundreds of thousands of years, the human population grew at a low but steadily increasing rate. Then, in less than last 200 years, the world population went from several hundreds of millions to more than 6 billion people. The Earth has certain limitations and in particular, there are limits to growth of things that consume the Earth resources. Many people believe that these resources, both the Earth and the human intellect are endless and population growth can continue and that there is no danger that we will ever run out of anything. Yet, many people had predicted catastrophic shortages of natural resources that would follow, because of continued population growth. Countries try not to raise this subject to the рublіс much, because they do not want to raise panic. Nowadays they have to do something about it before it gets out of hand. They try to censor it and sometimes lie. Do you know that the USA itself consumes 50 per cent of all electricity produced on the Earth? The population of the USA is just around 285 millions people. It is an interesting fact. Overpopulation is like a big magnifying glass making lit-, tie problems into big ones. Overpopulation is destroying our environment, lowering the standard of living, and generally degrading the quality of life. Overpopulation also causes more violence, environmental pollution that reflects on land degradation, tropical forest destruction, global warming and destruction of coral reefs. 6 billion member society has to get a huge food infrastructure, so society start producing genetically made food, which is cheaper than ordinary one but might reflect in the nutrient balance. For example, in China it is prohibited to have more than one child for a couple. There is a very dangerous situation in India. By the year 2025 its population might reach 1.5 billion people. The planet urgently needs population control. Birth control, abortion and quotas need to be supported, if the planet is to remain habitable in the long term. Every second five people are born and two people die, so there is a gain of three people. At this rate, the world population is doubling every 40 years and would be: 12 billions in 40 years, 24 billions in 80 years and 48 billions in 120 years. But the Earth could provide food only for 20 billions people. 7. Ответить на вопросы. 1. How many people live on the Earth today? 2. Why is overpopulation an important issue? 3. Does overpopulation hurt our environment? 4. Is it prohibited to have more than three children for a couple in China? 5. How much time does it take to double the Earth’s population? 6. How many people might live in India by the year 2025? 8.Высказать свое мнение об экологической обстановке (используя тексты) 46 9.Подготовить презентации по темам. (Экологические проблемы мира, экологические проблемы, загрязнение атмосферы, глобальные проблемы экологии) 16. Тема: Научно-технический прогресс. 1. Активизация лексики в речи учащихся computer, hardware, software, processor, device, keyboard, calculating machine, computerized economy, computer communication, e-mail, the Internet,»Microsoft», клавиатура, принтер, устройство, жёсткий диск, программное обеспечение, процессор, память, существенный, немедленно. 2. Работа с текстом. Чтение с целью поиска конкретной информации. As you know Bill Gates created the first software – the programs that help personal computers process different information. As founder of Microsoft Inc., he is now one of the richest men in America. Read the text and find the information about: - Bill Gates was active in his teenage years. - He and his friend developed disk operating system. - Bill Gates foresaw the significance of computers in the future. - Binary number system has only two digits. - Bill Gates’ predictions came true. Текст 1. Bill Gates, The Software King Most of the computers in the world use software invented by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Inc. of Redmond, Wash. Software is the set of programs that make computers – whether business or personal – perform various tasks. Gates was born in Seattle, Wash., in 1955. As a boy, he was bright and curious. He was active in Scouting, reaching Life Scout rank in Troop 186. He especially loved hiking, camping and other outdoor adventures. But Gates was obsessed with computers. While a student at Harvard University in 1975, Gates and a friend, Paul Allen, developed a computer language for an early version of the personal computer. Microsoft was born. Gates went on to develop operating systems, such as MS-DOS, and software programs. Thanks to Microsoft, Gates is now one of the richest men in America. He is worth more than $8 billion. A technical wizard and a fierce business competitor, Gates sees great things ahead for computers. He says they «are really going to change a lot of things in the world – the way we work, the way we play and entertain ourselves and even the way we are educated». Текст 2. The Binary Number System Early digital computers inspired by Howard Aiken’s Mark were huge, sometimes filling an entire room. That was because thousands of switches were needed to compute his binary number system. 47 In the binary number system, only two digits are recognized by the computer: 0 when a switch is off, and 1 when the switch is on. Different combinations of those two digits can represent thousands of letters and numbers. The binary number system is still used in today’s computers. The difference is that the thousands of electrical switches have been replaced by one tiny, solid-state chip that does the translations electronically. That’s why your computer only fills up part of your desk, not your whole bedroom. Текст 3. Computers in your Future Microsoft’s Bill Gates and other computer experts saw great things ahead. They said that in the next few years, you would be able to sit at your computer and see high-quality video sent from any place on earth. They predicted you would also have a wallet-size personal computer. With it you would be able to store photographs, pay bills, get the news, send messages, see movies and open locks with digital keys. At home on your TV-size PC you would be able to see and talk with friends in other states, get medical advice, check magazine articles and pictures in a far-off library and order a pizza. A computerized control system at home would regulate your lighting, temperature and security system. Big dreams? Are these dreams or facts? Perhaps. But engineers have done a lot to make it reality. To perform – выполнять Life Scout rank – пожизненный титул бойскаута Troop – отряд To be obsessed – быть одержимым Operating system – система функционирования Worth – обладающий Fierce – неистовый To inspire – вдохновлять Solid-state – твердый Wallet-size – величиной с бумажник Security system – система безопасности 3. Актуализация знаний: активизация знаний на основе текста. Scan the text «The Fundamentals: hardware and software» and find the equivalents of the following words: клавиатура, принтер, устройство, жёсткий диск, программное обеспечение, процессор, память, существенный, немедленно. A computer consists of a screen, a keyboard and a boxlike case with the «brains» of the system. For most tasks you’ll also need a printer and, perhaps, a pointing device called a mouse. This equipment is called hardware. By itself, hardware is like a cassette player without tapes. A computer needs programms, or software, which usually includes one or more computer discs and a printed instruction manual. 48 The price depends on the hardware’s brain power—the type of processor and the size of its memory. How much power do you need? That depends of the software you’ll use. In general, words and numbers demand less from a computer than pictures and sound. Sufficient power is important because a computer works in iteratively. With hardware that isn’t up to the job, you might have to wait 30 seconds for an on-screen the saurus to lookup a word. But with the right system then try would appear instantly. 4. Ознакомление с терминологией. Put each of the following words in its place in the passage below: software, computers, peripherals, calculator, ports, monitor, keyboard, configuration, hardware, printer. So you only have a pocket (1)_____to do addition, multiplication and soon, you want to know about real (2)_____? Right. Well, them achiness themselves are called the (3)_____ and the programs that you feed into them are called the (4)_____. If you want to see the results of what you are doing, you’ll need a (5)____or you’ll have to plug into a television set. You’ll operate your machine like a type writer by pressing keys on the (6)______. If you want to record on the paper of what you are doing, you’ll need a (7)______. On the rear panel of the computer there several (8)_______in to which you can plug a wide range of(9)______- modems,fax machines and scanners. Them a in physical units of a computer system are generally known as the(10) _____. The key: 1 calculator, 2 computers, 3 hardware, 4 software, 5 monitor, 6 keyboard, 7 printer, 8 ports, 9 peripherals, 10 configuration. 5. Аудирование и выполнение заданий по прослушанному. Audition. Exercise 1. Listen to the texts and answer the question «What is the computer of the future like as scientists predict?» Wearable Computers If you are hooked* on the computer and can’t tear* yourself from it, don’t worry. be able to wear it on your wrist,* in your glasses and even in your earings. The first wearable computers are already on sale though they are probably a bit bulgy* right now. Don’t be surprised if in a few years you’ll be putting on your socks and your computer each morning before go into work. Of course, you might not even have to leave the house. Scientists predict that in the future most of us will work from home. wearable -пригодный для носки, носимый на себе behooked on - быть привязанным к чему-либо, не представлять себе жизни без чего-либо tear – оторваться, отвлечься wrist – запястье bulgy – громоздкий 6. Listen to the text and prove the quotation «Computers have entirely entered our life». Some scientists say that without the computer the 21st century would be impossible. Computers today are running our factories, planning our cities, teaching our children and forecasting our future. The computer solves in seconds the problems a generation of 49 mathematicians would need months or years to solve without its help. The degree to which computers will take over human functions may frighten some people and astonish* others. Computers, like the telephone or electricity, have become a common thing of everyday life used by almost everybody.They have entered our home life. They help to make up a person’s shopping list, remind someone of important appointments and anniversaries and answer the telephone. We often hear that the increasing flood of information will be one of the problems of the 21st century. A computer may help to solve it too. In a computerized library of the future request for information will be answered instantly* and as fully as the user wants. The invention of computers, calculating machines, capable of processing information, cardinally changed our life. The computer performs very simple actions, but its advantage is the speed it calculates at. In fact the computer performs hundreds of thousands of operations per second. Computers are penetrating* all spheres of human activity, in many of them they have become indispensible,* They calculate orbits, guide spaceships and planes, calculate the targets* of economic development, play chess, help housewives to choose a menu. It’s hard to enumerate all the uses the computer may be put to. astonish – удивлять instantly – немедленно penetrate –проникать indispensible – незаменимый target -цель 7.