Chapter 6 B2B Exchanges, Directories, and Other Support Services Jason C.H. Chen, Ph.D. Professor of MIS Graduate School of Business Gonzaga University Spokane, WA 99223 USA Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Learning Objectives 1. Define exchanges and describe their major types. 2. Describe the various ownership and revenue models of exchanges. 3. Describe B2B portals. 4. Describe third-party exchanges. 5. Distinguish between purchasing (procurement) and selling consortia. Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Learning Objectives 6. Define dynamic trading and describe B2B auctions. 7. Describe partner relationship management (PRM). 8. Discuss integration issues of e-marketplaces and exchanges. 9. Discuss B2B networks. 10. Discuss issues in managing exchanges, including the critical success factors of exchanges. Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce 6.1 B2B Electronic Exchanges— An Overview • public e-marketplace (public exchange) A many-to-many e-marketplace. Trading venues open to all interested parties (sellers and buyers); usually run by third parties. Some are also known as trading exchanges • market maker The third party that operates an exchange (and in many cases, also owns the exchange) Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Exhibit 6.1 The Community of an Exchange: Information Flow and Access to Information Government Professional Association Universities Research Institutions Manufacturers Dealers Contractors Suppliers Market Maker and Administrator Trading Community Customers ( An Exchange ) Retailers Subsuppliers Content Providers Banks Financial Institutions Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Logistics Services IT Providers Other Exchanges Exhibit 6.2 Classification of B2B Exchanges Direct Systematic Sourcing long-term Spot Sourcing as needed (1) Vertical Distributors Methods: Aggregation, fixed/negotiated prices (3) Vertical Exchanges Methods: Matching, dynamic pricing Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Indirect (MRO) (2) Horizontal Distributors Methods: Aggregation, fixed/negotiated prices (4) Horizontal Exchanges Methods: Matching, dynamic pricing B2B Electronic Exchanges An Overview • Vertical exchange: An exchange whose members are in one industry or industry segment. It trades only in materials/services unique for that industry • Horizontal exchanges: Exchanges that handle materials used by companies in different industries • Dynamic pricing: A rapid movement of prices over time, and possibly across customers, as a result of supply and demand Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce N B2B Electronic Exchanges (cont.) • The typical process that results in dynamic pricing in most exchanges: 1. A company posts a bid to buy a product or an offer to sell one 2. An auction (forward or reverse) is activated 3. Buyers and sellers can see the bids and offers that usually remain anonymous 4. Buyers and sellers interact with bids and offers in real time Sometimes group purchasing is used to obtain a volume discount price 5. A deal is struck when there is an exact match between a buyer and a seller on price, volume, and other variables, such as location or quality 6. The deal is consummated, and payment and delivery are arranged Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Electronic Exchanges (cont.) • Functions of Exchanges – Matching buyers and sellers – Facilitating transactions – Maintaining exchange policies and infrastructure Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Exhibit (Extra) Conventional Versus Exchange Processes Conventional Process Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Request for proposal Buyer Supplier K Bidding Bidding Sequence Repeated for k=1 to n Evaluate, Notify Buyer negotiate, supplier and accept Proposal Evaluation and Acceptance Good shipped Payment Buyers Buyer Transaction Completion Exchange Process Step 1 Buyer 1: RFP Buyer 2: RFP Buyer 3: RFP Exchange RFPs Submitted and Bids Made Step 2 Buyer 1 :Best Bid Buyer 1: Payment Exchange Best Bid Accepted Source: Based on Copyright © by Brint Institute, LLC. All rights reserved. Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Supplier A Bid Supplier B Bid Supplier C Bid Supplier D Bid Selected Supplier Payment Less Commission Logistics Services General Purchasing Process Forecast Demand Request for Proposal/Quote (RFP/RFQ) Bid Supplier / Seller Negotiate Contract Process Orders Shipping Orders Receiving Orders Invoicing Payment Vender Performance Tracking & Management Customer Service Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Buyer Place Orders B2B Electronic Exchanges (cont.) • Ownership of Exchanges – One company, usually an industry giant – A neutral entrepreneur (a ‘third-party’ intermediary) – The consortium (or “third-party” co-op) • Governance and Organization – Membership – Site access and security – Services provided by exchanges Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Electronic Exchanges (cont.) • Advantages of Exchanges – Making markets more efficient, providing opportunities for sellers and buyers to find new business partners – Cutting the administrative costs of ordering MROs – Expediting trading processes – Facilitating global trade – Creating communities of informed buyers and sellers Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Electronic Exchanges (cont.) Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Electronic Exchanges (cont.) Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Electronic Exchanges (cont.) • Revenue models 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Transaction fees Fee for service Membership fees Advertising fees Other revenue sources N Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce 6.2 B2B Portals and Directories B2B Portals and Directories • B2B portals: Information portals for businesses • Vortals : B2B portals that focus on a single industry or industry segment; “vertical portals” • Pure information portals include: – directories of products offered by each seller – lists of buyers and what they want – other industry or general information Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Portals and Directories • Directory Services and Search Engines – Directory services can help buyers and sellers manage the task of finding specialized products, services, and potential partners – Specialized search engines are becoming a necessity in many industries due to the information glut Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Portal Examples (cont.) •—started as a pure information portal and is moving toward becoming a trading exchange – Huge database is a horizontal information portal with offerings in a wide variety of product categories – Reverse auctions (sellers bid) – Features–free email, email alerts, legal information, etc. – Revenue model—advertisement and fees for special services Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce 6.3 Third-Party and Directory Exchanges • Third-party exchanges are characterized by two contradicting properties – They are neutral because they do not favor either sellers or buyers – Because they do not have a built-in constituency of sellers or buyers, they sometimes have a problem attracting enough buyers and sellers to attain financial viability Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Third Party (Trading) Exchanges (cont.) • A major problem is: – How to increase their financial viability – Market liquidity: The degree to which something can be bought or sold in a marketplace without affecting its price • Solution – Team up with with partners such as large sellers or buyers, financial institutions Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce N Exhibit 6.6 Supplier Aggregation Model - Third Party (Trading) Exchanges Small Buyers (SMEs) Suppliers SME1 #1 #2 Aggregation of Catalogs (Commerce One) Hosting SME2 Workflow applications SME3 #3 Large Buyers #4 Workflow, Approvals, Budget controls Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce etc. Buyer #1 ERP, SCM Integration Third Party (Trading) Exchanges (cont.) • Buyer aggregation model buyers’ RFQs are aggregated and then linked to a pool of suppliers that are automatically notified of the RFQs (see next slide) • Suitability – aggregation models work best with MROs and services that are well defined, that have stable prices, and where the supplier or buyer base is fragmented Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce N Exhibit 6.7 Buyer Aggregation Model - Third Party (Trading) Exchanges Buyers Suppliers #1 #1 GPO #2 RFQ #3 Suppliers’ offers etc. Requests Response Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Aggregating RFQs from Suppliers; collecting RFPs from bidders, matching (selecting offers) Buyers’ requests #2 #3 Bids etc. Group Purchasing Organization Process [Stage1-b] Forecast Demand RFQ Response G [Stage3] Returns P Confirm (Price OK) B ... RFQ Bid Negotiate Contract Place Orders Process Orders Shipping Orders Receiving Orders Invoicing Payment VPTM RFQ u [Stage2] Shipping / Receiving Orders y … … S u p p l i e r / S e l l e r [Stage1-a] Refund Process O Shipping / Receiving Orders Invoice Payment Returns [Stage4] Refund Process VPTM : Vender Performance Tracking & Management Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce e r Third-Party and Directory Exchanges • market liquidity The degree to which something can be bought or sold in a marketplace without significantly affecting its price. It is determined by the number of buyers and sellers in the market and the transaction volume Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce BREAK-1 • Application Case 6.2: Global Transportation Network Ocean Portal (p.272) Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce 6.4 Consortium Trading Exchanges • • Consortium trading exchange (CTE): An exchange formed and operated by a group of major companies to provide industry-wide transaction services Markets operate in three basic types of environments: 1. Fragmented markets 2. Seller-concentrated markets 3. Buyer-concentrated markets Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce N Consortium Trading Exchanges (cont.) • CTEs, defined by two main criteria: – – • whether they focus on buying or selling whether they are vertical or horizontal 4 types of CTEs 1. 2. 3. 4. Purchasing oriented, vertical Purchasing oriented, horizontal Selling oriented, vertical Selling oriented, horizontal Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce V H P 1 2 S 3 4 Consortium Trading Exchanges (cont.) • Purchasing-oriented (procurement) consortia – Vertical Purchasing-Oriented CTEs all the players are in the same industry – Horizontal Purchasing-Oriented CTEs • owner-operators are large companies from different industries that unite for the purpose of improving the supply chain of MROs used by most industries Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce N Consortium Trading Exchanges (cont.) • Selling-oriented consortia – Selling-oriented consortia are less common than buying-oriented ones. – Most selling-oriented consortia are vertical – Participating sellers have thousands of potential buyers within a particular industry Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Consortium Trading Exchanges (cont.) • Other issues for consortia – Legal challenges for B2B consortia • level of collaboration among both competitors and business partners • antitrust and other competition laws must be considered – Critical success factors for consortia • Appropriate business and revenue models • Size of the industry • Ability to drive user adoption Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Consortium Trading Exchanges (cont.) • Elasticity The measure of the incremental spending by buyers as a result of the savings generated • Standardization of commodity-like products • Management of intensive information flow (collaboration) • Smoothing of supply chain inefficiencies – Combining consortia and third-party exchanges • dot-consortia - large consortia + third-party owner • combination may bring about the advantage of both ownership and minimizing third-party limitations such as low liquidity Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce N 6.5 Dynamic Trading: Matching and Auctions • dynamic trading Trading that occurs in situations when prices are changing continuously, being determined by supply and demand (e.g., in auctions) Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Dynamic Trading: Matching and Auctions • Matching – The matching process may be more complex than buying and selling in regular auctions due to the need to match both prices and quantities, and many cases, quality, delivery times, and locations • Auctions – An exchange may offer auction services as one of its many activities – An exchange is fully dedicated to auctions Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Dynamic Trading: Matching and Auctions EXHIBIT 6.9 Comparing the Major B2B Many-to-many Models Name B2B catalogbased exchanges B2B portals B2B dynamic exchange Major Characteristics • A place for selling and buying • Fix prices ( updated as needed) • Search tools • Trading information • Community services, news, information • Communication tools • Classified ads • Employment Markets • May support selling (buying) • Fixed prices • M ay do auctions • Matches buyer/seller other at dynamic prices, auctions • Provides trading-related information and services (payment, logistics) • Highly related • May provide general information, news, etc. • May provide for negotiations Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Types Vertical, horizontal •Shopping directory, usually with hyperlinks (only) •Shopping carts with services (payment, etc.) Vertical (vortals), horizontal •Shopping directory, usually with hyperlinks Vertical, horizontal •Forward auctions •Reverse auctions •Bid/ask exchanges 6.6 Partner and Supplier Relationship Management • partner relationship management (PRM) Business strategy that focuses on providing comprehensive quality service to business partners • supplier relationship management (SRM) A comprehensive approach to managing an enterprise’s interactions with the organizations that supply the goods and services it uses Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Partner and Supplier Relationship Management Note: PeopleSoft is now owned by Oracle Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce The Wal-Mart Supply Chain 4 3-a 1-c 1-a 3-b 1-b 2-b 2-a Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Partner and Supplier Relationship Management • E-Communities and PRM – B2B applications involve many participants: buyers and sellers, service providers, industry associations, and others, which creates a community – E-communities connect personnel, partners, customers, and any combination of the three – E-communities offer a powerful resource for ebusinesses to leverage online discussions and interaction in order to maximize innovation and responsiveness Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce 6.7 Building and Integrating E-Marketplaces and Exchanges • Building E-Marketplaces – Building e-marketplaces is a complex process – usually performed by a major B2B software company • • • • Commerce One Ariba Oracle IBM Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Building and Integrating E-Marketplaces and Exchanges • Integration issue – Seamless integration is needed between the third-party exchange and the participants’ front and back-office systems – In private exchanges the seller’s computing system must be integrated with the customers systems Web-based Systems Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Four most common elements of B2B Integration Solutions 1. External communications • • • • Web/client access Data exchange Direct application integration Shared procedures 2. Process and information coordination in integration how to coordinate external communications with internal information systems Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce N Four most common elements of B2B Integration Solutions (cont.) 3. Use of Web services in integration Web Services enable different Web-based systems to communicate with each other using Internet-based protocols such as XML 4. System and information management in integration management of software, hardware, and several information components, including partner-profile information, data and process definitions, communications and security settings, and users’ information Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce N 6.8 B2B Networks • Private Marketplaces – E-marketplaces that are owned and operated by one company. Also known as company-centric marketplaces Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce 6.8 B2B Networks • Characteristics of Company-Centered (Private) Networks – Provide the infrastructure for e-marketplaces – Allow suppliers to communicate effectively and efficiently with sub-suppliers along several tiers – Increase the visibility of buyers, sellers, and other partners along the supply chain and around the globe – Operate on a large scale – Foster collaboration and closer relationships among business partners – Enable industry-wide resource planning – Provide support services, especially financial ones for the benefit of trading partners – Provide insurance, financial derivatives, and so on to reduce risks in certain markets e.g., Boeing’s PART – connects Boeing’s customers to Boeing and Boeing’s parts suppliers. Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Networks –Boeing’s Example • B2B intermediary: Boeing’s parts marketplace – World’s largest maker of airplanes for commercial and military customers – Major goal of Boeing’s intermediary parts market, called PART is supporting customers’ maintenance needs as a customer service – Online strategy is to provide a single point of online access through which airlines (buyers) and the maintenance and parts providers (suppliers) can access data about the parts they need – Began using traditional EDI Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Networks –Boeing’s Example (cont.) – 1996, Boeing introduced its PART page on the Internet – Customers around the world could • check parts availability and pricing • order parts • track order status – Less than a year later, about 50 percent of Boeing’s customers used PART for parts orders and customer service inquiries Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Networks –Boeing’s Example (cont.) – Boeing OnLine Data (BOLD) enables mechanics and technicians at the airport to access the technical manuals they need for repairs – These manuals are now available in digital form, and mechanics and technicians can access them via wireline or wireless devices Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Networks • Public Industrywide (Vertical) Networks • Transindustry And Global Networks – Networks of exchanges (E2E) – Global networks Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce B2B Networks Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce 6.9 Other B2B Implementation Issues • Problems with public exchanges 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Transaction fees : required to pay transaction fees with existing customers Sharing information: do not want to share business data with competitors Cost savings : not great enough to attract buyers Recruiting suppliers: lose direct contact with customers Too many exchanges Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce N Other B2B Implementation Issues • Supply chain improvers – Companies want to streamline their internal supply chains, which requires integration with internal operations instead of “plugging in” to an exchange’s infrastructure • Problems with private exchanges – Major problem is trust in the (one) large corporation running the exchange Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Other B2B Implementation Issues • Software Agents in B2B Exchanges – Software agents provide an efficient infrastructure to provide real-time, tighter integration between buyers and sellers and to facilitate management of multiple trading partners and their transactions across multiple virtual industry exchanges • Disintermediation and Reintermediation Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Value-added Services • Once a critical mass is reached, exchanged operators must expand the services they provide to users. • Value-added services can make an exchange even more compelling: – – – – Industry news, expert advice Auctions, financial services Business reporting, data mining Detailed specification sheets Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce 6.10 Managing and the Future of Exchanges • • • Evaluating Exchanges Centralized Management Critical Success Factors for Exchanges 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Early liquidity The right owners The right governance Openness A full range of services Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Managing and the Future of Exchanges • New Directions for B2B Marketplaces – Critical success factors for exchanges • • • • • • • • • • Importance of domain expertise Targeting inefficient industry processes Targeting the right industries Brand building Exploiting economies of scope Choice of business/revenue models Blending content, community, and commerce Managing channel conflict Maximize the benefits for all participants Other factors Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce Managerial Issues 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Have we done our homework? Can we use the Internet? Which exchange to join? Will joining an exchange force restructuring? Will we face channel conflicts? What are the benefits and risks of joining an exchange? 7. Can we trust new trading partners? Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce BREAK-2 • Application Case 6.3: Asite’ B2B EMarketplace for the Construction Industry (p.289) Pearson/Prentice Hall & Dr. Chen, Electronic Commerce