Progress Summary for Presentation with Capstone Group

University of Virginia
Process Development and Integration for the Six-Year
Program and the Statewide Transportation
Improvement Plan
Progress Summary
James H. Lambert <> (434) 982-2072
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems and Department of
Systems and Information Engineering
University of Virginia
September 10, 2004
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
• SYIP/STIP business process spans many divisions and
activities across VDOT
• Need to focus and bound SYIP/STIP business process
modeling that is supportive of current FHWA-VDOT
• IDEF documentation should provide a basis for action
and remedies to current process deficiencies
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
• The capstone team will develop business process
models of Virginia’s highway and transit construction
program with the integrated definition (IDEF) standard
that is used across diverse applications of systems
engineering. The team will interact with agency
managers who are involved in process reengineering.
The team will test and evaluate commercial software
including Process Modeler ™ of Computer Associates,
Inc. The effort of the team will have impact to the
financial management of over 1500 construction
projects and over a billion dollars of annual investment
in transportation.
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Process Modeling Methodology - IDEF3
• Capture description of a process and the network of
relations that exists between processes
• Record the raw data resulting from fact-finding
interviews in systems analysis activities
• Document the decision procedures affecting the states
and life-cycle of critical shared data, particularly
manufacturing, engineering, and maintenance product
definition data
• Manage data configuration and change control policy
• Make system design and design trade-off analysis
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
Background – IDEF0
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
University of Virginia
Data Needs for IDEF3
Title of responsible department/s
Controls - consist of legislation, regulations, and policies related to
the system
Mechanisms - refer to the elements that accomplish the actions of
the process, such as people, manual or automated tools, established
procedures for holding hearings, etc
Key decisions
Impacted activities
Estimated duration
Related models/diagrams
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
Background – IDEF3
University of Virginia
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Task 1
BPWin* Process Model of SYIP and STIP
* Software Application of IDEF
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Discussion of Process Models
• Created Several Process
– Used IDEF3
– Merged into one large
process model
– Some of activities had
Above: STIP Process Model
Left: IDEF3 Description
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
STIP Development Process – Flow Diagram
Six Year
Project Cost
Draft Program
Final Public
CTB Approval
of Final
MPO’s develop
Draft TIP
Final SYP
Air Quality
Constraint &
Self Cert.
MPO’s adopt
Final TIP
STIP sent to
Source: Development and Financial Constraint of Virginia's STIP (2002). Joint FHWA/FTA/VDOT/VDRPT Process Review
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
STIP Development Process: IDEF Example
- Tree Diagram View
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
STIP Development Process – IDEF Example –
Sub-Process View
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Revenue Forecasts – Flow Diagram
Budget Bill
State Police For
Toll Roads
Capital Outlay
from Admin.
Toll Facilities
Street Payments 6 Yr Estimates
Formula to Urban
& Sec.
Federal Revenue
Factors from SRD
Estimate of
State & Local
Revenue Sources
Urban Worksheet
Urban Population
Urban Div.
Modal Interest
from Letter to DMV
Revenue Forecast
FTA Section
8 Planning Funds
Indirect Costs
State Forecast
from DMV
To P&S Breakdown by
Rte 28 Revenue
Regional Set
Basis Points
Maintenance and
Salary Adjustment
Salary Adjustment
for other Prog.
Comparison of
April to Dec
Support for other
State Agencies
Source: Development and Financial Constraint of Virginia's STIP (2002). Joint FHWA/FTA/VDOT/VDRPT Process Review
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Revenue Forecasts: IDEF Example – IDEF View
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Other Processes Modeled
STIP Development Process
Revenue Forecast
Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund
Transportation Trust Fund/Priority Transportation Fund
Planning and Engineering Estimates
Drafting of the SYIP
Tentative Program
Secondary Roads **
Urban Programs **
MPO Process **
**Done by previous capstone group. Cannot find at moment.
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Task 2
Case Study of Public Involvement
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Mapping the Public Involvement Process
• Using the joint process review by FHWA, FTA, VDOT, and
VDRPT entitled Development and Financial Constraint of
Virginia’s STIP, the processes central to public involvement are
– November 2002
• Each road system has a differing process of public involvement
Tentative SYP Program
Secondary Roads
Urban Programs
MPO Planning
STIP Development Process
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
STIP Development Process
Six Year
Project Cost
Draft Program
Final Public
CTB Approval
of Final
MPO’s develop
Draft TIP
Final SYP
Air Quality
Constraint &
Self Cert.
MPO’s adopt
Final TIP
STIP sent to
Source: Development and Financial Constraint of Virginia's STIP (2002). Joint FHWA/FTA/VDOT/VDRPT Process Review
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Tentative Program
Public Input from
Regional Finance
Planning Meetings
Special Programs
Draft Program
Input from Agency and
CTB Review Board
Final Revenue Estimates
Statewide & District
Summaries Prepared
CTB Approval
Tentative Program
Tentative Program Made
Available to Public
Source: Development and Financial Constraint of Virginia's STIP (2002). Joint FHWA/FTA/VDOT/VDRPT Process Review
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Secondary Roads
Federal and State
Public Requests
County Staff
Board of
Other VDOT Staff
Preliminary Priority List
of Improvements
Work Session With
Board of Supervisors
General Public
Draft Budget
Priority List
Public Comment
VDOT District Office
and Secondary Roads
Draft Six Year Plan
Public Hearing (Draft
Six Year Plan Revision
and Draft Budget
Priority List)
VDOT Staff Comment
Board of Supervisors
and Resident Engineer
Jointly Finalize and
Adopt Six Year Plan
Board of Supervisors
and Resident Engineer
Jointly Finalize and
Adopt Six Year Budget
Priority List
Resident Engineer
Prepares Annual
Budget Based Upon
Adopted Budgeted
Priority List
Source: Development and Financial Constraint of Virginia's STIP (2002). Joint FHWA/FTA/VDOT/VDRPT Process Review
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Urban Programs
Input From Municipalities
Cost Estimates Received
from PPMS
Population Data requested
from Weldon Cooper
Center (UVA)
Working Draft Six Year
Reconcile Previous
Receive Preliminary
Figures from Financial
Preliminary Funding for
Special Programs CMAQ,
Information from Financial
Regional Planning &
Programming Meetings
Internal VDOT Review/
Review with CTB
Final Revenue Figures are
Received from Financial
Program Sent to
Municipalities for Review
and Comment
Tentative Program
CTB Approves Tentative
Final Public HEaring
Final Approval
Source: Development and Financial Constraint of Virginia's STIP (2002). Joint FHWA/FTA/VDOT/VDRPT Process Review
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
MPO Planning
Prepare Preliminary
draft TIP
Public Announcement
of The Availability of
Preliminary TIP
Distribution of
Preliminary TIP
Public Hearing & MPO
Input from VDOT/CTB
Initiate Final TIP
Input from MPO, City,
County, and Planning
Input from Approved
Six Year Program
Assemble Draft Final
Public Announcement
of Availability of Final
Draft of TIP
Distribution of Final TIP
Public Hearing & MPO
TIP Adopted by MPO
TIP Transmitted to
The TIP is Submitted
with an adopting
resolution and annual
Source: Development and Financial Constraint of Virginia's STIP (2002). Joint FHWA/FTA/VDOT/VDRPT Process Review
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
Public Involvement
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
University of Virginia
Public Involvement Toolkit
A Public Involvement Toolkit should be implemented for the selection of Public
Outreach techniques.
