Have students complete the Career Pathway Selection Form for your

All Computer Applications classes will include a unit on Career Development which will take
approximately one week to complete. This unit is related to the following standards:
BCS-CA1-9. Students will use technology to access, review, evaluate, and select
information from multiple resources for reporting purposes.
a. Evaluate and select various job search strategies.
CTAE-FS-10 Career Development: Learners plan and manage academic-career
plans and employment relations.
Additional goals of this unit are to enable students to:
 Determine their career interests and aptitudes
 Consider non-traditional careers which may provide excellent opportunities
 Become thoroughly familiar with their high school Career Pathway options
 Select first, second, and third choices for Career Pathways
 Understand requirements for completing their Career Pathways
The following schedule of activities is suggested to accomplish our goals. Computer Applications
instructors have the flexibility to make adjustments as needed.
Day 1
Give every student a Career Concentrations booklet
Have students write their names on the front of the booklet
Have students complete the scavenger hunt using the booklet
Have students look through the booklet completing all of the interest surveys
Take the booklets up for use later in the week
Day 2
1. Use Create Your 411 Account lesson plan
2. Have students register for accounts at www.gacollege411.org
Standard login names—example: Christopher Jones, ID#12345; login name: cjones12345;
password: 12345cjones
3. Use the Work Values Sorter lesson plan
4. If time remains, have students complete the Career Key survey on GAcollege411
Day 3
1. Use Do What You Love lesson plan; student will complete the Interest Profiler as part of this
2. Have students complete the Career Cluster Survey on GAcollege411
3. Have students complete the Basic Skills Survey on GAcollege411
4. Have students browse careers that interest them on GAcollege411
Day 4
1. Use Exploring Non-Traditional and Emerging Careers lesson plan
2. Use Labor Market Info lesson plan
3. Discuss wages earned by registered nurses, electricians, etc. and opportunities for those willing
to consider non-traditional careers
4. Allow students to view Career Pathway Videos for their high school and Hutchings Career Center
(Students in all zones can be transported to Hutchings.) The videos are located on the Bibb
County School District web site: www.bibb.k12.ga.us. The link to the videos is currently at the
bottom of the left column of the home page and also on the CTAE Department web page.
Day 5
1. Use Georgia’s Program Concentrations lesson plan
2. Return students’ Career Concentrations booklets
3. Have students complete pages 30 and 31 in back of the Career Concentrations booklet (students
may keep booklets)
VERY IMPORTANT—make sure you allow adequate time for this culminating activity:
Have students complete the Career Pathway Selection Form for your
school indicating their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pathway choices. You will submit
one copy of each form to your CTAE Supervisor for data entry into Infinite
Campus. Each student should keep a copy of the form as well. You may accomplish this by
having students complete two forms or by making photocopies before submitting the forms to
your Supervisor.