Coastal Workforce Investment draft minutes May 20

Coastal Workforce Investment
Executive Committee
May 20, 2014
Minutes prepared by Nicole Spencer
CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Joel Martin called the meeting the Executive Committee
Meeting to order at 10:35. It was determine a quorum was present. (6/9)
MEMBERS PRESENT: David Atkins, Markisha Butler, Tara Jennings, Michael King, Joel
Martin, and William Miller
MEMBERS ABSENT: Stephanie Cutter
STAFF PRESENT: Karen Barnes, Odie Donald, Janet Jones, Nicole Spencer and DeLamar
Executive Director’s Report: Mr. Odie Donald started the meeting with the estimated cost for the
2014 Retreat. The hotel cost $143.18 per night. The food cost is $170.15 per person. The audio
visual is $400.00. The meeting space is 150.00 Travel cost is $2,630.00. Outreach,
recruitment/marketing materials is $4,500. John Chamberlin honorarium is $7,400. The grand
total estimated cost is $34,819.79. This estimated total includes 42 CWIB Members, 8 Staff, 3
Guest, 10 CLEOs and City Manager. CWS expects the cost to come in less as we will not have
100% attendance.
EWA has developed a Coastal Workforce Investment Board Meeting Survey. The purpose of the
CWIB meeting survey is to determine by majority the best meeting date for CWIB. This survey
is a 6 question survey that will be completed by Board Members. Board Member are required to
identify themselves by adding their first and last name to the survey.
Mr. Donald reminded the committee that GOWD moved under Economic Development in April
which may require some administrative and policy changes. It will also be an opportunity to
work more closely and differently with existing and new partners for new initiatives that the
committee and the board have requested. Mr. Donald mentioned a few examples of training that
has been approved and will move through the board including updated policies (such as
Customized Training), the current development of the previously discussed and reviewed OJT
project with CLG, and Work Experience (WEX) with City of Savannah and potentially City of
Statesboro. The Customized Training Policy has excluded participants in the Screven County
Area. On the consent agenda is the request of a waiver from the Executive Committee for a
participant in Bulloch County to receive On-the-Job (OJT) in the Screven County Area with
Auto Aid. Staff recommends entering into an OJT agreement with Auto Aid for a Bulloch county
resident. Instead of changing the existing policy, Mr. Donald recommends a one-time waiver
until staff, EWA, and the Executive committee have identified the best way to include Screven in
all blanketed documents (e.g. bylaws, policies, etc.).
Mr. Donald gave an in depth overview to the Executive Committee of the Coastal Logistics
Group OJT project discussed in previous committee/board meetings. Coastal Logistics Group is
a warehouse and logistics firm offering Packing and Crating, Distribution, Manufacturing, and
Specialized Port Services globally. Coastal Logistics Group has experienced significant growth
over the last year including an expansion brought on through an agreement with Caterpillar.
CLG currently has 86 employees, and is projecting to hire 28 OJT trainees for a contract annual
term of 4/2014 to 4/2015.
CWS/CWIB requested and received GOWD/GDEcD approval for application of the federal
waiver for 75% reimbursement for 51-250 employees within a company.
Mr. Donald also explained to the Executive Committee that we will be “going the extra mile” to
ensure accuracy, accountability, and projected outcomes. In order to ensure these things CWS
Review of Customized Training Policy for required components
Employer Meeting (Assess the need)
Gather information and required documents (list them)
Coordinate best practices with other areas (3 rivers, Columbus, ARC)
Monitoring of the site
Verifying company size
Verify no layoffs (expansion project, exempt)
Verified signature documents, WC,
Accept referrals and reverse referrals + employer interviews
Determine Eligibility
Create and execute a contract per policy (original contract agreement April 1, 2014)
Conduct Eligibility Staffing on each potential candidate & verify who is eligible
Assist with the development of a Training plan and customer evaluation
Coordinated with GOWD for guidance as well as waiver contract approval/terms (waiver and
contract timeframe 4/2014 – 4/2015)
Coordinate with Single Auditor (suggested due to $ amount/agreement type send additional
contract through COS Council- exceeds $25,000.00)
Scheduled Approval for CWIB (May 20)
2nd more robust contract to be approved by Council that includes the original contract
Tara Jennings requested an amendment of the agenda to the consent agenda to allow her to
review the information from the last Youth Council meeting (May 9th). Initial staff suggestion
was approved to award PY14 Youth contracts at a 10% increase of projected expenditures based
on the last 3 quarters. Based on these projections SIP and Telamon contracts decrease from PY13
levels. Under the recommendation the remainder of the funds may be used for another summer
program and serving Screven County through a more robust youth program.