Minnesota’s Public Involvement
VTRC’s Proposed Toolkit
Source: VDOT and VTRC 2003 Phase II Report
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Task 3
Case Study of STIP Amendments
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Tracking of STIP Amendments
• Hundreds of amendments are processed each year to
revise a current project in the STIP or to add a new
• The amendment process has no documented structure
• We developed an IDEF model and associated flowchart
to document all activities
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Amendment Process Workbook
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Flowchart of Amendment Process
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Task 4
IDEF Placement at VDOT
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Data Management Division
• According to the Data Administration website, under Data Modeling
Requirements for COTS Systems there is a requirement for what
Business Process Models would be acceptable into the Data
Management Division
– Business Process Model
Business process models (BPM) provide a framework for
identifying, defining, and organizing the functional strategies, rules
and activities needed to manage and support the way an organization
does, or wants to do business. It provides a graphical and textual
framework for organizing activities into manageable groupings to
facilitate their shared use and control throughout the agency. The
BPM is required by PMLG “Redesign Core Business Process 2.5”.
• The Computer Associate’s AllFusion program would fulfill these
requirements and is an acceptable Business Process Model to be used by
the Data Management Division
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
Management Services Division
University of Virginia
• The Concurrent Engineering
Process Flowchart to the right
shows how the IDEF modeling
could be used in the Management
Services Division
• Found in Instruction and
Information Memorandum on the
fifth page at:
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Progress since Initiation of Contract
• Built hypertext Excel workbook according to IDEF
• UVa extended the standard to accommodate additional
graphical types of data that we are obtaining
• Populated the above workbooks with text, timelines,
interview transcripts, organizational charts; with initial
focus on public involvement and amendment activities
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Progress since Initiation of Contract (Cont.)
• Loaded BPWin software (IDEF) to a UVa workstation,
entered sample of data from hypertext spreadsheet
• Interviewed Ben Mannell in Richmond, obtained STIP
timeline and his description of activities
• Interviewed Rob Walters at Biotech Center, obtained his
description of certain activities
• Interviewed Gene Wells in Richmond, obtained his
description of the STIP amendment process
• Attended Ben Mannell’s training session for VDOT
employees and MPO staff, morning and afternoon
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Progress since Initiation of Contract (Cont.)
• Made phone interview with Utah DOT staff who
developed process model of interaction with MPO’s on
their STIP, learned that they benefited from negotiated
agreement of what activities would be performed by
whom and by what calendar dates
• In related activity, met with Chad Tucker (VDOT staff)
et al. in Charlottesville regarding prioritization system
for state highway plan
• Interviewed Craig Ahlin, obtained his description of
different controls on STIP amendments
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Progress since Initiation of Contract (Cont.)
• Made phone interview with Deborah Grant. Discussed the FMIS
system and project approval.
• Deborah Grant sent templates for the narratives of the STIP process
and forms for the FMIS system, which have been posted to our
• Conducted interview with Donald Silies, Administrator for the
Scheduling and Contract Division with respect to the
Advertisement Schedule.
• Presented project at SIEDS Conference on April 16, 04
• Interviewed Jennifer DeBruhl in Richmond, obtained her
experience with the November 2002 document
• Jennifer DeBruhl sent the Financial Planning and Programming
Sections from the National Highway Institute/National Transit
Institute class
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Progress since Initiation of Contract (Cont.)
• Interviewed Ahmet Anday and Amy Costello in Richmond,
obtained their description of the STIP Environmental Process
• Amy Costello sent the VDOT Project Level Air Quality Study
Program and the VDOT Transportation/Air Quality Conformity
• Amy Costello also mailed the Richmond, Virginia Ozone
Maintenance Area Transportation Conformity Analysis
• Interviewed Michael Hester, obtained his description of the STIP
Environmental Process
• Michael Hester sent the Transportation & Mobility Planning
Division STIP schedule as of June 1, 2004
• Meet with John Nahm, Dick Jones, Ellett Pollard, and Rob Walters
at BioTech in Richmond, VA to discuss the project to date and its
relevance to BioTech’s work.
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Progress since Initiation of Contract (Cont.)
• Interviewed Frank Dunn via phone on Project
• Dick Jones emailed Data Modeling Requirements for
COTS Systems
• Interviewed Dick Jones via phone on how to navigate
the Data Administration's website
• Interviewed Bill Pulkowski via phone on document
tracking systems used by SCC that might be useful for
• Created a draft of the final report
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Ongoing Future Efforts
• Develop recommendations to improve the current
modeled processes
• Continue data collection for IDEF model
• Model more of the STIP/SYIP processes
• Integrate IDEF model with data models of IT Division
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Project Website (
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Process Development and Integration for the Six-Year Program and the
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
Updated Final Report for this Project (9-07-04) - RKJ
DRAFT of the Final Report for this Project (7-14-04) - RKJ *Updated 9-03-04
AllFusion Program Screenshots (9-02-04) - RKJ
DCC Work Flow Diagram sent by Bill Pulkowski (9-01-04) - RKJ
Bill Pulkowski Phone Interview and email from SCC (9-01-04) - RKJ
Concurrent Engineering Process Flowchart for Capstone Team to turn into IDEF (8-30-04) - RKJ
Original Document
Data Modeling Requirements for COTS Systems (8-30-04) - RKJ
Project Development Chart created from Dick Jones 8/13 Interview (8-27-04) - RKJ
Dick Jones Phone Interview (8-23-04) - RKJ
Action Items to do after Monday August 23rd (8-13-04) - RKJ
Dick Jones Email, Data Modeling Requirements for COTS Systems (8-13-04) - RKJ
Amy Costello Email, Project Life Cycle, Links (8-13-04) - RKJ
Frank Dunn Interview on Project Development (8-13-04) - RKJ
Progress Since Initiation of Contract (8-12-04) - RKJ
Action Items from July 21st Meeting with BioTech (7-26-04) - RKJ
Progress Report presented to BioTech (7-23-04) - RKJ
Notes from meeting with BioTech (7-22-04) - RKJ *Updated 7-27-04
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Process Development and Integration for the Six-Year Program and the
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
Materials (Cont.)
Transportation & Mobility Planning Division STIP schedule as of June 1, 2004 (Draft) (6-28-04) - RKJ
STIP Development Process in AllFusion Program (6-24-04) - RKJ *Need CA AllFusion Program to
open document
Ahmet Anday and Amy Costello Interview (6-23-04) - RKJ
IDEF Worksheet Questions asked during Interviews (6-14-04) - RKJ
Financial Planning Section from the National Highway Institute/National Transit Institute class taught
by Jennifer DeBruhl (6-11-04) - RKJ
Programming Section from the National Highway Institute/National Transit Institute class taught by
Jennifer DeBruhl (6-11-04) - RKJ
Jennifer DeBruhl Interview (6-09-04) - RKJ
IDEF Worksheet Update - Compilation of Previous Worksheets (6-04-04) - RKJ *Updated 6-25-04
Success with CA AllFusion- Document describing SRAs success with the AllFusion Program (6-03-04)
Example of AllFusion Project - Created by Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Standards (6-03-04) RKJ
Information on AllFusion Process Modeler - (6-03-04) - RKJ
IDEF Worksheet Update - Construction Process - RTS - 5/6/04
Craig Ahlin Interview (05-06-04)
Progress Report Presentation - April 27th meeting (4-27-04)
SIEDS 2003 - Conference Presentation (4-16-04)
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Process Development and Integration for the Six-Year Program and the
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
Materials (Cont.)
Notes from Deborah Grant Interview - 4/14/04 - ELI
Deborah Grant Interview - Federal Aid FMIS (4-13-04) - ELI
Deborah Grant Interview - Right of Way Template (4-13-04) - ELI
Deborah Grant Interview - Preliminary Engineering Estimate Template (4-13-04) - ELI
Deborah Grant Interview - Team District Assignments (4-13-04) - ELI
Deborah Grant Interview - Blank Construction FMIS Document - (4-13-04) - ELI
Deborah Grant Interview - Blank PE-1 Template - (4-13-04) - ELI
Deborah Grant Interview - Blank RW-201 Template - (4/13/04) - ELI
SIEDS 2004 - Conference Poster (4-12-04)
SIEDS 2004 - Conference Paper (4-12-04)
Notes from March 24th meeting with VDOT (4-4-04)
Progress Report Presentation - March 24th meeting (3-24-04)
Vision for Integrated STIP - Charlie Rasnick Email Transcript (03-19-04)
Supplementary Emails Explaining the Vision for an Integrated STIP (03-19-04)
Progress Report, University of Virginia (02-24-04)
IDEF Worksheet - STIP Process (02-23-04)
IDEF Worksheet - STIP Process (03-04-04)
IDEF Worksheet - Amendment Process (02-24-04)
IDEF Worksheet - Amendment Process (03-09-04)
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Process Development and Integration for the Six-Year Program and the
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
Materials (Cont.)
Progress Report, University of Virginia (01-23-04)
Progress Report, University of Virginia (11-19-03)
Revised STIP Proposal (11-18-03)
Materials from Joint FHWA,VTRC and VDOT meeting (11-17-03)
STIP Procedures Memorandum of Agreement
Evaluation of Public Participation in Virginia, Review by FHWA, 2002
Public Involvement Techniques for Transportation Decision-making-1996 (FHWA site)
Assessment of VDOT's Public Involvement Practices -- Final Report, June 2003
Materials from STIP Committee Meeting (10-21-03)
STIP-04 TimeLine
FY04-06 STIP
FY04-09 SYIP
Meeting with Mr. Murali Rao (Current STIP Poster, Current STIP Sub-Processes, Recommended STIP ) (1015-2003)
Culpeper Public Hearing Meeting (10-09-2003)
Six Year Program - Report on Development, Monitoring, Implementation and Best Practices (10-07-2003)
STIP - Massachusetts (10-06-2003)
Lynchburg Public Hearing Meeting (09-30-2003)
Presentation by James H. Lambert (09-15-2003)
Changes In Work Plan (07-07-2003)
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Process Development and Integration for the Six-Year Program and the
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
Materials (Cont.)
VDOT Organization Chart
Projects and Plans
Public Hearings Meetings and Events
Fall 2003 Hearing Schedule
SYIP Public Hearings Powerpoint
SYIP 2004-2009 Report
SYIP Update Public Hearings Fall 2003 Information
Projects in the SYIP
Citizen's Guide
STIP Amendment Process Draft Letters (provided by Gene Wells 03-03-04) 1 2 3
CAPSTONE Team Readings
STIP FY-05 Timeline
STIP and TIP Development Process, Utah DOT - Coordination with MPO, UTA, FHWA and UDOT, September 2001
AllFusion Process Getting Started Guide
AllFusion Process Modeler Methods Guide
Development and Financial Constraint of Virginia's STIP - Joint FHWA/FTA/VDOT/VDRPT Process Review,
November 2002
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Interviews Conducted since Initiation of Contract
• Interviewed Ben Mannell in Richmond, obtained STIP timeline and his
description of activities
• Interviewed Rob Walters at Biotech Center, obtained his description of certain
• Interviewed Gene Wells in Richmond, obtained his description of the STIP
amendment process
• Attended Ben Mannell’s training session for VDOT employees and MPO staff,
morning and afternoon sessions
• Made phone interview with Utah DOT staff who developed process model of
interaction with MPO’s on their STIP, learned that they benefited from negotiated
agreement of what activities would be performed by whom and by what calendar
• In related activity, met with Chad Tucker (VDOT staff) et al. in Charlottesville
regarding prioritization system for state highway plan
• Interviewed Craig Ahlin, obtained his description of different controls on STIP
• Made phone interview with Deborah Grant. Discussed the FMIS system and
project approval.
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Interviews Conducted since Initiation of Contract
• Conducted interview with Donald Silies, Administrator for the Scheduling and
Contract Division with respect to the Advertisement Schedule.
• Interviewed Jennifer DeBruhl in Richmond, obtained her experience with the
November 2002 document
• Interviewed Ahmet Anday and Amy Costello in Richmond, obtained their
description of the STIP Environmental Process
• Interviewed Michael Hester, obtained his description of the STIP
Environmental Process
Meet with John Nahm, Dick Jones, Ellett Pollard, and Rob Walters at BioTech in
Richmond, VA to discuss the project to date and its relevance to BioTech’s work.
Interviewed Frank Dunn via phone on Project Development
Interviewed Dick Jones via phone on how to navigate the Data Administration's website
Interviewed Bill Pulkowski via phone on document tracking systems used by SCC that
might be useful for VDOT
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
IDEF Worksheet Questions Webpage
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
IDEF Worksheet Questions Coding
<TITLE>IDEF Worksheet Questions</TITLE>
<H1>IDEF Worksheet Questions</H1>
<p>The purpose of this document is to describe what parameters we need from you about each of your activities
and/or roles that go into the STIP/SYIP integration. Please
complete one of these forms for each of your activites and/or roles.</p>
<p>Each row on the worksheet represents a new IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for
Function Modeling) activity. <br>
IDEF0 is the technique that breaks down the activities or functions of the organization or system into its
component parts. It is a graphical language that assists in identifying the functions that are performed, the
various elements needed to perform those functions, and what is efficient and
inefficient about the system <br>
under study. (i.e. What are the roles you have in generating the STIP?)
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
IDEF Worksheet Questions Coding (Cont.)
For more information on IDEF please go to <a href=""></a></p>
<p><img src="idef.gif" width="351" height="176">
<strong><font size="2">Figure 1: IDEF0 Description - Description of IDEF0 Format of Mapping</font></strong></p>
<p>The columns contain the IDEF0 standards as well as supplementary material.
<br> <hr width="600" align="left"><FORM action=""
METHOD="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<P> <b>Your name:</b> <font size="1">First</font>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="firstname" >
<font size="1" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Last</font>
<input type="text" name="lastname">
<b>Your email address:</b>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="from" >
<b>Title of your position:</b>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="position" >
<P> <b>Field 1: Name of Activity</b>
<br><font size ="2">Name or title for activity or function.</font>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="activity"></p>
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
IDEF Worksheet Questions Coding (Cont.)
<P><b>Field 2: Inputs</b> <br>
<font size="2">Something consumed or modified in the process. (i.e. schedules, costs, drafts)</font> <br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="inputs" WRAP="physical" ROWS=5 COLS=70></TEXTAREA>
<b>Field 3: Controls</b> <br>
<font size="2">A constraint on the operation of the process. Represents the objects that govern the manner <br>
in which inputs are transformed yet are not themselves transformed by the activity. Consists <br>
of legislation, regulations, and policies related to the system. (i.e. codes, restrictions)</font> <br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="controls" WRAP="physical" ROWS=5 COLS=70></TEXTAREA>
<b>Field 4: Mechanisms</b> <br>
<font size="2">Something used to perform the process, but is not itself consumed.
The elements that accomplish <br>
the actions of the process, such as people, manual or automated tools, established procedures for <br>
holding hearings, etc. (i.e. software applications, email exchange, etc.)</font>
<TEXTAREA NAME="mechanisms" WRAP="physical" ROWS=5 COLS=70></TEXTAREA>
<b>Field 5: Outputs</b> <br>
<font size="2">Something resulting from the process. Shows what an activity produces or creates.</font> <br>
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
IDEF Worksheet Questions Coding (Cont.)
<TEXTAREA NAME="outputs" WRAP="physical" ROWS=5 COLS=70></TEXTAREA>
<b>Field 6: Objective</b><br>
<font size="2">The goal of the function or activity.</font> <br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="objective" WRAP="physical" ROWS=5 COLS=70></TEXTAREA>
<b>Field 7: BPwin Diagrams</b> <br>
<font size="2">Link to the activity in BPwin format.</font> <br>
<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="bpwinfile">
<b>Field 8: Title of Responsible Person(s)</b> <br>
<font size="2">Person(s) in charge of the function or activity. <br>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="responsible">
</font> <br>
<b>Field 9: Key Decisions</b> <br>
<font size="2">Possible choices for the outcome of the activity or function.
