Wireless Sensor Networks 1

Wireless Sensor Networks
Mixalis Ombashis
Advanced Networks
Instructor: Dr. Christos Panayiotou
• Introduction
• Design Factors
Fault Tolerance
Production Cost
Hardware Constrains
• Protocol Stack
 Physical Layer
 Data link Layer
 …
• Cross layer Protocols For WSN
What Is A Sensor ?
• A sensor (also called detector) is a converter that
measures a physical quantity and converts it into a
signal which can be read by an observer or by an
(today mostly electronic) instrument.
• Area
• Environmental
• Military
• Health
• Fire Detection
• Home
• Sensor Node Components
• Sensor Position
– Need to be engineered or predetermined
– Random Deployment in inaccessible terrains
– Disaster Relief Operations
• Self organizing Capabilities
– Protocols
– Algorithms
• Local Computation
– Transmit Only Required Partially Processed Data
• Centralized Approach where all sensors readings are gathered at a sink
(Directed Diffusion)
• Stationary Sink – Pre determined Position
Implementation of
Sensor Field - Sink - User
Two-Tier Data
Dissemination Model
For Large Scale WSN
Locations are known through the
use of GPS and localization
Homogeneous Sensor nodes
Short Range Radio
Multiple Hops for long distances
Sinks query the network
Two level Flooding
Design Factors
• Fault Tolerance
– Nodes May Fail, Blocked or Physical Damaged
– Ability to sustain functionalities without any
interruption due to sensor node failures
• Source of Faults in WSN Applications
• Node Faults
• Network Faults
• Sink Faults
• Failure Classification
• Crash or Omission
• Timing
• Value
• Arbitrary
Design Factors
• Fault detection techniques
– Self-Diagnosis
– Group Detection: Only if a reference value is available
– Hierarchical Detection: Trees
• Fault recovery techniques
– Active replication
1. Multipath routing
2. Sensor value aggregation
3. Ignore values from faulty nodes
– Passive replication
Node selection
Self-election : Probabilistic Algorithms
Group election: Clusters With Cluster Heads
Hierarchical election
2. Service Distribution
a) Pre-Copy: Make The Code of All nodes available on all nodes before deployment
b) Code distribution
Remote Execution
Design Factors
• Scalability
– Number of Deployed nodes vary from hundreds to thousands or
millions depending on the applications
– Density has to be utilized:
• N is the number of scattered nodes
• R is the ratio transmission range
• μ(R) gives the number of nodes within the transmission radius of each node in
region A
• Production Cost
– Obviously has to be low
Design Factors
• Hardware Constrains
– May need to fit into a matchbox-sized module
– Consume Extremely Low Power
• Environment
– Unattended in Remote geographic areas
– Bottom of an ocean
– Battlefield
Design Factors
• Transmission Media
– Wireless Medium: Radio, Infrared
• Power Consumption
– Limited Power Source
– May be Impossible to Replenish Power Source
– The malfunctioning of few nodes can cause
significant topological changes and might require
rerouting of packets and reorganization of the
Protocol Stack
Protocol Stack
• Management Planes
– Power Management Plane:
• Manage how a sensor node uses its power
– Mobility Management Plane:
• Detects and registers the movement of sensor nodes, so a
route back to the user is always maintained and the sensor
nodes can keep track of who their neighbour sensors are
– Task Management Plane:
• Sensor can work together in a power efficient way, route
data in a mobile sensor network, and share resources
between sensor nodes
Protocol Stack
• The Physical Layer
– Responsible for
Frequency selection
Carrier frequency generation
Signal detection
Data encryption
The Physical Layer
• Requirements
– The radio must be containable in a small device,
since the sensor nodes are small
– The radios must be cheap, since the sensors will
be used in large numbers in redundant fashion
– The radio technology must work with higher layers
in the protocol stack to consume very low power
The Physical Layer
• Signal propagation effects
– Power required to transmit a signal is Proportional
to dn , ( 2 ≤ 𝒏 < 4 )
– n closer to 4 for low-lying antennas and near
ground channels, due to signal cancellation by a
ground-reflected ray.
– Multihop communication in a sensor network can
effectively overcome shadowing and path loss
effects, if the node density is high enough
Protocol Stack
• The Data Link Layer
– Responsible for
Multiplexing of data streams
Data frame detection
Medium Access Control
Error Control
Medium Access Control (MAC)
• Two Goals:
Creation of the network infrastructure
Share communication resources between sensor nodes
• Collision avoidance
• Energy efficiency
• Scalability in node density
• Why existing MAC protocols can’t be used?
– The primary goal of the existing MAC protocol is the provision of high
QoS and bandwidth efficiency
– Energy is not taken into account
• MAC protocols for sensor network must have
– Built-in power conservation
– Mobility management
– Failure recovery strategies
Medium Access Control (MAC)
Need To Turn Off The RADIO!!