Чтение с полным пониманием содержания и обсуждение прочитанного. Read the text and do the tasks. Not a «White Elephant» Gwen and her husband Tim live in a small town in Colorado in the USA. When Gwen was 77 years old and her husband was 84,their daughter gave the cast-off* computer and some software*. Gwen and Tim were not much interested in it and saw the gift as the proverbial* “white elephant”. Their first responses were “Don’t need one”. “Won’t use it”.I’m too old to learn”. In spite of their protest, their daughter left the computer with them. She also told them that the computer would make it possible for them to be in communication with her when she was on duty in London with her job, as well as with their grown children who live indifferent parts of the country. She explained to them how to use the computer, but they didn’t show any interest in it. Sometime later Gwen decided to try the computer. It was not easy. At first Gwen was afraid she would“break”the machine. She called her son-in-law and asked him some questions about using-mail. She learned the basics of computer communication sand learned to solve problems which a rise in the process of work with computer. After three months she could sende- mail to her children, a nephew,and any one she could reach. She is now so confident*in her abilities*that she is exploring*new ways of getting information with her computer. 50 Gwen says:“E-mail allows me to be in touch*with people every day. It allows me to communicate regularly with my son who has health problems. I don’t have to wait a certain time of day to call. I can send and receive messages at any time”. And Gwen has a right to brag*.When she goes to church or community social events and tells people about the computer, they are amazed*at the fact that she can learn something like that. She has learned a little terminology and can talk to people who know something about the computer. She conquered*the technology she didn’t think she would be able to learn. Now Gwen is planning to install*a modem*,join the Internet and explore the net. cast-off – ненужный,бросовый software – программное обеспечение proverbial – вошедший в поговорку,общеизвестный whiteelephant – дорогая,бесполезная вещь arise - подниматься confident - уверенный ability -способность explore -исследовать beintouch - контактировать brag- хвастаться amazed – удивлённый, изумлены conquer - покорять install – установить 8.Is there any information in the text? - concerning rules of sending e-mail? - how Gwen learned to use the computer? - showing that Gwen had a right to brag? - that Gwen learned a little terminology? - about the family of Gwen and Tim? - about their age? - about their town? - about computer games? 9. Find word combinations in the text which mean the following: их дочь оставила им компьютер, взрослые дети, они не проявили никакого интереса, основы компьютерной коммуникации, исследует новые способы получения информации через компьютер, регулярно общаться с сыном, отправлять и получать послания в любое время, немного терминологии, общественные события. 10.Retell the text using the following constructions: - The daughter of Gwen gave them…. - At that time Gwen was… and Tim was… - First Gwen and Tim… - In spite of their protest their daughter… - She told them… 51 - Sometime later… - She learned… - Now… 11. Find the words in the text which have the following meaning: 1. useless or unwanted 2. find the answer 3. feeling certain 4. examine in order to test 5. boast 6. surprised 7. science or art 12. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. 1)modema) a system that allows messages to be sent from one computer to another 2)softwareb) feeling certain 3)e-mail) a piece of electronic equipment that allows information to be sent from one computer to another 4)confidentd) a piece of news 5)hard diske) the study or use of computers and other electronic equipment 6)informationf) a part inside a computer that can store technology, information 7)messageg) the programmes that you put into computer to make them do the job they want 13.Join these split sentences. 1. Knowing how a) an electronic machine which is used to store to use the computer and organize information 2. The term «virtual reality»b) when your computer crashes 3. A computer is c) describes computer images which appear 4. Customers’ names and d) you should invite a specialist addresses are stored 5. More and more schools e) your computer can become obsolete are using multimedia 6. In only a few years f) as a teaching aid 7. It is very annoying g) is a useful skill 8. If you can’t fix f) on our data base your computer 14. Закрепление лексики. Русско-английский перевод. 1. Удобно пользоваться электронной почтой, чтобы контактировать с друзьями. 2. Благодаря компьютеру я могу получать и отправлять сообщения в любое время. 3. Компьютерная терминология не очень трудная. Многие слова пришли из английского языка. 4. Он интересуется компьютерами, знает, как ими пользоваться и владеет основами компьютерного общения. 5. Когда работаешь с компьютером, возникают проблемы, которые необходимо решить. 6. Мы купили компьютер только два года назад, и он уже устарел. 52 7. Интересно, он пользуется компьютером сейчас или пишет книги ручкой? 8. «Майкрософт» стала крупнейшей фирмой в мире, разрабатывающей программное обеспечение для компьютеров. 15.Дискуссия. Работа по индивидуальным заданиям. Discussion.Work in groups. Group 1. Advantages of computers 1. Computers give access to a lot of information. 2. Computers let you communicate very quickly by e-mail or using the Internet 3. Computers can do some tasks very quickly, for example, send off large number of letters or bills. 4. Computers make it possible to work at home. 5. Word processors make it easier to write letters and reports, and to do work for school or college. 6. Children enjoy using computers, and multimedia, interactive software and virtual reality make learning more exciting. Many books are now available on CD-ROMs. 7. Large amounts of information can be stored in a database. Group 2. Disadvantages of computers 1. Many people do not like using computers, and would prefer to deal with a person instead. 2. Computers can get viruses and damage software. 3. Software often have bugs, and sometimes computers fail and people lose all the work they had done. 4. Some children spend too much time playing computer games which can be very violent. 5. Anyone can put information on the Internet, so it can easily be used by criminals. There are no laws to stop this yet, and it is extremely difficult to control the Internet. 6. Computers quickly become obsolete, so they soon need to be replaced or updated. 7. If a computer is not working properly, most people do not know how to fix it, and this be very annoying. Group 3. Internet Safety Basics DON’T CHAT WITH STRANGERS! Your parents are RIGHT when they say «DON’TTALKTO STRANGERS». You really don’t know who the person is that you are chatting with. It can be very easy to mislead you. ASK YOUR PARENTS AND SURE. Only surf where your parents have given your permission. If a website looks suspicious or has a warning page about you being underage , leave immediately. Some sites are not for kids. Do not go exploring. If you come across a site that you aren’t sure about, ask your parents. Don’t download any applications from the Internet that are from questionable sites. Some sites have viruses which come free with the downloads PASSWORDS. Passwords are secret so don’t give out your passwords to anyone. Do not fill any online forms without asking your parents. Never put your e-mail password on any website while registering. 53 E-MAIL SAFETY. Never open up any email or attachment that you receive from people you don’t know. Ask your parents to look at it first. Sometimes email can contain viruses which could harm your computer. Ask your parents to install the latest anti-virus programmes. SET YOUR TIME. Don’t spend all your time online. Set a time limit on your computer use. Keep your parents informed about sites you visit. 16. Write an essay «You are doing a project on how computers have changed people's lives, how computers are changing things and how people feel about it. Have you got a computer at home? What do you use it for?200-250words» 54 17. Тема: Интернет. 1. Ведение лексических единиц World Wide Web —»Всемирная Паутина» to retrieve — извлекать variety — разнообразие, спектр recreation — развлечение network — сеть to share — делить humanities — гуманитарные науки business transactions — коммерческие операции access — доступ to browse— рассматривать, разглядывать browser — браузер (программа поиска информации) to provide — обеспечивать (чем-либо) provider — провайдер (компания, предоставляющая доступ к WWW через местные телефонные сети) broadcast live — передавать в прямом эфире site — страница, сайт to link — соединять hyperlink — гиперссылка to compete — соревноваться 2.Чтение и перевод текста. Text: INTRODUCTION TO THE WWW AND THE INTERNET Millions of people around the world use the Internet to search for and retrieve information on all sorts of topics in a wide variety of areas including the arts, business, government, humanities, news, politics and recreation. People communicate through electronic mail (e-mail), discussion groups, chat channels and other means of informational exchange. They share information and make commercial and business transactions. All this activity is possible because tens of thousands of networks are connected to the Internet and exchange information in the same basic ways. The World Wide Web (WWW) is a part of the Internet. But it's not a collection of networks. Rather, it is information that is connected or linked together like a web. You access this information through one interface or tool called a Web browser. The number of resources and services that are part of the World Wide Web is growing extremely fast. In 1996 there were more than 20 million users of the WWW, and more than half the information that is transferred across the Internet is accessed through the WWW. By using a computer terminal (hardware) connected to a network that is a part of the Internet, and by using a program (software) to browse or retrieve information that is a part of the World Wide Web, the people connected to the Internet and World Wide Web through the local providers have access to a variety of information. Each browser provides a graphical interface. You move from place to place, from site to site on the Web by using a mouse to click on a portion of text, icon or region of a map. These items are called hyperlinks or links. Each link you select represents a document, an image, a video clip or an audio file somewhere on the Internet. The user doesn't need to know where it is, the browser follows the link. 55 All sorts of things are available on the WWW. One can use Internet for recreational purposes. Many TV and radio stations broadcast live on the WWW. Essentially, if something can be put into digital format and stored in a computer, then it's available on the WWW. You can even visit museums, gardens, cities throughout the world, learn foreign languages and meet new friends. And, of course, you can play computer games through WWW, competing with partners from other countries and continents. Just a little bit of exploring the World Wide Web will show you what a lot of use and fun it is. 3. Ответить на вопросы 1) What is Internet used for? 2) Why so many activities such as e-mail and business transactions are possible through the Internet? 3) What is World Wide Web? 4) What is Web browser? 