Communications Paper Worksheet Please consider using this

Communications Paper Worksheet
Please consider using this worksheet below to take notes while you screen your film. (This is just a
guide. You do not have to use it.) If you choose to use this it should be an excellent resource to help
you organize your thoughts before you write your paper. Many students find this extremely helpful!
As you watch the film, take any notes about any of the communication examples that you see
happening between the characters. Below is a list of several concepts and theories that you have been
exposed to throughout the semester. You do not have to limit yourself to this list but this list should
also provide you with plenty of examples to choose from.
1. Identity (national, ethnic, gender, sexual, age, social, religious, disability & etc)
2. Perception
3. Self-concept (Self-image, Self-Esteem, Self-perception)
Extended Learning Institute, Northern Virginia Community College
4. Self-fulfilling prophecy:
5. Individualistic orientation vs. Collectivistic orientation
6. Listening (skills, stages, styles, etc)
7. Intercultural Communication
8. Verbal Communication (functions of language, “I” statements, gender differences, influences
on, & etc)
Extended Learning Institute, Northern Virginia Community College
9. Characteristics and Functions of Non-Verbal Cx (Is more believable than verbal, Can be
intentional or unintentional, Can change the intent of a message, etc)
10. Regulating our behaviors with Non-Verbals: (Substitution, Deception, Masking)
11. Types of Non-Verbals (i.e. Haptics (touch); Proxemics (space and distance); Chronemics (time);
Paralanguage (cues and silence) & etc
12. Stages of Relationship Development (Initiating, experimenting, intensifying, integrating,
bonding, differentiating, circumscribing, stagnating, avoiding, termination)
13. Communicating in friendship & romantic relationships
Extended Learning Institute, Northern Virginia Community College