Mr. Donald interjected along with other EC members, stating that a reduction in funding would
appear to be a punishment, despite contractors exceeding programmatically. He went against
staff’s initial recommendation, and suggested level funding due to staff’s error (believing that it
was a 10% increase over PY13, not 10% over projected expenditures), and committed staff to
provide technical assistance on contractor financial expenditures. Tara recommend PY14 Youth
Contract be removed from the consent agenda and voted on separately including staff’s updated
Motion: David Atkins
William Miller
Youth Contractors will receive level funds in the same amount as received in PY13.
Motion: Michal King
William Miller
Vote: unanimously
Mr. Donald continued his report, finishing by briefly discussing the CWIB Chair/Vice Chair’s
request to authorize a nominating committee. Mr. Donald inquired with multiple CWIB members
and recommends Ms. Kelly Gibson (Camden), Markisha Butler (Glynn), Earline Davis
(Chatham) and David Atkins (Effingham). All accepted the nomination pending EC’s approval
of the consent agenda.
Consent Agenda:
Executive Committee Minutes from April 29, 2014 Meeting
EWA Minutes (March 4, 2014)
PR Minutes (March 11, 2014; April 11 & 18, 2014)
YC Minutes (May 9, 2014)
OJT Contract Coastal Logistics Group
OJT Policy Waiver (Auto Aid)
March and April FSRs
Updated By-Laws (Board Composition- in compliance w/HB393)
CWIB Member Travel Policy
Needs Based Support Services Policy
One-Stop Re-Certification Policy
Eligible Training Provider Evaluation Policy
Up to $27,419.79 in Retreat Expenses (not to include previous approval of John
Authorization of Nominating Committee
Motion: Tara Jennings
Michael king
Financial Overview: At this time, Adult and Dislocated PY13 funds are 55% committed and
45% uncommitted. Youth PY13 funds are 92% committed and 8% uncommitted. The
uncommitted percentage for Adults/Dislocated Workers does not include the GDOL contract,
OJT Contract nor the Auto Aide OJT. As of April we have served 204 participants for the PY13
year with an average cost of $3,261 per participants. As of April we have placed 134 Participants
with a ROI of $1,176,947 in quarter 3.
Committee Report
EWA: David Atkins (chair) stated the EWA Committee met on May 6, 2014. They reviewed the
By-Laws for Attendance. Discussed House Bill 393 and how it relates to CWIB current By-Laws
and what constitutes a quorum necessary for voting. “At a minimum, the standard for a quorum
shall include over 30% of the board membership being present for meetings.” Committee made
the recommendation to approve the change in the by-laws to be written as stated in H.B. 393.
The Committee developed a CWIB Member survey that will be sent to CWIB members
addressing the CWIB meeting date and Sub-Committee involvement. The committee also
reviewed some CWIB Policies. CWIB Travel Policy will allow Board Members to be
reimbursed travel for attending CWIB and Committee meetings. The recommendation came with
a recommend effective date of May 6, 2014, to be submitted to the Executive Committee and
CWIB for final approval. Needs Based Support Services Policy is based on the support service
cap placed on participants by the SWIB. After a lengthy discussion the Committee recommended
that the transportation be set at $6.75 per day for all participants that display a need, regardless of
distance traveling for training effective July 1, 2014. The recommendation came that it be
submitted to the Executive Committee and CWIB for final approval. One-Stop Re-Certification
Policy purpose it remain in compliance with policy from SWIB that all One-Stops be recertified
every two years. The recommendation came that it be submitted to the Executive Committee and
CWIB for final approval. Eligible Training Provider Evaluation Policy purpose is to establish
guidelines for submitting and approval of Training Providers and Programs to be included on the
Eligible Training Provider Listing. A recommendation was made that the policy be approved and
submitted to the CWIB for final approval. The Committee also reviewed the Training Provider
Application. The VET² Program at GATech was submitted. The program is employer driven,
where Veterans participate in a 4- week course designed by the employer to select potential
leaders for their organization. The Committee felt that this program duplicated components of a
free program being offered by the military and decided unanimously to deny it from our ETPL.
EWA next meeting will be held Tuesday, July 1, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
Public Relations: Michael King stated the Public Relations Committee met on May 20, 2014.
They reviewed the Effingham One-Stop Center, continued 2014 Retreat Planning, recommended
approving Retreat Expenses as suggested by staff (expenses listed in Director’s Report, do not
include previously approved funds for J Chamberline). Public Relations next meeting is July 8,
2014 at CWS.
Youth Council: Mr. William Miller added to Tara’s report and stated Youth Council met
Friday, May 9, 2014. They recommended issuing a Youth RFP for 2015. This recommendation
will be voted on at the next Executive meeting giving staff more time to work with Youth
Contractors and providing technical assistance.
Adjourn: This meeting was adjourned at 11:46