Brent M. Dingle Game Design and Development Program Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science University of Wisconsin - Stout Content Based on Lecture by Diane Christie There are many ways to plan out a game By now you should have seen and tried many This is just one in case you get “stuck” “Writer’s Block” 1. Describe the game in one or two sentences 2. Draw out a wireframe of the game’s menus or screen transitions 3. Core game mechanics • Start with the rules and goals • • • 4. List the high level assets • 5. What can the player do? What can enemies do? What does the environment look like/do? What are the objectives? coding scripts/classes, art, animation, sound, video What are the technical requirements • • What hardware will it need? What tools will you need? See implementation at Pac-Man is the game we will use to illustrate the steps Move through a maze collecting food while avoiding ghosts that are trying to catch you This step should Help you get in the “right mindset” Provide some focus Menus may/will change later, but it is a place to start thinking Start simple and build from there Establish Basic Mechanics by answering What’s the environment? What/Who is the player? What can the player do? What/Who are the enemies? What can they do? We can answer these from step 1 Move through a maze collecting food while avoiding ghosts that are trying to catch you Start simple and build from there Establish Basic Mechanics by answering What’s the environment? What/Who is the player? What can the player do? To accomplish? What/Who are the enemies? What can they do? Establish Fundamental Mechanics What does this game need to make it (more) fun? What is missing so far? These are the less obvious points. Extensions of Basics to increase ‘fun’ or required Additions from early sketch prototype testing or thought experiments All Required elements to play/define the game Start simple and build from there Establish Basic Mechanics by answering What’s the environment? What/Who is the player? What can the player do? What/Who are the enemies? What can they do? Establish Fundamental Mechanics What does this game need to make it (more) fun? What is missing so far? Some extras become Core Establish Extra Mechanics May or may not become core Add more fun/excitement/twists Explain storyline better Again extensions of basic or fundamentals Not often part of “Initial Planning” May be discovered in planning by sketch prototype play or thought experiments May help to define the game idea Capture its essence better Borderline-optional, vaguely required May identify things that need testing/tried first Environment Maze Nothing moves through walls Open spaces are filled with pick-ups Movement is up-down-left-right Left-Right Pass Through Tunnel Collision Management Maze walls – Player Maze walls – Ghosts Pick ups – Player Ghost – Player Enemy Ghosts AI Moves through maze Chases or Flees Start in Cage in maze center Speed increases with levels Pick-ups Food Power ups, 4 per maze Bonus Food Scoring Points for food, bonus food, ghosts Player Moves through maze Arrow keys control direction Stops only when runs into a wall Automatically Picks up food Win/Lose Conditions Lose = Ghost touches player Level Complete = All food picked up Win = Best Score This too goes through refinement Assets start as placeholders Code-wise and Art-wise List begins as words first Refinement allows improvement Art becomes “better” Code becomes more advanced and clean Asset lists can be used to create Task Lists Assets often have a state Not started, placeholder, marginal, fair, good… Game Animations Pac-Man Movement Power-up Death Ghosts Movement Static Maze walls Food Power-ups Bonus Food Point Displays Non-Game Screens Main Menu Title Buttons Play Directions High Scores Directions Rules text Rules artwork Button: Back to Main High Scores Scoreboard table artwork Button: Back to Main Post Score Screen Textbox for user entry Buttons OK Back to Main Audio Music Sound Effects Eating Food Eating Power-up Eating Bonus Food Defeating Ghost Pac-Man Death Level Begin Level End Game Over Omitted here for brevity Code Scripts Omitted here for brevity Audience System Requirements Flash player version -- Screen resolution--1024 x 768 or higher Connection speed--DSL or higher RAM--512 MB+ CPU--1.5 GHz+ Host Server for game also required See also xxxx_Example_PlanningAGame.docx xxxx_PlanningAGame_take2.pptx