SAIGONTECH Course Syllabus BUSG 1301 - Introduction to Business 1. Class:BUSG 1301 - Introduction to Business Semester: Spring 2016 2. Instructor: Lâm Hữu Hoàng Phúc, MBA Email: Office: R.604 Office telephone: (84-8) 3715 5033 (ext. 1619) Mobile phone: 0943 77 83 86 Office hours: by appointment 3. Campus and Room Location with Days and Times Venue: R205 SaigonTech Tower Time: Friday 13:00 PM – 16:10 PM 4. Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH): 3 5. Total Course Contact Hours: 48 hours 6. Textbook: Kelly, M., &McGrowen, J. (2013). BUSN (5th ed.). Mason, OH 45040, USA: SouthWestern Cengage Learning. 7. Course Description: This course presents the fundamentals of business principles and practices. The content emphasizes on decision making and planning, teamwork, technology, and communication. Topics include analysis of the business environment, starting a new business, managing business and employees, marketing, accounting, and finance. 8. Program Learning Outcomes a. Identify essential management skills necessary for career success. b. Describe the relationships of social responsibility, ethics, and law in business. c. Construct a business plan. d. Examine the role of strategic human resource planning in support of organizational mission and objectives. 9. Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): 1. Describe the scope of business environment and enterprise in the nation Students’ and the world today learning 2. Describe the business formation process and the role of small business Outcomes to the world economy development 3. Identify major business functions of accounting 4. Identify major business functions of marketing 5. Define and apply business terminology. Learning 1. Be able to describe the scope of business environment and enterprise in Objectives the nation and the world today: 1.1. Define business and discuss the role of business in the economy. 1.2. Describe today’s business environment and discuss each key dimension. 1.3. Understand key terms and tools to evaluate economic performance. 1.4. Describe barriers to international trade and strategies to surmount them. 1.5. Explain the role of social responsibility in the global arena. 1.6. Compare, contrast, and choose effective communication channels 2. Be able to describe the business formation process and the role of small business to the world economy development: 2.1. Describe the characteristics of the four basic forms of business ownership. 2.2. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of franchising. 2.3. Analyze the opportunities and threats that small businesses face. 2.4. Understand ways to become a new business owner and tools to facilitate success 1 3. Be able to dentify major business functions of accounting: 3.1. Describe several methods stakeholders can use to obtain useful insights from a company’s financial statements. 3.2. Explain how the budget process can help managers plan, motivate, and evaluate their organization’s performance. 3.3. Describe the tools financial managers use to evaluate their company’s current financial condition and develop financial plans. 3.4. Explain how financial managers evaluate capital budgeting proposals to identify the best long-term investment options for their company 4. Production and costs 4.1. Identify the objectives, the process, and the scope of marketing. 4.2. Define the key elements of marketing research. 4.3. Discuss innovation and the product life cycle. 4.4. Understand the promotional mix and the various promotional tools. V. Firm behavior and market structure 5.1. Understand the role of management and its importance to organizational success. 5.2. Define four functions of management and distinguish between management and leadership. 5.3. Discuss key human resource issues in today’s economy. 5.4. Outline challenges and opportunities that the human resources function faces. 10. Grading policy An Incomplete may be given only for extenuating circumstances (i.e. family illness, accident, and an unforeseen event occurring at exam time). The grading policy is summarized below: Course Grading Grading Scale 1) Quiz (quantity: 10, mode: individual) 20% A 90 – 100 2) Participation 10% B 80 – 89 3) Mid-term exam 20% C 70 – 79 4) Final exam 30% D 60 – 69 5) Presentation & Report 0 – 59 20% F Total 100% The passing grade of this course is D. 1) Quiz (individual, closed book, only calculator accepted) Each student must attend the class to take the quizzes. If he/she is absent, there is no other opportunity to make up. Mark of 0 will be given if not taking the quiz. Specific time and date for the quizzes are specified in the course calendar. The duration of each test is 10 minutes. There are 12 quizzes in total. The quizzes will be provided in order to test students’ knowledge about the materials provided in the previous lectures and to help students be prepared before mid-term and final examinations. The results and feedbacks will be received at the next class. 2) Examination Format (individual, only calculator accepted) Exam Midterm Type MCT Application No. of questions 50 2-3 Points 50 50 Chapters Mode Duratio n Reading time 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Closed -book 120 mins 5 mins 2 Final • • • • • MCT Application 50 2-3 50 50 90 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15 Closed -book 120 mins 5 mins 3) Participation (individual): Participation mark depends on your diligence and activeness. To get full mark (10%), you have to attend all 16 class-sessions and be very active in the class. 