
November 16, 2014
Help lift up others to the Lord through prayer. Join the Prayer Chain. For telephone or e-mail prayer
chain requests, call Sylvia Holland at 764-6479. Names remain on the list four weeks unless the
office is notified otherwise.
Please keep in your prayers: God’s Vision for Calvary, Bishop Jeremiah Park, District Superintendent
Charles Salisbury, our nation, Middle East crisis, peace, the hungry, all those fighting cancer and other
devastating diseases, Sierra Leone Initiative, Mondema U.M. Church, our missionary families, Haitian
crisis, Grace Children’s Hospital, children coming into the U. S. and their families, and the following
members and family and friends of members.
Calvary’s homebound members and friends – they would enjoy receiving cards, notes, and
many, visits: Arlene Bambling, Dorothy Bransom, Ethel Brubaker, Margaret Bulk, Fred Burkins, Helen
Drumm, Ernest & Phyllis Garner, Jean Grissinger, Sylvia & William Holland, Pauline Long, Richard
Mann, Alice Norris, Elaine Plitt, Harry Smith, Stanley Snyder, Johanna Sterner, James Sweitzer,
Catherine Worley
Nancy Fox; Steve Garvin, Pastor Roland and Sue’s son; Karl Jacoby; Tessa Koeling, mother of Keith &
Linda Krout’s grandchildren; Randy Meadows, father of a preschool student; John Trimmer; Jim
Bob Childs, friend of the Poffs; Diane Langford, wife of Messiah UMC’s pastor
(Week 3)
Carol Fox, George and Nancy Fox’s sister-in-law; a preschool student’s mother; Donna Rutherford, Dick
Reeder’s sister; Dick Mann; Lee Ann Hosley (Week 1)
Please keep in your prayers our service men and women:
Tyler Jacoby
Andrew Miller
Bryan Stinnett
Bryce Holden
Daniel Duff
Rusty Gohn
Renee Wagner
Margaret Kugler’s grandson
Matt Coons
Ed Kunkel
Our condolences to Sara Elicker and the family and friends of Charles Elicker who passed on
November 1. A Celebration of Life and Resurrection Service was held at Calvary Church on November 6
with Pastor Roland Garvin officiating.
Our condolences to Betty Kuntz and the family and friends of Terry Kuntz who passed on November 3.
A Celebration of Life and Resurrection Service was held at Calvary Church on November 8 with Pastor
Roland Garvin officiating.
TODAY – November 16 – 23rd Sunday after Pentecost – Capital Funds Sunday – World Hunger
8:00 AM
Informal Worship - Sanctuary
9:00 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
10:00 AM Fellowship and Coffee Time - Parlor
10:30 AM Traditional Worship - Sanctuary
10:30 AM The Flame Contemporary Worship – Social Hall
12 Noon Shekinah Worship – Sanctuary (to 2:30 PM)
2:00 PM
Annual Church Conference (to 4:00 PM) at Messiah UMC - All church members are
invited to attend, and all members have voice and vote.
Monday, November 17
7:00 PM
NA – Social Hall
7:00 PM
Chimes Practice
Wednesday, November 19
6:00 PM
Trinity Wednesday Potluck Dinner and Worship – Social Hall – All Welcome!
Thursday, November 20
7:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM
Shekinah Word Empowerment (to 9:00 PM)
7:00 PM
Trustees Meeting
Saturday, November 22
4:00 PM
Shekinah Choir Rehearsal (to 6:00 PM)
Sunday, November 23 – Christ the King Sunday – Thank Offering Sunday
8:00 AM
Informal Traditional Worship - Sanctuary
9:00 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
10:00 AM Fellowship and Coffee Time - Parlor
10:30 AM Traditional Worship - Sanctuary
10:30 AM The Flame Contemporary Worship – Social Hall
12 Noon Shekinah Worship – Sanctuary (to 2:30 PM)
Time ?
Youth Trip to Laser Dome
Calvary Members and Friends, Kudos to all of you for your generous spirit and nature. For this year’s
CROP Walk, we raised $1,525.00! And 25% will stay right here in York County! We are making a
difference in diminishing hunger for others with one step at a time. A special thanks goes to Pastor Mike
and Pam, Janelle Frealing and baby Ava, and Lynn McJunkin who all walked on your behalf. Thanks
again. You’re the best!
Love and Blessings from Calvary’s CROP Walk rep, Sally Sheaffer
Sunday School = 52
Trinity Wednesday = 32
Early Worship - 8:00 AM = 18
Traditional Worship – 10:30 AM = 78
Contemporary Worship - The Flame – 10:30 AM = 45
Total Worship Attendance for the Week = 173
TODAY - World Hunger Offering – This offering is sponsored by the Missional Board of the
Susquehanna Conference of the UM Church. The goal is at least $1 per person. The offering will be
divided as follows: 25% to world projects through UMCOR, 25% to national projects through UMCOR,
and 50% to Conference projects. Envelopes for your donations are in the boxes of donation envelopes.
THE WELL Citrus and Candle Sale – Orders Due TODAY! – It’s time to order your citrus fruit fresh
from Florida and support The WELL. Navel Oranges, Tangelos, and Pink Grapefruit are available.
Mason Jar Candles are also being sold in four fragrances. Order forms are at the Information Center
and list prices. If you have any questions, contact Sally Sheaffer
Thanksgiving Meal – Wednesday, November 26, 5 – 7 PM. Contact Ginny Adams to find out how you
can help. If you will be joining us for dinner, please sign up on the sheet at the Information Center.
Tree of Warmth – Calvary is partnering with St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church next door on a program to
reach out and help members. When asked how Calvary could help support this program, they said,
“Warm winter wear.” This should be easy for us since we already do our Tree of Warmth in December.
We can add coats to our tree idea and collect items staring now through February. We will use the
closet at the back of the apostles room – please hang the coats and put hats, gloves, mittens, socks,
and scarves in the tote in the closet.
Hanging of the Greens: It’s not too early to think of the Holidays. They will be upon us before we know
it. Please mark your calendar and plan to help decorate the church on Saturday, November 29th, at 10
AM. (Note - it is Saturday, not Sunday, this year.) The sanctuary will need to be decorated as well as the
Parlor and the Apostles Room. All are welcome to join us - men, women, children, and people not afraid
to get on a ladder to hang the wreaths! As much as I think Pastor Roland would like to climb a ladder,
there is no way we’re allowing that to happen! A light lunch will be provided when we are finished.
The WELL – Please continue to bring in non-perishable food, personal care items, and household
items. Please note … The WELL does not need egg cartons or small containers at this time.
Please remember to buy Giant and Weis Grocery Cards from Calvary! To purchase cards, see
Karen Hoover on Sundays or call her at 792-2466. Profits are used to purchase Bibles to give away.
Please help - We need volunteers! Please sign up for one or more of these opportunities to
support your church! Greeters/Ushers, Altar Flower Sponsors, Bulletin Sponsors, Liturgists!
To contact Pastor Mike: 717-877-4791 or In the event of a
pastoral emergency, call Pastor Mike; if he is not available, you may leave a message for him or call
Pastor Roland at 717-840-0725.
Scheduled Calvary Church Office Hours:
Tuesdays 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Wednesdays 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Thursdays 1:00 - 5:00 PM
2014 YTD Financial Snapshot
Actual Income
Actual Expenses
Budgeted Income
Budgeted Expenses
Year to Date: Jan - Sep
If you have any
questions about
January –
2014 Financial
please contact
Frank Huttel.