Medium Access Control (MAC)
• Major sources of energy waste
– Long idle time when no sensing event happens
– Collisions
– Overhearing
– Control overhead
MAC Protocols Proposed For Sensor
• The SMACS protocol - Self-Organizing
Medium Access Control For Sensor Networks
– Achieves network start-up and link-layer
• CSMA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access based
• Hybrid TDMA/FDMA based
SMACS protocol
• Major components of SMAC
– Periodic listen and sleep
– Collision avoidance
– Overhearing avoidance
• Neighboring nodes are synchronized together
– Periodic updating using a SYNC packet
Sender Node ID
Next-Sleep Time
• Listen interval divided into two parts
– Each part further divided into time slots
• RTS/CTS Similar to IEEE 802.11
– Interfering nodes go to sleep after they hear the RTS or CTS packet
• Power conservation is achieved by using a random wake-up schedule
during the connection phase and by turning the radio off during idle time
CSMA Based Mac Protocol
• Two important components
– The listening mechanism
– The back off scheme.
• As reported and based on simulations
– Constant listen periods are energy efficient
– The introduction of random delay provides
robustness against repeated collisions
CSMA Based Mac Protocol
• Adaptive Transmission Rate Control Scheme - ARC
– Achieves medium access fairness by balancing the rates
of originating and route-through traffic
– The ARC controls the data origination rate of a node in
order to allow the route-through traffic to propagate.
– Route-through traffic is preferred over the originating
• Since dropping route-through traffic is costlier ,the associated
penalty is lesser
Hybrid TDMA/FDMA based Protocol
• Centrally controlled MAC scheme
• The system is made up of energy constrained sensor nodes that
communicate to a single, nearby, high powered base station (<10
• While a pure TDMA scheme dedicates the full bandwidth to a single
sensor node, a pure FDMA scheme allocates minimum signal
bandwidth per node.
• Optimum number of channels found to depend on the ratio of
power consumption between transmitter and receiver
– If transmitter consumes more power TDMA scheme is preferred
– If receiver consumes more power FDMA scheme is preferred
The Data Link Layer
• Power saving modes of operation
• Turn the transceiver off when it is not required.
– Not exactly
– Dominance of Start-up Energy
Power saving modes of operation
• Dynamic Power Management Scheme
– An event occurs when a sensor node picks up a
signal with power above a predetermined
– Probability assumed to be Exponential <e-λt>
The Data Link Layer
• Error Control
– Two important modes of error control
• Forward error correction (FEC)
– Higher Decoding Complexity
– If the associated processing power is greater than
the coding gain, then the whole process in energy
inefficiency and the system is better off without
• Automatic repeat request (ARQ)
– Limited by the additional retransmission energy
cost and overhead.
Cross layer Protocols For WSN
• Performance limitations in the layered architecture
– It doesn’t consider dependencies between different layers.
• Two kinds of cross-layer architecture
– Packet-based interaction scheme
• Each layer puts all information that used for cross-layer
approaches into packet header and other layers catch interesting
information by inspecting the each packet.
– Direct interaction scheme
• Allows any two layers to communicate directly with one another
via new APIs
• Both schemes, existing system software may need to
be modified to support new packet structures or APIs
XCP (eXtensible Cross-layer design
• Enables the exchange of information between
different layers for performance optimization
CPL (Communication Protocol Layer),
MRL (Mutual Reference across Layer)
PO (Performance Optimization) component
XCP (eXtensible Cross-layer design
• Procedures of process of the XCP
1. In initialization, each cross-layer module in the PO component
requests the interesting information to the MRL component
2. If a cross-layer module need not more any information, it can
release the requested information using
3. The bus arbiter thread pops a data from information queues
and informs it to requested cross layer modules
4. When the requested information is stored at information base
in the each cross-layer module, it performs optimization
5. Then the results of optimization by each cross-layer module
are applied to information set using APPLY_INFORMATION()
Cross-layer module (XLM)
• Complete unified cross-layering
• Incorporates
– Initiative determination
– Received based contention
– Local congestion control
– Distributed duty cycle operation
Cross-layer module (XLM)
• Communication in XLM is built on initiative
– Provides freedom for each node to decide on
participating in communication
– The next-hop in each communication is not
determined in advance
Cross-layer module (XLM)
• Initiative determination procedure
– A node initiates transmission by broadcasting an RTS packet to
indicate its neighbors that it has a packet to send
– Upon receiving an RTS packet, each neighbor of node i decides to
participate in the communication or not
– This decision is given through initiative determination
– The initiative determination is a binary operation where a node
decides to participate in communication if its initiative is 1.
– Denoting the initiative as I, it is determined as follows:
RTS signals requires that the received signal to noise ratio (SNR) of an
RTS packet,, is above some threshold
Prevents congestion by limiting the traffic a node can relay
Ensures that the node does not experience any buffer overflow
Ensures that the remaining energy of a node stays above a minimum
Cross-layer module (XLM)
• Distributed duty cycle operation
– Each node is implemented with a sleep frame with length TS sec. As a result, a
node is active for δ × TS sec and sleeps for (1 − δ) × TS sec.
• Transmission Initiation
– Listens to the channel for a specific period of time
– Checks if its information is correlated with the transmitting source nodes
– If the channel is occupied, the node performs back off based on its contention
– When the channel is idle, the node broadcasts an RTS packet, which contains
the location of the sensor node i and the location of the sink
– When a node receives an RTS packet, it first checks the source and destination
• Receiver Contention
– After an RTS packet is received, if a node has initiative to participate in the
communication, it performs receiver contention to forward the packet
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M.-S. Pan, C.-H. Tsai, and Y.-C. Tseng, Implementation of an Emergency Guiding and Monitoring
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T. Melodia, M. C. Vuran, D. Pompili, “The State of the Art in Cross layer Design for Wireless Sensor
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