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
IDEF Worksheet Questions Coding (Cont.)
<TEXTAREA NAME="decisions" WRAP="physical" ROWS=5 COLS=70></TEXTAREA>
</font> <b>Field 10: Duration</b> <br>
<font size="2">Time/length of the activity.</font> <br>
<INPUT TYPE="textarea" NAME="duration" VALUE="">
<b>Field 11: Transcripts/Interviews</b> <br>
<font size="2">Link to a document that shows an outline description of the
activity, interview, or a memo on the activity.</font> <br>
<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="transcriptsfile">
<b>Field 12: External Links</b><br>
<font size="2">Links to sites outside the CRMES website that are pertinent to the activity.<br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="links" WRAP="physical" ROWS=5 COLS=70></TEXTAREA>
</font> <br>
<b>Field 13: Diagrams/Models</b> <br>
<font size="2">Diagram showing detail of the activity.</font> <br>
<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="diagramsfile">
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
IDEF Worksheet Questions Coding (Cont.)
<b>Field 14: Reviews</b> <br>
<font size="2">Notes or reports available on the activity.</font> <br>
<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="reviewsfile">
<b>Field 15: Potential Recommendation</b> <br>
<font size="2">Any recommendations on how to improve the activity.<br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="recommendations" WRAP="physical" ROWS=5 COLS=70></TEXTAREA>
</font> <br>
<b>Field 16: Miscellaneous</b><br>
<font size="2">Any other information or files available on the activity that did not fit into the fields above.<br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="miscellaneous" WRAP="physical" ROWS=5 COLS=70></TEXTAREA>
<input type="file" name="miscellaneousfile">
<input type="submit" value="Submit Questionnaire">
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
IDEF Worksheet Questions Coding (Cont.)
<p>Please contact Professor Lambert with any further questions:
<li>Email: <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Office Phone: 434-982-2072</li>
<li>Office Assistant Phone: 434-924-0960</li>
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Using the IDEF Model to Improve Business Processes of the Transportation Agencies:
Methodology for Transferring the Six-Year Improvement Program (SYIP) into the Statewide
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) on the State Level: A continuation of the Development
and Financial Constraint of Virginia’s STIP
Outline (DRAFT)
Abstract: A quick review of what the document is presenting.
Introduction: A review of Development and Financial Constraint of the Virginia’s STIP and the role that the University
of Virginia plays in this project by transferring the previous document into IDEF format.
Background on IDEF: A detailed review on the literature written on IDEF modeling and a review on other projects that
have used the IDEF modeling for their business.
Development of Methodology:
IDEF Worksheet: A description of the IDEF worksheet and its purpose.
AllFusion Program: Description of the program created by CA and its purpose in this project.
Application: Description of the project and how VDOT will apply this project to their STIP.
Review of Jennifer DeBruhl’s interview: A detailed description of why the Development and Financial
Constraint of the Virginia’s STIP was written and for what purpose.
Focus on Sub-Processes (Environmental, Construction, etc.)
Conclusions: Overall review of what this document presented.
Recommendations: Recommendations for VDOT.
References: Any documents, websites, or books used in this document.
Appendix A: Methodology of Web-Page: Description of how the IDEF Worksheet Questions webpage was created and
the code that went into creating it.
Appendix B: IDEF Worksheet: Print out of the worksheet used.
Appendix C: AllFusion Program: Print out of the IDEF models created.
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
IDEF Worksheet Worksheet.xls
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
University of Virginia
Action Items
• Upload of Computer Associate’s AllFusion program onto
Capstone computers
• Learn the AllFusion program
• Continue to take activities both from the IDEF Worksheet and
from the November 2002 report and inserting them into IDEF
• Create IDEF models for the project development in the STIP
• Possible action: Simulate, using Arena or similar software, the
project development in the STIP
Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems