January Newsletter

President’s Message
California Outreach
Greater Yuma EDC Mission Statement:
Articles of Interest
Updates and Reminders
To expand economic activity within Yuma County by
attracting commerce and industry to the region, and by
assisting in developing the region's existing industry to its
fullest potential.
Upcoming Events
Greater Yuma EDC Vision Statement:
Standing Committees
Staff Members
Board of Directors
Greater Yuma will be recognized as a globally competitive
region— one that embraces advancing technology, attracts
and retains human capital and continues to develop &
foster the amenities that make the Yuma Region a great
place to live and work.
Attention all Yuma County Business Owners who are in the Technology, Components,
Research/Development, Systems, Device Manufacturing, Electrical, Construction, Engineering or
related fields. Greater Yuma EDC will be hosting Yuma Proving Ground, the Small Business
Innovative Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Tech Transfer (STTR) Program Directors on
February 1, 2013. The SBIR and STTR programs have significant federal funds to conduct Mature
Program testing and/or emerging technology testing and development. This is a unique opportunity to
become involved in future development and testing opportunities in Yuma County. Technology
Transfer opportunities can open an entire new industry opportunity for Yuma County. I encourage all
entrepreneurs’ and existing business owners to participate.
Greater Yuma EDC will be sending an email invitation to all our investors with the time and location for
this highly anticipated event. Stay tuned for further updates.
I would like to congratulate Yuma Regional Medical Center (Corporate Partner Investor of GYEDC) on their recent partnership
with the Mayo Clinic. This partnership will open many doors for Yuma County including patient migration from surrounding areas in
California and Mexico. The type of services now being offered in Yuma County will reduce the amount of travel required from our
neighboring communities and Yuma County; to larger Metropolitan areas. This will shorten the stay for family members while
improving the recovery for the patient. The hospitality industry in Yuma will benefit greatly from this new service offered by Yuma
The finalization of the Elks’ property acquisition will complete the Mayo partnership with the construction of the new Yuma Regional
Cancer Center. Yuma is very fortunate to have this remarkable asset in our community. Yuma Regional Medical Center continues
to be the premier employer for Yuma County as well as adding a tremendous financial impact to the local economy with the
construction projects and acquisitions they have made over the last ten years.
Two of Greater Yuma EDC’s Investors are offering free training to the public.
Yuma Investment Group will be offering a free Rollover Ready seminar to all of Yuma County. The event will be held on January
17th at 6:00 p.m. at the Yuma County Library located on 2951 South 21st Drive. Here is a link to the flyer.
Goodwill has revamped its monthly computer training, adjusting it to the needs of the current market. The Empower Training
Program is a two week training program designed to bridge the gap between job seeker and employer by enhancing skills in human
relations, Microsoft for the Workplace and career preparation. Classes start Monday January the 14th, and they last two weeks. A
calendar for the rest of the year will be available soon. Please see a summary of the new training through this link
2012 came to a close with several positive economic impacts in the County. Datepac continues to expand their capacity and
workforce in Yuma County. They were successful in obtaining a second grant award from the Arizona Commerce Authority for their
2013 expansion project. They will be adding new colorsort machines to their processing plants. They anticipate 55 new positions
with a new payroll infusion of $1,372,800 into the local economy. The capital investment for this project is estimated at $2.38 Million.
They will have some help with that capital investment to the tune of $175,000 from the Rural Grant.
Nations Health has hit the ground running at their temporary location. With their goal of hiring 500 employees by year-end and
investing $3.6 Million into their new location, they too were awarded funds from the Arizona Commerce Authority Rural Grant.
Nations Health will receive $240,000 to help offset some of the capital expenses they will incur in their renovations and equipment
Greater Yuma EDC is working two projects that we hope to announce in 2013. With our local businesses having the confidence to
expand and our new locates strongly favoring the assets of this region, we will be able to trend annual growth over the last three
years therefore helping us forecast what the next three years can produce. California will continue to be a primary focus for us this
calendar year as well as targeting Aerospace and Logistic industries to the County. Please note the Strategic Committee’s project
for lead generation out of California. It will take involvement from all of our investors to help us open the doors to the companies in
California that are a good fit for Yuma County. We need you in order to grow the economy in a positive way. I look forward to 2013
with high energy and optimism. Let’s all work together and remember the infamous words of Harry S Truman – “It’s amazing what
you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”
In our efforts to solicit companies from California we have learned many of the pitfalls that can
befall Economic Development professionals in these attempts. The key to success is speaking to
the right individuals in the company who can influence or better yet make the decision to relocate
to a new geographic site. Having an existing relationship with the company is the greatest
formula for success. Securing an introduction from an existing relationship is the next best
solution to reaching the right individual.
GYEDC has compiled a list of companies in the Southern California region that fit within the target
industries identified by the GYEDC Board of Directors and the GYEDC Strategic Committee. The
list is comprised of companies that employee 50 or less in the Food Processing, Manufacturing
and Aerospace industries. Currently there is a good supply of buildings in the Yuma County
market that can accommodate companies of this size along with an available workforce that can
meet the needs of these industries.
We have supplied a link to the list of these companies and we ask that each of you review the list
for acquaintances as well as working relationships. We need your help in reaching the right
individual and having an introduction made on our behalf in order to begin the conversation of
promoting Yuma County’s assets.
We are asking that you reply to Greg LaVann, Senior Project Manager with any information you
may have regarding the companies on our list by February 11, 2013. Greg can be reached at
glavann@greateryuma.org or at 928.782.7774.
We sincerely thank you for your assistance and we hope we can garner solid leads from this
comprehensive list of companies.
Link to California Outreach Companies - http://www.greateryuma.org/cms_uploads/text/CaliforniaCompany-List.pdf
YMPO Regional Transportation Plan
2014 - 2037
YMPO is preparing to hold their first public
meetings for the new RTP for the Yuma
Region. They are trying to promote
attendance to these meetings and feedback
from their partners, the public, and
agencies. They will be sending invitations to
many of you for focus group meetings to be
held in the afternoon of the 22nd at the
Heritage Library, and the next day, Jan 23rd at
the YMPO office. The public meetings are in
the evening both nights.
YMPO Newsletter Link
Small Business Outlook 2013
Small Business Outlook 2013 is an event for
all small business owners and supporters of
Arizona. This year’s program will feature an
informative panel discussion as they take a
look at important issues facing small business
in 2013, including the critical areas of public
policy, healthcare in Arizona, and access to
Attendees will also have the
opportunity to network with other business
owners, meet ASBA’s new and renewing
Board Members, and interact one-on-one
with ASBA partners at the mini benefits fair.
Read More… http://asba.siteym.com/events/event_details.asp?id=280002&group
Why the Flu Is So Dangerous This
Year, and Why It Could Get Worse
The flu is taking the nation by storm, with
major cities declaring public health
emergencies and cases of confirmed
infections soaring above last season’s
relatively average numbers. The bad news
is that it could get worse.
Read More http://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddisalvo/2013/
How To Stay Safe From The Flu At
Work This Year
This year’s flu season is off to an early and
ugly start. According to the CDC, and
probably to the guy hacking next to you on
the subway, this year’s flu has affected
people sooner and more severely than in
previous years. Over 2,250 people have
already been hospitalized this season, and
18 pediatric deaths have been reported.
And it’s only the beginning of January.
Read More…
Greater Yuma EDC
Quarterly Investor Luncheon
In an effort to spur community and economic
throughout the state, the Arizona Commerce
Authority began an open grant program geared
towards assisting existing companies and
communities with future growth plans. The
program has been a success resulting in 1000's of
new jobs created statewide while reaping fiscal
impacts even greater for the local community
along with the state. The Arizona Commerce
Authority recently announced the awards of their
2012 Annual Economic Development Rural Grant.
Datepac, a Yuma based company was fortunate
enough to receive funding for a second
consecutive round.
The exponential growth Datepac has experienced
over the course of the last few years has been
astounding and the need for state of the art
technology to help the company keep up with the
growth was imperative. The "Color Sort" project
as they titled it will help with the acquisition of
new machinery, software and computers to
improve the efficiencies needed to remain as
profitable as possible. The project will also create
55 new jobs and a capital investment of $2.38M
to remain in the community. We are very pleased
to have a Yuma company awarded such a
competitive grant and thank The Arizona
Commerce Authority for their phenomenal
support of rural Arizona.
Don’t forget to RSVP to the Quarterly Investor
Luncheon being held on January 22, 2013 at
the Pivot Point Conference Center.
luncheon will feature Hugh Hallman,
Economist, Attorney, and Former Public
Servant. Mr. Hugh Hallman will be sharing his
economic forecast for Arizona and Yuma
County. The Arizona Republic calls Hugh
Hallman “one of those rare public officials who
meticulously connects the dots.”
Deadline to register is January 21, 2013.
Hope to see all of you on January 22, 2013.
California Outreach
Response Reminder
Your responses will help secure an introduction
using an existing relationship to reach the right
Manufacturing and Aerospace industries. All
information received will remain confidential.
Please call or email Greg LaVann, Senior Project
Manager if you have any questions.
Responses are due by February 11, 2013.
Greg LaVann Contact Information
Email: glavann@greateryuma.org
Office: 928.782.7774
Cell: 928.580.0088
February 2013
February 11
Responses for the California
Outreach Program due from
February 14
Good Morning Yuma
February 21
Greater Yuma EDC
Board of Directors Meeting
February 18
GYEDC Office Closed
President’s Day Holiday
February 28
GYPA Meeting
January 11
Chamber of Commerce
Annual Awards & Installation Dinner
January 14
Legislative Affairs Meeting
January 17
Greater Yuma EDC
Board of Directors Meeting
January 21
GYEDC Office Closed
Martin Luther King Holiday
January 22
Greater Yuma EDC
Quarterly Investor Luncheon
Pivot Point Conference Center
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
January 31
GYPA Meeting
9:00 a.m.
Greater Yuma EDC Boardroom
Governance/Finance Committee
Terry Frydenlund
Review of By-laws and Articles of Incorporation
Review of personnel policies
Creating a plan for financial stability
Creating a stable funding model for Greater Yuma EDC’s Public
A personnel committee will also function within this committee. The
Personnel Committee will be responsible for CEO Contract, evaluation
and reviews.
Project Management Committee
Assisting new and/or existing businesses in industry specific
consultation, local operational guidance (navigating permitting,
hiring etc.) state laws, insight into industry efficiency models,
workforce training, effective cost cutting measures and shared
supplier referrals (i.e. shipping, lean manufacturing, educational
Help new or expanding businesses navigate start-up challenges
and best practices for operating a business in Yuma
Act as an extension of the Yuma Manufacturers Association and
the Yuma Logistics Association
Accompany Greater Yuma EDC when meeting with prospective
businesses to serve as ambassadors for the region
Report monthly to the GYEDC Board of Directors
Derek Ruckman
Strategic Planning/Outcomes Committee
Set goals and objectives for Greater Yuma EDC
Create a value proposition - an Incentive Program to be used in
attraction and retention efforts
Asset identification and development
Establish benchmarks for return on investment (ROI)
Joni Brooks
Membership Committee
Responsible for new private sector campaign
Responsible for meeting with Public agencies to secure
funding for GYEDC
Update and create value added benefits to each
investor level and implement those benefits
Responsible for P/R of private sector investors who are
recognized in the community or are receiving unpaid
press in local or national publications. Monthly updates
will be submitted to GYEDC staff for dissemination to
entire GYEDC investor database.
Provide topics and speaker recommendations for
quarterly luncheons and annual dinner.
Responsible for soliciting feedback from these events, in
order to meet the needs of the Public/Private investors
Report monthly to the GYEDC Board of Directors
Jeff Nolte
Julie Engel
Greg LaVann
Senior Project Manager
Alison Morey
Project Manager
Stephany Turner
Office Manager
Office Location
899 Plaza Circle
Suite 2
Yuma, Arizona 85365
Jonathan Lines
Chairman of The Board
Clayton Hasty
Vice Chairman
Dennis Booth
Doug Nicholls
Past Chair
Board Members
Joni Brooks, Yuma Sun
Shaun Cassidy, City of Somerton
James Deermer, Town of Wellton
Greg Ferguson, Yuma County
Terry Frydenlund, 1st Bank Yuma
Bobbi Lewis, City of Yuma
Leslie McClendon, City of Yuma
Russell McCloud, Yuma County
Robert Pickels, Yuma, County
Victor Smith, Skyview Cooling
Phil Smithers, Arizona Public Service
Karin Meza, City of San Luis
Greg Wilkinson, City of Yuma
Frank West, General Motors