4) Presentation& Report: Students will form into teams with the direction from the instructor about size and composition. Each team is required to present about an assigned reading/case study. The topic content should be further than the knowledge has been referred in textbook. Modification of topic or date of presentation is not allowed without the instructor’s permission. Each group is required to do 1 presentation (account for 10%) and 1 report (account for 10%) for the whole semester. Each presentation will last 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions and answers. The groups have to hand in both hard-copy and soft copy of their power point slides and Final submission of the Report to the assistant instructor on the presentation day Everyone in the group has to present. Those who do not present with the group at the presentation date will receive only 50% of the mark given to the group There is no extension approval for group presentation Below is the list of presentation marking criteria: Criteria Standards % Speaking speed Not too fast, not too slow 5 Attire Appropriate 5 Time management 30 minutes for presentation ( including questions & answers section) 5 Power point slides Good design & layout 5 Pronunciation Accurate, clear, loud enough 20 Professional Manner Proper gesture, face expression, eye contact, audience control 30 Content Quality of the content presented, quality of the answers 30 Total 11. Grading Scale Percentage Grade 90 – 100 80 – 89 70 – 79 60 – 69 0 – 59 The passing grade is D. 100 Letter Grade A B C D F 3 12. Course calendar Week 1 Date Fri Jan 15 2016 Topic - Syllabus clarification - Chapter 1: Business Now: Change is the Only Constant LO1: Define business and discuss the role of business in the economy LO2: Explain the evolution of modern business LO3: Discuss the role of nonprofit organization in the economy LO4: Outline the core factors of production and how they affect the economy LO5: Describe today’s business environment and discuss each key dimension. st - 1 company video case and discussion 2 Fri Jan 22 2016 - Chapter 2: Economics: The Framework for Business LO2: Analyze the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on the economy LO3: Explain the free market system and supply and demand LO4: Explain planned market systems LO6: Discuss key terms and tools to evaluate economic performance - Quiz 1 3 Fri Jan 29 2016 - Chapter 3: The World Marketplace: Business without Borders LO2: Explain key reasons for international trade LO3: Describe the tools for measuring international trade LO4: Analyze strategies for reaching global markets LO5: Discuss barriers to international trade LO6: Describe free trade movement - Global trade news update - Quiz 2 - Chapter 4: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility: Doing Well by Doing Good 4 Fri Feb 19 2016 LO2: Define business ethics and ethical dilemmas LO4: Define social responsibility and examine the impact of social responsibility on stakeholder groups - Chapter 5: Business Communication: Creating and Delivering Messages that Matter LO1: Explain the importance of excellent business communication LO2: Describe the key elements of nonverbal communication LO3: Compare, contrast, and choose effective communication channels LO6: Create and deliver successful verbal presentations 4 - 2nd company video case and discussion - Quiz 3 5 Fri Feb 26 2016 - Chapter 6: Business Formation: Choosing the Form that Fits LO2: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a sole proprietorship LO3: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of general partnerships LO4: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of C corporations LO6: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of franchising - Quiz 4 6 Fri Mar 04 2016 - Chapter 7: Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Economic Rocket Fuel LO1: Explain key reasons to launch a small business LO2: Describe the typical entrepreneurial mindset and characteristics LO3: Discuss funding options for small business LO4: Analyze the opportunities and threats that small business face LO5: Discuss ways to become a new business owner and tools to facilitate success - Quiz 5 - Mid-term exam review 7 Fri Mar 11 2016 8 Fri Mar 18 2016 Mid-term examination Solution and feedback for Mid–term examination - Chapter 8: Accounting: Decision Making By the Numbers LO1: Define accounting and describe how accounting information is used by a variety of stakeholders LO2: Identify the purposes and goals of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) LO3: Describe the key elements of the major financial statements LO6: Explain how the budget process can help managers plan, motivate, and evaluate their organization’s performance - Chapter 9: Finance: Acquiring and Using Funds to Maximize Value 9 Fri Mar 25 2016 LO1: Identify the goal of financial management and explain the issues financial managers confront as they seek to achieve this goal LO2: Describe the tools financial managers use to evaluate their company’s current financial condition and develop financial plans LO3: Evaluate the major sources of funds available to meet a firm’s short term and long-term financial needs - Chapter 9 (cont’) - Chapter 11: Marketing: Building Profitable Customer Connections 5 LO1: Discuss the objectives, the process, and the scope of marketing LO2: Identify the role of the customer in marketing LO3: Explain each element of marketing strategy LO4: Describe the consumer and business decision-making process LO5: Discuss the key elements of marketing research - Quiz 6 10 Fri Apr 01 2016 - Chapter 11 (cont’) - Chapter 12: Product and Promotion: Creating and Communicating Value LO1: Explain “product” and identify product classifications LO2: Describe product differentiation and the key elements of product planning LO3: Discuss innovation and product life cycle LO4: Analyze and explain promotion and integrated marketing communications LO6: Discuss the promotional mix and the various promotional tools rd - 3 company video case and discussion - Quiz 7 11 Fri Apr 05 2016 - Chapter 12 (cont’) - Chapter 13: Distribution and Pricing: Right Product, Right Person, Right Place, Right Price LO1: Define distribution and differentiate between channels of distribution and physical distribution LO2: Describe the various types of wholesale distributors LO3: Discuss strategies and trends in store and nonstore retailing LO5: Outline core pricing objectives and strategies LO6: Discuss pricing in practice, including the role of consumer perceptions rd - 3 case presentation and discussion - Quiz 8 12 Fri Apr 15 2016 - Chapter 13 (cont’) - Chapter 14: Management Motivation and Leadership: Bringing Business to Life LO1: Discuss the role of management and its importance to organizational success LO2: Explain key theories and current practices of motivation LO4: Discuss the organizing function of management LO5: Explain the role of managerial leadership and the key leadership styles - Quiz 9 13 Fri Apr 22 2016 - Chapter 14 (cont’) 6 - Chapter 15: Human Resource Management: Building a Top- Quality Workforce LO1: Explain the importance of human resources to business success LO2: Discuss key human resource issues in today’s economy LO4:Discuss human resource planning and core human resources responsibilities - Quiz 10 14 Fri Apr 29 2016 - Chapter 15 (cont’) - Final exam review - Case discussion - Preparation for presentation 15 16 Fri May 05 2016 Fri May 12 2016 - FINAL EXAM (chapter 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) - Group presentation - All written reports and Power Point slides are due at 12:PM the same date with presentation. 13. Classroom Policy Late work will NOT be accepted. I will deduct 10% from that late work’s score per every day after due date. Always come to class on time. No cellphone use is allowed during lectures. Students are expected to take exam on the scheduled dates. Make-up exams are not guaranteed. I will ask for your permission if I need to use Vietnamese to explain difficult terms or concepts for you, and vice versa. 14. Cheating and Plagiarism Policy Please read my PowerPoint on “Cheating and Plagiarism” and the following policies for more details about Academic Dishonesty Policy: Acts of plagiarism include but are not limited to: Submit other people’s works to get points (Nộp bài làm của người khác để lấy điểm cho mình). Copy words or ideas without citing source and author’s name (Sao chép từ hoặc ý tưởng củangười khác mà không nêu nguồn tài liệu và tên tác giả được trích dẫn). Do not use quotation marks for direct citation (Không đặt dấu ngoặc kép trong các trích dẫn nguyên văn). Cite the wrong source (Đưa thông tin sai về nguồn của một trích dẫn). Change the wording but sentence structure without citing author’s name (Thay đổi từ ngữ nhưng vẫn giữ nguyên cấu trúc câu của một nguồn tài liệu mà không nêu tên tác giả). Borrow words/ phrases from a source without using quotation marks or with making negligible change (Vay mượn từ/ cụm từ của một nguồn tài liệu mà không đặt dấu ngoặc kép hoặc chỉ thay đổi chúng một cách qua loa). Copy too many words or ideas that make up the most of personal work, regardless of whether source and author’s name are cited (Sao chép quá nhiều từ ngữ hoặc ý tưởng từ một nguồn tài liệu làm cho các ý tưởng đó chiếm phần lớn bài làm của mình, bất kể có nêu tên nguồn hoặc tác giả hay không) Copy information from Internet such as company information, market information etc. (Sao chépthông tin từ Internet (thông tin công ty, thông tin thị trườngv.v) Copy completely or partly from the text translated by translation tool such as Google translation etc (sao chép nguyên văn, hoặc một phần từ các công cụ dịch thuật, chẳng hạn Google Translation) 7 Cooperate with other students to do the exams, tests and other assignments without permission of the Instructor (Cộng tác với sinh viên khác trong lúc làm bài thi/kiểm tra hoặc trong các bài tập mà không được phép của giáo viên) Use one assignment to submit for different classes without permission of the Instructor (Sử dụng hoặc nộp cùng một bài làm cho nhiều lớp khác nhau mà không được phép của giáo viên môn học) Have other people do the exams, tests and other assignments for you (Đi thi hộ hoặc nhờ người khác thi hộ mình trong kỳ thi/ kiểm tra hoặc làm giúp hay nhờ người khác làm bài tập cho mình) The penalties are regulated clearly in “Policy no.2 about Plagiarism, SaigonTech catalogue 2015” which is available on SaigonTech’s website at: Other Student Information: Refer to SaigonTech’s website at www. for other students rights and responsibilities at the school * If you are caught red-handed, you will receive a zero on the assignment. F grade for the course will be applied in case you commit severe plagiarism for the second time. 8