5) What does a user need to have an access to the WWW? 6) What are hyperlinks? 7) What resources are available on the WWW? 8) What are the basic recreational applications of WWW? 4. Which of the listed below statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text. 1) There are still not so many users of the Internet. 2) There is information on all sorts of topics on the Internet, including education and weather forecasts. 3) People can communicate through e-mail and chat programs only. 4) Internet is tens of thousands of networks which exchange the information in the same basic way. 5) You can access information available on the World Wide Web through the Web browser. 6) You need a computer (hardware) and a special program (software) to be a WWW user. 7) You move from site to site by clicking on a portion of text only. 8) Every time the user wants to move somewhere on the 'eh he/she needs to step by step enter links and addresses. 9) Films and pictures are not available on the Internet. 10) Radio and TV-broadcasting is a future of Internet. They're not available yet. 5. Define the following using the vocabulary: 1) Internet 2) World Wide Web 3) Web browser 4) Internet provider 5) Hyperlinks 6. Find the equivalents: 1) Объем ресурсов и услуг, которые являются частью WWW, растет чрезвычайно быстро. 56 2) Каждая ссылка, выбранная вами представляет документ, графическое изображение, видеоклип или аудио файл где-то в Интернет. 3) Интернет может быть также использован для целей развлечения. 4) Вы получаете доступ к ресурсам Интернет через интерфейс или инструмент, который называется веб-браузер. 5) Вся эта деятельность возможна благодаря десяткам тысяч компьютерных сетей, подключенных к Интернет и обменивающихся информацией в одном режиме. 6) Пользователи общаются через электронную почту, дискуссионные группы, чэт-каналы (многоканальный разговор в реальном времени) и другие средства информационного обмена. 7. Match the following: 1) You access the information through one interface or tool called a... 2) People connected to the WWW through the local... have access to a variety of information. 3) The user doesn't need to know where the site is, the... follows the... 4) In 1996 there were more than 20 million users of the... 5) Each... provides a graphical interface. 6) Local... charge money for their services to access... resources. 8. Words to match with: 1) web browser 2) providers 3) link 4) WWW 57 18. Тема: Новости. СМИ. 1. Активизация лексики viewer — зритель to relax — расслабиться to switch on — включать (телевизор, радио) hardly — едва satellite television — спутниковое телевидение enormous — огромный to supply— обеспечивать, поставлять rumours — слухи to advertise — рекламировать coverage — освещение в печати, по радио event — событие entertainment — развлечение fashion — мода huge — огромный discovery — обнаружение, открытие to be keen on — увлекаться чем-либо to provide — снабжать, обеспечивать disaster — катастрофа earthquake — землетрясение negotiations — переговоры pollution — загрязнение strike — забастовка broadcast — трансляция 2. Работа с текстами. Чтение с целью поиска конкретной информации. Текст . Mass media: pros and cons Mass media consists of printed production, television, radio and Internet. One can choosef rom a great variety of these sources. Mass media provides us with necessary information on things and events happening worldwide 24 hours a day. And it also helps us to spend our leisure time. Its history begins with the first printed Chinese newspaper in 868 A.D. Europe saw its first book in 1453 when Johannes Guttenberg invented the printed press. The influence of mass media is doubtless, but is it positive or negative? There are benefits aswell as some drawbacks in this issue. The very first benefit is information. Nowadays the information can be useful for people. It is very important for everyone because there are lots of things happening every minute in the world which can affect our professional and private life. And it makes news accessible: just turn on the TV or look through news sites and you will be kept currently informed. Another useful purpose is education. Many people gain knowledge fro m the Internet and TV programs. It is an easy and affordable way to cultivate intelligence. 58 And what about drawbacks? As people use to say “Too much ofa good thing is good for nothing”. This suits to the mass media. One shouldn`t rely one verything the newspapers say. Misrepresentations and bare- faced lie easily take placeand misinform millions of people. Mass media can also manipulate the minds of the audien ces as it was done in the times of the Soviet Union. Tоday we witness the influence of various sources of mass media on youth. Tons of meani ng less TV- shows, glossy magazines and social networks steal young people`s time that could be spent on beneficial and healthy activities. They lose their own opinion and have nothing to say except the ideas heard from others. To my mind we can’t imagine our lives without mass media. It is silly to avoid it aswe can use its advantages.Though we should be careful and filter all information we get. I do my best to stay informed about the latest events and I’m fond of searching in the Internet. But I don’t forget that mass media is only a part of my life and not the essential one. Текст 2. Mass Media The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views. Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information. It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren't interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn't usually make headlines. Bad news does. Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people's private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is — should this be allowed? The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that's an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it's much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers. Still, many people prefer the radio. It's good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house. Newspapers don't react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don't have to wait for news time on TV. Текст 3. MASS MEDIA (2) Mass Media has become an important part of our life. We all have already become listeners, readers, viewers long time ago. We get information we need while we are reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio. If you want to relax, you can just switch on any FM station and enjoy music or you switch on your TV set, 59 choose one of the music channels and have a fun. Now you can hardly imagine that just 15 years ago there were no FM radio in the state, no satellite television and internet at all. Newspapers, with their enormous circulation report, different kinds of news can supply any kind of information. They cаrry articles that cover the latest international and national events, all kind of rumours, advertising, fun stories, biographies оf well-known people, etc. You can buy newspapers also f6rthe radio and TV programs, where a full coverage of commercial, financial and public affairs is given. There are newspapers and magazines for young people. They give a wide assortment of news, events and reports on education, sports, cultural life, entertainment, fashion, etc. There are many advertising programs now. If you like to know more about the World, you can watch Discovery Channels that represent a huge massive of information on people lives, biographies (Discovery People channel), new discoveries in science (Discovery Science, Discovery Sci-Tech channels). If you are keen on traveiling, ancient extinct civilizations, Discovery Civilization is your channel. There are about dozen of Discovery Channels, with the help of which we can choose everything we want. Our television provides so much information which can vary from social and economic crises, conflicts, wars, disasters, earthquakes, to diplomatic visits, negotiations; from terrorism, corruption, to pollution problems, strikes, social movements that sometimes we are lost in this information ocean. Radio broadcasts are valued mainly for their music programs (Europe Plus, Russian Radio, etc.). Viewers are fond of watching different show, movies, sports, plays, games; educational and cultural programs and so on. As for me my family is also a mass media consumer, one of millions. I have a TV set in my room. I like «Culture Program» It is my mother’s favourite program too. My father is a hockey and football fan, he likes to watch sport channels. My elder brother Andrey likes adult programms, my younger brother Igor is keen on Discovery Channels. I’m not keen on special programs. I like to see a bit this and a bit that. Also, I can say I like programs about travelling and traditions of other countries and nations. These programs educate and relax me at the same time. 3. Ответить на вопросы: 1. How do we get information that we need? 2. What information can we find in newspapers? 3. What kind of programs do Discovery channels broadcast? 4. Why can one be lost in the information ocean of television? 5. What is the main value of radio broadcasts? 60 19. Тема: Школьный день. 1. Введение лексических единиц. prefers – отдавать предпочтение inevitable – неизбежный typical – типичный alarm clock – будильник biscuits – печенье good mood – хорошее настроение conduct – проводить (урок) school canteen – школьная столовая after-school activities – внеклассная деятельность school-leaver – ученик выпускного класса midnight – полночь totally exhausted – полностью истощенный sleep like a log – спать, как убитый dormitory, students hostel — студенческое общежитие to rent a flat (an apartment) — снимать квартиру to share — делить(-ся) week-days — будние дни alarm clock — будильник usually — обычно roommate — сосед по комнате rather — довольно to turn on (off) — включать, выключать enough — достаточно completely — полностью, совершенно to get dressed — одеваться to do well — делать успехи, хорошо учиться for the first (second) course — напервое (второе) блюдо to get ready — подготовиться as a rule — как правило to get tired — устать to take pleasure in — получать удовольствие от... to look forward to — ждать с нетерпением acquaintance — знакомый 2. Работа с текстом выявление композиционной структуры текста и краткая запись основных мыслей текста. My working day I am sure that every person prefers weekends to working days, but working days are inevitable in our life. I have my working days from Monday to Friday. My typical working day starts with the mad sound of my alarm clock. It is very difficult for me to get up and it takes me a lot of time and effort. I can even set my alarm-clock to go off 15 minutes earlier the time I have to get up. So, I try to get up at 7 o’clock. Then, when I have at last woken up, I go to the bathroom. I have a shower, wash my face and brush my teeth there. 61 Then I go to the kitchen. My mother is an early-bird and I know that breakfast is already on the table. I usually have a cup of tea with a sandwich or biscuits for breakfast. After breakfast I go back to my room and get dressed. There is a rule in my school that all the children must wear a school uniform. So, I never have a problem with my clothes for school. I usually get to school by bus but sometimes when my father is in a good mood he drives me there. My classes start at 8.30. I normally have 6 or 7 lessons a day. All the lessons are conducted in different classrooms. We have 10-minute breaks after each class and two 20-minute breaks after the third and the fourth lessons. I spend the breaks relaxing with my friends in a school yard or having lunch in a school canteen. My lessons usually finish at 3 o’clock. After classes I do after-school activities. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go to a dance school. The classes start at 4 o’clock and go on till 6 o’clock there. After the dance-school I go home very tired but happy. At home I have dinner and do my homework. As I am a school-leaver I have to study very hard and it takes me very much time to get ready for the school classes. Sometimes it happens that I go to bed at midnight or even later totally exhausted. After such working days I sleep like a log. But the sun rises, a new day comes and you have to get up, to wash, get dressed and go to school again. 3. Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. 1. When does your working day usually start? 2. What do you usually do in the morning? 3. What do you usually do in the afternoon? 4. What do you usually do in the evening? 5. When does your working day finish? 4. Translate into English: • быть студентом (студенткой) дневного отделения • рассказать вам о... • в будние дни • просыпаться — вставать в 7 часов утра • включать магнитофон • принимать душ • чистить зубы • одеваться • слушать последние новости • У меня уходит час, чтобы добраться до института • ездить на автобусе (троллейбусе, трамвае) • опаздывать на занятия • заканчиваться в 15:50 вечера • пропускать занятия • сдать экзамены успешно • время от времени • подготовиться к занятиям • как правило 62 63 5. Tell about your typical day. The following questions will help you: 1. Do you get up early? 2. Is it easy for you to get up early? 3. Do you wake up yourself or does your alarm-clock wake you up? 4. Do you do your morning exercises? 5. What do you prefer: a hot or a cold shower in the morning? 6. How long does it take you to get dressed? 7. What do you usually have for breakfast? 8. Some people look through newspapers or listen to the latest news on the radio while having breakfast. What about you? 9. When do you usually leave your house? 10. Do you work? If yes, where? 11. How long does it take you to get to your Academy (Institute)? 12. Do you go there by bus/trolley-bus or walk? 13. Where do you usually have lunch (dinner)? 14. What time do you come home? 15. How long does it take you to do your homework? 16. How do you usually spend your evenings? 17. Do you have a lot of free time? 18. Do you play any musical instrument? 19. Are you fond of listening to music? 20. What kind of music do you prefer? 21. Do you collect anything (stamps, records, postcards, coins, matchboxes, etc.)? 22. What time do you usually go to bed? 6. Tell about: a) the working-day of your father or mother b) the usual weekend at home c) the best day of your life d) a holiday spent with your friends or relatives (New Year's day, Christmas, 8th of March) e) the working day of famous people (writers, artists, politicians etc.) 64 20. Тема: Выходной день 1. Активизация лексики to envy — завидовать to guess — догадываться I didn’t have to hurry — мне не нужно было торопиться an early riser — человек, поднимающийся рано to wash oneself — умываться to lay the table — накрывать на стол tasty — вкусный favourite — любимый pie — пирог to go skating and skiing — кататься на коньках и лыжах to happen — случаться gloomy — мрачный to speak over the phone — разговаривать по телефону boring — утомительный, скучный to feel sorry for smb. — жалеть кого-нибудь to feel — чувствовать TV-addicts —»телеманы»; люди, проводящие много времени перед телевизором to play a game of chess — сыграть партию в шахматы to argue — спорить we listened to my younger sister playing the piano (Complex Object) — мы слушали, как моя младшая сестра играет на пианино leisure — досуг to switch on — включать insect — насекомое to extend — расширять till — до as soon as — как только to air — проветривать morning exercises— зарядка Zoo — зоопарк funny — смешной animals — животные to spend— проводить to do shopping — делать покупки to buy — покупать department — отдел goods — товары baker's — булочная bread — хлеб rolls— булочки 65 2.Чтение и перевод текстов с использование лексики. MY DAY OFF (1) When a school-girl I always envied those students who went to school five but not six days a week, as we did. So you may guess, I had the only day off — Sunday. On Sunday, I didn’t have to hurry anywhere, that’s why, I got up at nine or ten o’clock. I wasn’t an early riser. I did my bed, washed myself and went to the kitchen. In the kitchen the table had already been laid and I always had something tasty on Sunday: fried potatoes, meat salad or my favourite apple-pies. After breakfast, if the weather was sunny, I usually didn’t stay indoors, I went to see my friends. We often played volleyball or basket-ball in the yard and in winter if there was much snow out-of-doors we went skating and skiing in the woods. But sometimes the day happened to be rainy and gloomy. I preferred to be in watching TV, listening to the music, reading books, speaking over the phone or just lying on the sofa idling away the time. Some of my classmates could watch all TV-programmes from morning till night, but I think it’s rather boring, and I always felt sorry for those TV-addicts. It’s much more interesting to play a game of chess with your grandfather, or help your mother about the house, or argue with your father about the latest events at home and abroad. In the evening, when all the family were together, we had some tea with a cake or biscuits, we listened to my younger sister playing the piano, sometimes we sang folk songs. Every Sunday, when I went to bed, I was thinking that the day had flashed past and the next week would bring new problems and their solution. 3.Ответьте на вопросы. 1.What day was your day off? 2.When did you get up on Sunday? 3.Were you an early riser? 4.What did you have for breakfast on Sunday? 5.What did you do if the weather was sunny? 6.Did you like to stay indoors when the day was rainy and gloomy? 7.Do you think to watch TV from morning till night is rather boring? 8.What did you do in the evening? 4. Чтение текста. Пересказ. MY DAYS OFF (2) When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can interest and amuse us. There are several ways to do this. In big cities it’s often difficult to decide where to go in the evening. If we want to go out there are a lot of theatres, cinemas and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time. (But in small towns and villages they have no actors of their own. So they invite a group of actors from a big town to show plays.) People who are fond of music join a musical section where they are taught to play different instruments. Those who like to dance join a dancing section. People who are interested in sports can join sport sections such as tennis, basketball, chess and others. 66 And, of course, all the people use radio or television. They switch on the radio set or TV set and choose the programme they like best of all. People who are interested in sports listen to or watch football and basket-ball matches. Everyone likes to see skating and dancing on the ice. Some people like music. They listen to concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs and see dances. Television helps us to «visit» different lands, see fish and insects, lakes, rivers and seas. We are shown different countries, cities and people who live there. On TV people could even see both sides of the Moon. Radio and television extend our knowledge about the world. All that we can do at home. So I think that ways in which leisure time can be spent are different and interesting! 5.Ответьте на вопросы. 1. How do you spend your leisure? 2. Do you have a lot of time for leisure? 3. Do you like to spend your leisure outdoors or at home? 4. Is it difficult to decide where to go out in the evening in big cities? 5. What other ways in which leisure time can be spent do you know? 6. Составить монолог по следующим вопросам: 1. What days of the week do you like and why? 2. What time do you get up on Sunday? 3. What do you do in the morning? 4. How do you usually spend your days off? 5. Do you often go to the country on your lays off? 6. How did you spend your last Sunday? 7. Do you go shopping? 8. Do you go in for sports on Sunday? 9. Do you often go to see your friends? 10.Do you like to spend your days off with your friends or with your parents? 11. What is your hobby? 12. What books do you like to read? 13. Do your guests often come to you on Sunday? 67 21. Тема: Культурные и национальные традиции 1. Прочитайте текст, переводите текст. British Culture Культура Великобритании Greeting Etiquette Этикет приветствия When meeting someone for the first time, it is common to greet them with a firm handshake in Britain. Verbal greetings are usually enough when meeting old friends or acquaintances. Among close friends and family, women usually greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. If you are unsure about what to do — especially on social occasions — the rule is to observe what other people do and go with the flow. If you are invited to dinner or to a party in their room by one of your friends, it is a good idea not to go empty-handed. A bottle of wine is usually enough. Though if you don't drink, don't let this dissuade you from accepting an invitation! There are a variety of non-alcoholic drinks you can bring instead, such as sparkling apple juice, non-alcoholic cider or wine, soft drinks, etc. Small snacks or nibbles (such as crisps, cake and the like) are another alternative. Similarly, if you are invited to someone's family home —especially, if this is for the first time or for a meal, bring a small gift. If you will be dining together, then a bottle of wine is again ideal, but you could also bring a small gift of flowers or chocolates instead. These need not be expensive, but the gesture will be warmly welcomed. To thank your host, a phone call or ‘thank you’ card is a good idea. Remember that in Britain you can never say ‘please’, ‘thank you’ or ‘sorry’ too often! ‘Cheers’ is one of the most commonly used words in Britain. It has two uses. One is at the pub, where you will hear it said as a toast over drinks. But you will also hear it said instead of ‘thank you’ or ‘good bye’ or ‘thanks and good bye’ almost everywhere. Similarly, people will 68 sometimes say ‘you all right?’ instead of ‘How are you?’. A final point of note is about to how to address your tutors. As elsewhere, the general rule of thumb is to address a tutor as ‘Dr.’ or ‘Professor Burton’. But don't be surprised if you hear other students referring to their tutor by his/her first name, or if a tutor invites you to address them by their first name (for example, ‘John’). This is not unusual in Oxford. To repeat and to avoid any misunderstanding, the best —and by far the safest— thing for you to do is to address them as ‘Dr.’ or ‘Professor’, and only if they ask you to do so and you are sure they won't mind, then by their first name. Weather Погода Britain has a temperate maritime climate, which basically means it is mild and damp. Summers are warm and air-conditioning unnecessary. July and August are usually the hottest months of the year. Probably the most surprising thing about summer in Britain is how long the days are. It can stay light until 10pm in June! In winter, on the other hand, it gets dark as early as 5pm in December and there is a lot of fog on most mornings. Winters are cold in Britain and a warm jacket or heavy coat are a must from November to March and sometimes even in mid-April. Rain and cloud are frequent throughout the year, as is wind. General habits Общие правила поведения In general, the British are very polite most of the time. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ are among the most commonly used words in Britain. People also have a tendency to apologize — some would say too much— and so, you will also hear ‘sorry’ and ‘excuse me’ a lot. The popular stereotype of the average British person is more often than not true —they will say sorry to you, even when it is in fact you who has accidentally stepped on their toes or bumped into them! It will not surprise you to know then that queuing, or waiting in line so that someone 69 who arrived first is served first, is another British near-obsession. It is sacrosanct. Seriously! Be it in the pub, at the supermarket or at a bus stop, people in Britain queue for everything. Pushing in or cutting into a queue is considered very impolite and you will be heavily frowned upon for doing it. It is one of the few occasions when the famously reserved British can get visibly annoyed in public, so do bear it in mind. In most cases, queues are easy to spot. They tend to be tidy lines of people waiting. In public places, including shops and restaurants, there will also usually be a sign —such as ‘Please Wait Here to Be Served’ or ‘Please Queue Here’. Where it can be a bit tricky is in pubs, where the lines are neither tidy nor so easy to spot at the bar. The best thing to do is to take note of who was there before you and wait your turn to be served after them. Bar staff are usually very good about keeping track of who should be served next. Finally, punctuality is important in Britain. As a rule, you should arrive on time for lectures, tutorials and any other appointments. Similarly, if you've arranged to meet someone at a pub, cafe or elsewhere and find yourself running late or unable to make it, then let the person you are meeting know. 2. Составьте монолог на тему культурные и национальные традиции (на примере) 70 22. Тема: Государственное устройство 1. Введение лексических единиц. to occupy — занимать surface — поверхность total area— общая площадь to border on — граничить с numerous — многочисленные steppes — степи taiga — тайга highlands — горные возвышенности the Urals — Уральские горы the Caucasus — Кавказ climate conditions— климатические условия moderate— умеренный ore—руда ferrous and non-ferrous metals — черные и цветные металлы state — государство to comprise — включать, охватывать banner — знамя, флаг legislative —законодательный executive— исполнительная judicial — судебная Federal Assembly — Федеральное Собрание the Council of Federation — Совет Федерации State Duma — Государственная Дума Supreme Court — Верховный суд influential — влиятельный foreign policy — международная политика irrespective — независимо 2. Работа с текстом, сопоставление нескольких формулировок, выделение в них разных оттенков мысли. Text A: THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about 1/6 of the Earth surface. The country is situated in Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square km. Our land is washed by 12 seas, most of which are the seas of three oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. In the south and in the west the country borders on fourteen countries. It also has a sea-border with the USA. There is hardly a country in the world where such a great variety of flora and fauna can be found as in our land. Our country has numerous forests, plains and steppes, taiga and tundra, highlands and deserts. The highest mountains in our land are the Altai, the Urals and the Caucasus. There are over two thousand rivers in the Russian Federation. The longest of them are 71 the Volga, the Ob, the Yenisei, the Lena and the Amur. Our land is also rich in various lakes with the deepest lake in the world, the Baikal, included. On the Russian territory there are 11 time zones. The climate conditions are rather different: from arctic and moderate to continental and subtropical. Our country is one of the richest in natural resources countries in the world: oil, natural gas, coal, different ores, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals. The Russian Federation is a multinational state. It comprises many national districts, several autonomous republics and regions. The population of the country is about 140 million people. Moscow is the capital of our Homeland. It is the largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial center of the country and one of the most beautiful cities on the globe. Russian is the official language of the state. The national symbols of the Russian Federation are a white-bluered banner and a double-headed eagle. The Russian Federation is a constitutional republic headed by the President. The country government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The President controls only the executive branch — the government, but not the Supreme Court and Federal Assembly. The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly comprising two chambers: the Council of Federation (upper Chamber) and the State Duma (lower Chamber). Each chamber is headed by the Speaker. The executive power belongs to the government (the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister. The judicial power belongs to the system of Courts comprising the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and federal courts. Our country has a multiparty system. The largest and most influential political parties are the «Unity», the Communist party, the «Fatherland-All Russia», «The Union of the Right Forces», «The Apple», Liberal-Democratic and some others. The foreign policy of the Russian Federation is that of international cooperation, peace and friendship with all nations irrespective of their political and social systems. 3. General understanding: 1. Is Russia the largest country in the world? 2. What oceans wash the borders of the Russian Federation? 3. How many countries have borders with Russia? 4. Are Russian flora and fauna various? 5. What are the highest mountains in Russia? 6. What is Baikal famous for? 7. What is the climate in Russia like? 8. What is the national symbol of Russia? 9. What does the Federal Assembly consist of? 10. Who is the head of each Chamber of the Federal Assembly? 4. Translate into English: 1. Общая площадь Российской федерации составляет более 17 миллионов километров. 2. В мире вряд ли есть еще одна страна с такой разнообразной флорой и фауной. 3. Озеро Байкал — самое глубокое озеро на земном шаре и служит предметом гордости россиян. 4. На территории Российской федерации существует 11 часовых поясов. 5. Россия является конституционной республикой с президентской формой правления. 72 6. Законодательная власть принадлежит Федеральному Собранию, состоящему из двух палат. 7. В Российском парламенте представлены такие партии, как «Единство», КПРФ, «Отечество—Вся Россия», «Яблоко», СПС, ЛДПР. 8. Законодательная и судебная власти прямо не подчиняются Президенту. 5. How well do you know your Homeland? What is (are): • the biggest Russian lake? • the longest Russian river (in European and Asian parts of the Russian Federation)? • a city with subtropical climate? • cities with arctic climate? • agricultural regions? • old historical cities? • places of recreation and tourism? 7. Чтение текста Text B: MOSCOW Moscow is the capital and largest city of Russia. It is also the capital of Moscow Oblast, and it stands on the Moskva River. Moscow is the economic, political and cultural centre of Russia. Railways and numerous airlines link the city with all parts of Russia. Navigable waterways, including the Moscow Canal, Moskva River, and Volga-Don Canal, make the port areas of the city directly accessible to shipping from the Baltic, White, Black, and Caspian seas and the Sea of Azov. Moscow covers an area of about 880 sq.km. Concentric boulevards divide the city into several sections. At the centre of the concentric circles (and semicircles) are the Kremlin, the former governmental seat of Russia, and adjacent Red Square, which form the centre of a radial street pattern. Moscow has a modern underground system famous for its marble-walled stations. Situated on the north bank of the Moskva River, the Kremlin is the dominant landmark of Moscow. A stone wall, up to 21 m in height and 19 towers, surrounds this triangular complex of former palaces, cathedrals, and other monuments of tsarist times, some of them dating from the Middle Ages. The Great Kremlin Palace, completed in 1849, is the most imposing structure within the Kremlin. Other notable Kremlin palaces are the Granovitaya Palace (1491) and the Terem (1636). Among many cathedrals, now used mainly as museums, are the Cathedral of the Assumption (Успения) and the Archangel Cathedral, each with five gilded domes, and the Cathedral of the Annunciation (Благовещения) (13th-14th century), with nine gilded domes. Another landmark of the Kremlin is the Tower of Ivan the Great, a bell tower 98 m high. On a nearby pedestal is the Tsar's Bell (nearly 200 tons), one of the largest in the world. A recent addition to the Kremlin is the Palace of Congresses, completed in 1961. In this huge modern building were held meetings of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and congresses of the Communist party of the Soviet Union; theatrical and other artistic performances have been held here as well. St Basil's Cathedral, famous for its unique architecture and coloured domes, stands at one end of Red Square. 73 One of the best-known sections of Moscow is the Kitaigorod (Chinese City), the ancient commercial quarter lying to the east of the Kremlin. This section is now the site of many government office buildings. Other points of interest in Moscow include the Central Lenin Stadium, comprising about 130 buildings for various sports and the tall Ostankino TV tower, which contains a revolving restaurant and an observation platform. 8. General understanding: 1. Where is Moscow located? 2. Is Moscow a port city? 3. How is Moscow divided into sections? 4. What is known about Moscow Underground system? 5. What are the places of interest in Moscow? 6. Why is the Kremlin the most important place of interest for tourists? 7. What Russian Orthodox cathedrals are situated inside the Kremlin? 8. What is Palace of Congresses used for at present time? 9. Where are these places of interest situated? Подготовить реферат с презентацией о достопримечательностях Москвы. * Granovitaya Palace * Terem * the Red Square * the Kremlin * the Great Kremlin Palace * the Cathedral of the Assumption * the Archangel Cathedral * the Cathedral of the Annunciation * the Tower of Ivan the Great * the Tsar's Bell * the Palace of Congresses * St Basil's Cathedral * the Central Lenin Stadium 10. Please, write a short story about your visit to Moscow. The following questions will certainly help you: 1) Have you ever been to Moscow? 2) If yes, when was it? 3) Was it a business trip or a pleasure tour? 4) Did you fly, take a bus or a train to Moscow? 5) What railway station (airport) did you arrive at? 6) What was your first impression of Moscow? 7) What places of interest have you visited? 8) Where did you stay in Moscow? 9) How long did you stayed in Moscow? 74 11. Чтение и перевод текста Text A: HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UK Education after 16 is voluntary in United Kingdom. Students, who live in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland must take at the age of 16 the examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). In Scotland students receive the Scottish Certificate of Education. After this exam students can choose to stay on in school or attend colleges of further education. British universities are self-governing and are guaranteed academic independence. Funding for education and research is provided by funding councils set up by Parliament. The number of universities jumped in 1992 when polytechnics and some other higher education establishments were given the right to become universities. By the end of 1994, there were some 90 universities, almost half of them former polytechnics, including the Open University. Many of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge universities were founded in the 12th and 13th centuries. All other universities in Britain were founded in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Open University, based in Milton Keynes, England, was founded in 1969. It uses extension techniques of correspondence courses, television and radio programmes, and video cassettes, supported by local study centres and summer schools, to provide higher education opportunities to a wide variety of people. During the 1960s there was a significant increase in the number of new universities, reflecting a fast growth in student numbers. During the 1980s, an expansion in higher education places led to another large jump in student numbers. In the 1992-1993 academic year there were more than 1,4 million students in full or part-time higher education in Great Britain, compared with just under 850,000 a decade earlier. About one quarter of young people are in higher education in England, Wales, and Scotland; one third in Northern Ireland. About 90 per cent of students get state grants to cover tuition fees and living costs. The size of the grant is determined by parents income. Since the late 1980s, however, grants have been frozen; students can apply for a student loan. 12. Составить монолог.(Образование в России). 75 23. Тема: Страны изучаемого языка 1. Чтение и перевод текста Text А.THE UNITED KINGDOM The United Kingdom, officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is an island nation and constitutional monarchy in north-western Europe, member of the European Union (EU). Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles. It comprises, together with numerous smaller islands, England and Scotland, and the principality of Wales. Northern Ireland, also known as Ulster, occupies the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland. The United Kingdom is bordered to the south by the English Channel, which separates it from continental Europe, to the east by the North Sea, and to the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The only land border is between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The total area of the United Kingdom is 242 sq.km. The capital and largest city is London. The names «United Kingdom», «Great Britain», and «England» are often used interchangeably. The use of «Great Britain», often shortened to «Britain», to describe the whole kingdom is common and widely accepted, although strictly it does not include Northern Ireland. However, the use of «England» to mean the «United Kingdom» is not acceptable to members of the other constituent countries, especially the Scots and the Welsh. England and Wales were united administratively, politically, and legally by 1543. The crowns of England and Scotland were united in 1603, but the two countries remained separate political entities until the 1707 Act of Union, which formed the Kingdom of Great Britain with a single legislature. From 1801, when Great Britain and Ireland were united, until the formal establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922, the kingdom was officially named the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Hong Kong, which has 200,000 population, was returned to China in 1997. The mainland of the island of Great Britain is 974 km at its longest and 531 km at its widest; however, the highly indented nature of the island's coastline means that nowhere is more than about 120 km from the sea. The climate of the United Kingdom is mild relative to its latitude, which is the same as that of Labrador in Canada. The mildness is an effect of the warm Gulf Stream. This current brings the prevailing south-west winds that moderate winter temperatures and bring the depressions which have the main day-to-day influence on the weather. The western side of the United Kingdom tends to be warmer than the eastern; the south is warmer than the north. The mean annual temperature is 6°C in the far north of Scotland; 11С in the south-west of England. Winter temperatures seldom are below -10°C and summer temperatures rarely higher than 32°C. The sea winds also bring plenty of moisture; average annual precipitation is more than 1,000 mm. Rain tends to fall throughout the year, frequently turning to snow in the winter, especially in Scotland, the mountains of Wales, and northern England. The western side of Britain is much wetter than the eastern: average rainfall varies is from 5,000 mm in the western Highlands of Scotland, to less than 500 mm in parts of East Anglia in England. The population of United Kingdom is more than 56 mln people, but it is one of the world's leading commercial and industrialized nations. In terms of gross national product (GNP) it ranks fifth in the world, with Italy, after the United States, Japan, Germany, and France. 76 Vocabulary: islandnation — островное государство constitutional monarchy — конституционная монархия European Union — Европейский союз to comprise — включать numerous — многочисленные principality — княжество North Sea — Северное море interchangeably — взаимозаменяемо to accept — принимать, допускать strictly — строго, зд. строго говоря include — включать constituent — составляющий administratively — административно entities — зд. субъекты single — зд. единая indented — зд. изрезанная latitude— широта геогр. prevailing — преобладающий moderate — умеренный depressions — зд. циклоны mean — средний throughout — на всем протяжении average annual precipitation — среднегодовое количество осадков in terms of — говоря (о чем-либо) GNP (Gross National Product) — валовой национальный продукт. 2. Translate into English. 1. Официальное название Великобритании — Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. 2. Соединенное королевство является членом Европейского союза и конституционной монархией. 3. Северная Ирландия занимает северо-восточную часть острова Ирландия. 4. Пролив Ла-Манш отделяет Соединенное Королевство от континентальной Европы. 3. Use the following phrases and word combinations to retell the text: 1. As I understood from the text... 2. According to the text... 3. According to the author... 4. As it is described in the text... 5. As it is said in the text... 6. As the author puts it... 7. According to the figures (data, information, opinions) from the text... 77 4. Чтение, перевод. Пересказ. Text B: «HISTORY OF LONDON» The Romans were the first to settle and occupy the Celtic fortress of Londinium. Construction of a bridge in 100 A.D. made London an important junction: it soon became a busy commercial and administrative settlement, and in the 2nd century A.D. a wall was built round the city. The Roman Empire fell in the 5th century. London have maintained its trading activity. In the 9th century Danish invaders destroyed much of the city. They were followed by the Saxons led by King Alfred the Great, who entered the city in 886. The Danes remained a powerful force in England, however, and it was not until the reign of Edward the Confessor, which began in 1042, that civic stability was re-established, to be cemented by the Norman Conquest in 1066. William the Conqueror centred his power at the Tower of London, and his White Tower is still the heart of this impressive monument. The City soon united its economic power with political independence. Late in the 12th century it elected its own Lord Mayor. From 1351 it elected its own council, and by the end of the 14th century the reigning sovereign could not enter the City without permission. In the reign of Elizabeth I had the arts a renaissance with such great dramatists as Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Ben Jonson. In 1665, London had been devastated first by the Great Plague, and then by the Fire of London, which destroyed most of the city the following year. During the reconstruction of the city, following the original street pattern, the architect Sir Christopher Wren was given responsibility for the design of a number of State-funded buildings, including St. Paul's Cathedral. The western part of London was developed under the Hanoverian Kings: great squares were laid out such as those of Grosvenor, Cavendish, Berkeley, and Hanover, and more bridges were built across the river. Public services were improved, such as the water supply and sewerage systems, and the streets were paved. In the 19th century London's population began to rise still more rapidly: it increased sixfold over the century as a whole, thanks to influx from all over the British Isles, from Britain's colonies, and from continental Europe. The Industrial Revolution was creating huge numers of jobs, but never enough to satisfy the hopes of all the poor people who came to the capital. The novels of Charles Dickens tell us about the social problems of that period. The First World War had little effect on London, but the Depression that followed in the late 1920s and early 1930s hit the whole country, including the capital. There were hunger marches and riots. London was to pay far more dearly during World War II. The intensive bombing of London (The Blitz) in 1940-1941 took the lives of 10,000 people and left 17,000 injured. Countless historic buildings were damaged, including the Houses of Parliament. After the war London was to re-emerge as a radically different city. The docks had been so severely damaged that reconstruction, a very expensive process, was not reasonable. By the end of the 1950’s most of the war damage had been repaired. New skyscrapers were built, outdoing each other in height and spectacular design. The 30-storey Post Office Tower was built in 1965. It is 189 m high. Other significant post-war developments include the 183 m National Westminster Bank Building (1979); and Britain's highest building, the 244 m Canary Wharf Tower on the Docklands site, near to a new City airport. 78 5. General understanding: 1) What was the original name of London? Why was it so important for Romans? 2) Who was King Alfred the Great? When did he enter the city? 3) What is still the reminder of William the Conqueror? 4) How was Britain governed in 12th-14th centuries? 5) How did plague influence the history of London? 6) Who was in charge of the reconstruction of the city? Why did it need reconstruction? 7) Why did the population of London grow in the 19th century? 8) How did the First World War affect the history of London? What about the WWII? 9) How did London change after the WWII? 10) What are the names of skyscraper buildings in London? 79 24. Тема: Цифры, числа, математические действия 1. Ведение лексических единиц subtrahend [sAbtrahend] - вычитаемое, remainder [ri'meinda] difference - разность, to do subtraction - вычитать, multiplication -умножение ,multiplicand ['multipli'kasnd] - множимое, multiplier ['mAltiplaia] (factor) - множитель, product ['prodAkt] - произведение, multiplication table - таблица умножения Division [di'vi3n] - деление, dividend ['dividend] - делимое, divisor [di'vaizd] - делитель, quotient ['kwDusnt] - частное, division with remainder - деление с остатком, without remainder - без остатка 2. Complete the puzzle. Write these numbers in words. 1, 10, 11, 12, 2, 20, 3, 13, 90, 4, 40, 5, 50, 16, 7, 8 F S F T N V W O Y T E E T Y Y F L T R N 3. Match the sums with the numbers. 1) 45: 5; 2) 9∙6; 3) 29-12; 4) 73+12. 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ a) eighty-five c) nine b) fifty-four d) seventeen 4.Read out these problems. Solve them: Example: (a) 98.4 · 5= 492, 492:12= 41. (a) Multiply 98.4 by 5 and divide the answer by 12. (b) Add 33.5 to 26.35 and subtract 45.8 from the answer. (c) Divide 40.5 by 5 and multiply the answer by 8. (d) Add 235.08 to 51.73 and subtract the answer from 326.2. (e) Subtract 54.93 from 85.01. Add 2.27. Subtract the answer from 61.9. 5. Read the text and count. In the street I live there are two hotels. In each hotel there are five floors. On each floor there are ten rooms. In each room there is a bathroom. In each bathroom there are two bars of soap. Then one day a thief steals half the soap bars. How many bars of soap are left in the room? 80 6. Read the text and divide three circles into parts. Ann’s father has eaten a quarter of the vanilla cake. Her mother loves chocolate so she has eaten an eight of the chocolate cake. Ann’s sister, who likes fruit, has eaten a sixth of the strawberry cake. Ann’s brother loves cake – he’s eaten a quarter of the chocolate cake and a sixth of the strawberry cake. Then grandfather has eaten a quarter of the vanilla cake and grandmother an eighth of the chocolate cake. Ann’s uncle has eaten an eight of the chocolate cake and the a sixth of the strawberry one. Her aunt has eaten an eighth of the chocolate cake. vanilla strawberry chocolate 7. Write down these sums: 9·9 =? 25:5 =? 90-5 =? 8. Choose the best alternatives. In thirty five divided by five is 7 the number 35 is … A) a dividend; B) a divisor; C) a quotient In four minus three is one the number 3is … A) a minuend; B) a subtrahend; C) a difference 9. Write in words and solve: a) -3 + 4 =?;b) -5 : 2 =?;c) 0,05 x 1,5 =?;d) 3/8 x 5 =?;е) X2 - X4 =?. 81 25. Тема: Основные геометрические понятия и физические явления 1.Введение лексических единиц. Презентация моделей геометрических фигур Прямоугольник - rectangle Четырехугольник - quadrangle Квадрат - square Параллелограмм - parallelogram Трапеция - trapezium Многоугольник - polygon Треугольник -triangle круг - circle площадь круга - area окружность - circumference длина окружности - circumference (perimeter of the circle) касательная - tangent радиус - radius диаметр - diameter угол - angle медиана - median хорда - chord гипотенуза - hypotenuse биссектриса - bisector катет - cathetus пересечение - crossing основание - base тождественно равны - identically equal доказать - prove что и требовалось доказать - which was to be proved найти - name определить - define 2. Работа с текстом. The History of Stereometry The first geometrical knowledge was originated from the practical needs of people in ancient times. People measured distances, made straight spears and arrows, compared their length, etc. Farming and constructing played a very important role in the development of geometry. People worked out the new rules of comparing figures, calculating some geometrical values and volumes and the rules necessary for the construction of buildings. These rules appeared in Egypt and a bit later in China and India approximately in the 12th century B.C. In other words the age of geometry is no less than 4 or 5 thousand years Originally geometry was not a mathematical science though ancient Egyptians knew some facts of geometry such as the volume of a sphere, the Pythagoras theorem and some others. Geometry as a science got its further development in ancient Greece in the 7-5 century B.C. 82 3.Тест на понимание текста : 1.The first geometrical knowledge appeared in … a] Greece; b] Egypt; c] Japan. 2. Geometry was originated from … a] the practical needs of people; b] theoretical knowledge. 3. Geometry dates back to the … а] 15 century B.C. b]15th century B.C. c] 12th century B.C. 4. The most important role in the development of geometry the following peoples’ activities played a] fishery; b] farming and construction; c]cattle - breeding. 5. Geometry got its further development in a] Greece; b] Middle Asia; c] Arabic Countries 83 26. Тема: Описание формы и размера предметов 1. Контроль усвоения лексики At the last lesson you were given a list of vocabulary units to the topic’ Geometric Solids’. You were asked to learn all of these words and now you will do a vocabulary test 2. Вставьте пропущенные буквы: 1. fig-res 6. pol-gon 2. d-mension 7. cr-stal 3. su-face 8. a-iom 4. c-linder 9. pl-nimetry 5. rect-ngular 10. tri-ngie 3. Найдите соответствующие эквиваленты: 1. solids a] пересечение 2. length b] вершина угла 3. cone c] форма 4. sphere d] пунктирные линии 5. polygon e] тела 6. edge f] длина 7. base g] шар 8. vertex of an angle h] основание 9. to be equal to i] быть равным 10. shape j] грань 11. doted lines k] многоугольник 12. crossing l] конус 4. Работа с текстом ‘Geometric Solids’. We have been studying plane figures which have only two dimensions; length and width. Now we will study figures with three dimensions. Figures that have three dimensions are called geometric solids or solid figures. The three dimensions are length, width and thickness or height. 84 PRISMS.A prism is a solid, each side of which is a polygon, and the upper base of which is parallel and congruent (exactly the same in size and shape) to the lower base; corresponding vertexes of the top and bottom polygons are joined by parallel edges. In a right prism the lateral faces (sides) are perpendicular to the bases. Right prisms include; the rectangular prism and the cube. A geometric figure which has six sides, all of which are rectangles, is called a rectangular prism. If the dimensions (length, width and height) of a rectangular solid are equal, the solid is called a cube. The faces of a cube are squares. THE RIGHT CIRCULAR CYLINDER.A cylinder is a circular prism, the bases of which are equal circles that are parallel to each other. If the sides of the cylinder are perpendicular to the bases, the cylinder is called a right cylinder. The axis of a right circular cylinder is the line between the centres of the bases. A PYRAMID. It is a solid figure formed by a polygon called the base and sizes of triangles meeting at a common point called the vertex. A CONE is much like a pyramid but has a circle for a base. 5. Answer the following questions What geometric figures have three dimensions? What are the dimensions of solid figures? What geometric solids do you know? What cylinder is called a right cylinder? What is a pyramid? 6. Контроль усвоения нового материала How many dimensions has the cube? a] 3; b] 1; c] 2; d] 0. How many dimensions has the sphere ? a] 0; b] 1; c] 3; d] 2. How many bases has a cylinder? a] 0; b] 1; c] 2; d] 3. How many bases has a cone? a] 0; b] 1; c] 2; d] 3. How many bases has a sphere? a] 1; b] 0; c] 2; d ] 3. How many edges has a cylinder? a] o; b ] 1; c] 2; d] 3. How many edges has a triangle pyramid? a] 5; b] 6; c] 8; d] 4. How many edges has a parallelepiped? a] 10; b] 8; c] 3; d] 6. How many vertexes has a cone? a] 1; b] 5; c] 7; d] 8. How many vertexes has a cube? a] 8; b] 6; c] 4; d] 2. How many vertexes has a parallelepiped? a] 3; b] 5; c] 6; d] 8. 85 27. Тема: Свойства материалов 1. Ведение лексических единиц bar— брусок, прут completely — полностью, совершенно compression — сжатие creep — ползучесть cross-sectional area — площадь поперечного сечения cyclic stress — циклическое напряжение decrease — уменьшение elastic deformation — упругая деформация elastic limit — предел упругости exceed — превышать external forces — внешние силы fatigue — усталость металла fracture — перелом, излом loosen — ослаблять, расшатывать permanent deformation — постоянная деформация remaining — оставшийся shear — срез simultaneously — одновременно to stretch — растягивать technique — методы tension — напряженность to propagate — распространяться to bend — гнуть, согнуть to extend — расширять, продолжаться to meet the needs — отвечать требованиям to occur — происходить to respond — отвечать реагировать to suffer — страдать torsion — кручение twisting — закручивание, изгиб volume — объем, количество rupture — разрыв ability — способностьamount — количество absorb — поглощать amount— количество application — применение brittle — хрупкий, ломкий constituent — компонент crack — трещина creep resistance — устойчивость к ползучести definition— определение density — плотность ductility — ковкость, эластичность failure— повреждение gradual — постепенный permanent — постоянный rigid — жесткий to sink — тонуть square root — квадратный корень stiffness — жесткость strain — нагрузка, напряжение, деформация strength — прочность stress — давление, напряжение tensile strength — прочность на разрыв toughness — прочность, стойкость yield strength — прочность текучести Young modulus — модуль Юнга 2. Чтение текста со словарем. Text A: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS Materials Science and Technology is the study of materials and how they can be fabricated to meet the needs of modern technology. Using the laboratory techniques and knowledge of physics, chemistry, and metallurgy, scientists are finding new ways of using metals, plastics and other materials. Engineers must know how materials respond to external forces, such as tension, compression, torsion, bending, and shear. All materials respond to these forces by elastic deformation. That is, the materials return their original size and form when the external force disappears. The materials may also have permanent deformation or they may fracture. The results of external forces are creep and fatigue. 86 Compression is a pressure causing a decrease in volume. When a material is subjected to a bending, shearing, or torsion (twisting) force, both tensile and compressive forces are simultaneously at work. When a metal bar is bent, one side of it is stretched and subjected to a tensional force, and the other side is compressed. Tension is a pulling force; for example, the force in a cable holding a weight. Under tension, a material usually stretches, returning to its original length if the force does not exceed the material's elastic limit. Under larger tensions, the material does not return completely to its original condition, and under greater forces the material ruptures. Fatigue is the growth of cracks under stress. It occurs when a mechanical part is subjected to a repeated or cyclic stress, such as vibration. Even when the maximum stress never exceeds the elastic limit, failure of the material can occur even after a short time. No deformation is seen during fatigue, but small localized cracks develop and propagate through the material until the remaining cross-sectional area cannot support the maximum stress of the cyclic force. Knowledge of tensile stress, elastic limits, and the resistance of materials to creep and fatigue are of basic importance in engineering. Creep is a slow, permanent deformation that results from a steady force acting on a material. Materials at high temperatures usually suffer from this deformation. The gradual loosening of bolts and the deformation of components of machines and engines are all the examples of creep. In many cases the slow deformation stops because deformation eliminates the force causing the creep. Creep extended over a long time finally leads to the rupture of the material. 3. General understanding: 1. What are the external forces causing the elastic deformation of materials? Describe those forces that change the form and size of materials. 2. What are the results of external forces? 3. What kinds of deformation are the combinations of tension and compression? 4. What is the result of tension? What happens if the elastic limit of material is exceeded under tension? 5. What do we call fatigue? When does it occur? What are the results of fatigue? 6. What do we call creep? When does this type of permanent deformation take place? What are the results of creep? 4. Find the following in the text: 1. отвечать требованиям современной технологии 2. используя лабораторные методы 3. новые способы использования металлов 4. сжатие, растяжение, изгиб, кручение, срез 5. возвращать первоначальный размер и форму 6. внешняя сила 7. постоянная деформация 8. уменьшение объема 9. растягивающие и сжимающие силы 10. превышать предел упругости материала 11. повторяющиеся циклические напряжения 12. разрушение материала 13. развитие и распространение мелких трещин 87 14. сопротивление материалов ползучести и усталости 5. Translate into English the following sentences: 1. Упругая деформация — это реакция всех материалов на внешние силы, такие, как растяжение, сжатие, скручивание, изгиб и срез. 2. Усталость и ползучесть материалов являются результатом внешних сил. 3. Внешние силы вызывают постоянную деформацию и разрушение материала. 4. Растягивающие и сжимающие силы работают одновременно, когда мы изгибаем или скручиваем материал. 5. Растяжение материала выше предела его упругости дает постоянную деформацию или разрушение. 6. Когда деталь работает долгое время под циклическими напряжениями, в ней появляются небольшие растущие трещины из-за усталости металла. 7. Ползучесть — это медленное изменение размера детали под напряжением. 6. Чтение текста. Text В:Mechanical Properties of Materials Density (specific weight) is the amount of mass in a unit volume. It is measured in kilograms per cubic metre. The density of water is 1000 kg/ m3 but most materials have a higher density and sink in water. Aluminium alloys, with typical densities around 2800 kg/ m3 are considerably less dense than steels, which have typical densities around 7800 kg/ m3. Density is important in any application where the material must not be heavy. Stiffness (rigidity) is a measure of the resistance to deformation such as stretching or bending. The Young modulus is a measure of the resistance to simple stretching or compression. It is the ratio of the applied force per unit area (stress) to the fractional elastic deformation (strain). Stiffness is important when a rigid structure is to be made. Strength is the force per unit area (stress) that a material can support without failing. The units are the same as those of Stiffness, MN/m2, but in this case the deformation is irreversible. The yield strength is the stress at which a material first deforms plastically. For a metal the yield strength may be less than the fracture strength, which is the stress at which it breaks. Many materials have a higher strength in compression than in tension. Ductility is the ability of a material to deform without breaking. One of the great advantages of metals is their ability to be formed into the shape that is needed, such as car body parts. Materials that are not ductile are brittle. Ductile materials can absorb energy by deformation but brittle materials cannot. Toughness is the resistance of a material to breaking when there is a crack in it. For a material of given toughness, the stress at which it will fail is inversely proportional to the square root of the size of the largest defect present. Toughness is different from strength: the toughest steels, for example, are different from the ones with highest tensile strength. Brittle materials have low toughness: glass can be broken along a chosen line by first scratching it with a diamond. Composites can be designed to have considerably greater toughness than their constituent materials. The example of a very tough composite is fiberglass that is very flexible and strong. Creep resistance is the resistance to a gradual permanent change of shape, and it becomes especially important at higher temperatures. A successful research has been made in materials 88 for machine parts that operate at high temperatures and under high tensile forces without gradually extending, for example the parts of plane engines. 7. General understanding: 1. What is the density of a material? 2. What are the units of density? Where low density is needed? 3. What are the densities of water, aluminium and steel? 4. A measure of what properties is stiffness? When stiffness is important? 5. What is Young modulus? 6. What is strength? 7. What is yield strength? Why fracture strength is always greater than yield strength? 8. What is ductility? Give the examples of ductile materials. Give the examples of brittle materials. 8. What is toughness? 9. What properties of steel are necessary for the manufacturing of: a) springs, b) car body parts, c) bolts and nuts, d) cutting tools? 10. Where is aluminium mostly used because of its light weight? 8. Find the following words and word combinations in the text: 1. количество массы в единице объема 2. килограмм на кубический метр 3. мера сопротивления деформации 4. отношение приложенной силы на единицу площади к частичной упругой деформации 5. жесткая конструкция 6. прочность на сжатие 7. способность материала деформироваться не разрушаясь 8. поглощать энергию путем деформации 9. обратно пропорционально квадрату размера дефекта 10. постепенное изменение формы 11. повышенные температуры 89 28. Тема: На строительной площадке 1. Чтение диалога: Martin: Where do the trucks come from? Foreman: They come from the cement factory. Martin: Where is that? Foreman: It's about ten miles from here. Martin: Where do the men and women eat their lunch? Foreman: They eat where they work. Martin: What's that man doing up there? Foreman: He's putting up the forms for the cement. 2.Введение лексики: application - заявление architect - архитектор body - тело bone - кость cement - цемент college - колледж company (business) - компания construction - стройка, строительство construction company - строительная компания corner - угол crane - подъемный кран equipment - оборудование form - форма project - строительный объект site - место, площадка для строительства construction site - строительная площадка skeleton - остов, каркас steel - сталь view - вид toilet - туалет to hire - нанимать на работу to introduce - представлять, познакомить to mix - смешивать to operate - приводить в действие, работать на... to remove - убирать, снимать to operate a machine – работать на машине to operate a crane – работать на кране to get hard - затвердеть to pour cement into the forms – заполнять формы цементом dangerous - опасный liquid - жидкий local - местный hard - твердый temporary - временный 3 Перевод предложений: 1. Выучите диалог в начале урока и поупражняйтесь с другом. 2. Переведите на английский язык и запишите в тетрадь: 1. Где находится офис? - На 7-м этаже. 2. Где работают женщины? - В конце здания. 3. Где рабочие? - Они у подъемного крана. 4. А где кран? - Вон там. 5. Где работает прораб? - У ворот (вблизи ворот). 6. Где они едят? - Они едят там, где работают. 7. Откуда эти грузовики? - Из города. 90 Список использованных источников 1. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский язык инженеров. Ростов-наДону,Издательство «Феникс», 2004 2. Бонами Д. Английский язык для будущих инженеров. Учебное пособие. Москва.ООО «Издательство», 1994 4. Выборова Г.Е.Easy English. Москва. 2009 3. Карпова Т.А. Английский язык для средних специальных учебных заведений. Издание 6-е Москва: Феникс, 2006 4. ИРХотлист (hotlist),Трежа Хант (treasure hunt), Сабджект сэмпла (subject sampler), Мультимедиа скрэпбук (multimedia scrapbook), Вебквест (webquest),www.welt.de; www.built online-de; www.faz.net; www.geo.de 5.Электронные словари ABBY LINGVO, GOOGLE; CD-ROM интерактивные книги на CD (аудио/видеокурсы, обучающие программы) 91 Содержание Пояснительная записка ................................................................................................................. 3 1. Тема: Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества, профессии) ............ 4 2. Тема: Моя семья ........................................................................................................................ 7 3. Тема: Внешность и характер .................................................................................................... 8 4. Тема: Межличностные отношения ........................................................................................ 11 5. Тема: Спорт .............................................................................................................................. 13 6. Тема: Спортивные игры .......................................................................................................... 16 7. Тема: Здоровье ......................................................................................................................... 19 8. Тема: Как держать себя в форме. ........................................................................................... 22 9. Тема: Знаменитыеспортсмены ............................................................................................... 26 10. Тема: Город, деревня, инфраструктура ............................................................................... 27 11. Тема: Село .............................................................................................................................. 30 12. Тема: Инфраструктура .......................................................................................................... 33 13. Тема: Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология) ....................................................... 37 14. Тема: Погода .......................................................................................................................... 39 15. Тема: Экология. Защита окружающей среды. .................................................................... 43 16. Тема: Научно-технический прогресс. ................................................................................. 47 17. Тема: Интернет. ..................................................................................................................... 55 18. Тема: Новости. СМИ. ............................................................................................................ 58 19. Тема: Школьный день. .......................................................................................................... 61 20. Тема: Выходной день ............................................................................................................ 65 21. Тема: Культурные и национальные традиции .................................................................... 68 22. Тема: Государственное устройство ..................................................................................... 71 23. Тема: Страныизучаемогоязыка ............................................................................................ 76 24. Тема: Цифры, числа, математические действия ................................................................ 80 25. Тема: Основные геометрические понятия и физические явления ................................... 82 26. Тема: Описание формы и размера предметов .................................................................... 84 27. Тема: Свойства материалов .................................................................................................. 86 28. Тема: На строительной площадке ........................................................................................ 90 Список использованных источников ........................................................................................ 91 92 93 94