Brazil Economic Scenario and Investment Opportunities Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency Apex-Brasil Alessandro Teixeira President Regions FDI Share of FDI inflows in selected regions 49.3% 44.9% 43.9% 38.9% 38.3% 36.5% 31.1% 27.7% 24.9% 20.9% 17.2% 16.2% 11.7% 14.4% 10.8% 4.8% 4.6% 4.2% 2.1% 1980 21.4% 20.7% 25.1% 22.8% 1985 East and South Asia 1990 Latin America 8.6% 1995 Euro Zone 8.6% 6.9% 12.4% 10.2% 6.9% 2000 EUA + Japan 13.9% 2007 Outros FDI in World Latin America’s FDI inflows: Brazilian share 29,7% 33,5% 34,1% 27,5% 8,2% 25,9% 7,4% 14,9% 23,3% 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 28,6% 1998 1999 Brazil 2000 2001 30,5% 19,2% 19,9%22,4% 22,7% 2002 2003 Latin America 2004 2005 2006 2007 World Trade Trends World Trade Flow – acceleration from 2002 onwards $28.0 $24.4 $21.1 $18.5 $15.2 $10.0 $10.5 1995 1996 $11.2 $11.0 $11.4 1997 1998 1999 $12.9 $12.5 $13.0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 World Trade Trends World Exports 1999 2007 World Trade Trends World Exports – BRICs Growth 1999 2007 World Trade Trends World Imports 1999 2007 World Trade Trends World Imports – BRICs Growth 1999 2007 Brazilian new cycle of economic growth High rates of economic growth: – GDP – Consumption – Investment Balanced growth; Based on foreign trade and mass consumption; Reduction of social and regional inequalities; Sustainable growth Low external vulnerability: New foreign policy – diversifying trade partners Trade surplus (US$ 25 billion – 2008) Current transactions surplus (US$ 3.6 billion - 2007) International reserves (US$ 190 billion - 2007) Trade flow US$ 198 bi 200 US$ 173 bi U$S Bilhões 160 120 80 40 US$ 25 bi 0 Exports Source: MDIC Imports Trade Surplus Mass consumption – A new middle class appears Growth of the population’s consumption capacity Expansion of employment and income Increase on minimum wage Credit revolution Income Class New social programs 2002: C = 32% 2007: C = 49% 20% Inflation under control 46% 26% A+B C D+E Source: DATAFOLHA 23% Employme ntInRate Brazil, from 2004 to 2007, 1.41 million new jobs were created each year on average Family income R$ billion +10.1% +8.8% 1074 1168 2006 2007 +7.9% 1260 975 2005 2008 (*) * forecast Source: IBGE Family consumption Quarterly growth over the past year’s same quarter 15.0% 13.6% 13.0% 11.0% 9.0% 7.0% 5.0% Source: IBGE Sales in commerce In 2007: 9.68% growth over 2006 Apr 2008: 10.26% growth – 12 month accumulated Brazil – International Reserves US$ billion Nov/08 * 230 206,4 210 190 170 150 Pay off IMF debts 130 110 90 Mar/06 70 Fluctuation between mar/06 and nov/08: 146,6 billions 59,8 50 30 nov 05 fev 06 mai 06 Source: Brazilian Central Bank ago 06 nov 06 fev 07 mai 07 ago 07 nov 07 fev 08 mai 08 ago 08 nov 08 GDP growth in Brazil 7 PAC GDP Growth 6 Forecast 2008-10 5,4 5,7 5 4 3 5,0 4,0 5,0 4,0 3,2 2,7 2 PAC 1,1 1 * Forecast 2002 Sources: IBGE, MF/SPE 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 GDP growth in Brazil 5.7% 5.2% 5.0% 3.0% 3.5% 2007 2008 * 2009 * 2010 * 3.8% 3.2% 2004 2005 2006 * Forecast GDP growth – first semester, 2008/2007: 6.0% Brazil - FDI inflows US$ billion 34,30 32,78 28,85 28,58 22,45 18,99 18,70 18,16 16,59 15,19 10,79 96 10,14 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Source: Unctad 2007: inflows = US$ 34.3 billion 99% growth over 2006 Brazil and the international crisis Brazil is now much less vulnerable to external crisis in comparison to the past years: Soundness of external accounts; Fiscal balance and public debt reduction Inflation under control Growth sustained by domestic demand Even though Brazil is not immune to crisis, impacts are limited. Foreign confidence in Brazil This year, Standart & Poor’s raised its rating on Brazil to Investment grade. “Lowering inflation, a stable political situation and a raft of interesting mid and small- cap companies is driving increased investor interest in Brazil making it one of the more attractive emerging markets for 2008.” “There has been a lot of money flowing into Brazil in recent years and an increased demand for stocks. In terms of the growth and opportunities available, Brazil is an interesting country for investment.” Financial Times – Feb 26, 2008 USA-Brazil Trade USA is Brazil’s main trade partner: US$ Billion – 14 % of Brazilian exports went to USA in 2008 – 14,9 % of Brazilian imports came from USA in 2008 45 40 USA-Brazil Trade Flow 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Investment Opportunities Main Sectors: Aeronautics Biotechnology ICT Infra-structure (“PAC” and PPP) Tourism and Real State Biofuels Oil and Gas PAC – Growth Acceleration Program Large investments being made in infrastructure: Highways Energy Transportation Housing Urbanization and sanitation Oil & Gas Raise productivity Boost economic expansion and job creation Stimulate private investment PAC – Growth Acceleration Program Facts and figures US$249 billion of investments from 2007 to 2010 Target annual GDP growth: 5% Biofuels – Brazil as a key player High growth of energy demand Opportunity for biofuels Brazil is the world largest biofuels producer; In 2007, Brazilian ethanol internal consumption reached 16.7 billion litters, and ethanol exports totalized 3.4 billion litters; Brazil represents 33.2% of ethanol global production, and 37% of global exports; Apex-Brasil – Investment Promotion Apex-Brasil promotes investment attraction to Brazil, specially major capital inflows, contributing to Brazilian competitiveness and exports. Main Activities Organization of missions to potential investors Participation in fairs and events in Brazil and abroad Promotion of workshops and seminars Visits to companies and distribution chains Coordination of Business Rounds Thank you! •Tel.: 55 (61) 3426.0202 •Email: •Website: