STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Author: Arra Chung, Overlea High School, Baltimore County Public School Background Information Subject: Identify the course the unit will be implemented in. Grade Band: Identify the appropriate grade band for the lesson. Duration: Identify the time frame for the unit. Overview: Provide a concise summary of what students will learn in the lesson. It explains the unit’s focus, connection to content, and real world connection. Background Information: Identify information or resources that will help teachers understand and facilitate the lesson. STEM Specialist Connection: Describe how a STEM Specialist may be used to enhance the learning experience. STEM Specialist may be found at Enduring Understanding: Identify discrete facts or skills to focus on larger concepts, principles, or processes. They are transferable - applicable to new situations within or beyond the subject. Algebra 1 9-12 Two 90 minutes class periods Students will engage in regression analysis to determine the relationship among variables and predict the outcome of future events. Students will develop scatter plots, describe correlations, create lines of best fit for data and interpret the slope and intercept of a linear model in the context of the data. A STEM Specialist will be used to engage students in a hands-on STEM learning experience that addresses how regression analysis is used in the workplace. Teachers should review determining slope, analyzing scatter plots, and writing an equation using two points. Teachers will discuss with the class the three main types of correlations – positive, negative, and no correlation. Teachers should also familiarize themselves with what a strong and weak positive and negative correlation look like in order to challenge students that are a bit more advanced. It is important to note that the linear regression line is a statistical analysis of the relationship of two variables. The STEM Specialist will engage students in a hands-on learning experience that demonstrates how mathematics can be used to predict future outcomes focusing on scatterplots, linear regression, and lines of best fit. Mathematics can be used to predict future outcomes. Page 1 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Background Information Essential Questions: Identify several open-ended questions to provoke inquiry about the core ideas for the lesson. They are grade-level appropriate questions that prompt intellectual exploration of a topic. Student Outcomes: Identify the transferable knowledge and skills that students should understand and be able to do when the lesson is completed. Outcomes must align with but not limited to Maryland State Curriculum and/or national standards. 1. How can scatter plots and lines of best fit be used to predict future outcomes? 2. How can scatter plots and lines of best fit be used to analyze data? 3. How can mathematical representations be used to communicate information effectively? Students will be able to: recognize a linear relationship displayed in a scatter plot. determine an equation for the line of best fit for a set of data points. interpret the slope and intercept of a linear model in the context of the data. Audience: ☒Peers ☐Experts / Practitioners ☒Teacher(s) ☒School Community ☐Online Community ☐Other______ Product, Process, Action, Performance, etc.: Identify what students will produce to demonstrate that they have met the challenge, learned content, and employed 21st century skills. Additionally, identify the audience to which they will present what they have produced. Students will work in teams to develop posters in which they develop scatter plots, draw line of best fits, and use regression analysis to predict the outcome of a select event. Standards Addressed in the Unit: Identify the Maryland State Curriculum Standards addressed in the unit. Domain: Descriptive Statistics Cluster: Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables. Standard: Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter-plot, and describe how the variables are related. Standard: Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept (constant term) of a linear model in the context of the data. Page 2 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Background Information Equipment: Computer (Internet access) Elmo Projector Chalkboard/White Board People, Facilities: STEM Specialist Suggested Materials and Resources: Identify materials needed to complete the unit. This includes but is not limited to websites, equipment, Power Points, rubrics, worksheets, and answer keys. Materials (rubrics, worksheets, Power Points, answer keys, etc.): Line of Best Fit PowerPoint Pictures of different types of correlations printed Right Salaries Handout The Right Salaries Answer Key Linear Regression Calculator Instructions Predicting Ravens Touchdown Handout Classwork Assignment Poster Rubric Newsprint or other large paper Markers or colored pencils Page 3 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Learning Experience 5E Component Identify the 5E component addressed for the learning experience. The 5E model is not linear. ☒Engagement ☐Exploration ☐Explanation ☐Extension ☐Evaluation Details Materials: 1. Line of Best Fit PowerPoint (slides one-five) 2. Pictures of different types of correlations printed 3. One copy of the Right Salaries Handout for each student 4. The Right Salaries Answer Key Preparation: PowerPoint slides one-five will be used for the engagement portion of the lesson. Slides should be projected so that all students can see. Slide five displays the different types of correlations. Print out a picture of each type of correlation (strong positive, moderate positive, no correlation, moderate negative, strong negative and curvilinear relationship) and post them around the classroom. Review the lesson ahead of time and be mindful that student results will vary. Facilitation of Learning Experience: The purpose of this learning experience is to have students create and analyze scatterplots, correlation, and lines of best fit. 1. Provide each student The Right Salaries Handout. Students will guess the salary of each person and record their guesses on the data table. 2. After a couple of minutes, provide the actual salary of each person. Actual salaries may be found in the answer key and on PowerPoint slide three. Students will record the actual salaries and create a scatter plot of the data points using Guess the Salary as the x-axis Standards for Mathematical Practice ☐Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. ☐Reason abstractly and quantitatively. ☐Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. ☒Model with mathematics. ☐Use appropriate tools strategically. ☐Attend to precision. ☒Look for and make use of structure. ☐Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Page 4 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Learning Experience 5E Component Identify the 5E component addressed for the learning experience. The 5E model is not linear. Details Standards for Mathematical Practice and the Actual Salary as the y-axis. 3. Once all students have created their scatter plot, inform them that there are different types scatter plots posted around the classroom. Students will compare their scatter plot to those posted around the room and place their scatter plot beneath the plot that looks similar to theirs. Have students describe characteristics of their scatterplot focusing on correlations. 4. Call on students to identify where they would draw a line of best fit for each graph. Have each student draw lines of best fit by having students using their pencil, a piece of string, or a spaghetti noodle as a model to demonstrate what he or she believes is the correct line. Call on students to justify the placement of their line of best fit. Confirm correct answers and provide guidance as necessary. 5. Show students how to create a line of best fit using the points on the graph by making sure there is approximately the same number of points above and below the line (if possible – explain when a line of best fit is unable to be created). Use PowerPoint slide six for guidance. 6. Use the information on slide seven to walk students through how to determine the slope and y-intercept of their line. Information from slide seven may also be found here >> 7. Allow students time to determine the slope and y-intercept for their line. Provide guidance as necessary. Page 5 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Learning Experience 5E Component Identify the 5E component addressed for the learning experience. The 5E model is not linear. Details Standards for Mathematical Practice Transition: Inform students that the type of data and equations they have been reviewing can be used to make predictions. ☐Engagement ☒Exploration ☐Explanation ☐Extension ☐Evaluation Materials: 1. Linear Regression Calculator Instructions 2. Predicting Ravens Touchdown 3. PowerPoint slides 9-12. Preparation: Prepare one copy of the Linear Regression Calculator Instructions and Predicting Ravens Touchdown handout for each student. Facilitation of Learning Experience: ☐Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. ☐Reason abstractly and quantitatively. ☐Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 1. Ask the class how many touchdowns they think the Ravens will have this year. Accept all answers. ☒Model with mathematics. 2. Project the Raven Touchdown Table (slide nine) and ask, based on the data presented would you change your previous guess? Randomly call on students and have them justify their answers. ☐Use appropriate tools strategically. 3. Explain to the class that we are going to try to predict the number of touchdowns the Ravens will score this session. Provide each student with the Predicting Ravens Touchdown handout. 4. Students will create a scatter plot using the year and number of touchdowns data and describe the correlation and create the line of best fit. ☐Attend to precision. ☒Look for and make use of structure. ☐Look for and express regularity in repeated Page 6 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Learning Experience 5E Component Identify the 5E component addressed for the learning experience. The 5E model is not linear. Details 5. Inform the class that there are two methods for solving the line of best fit. Standards for Mathematical Practice reasoning. 6. The first method is just like writing equations using two points on a line by hand. This method was reviewed during the engagement portion of the lesson (slides 8-10). 7. The second method is using all the points on the graph so that a more accurate equation can be found with the linear regression line by using a calculator. Students may write down the calculator steps, the steps can be projected to the front, or a handout with the directions can be passed to each student (slide 11). 8. Students will be asked to analyze the slope and its meaning in the context of the problem as well as make predictions. 9. Teachers can post on the board the number expected and the number of actual touchdowns scored throughout the season. At the end of the season see how accurate your prediction was and ask the class why you did not pick the exact number of touchdowns. Teachers should stress to the class that the line of best fit is used as a prediction and will not produce an exact number. Transition: Review the answers on the Predicting the Ravens Touchdown handout. Inform students that they will work independently to extend their knowledge on linear regression. Page 7 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Learning Experience 5E Component Identify the 5E component addressed for the learning experience. The 5E model is not linear. ☐Engagement ☐Exploration ☐Explanation ☒Extension ☐Evaluation Details Standards for Mathematical Practice Materials: 1. Classwork 2. PowerPoint slides 12. ☒Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Preparation: Prepare one copy of the classwork handout for each student. This assignment may be completed for homework as well. ☐Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Facilitation of Learning Experience: 1. Provide each student with a copy of the classwork assignment to work on independently. ☐Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. ☐Model with mathematics. 2. Monitor student progress and provide assistance as necessary. Transition: Inform students that they have learned about using linear regression to predict future outcomes. Next class, they are going to engage in a learning experience that demonstrates how lines of best fit, linear regression and scatter plots are applied in the workplace. Students will meet with a STEM Specialist to learn the real-world applications of their content knowledge. ☐Use appropriate tools strategically. ☐Attend to precision. ☐Look for and make use of structure. ☐Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Page 8 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Learning Experience 5E Component Identify the 5E component addressed for the learning experience. The 5E model is not linear. ☐Engagement ☒Exploration ☐Explanation ☐Extension ☐Evaluation Details Materials: Technology needs of the STEM Specialist. Preparation: Contact the STEM Specialist in advance to review plans for the lesson and explain his/her role. A description of the ability level of the students, as well as some of the prior knowledge your students may have of scatterplots, lines of best fit and linear regression may be helpful to the STEM Specialist prior to the visitation. Prepare a list of questions to guide the learning experience with the STEM Specialist or have students prepare some questions in advance. Facilitation of Learning Experience: The STEM Specialist will engage students in a hands-on learning experience that demonstrates how mathematics can be used to predict future outcomes focusing on scatterplots, linear regression, and lines of best fit. Standards for Mathematical Practice ☐Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. ☒Reason abstractly and quantitatively. ☐Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. ☐Model with mathematics. ☐Use appropriate tools strategically. ☐Attend to precision. ☐Look for and make use of Transition: Inform students that they will use the information learned to develop a poster structure. to predict the outcomes of selected events. ☐Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Page 9 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Learning Experience 5E Component Identify the 5E component addressed for the learning experience. The 5E model is not linear. ☐Engagement ☐Exploration ☐Explanation ☐Extension ☒Evaluation Details Materials: PowerPoint slide 13 Poster Rubric Newsprint or other large paper Markers or colored pencils Preparation: Students will need space to create their poster and to display it in the classroom or hallway. Limit the amount of time that students have to create the poster so the emphasis is placed on quality not quantity of information. The instructor may want to project the required items of the poster on a document camera or projector to remind students what should be included on the poster. Students will need access to data via the internet or handouts. Arrange for students to have access to computers with internet to conduct research or provide students data that they can use. Standards for Mathematical Practice ☐Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. ☒Reason abstractly and quantitatively. ☐Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. ☒Model with mathematics. ☐Use appropriate tools strategically. ☐Attend to precision. Facilitation of Learning Experience: 1. Inform students that they will work in teams of three – four to create a poster that predicts the outcome of certain events. Students can selfselect a topic or the teacher can provide students a list of topics to choose from. Suggested topics include Number of accidents caused by texting Number of students who pass the Algebra 1 High School Assessment in Baltimore County Obesity rates in Maryland Number of students who graduate from high school in Maryland ☒Look for and make use of structure. ☐Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Page 10 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Learning Experience 5E Component Identify the 5E component addressed for the learning experience. The 5E model is not linear. Details Standards for Mathematical Practice 2. Project slide 13 and review poster components. 3. Provide each student with a copy of the rubric student teams will selfassess their poster before submitting for a grade. Page 11 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Interventions/Enrichments Identify interventions and enrichments for diverse learners. Supporting Information Struggling Learners Create a graph with the x and y axis labeled. Provide students with the calculator notes as a guide on how to find the line of regression. Instructors can create teams based upon ability, learning style, or other appropriate criteria, so all students can equally contribute to the development and creation of their poster. Specific deadlines for work completion would be important to establish with the teams, so class time is effectively used. Provide access to computers with word-processing programs for students to type their research and/or poster. Provide resources to define and/or pronounce difficult vocabulary. Break work into chunks for teams, so they are able to achieve small goals and meet all expectations. Provide additional time for work completion or assign some parts of the assignment for homework. English Language Learners Strategies to help English Language Learners are similar to those listed above. Provide resources to define and/or pronounce difficult vocabulary. A native language dictionary may also be beneficial. Use visuals (pictures displayed on a document camera or PowerPoint presentation), when appropriate. Read directions and documents aloud to students, when appropriate. Gifted and Talented Provide students with the following questions to answer: o How can anyone be certain on how accurate their equation is? o Is there another mathematical formula to use to find the strength of the linear regression equation? The instructor will foster independent thinking and collaboration between the partners. No one student should take over the work for the Page 12 of 23 STEM-Centric Unit Predicting the Ravens’ Touchdowns Supporting Information partnership. Higher level thinking questions should be asked throughout the lesson with the expectation of responses that are thoughtful and elaborate. Encourage students to develop discussion questions for the STEM Specialist presentation. Page 13 of 23 Name: THE RIGHT INCOMES Directions: Guess the average yearly income of each person. Your teacher will provide you with their actual income. Create a scatter plot of the data points using Guess the Income as the x-axis and the Actual Income as the y-axis. Answer the questions below. Name Guess the Income (millions) Actual Income (millions) The Right Income Jay-Z LeBron James Oprah Winfrey Angelina Jolie Eli Manning Britney Spears President Obama Actual Income (millions) Lady Gaga Guess the Income (millions) 1. Identify the type of correlation your graph represents. Justify your answer. 2. Draw a line of best fit for the data. 3. Calculate the slope and y-intercept for the line of best fit. Show your work below. THE RIGHT INCOME ANSWER KEY Student answers will vary. 2012 salaries retrieved from Name Guess the Income (millions) Actual Income (millions) Lady Gaga 52 Jay-Z 40 LeBron James 19.7 Oprah Winfrey 315 Angelina Jolie 33 Eli Manning Britney Spears President Obama 1.75 58 2.65 1. Identify the type of correlation your graph represents. Justify your answer. - Answers may vary 2. Draw a line of best fit for the data. 3. Calculate the slope and y-intercept for the line of best fit. Show your work below. Name: Predicting Baltimore Ravens Touchdowns Year Number of Touchdowns 2002 36 2003 41 2004 33 2005 25 2006 38 2007 27 2008 42 2009 47 2010 47 2011 41 2012 44 1. Create a scatterplot and draw the line of best fit for the Raven’s Touchdown data. 2. Determine the linear regression equation for the data. 3. What does the slope mean in the context of the problem? 4. Based on the linear regression equation, how many touchdowns should the Ravens score in the 2013 season? Predicting Baltimore Ravens Touchdowns KEY Year Number of Touchdowns 2002 36 2003 41 2004 33 2005 25 2006 38 2007 27 2008 42 2009 47 2010 47 2011 41 2012 44 The Red line is your Line of Best Fit and the green line is the line connected based on the data provided. 1. Create a scatterplot and draw the line of best fit for the Raven’s Touchdown data. 2. Determine the linear regression equation for the data. Y = 1.18x – 2333.64 3. What does the slope mean in the context of the problem? Slope is 1.18 – Each year the Ravens score an additional 1.18 touchdown 4. Based on the linear regression equation, how many touchdowns should the Ravens score in the 2013 season? Y = 1.18 (2013) – 2333.64 Y = 41.7 About 41.7 touchdowns should be scored in 2013 Name: Classwork Problem 1: Fast Food and Calories Fat (g) 0 9 13 21 30 36 42 Calories 0 30 72 100 164 166 208 1. Using a calculator, find the slope and explain it meaning in the context of the problem. 2. If a burger has 40 grams of fat, how many calories will it have? Problem 2: Height (in) 67 70 73.5 75 78 Shoe Size 8.5 9.5 11 12 13 3. Using a calculator, determine the equation of linear regression. 4. If a person is 82in in height, what is his/her shoe size? 5. If a person has a 10.5 shoe size, how tall would he/she be? Name: Classwork KEY Problem 1: Fast Food and Calories Fat (g) 0 9 13 21 30 36 42 Calories 0 30 72 100 164 166 208 1. Using a calculator, find the slope and explain it meaning in the context of the problem. Slope is 4.62 – For each gram of fat there are 4.62 calories 2. If a burger has 40 grams of fat, how many calories will it have? Y = 4.62x +14.64 Y = 4.62(40) +14.64 Y = 199.44 calories Problem 2: Height (in) 67 70 73.5 75 78 Shoe Size 8.5 9.5 11 12 13 3. Using a calculator, determine the equation of linear regression. Y = 0.42x – 19.93 4. If a person is 82in in height, what is his/her shoe size? Y = 0.42 (82) – 19.93 Y = 14.51 Size 14 and a half 5. If a person has a 10.5 shoe size, how tall would he/she be? 10.5 = 0.42x – 19.93 30.43 = 0.42x Add 19.93 to both sides 72.45 = x Divide both sides by 0.42 72.5 inches Name: Linear Regression Poster Rubric Earned Assessment 1 Points Title Question Data Graph 2 3 There is no title A weak title is provided Title clearly states the meaning of the problem There is no question A vague questions is asked An in-depth question is asked with clear details There is no data Data is provided without any clear organization Data is clearly organized and provided easy for anyone to read There is no graph Line of Best Fit The line of best fit is not calculated by hand or by calculator Prediction There is no prediction made Teacher Comments: A graph is provided, however there are no labels and/or a line of best fit is not (or incorrectly) drawn The line of best is written down(or incorrectly calculated) without the proper steps A prediction is calculated (or incorrectly calculated) with little or no explanation A graph is provided with all the proper labels and a line of best is correctly drawn The line of best fit is neatly written displaying the proper steps in order A clear prediction is calculated with a brief analysis. Self Teacher