How to Survive the First Week of School MiSiS, Ed Code and District Policy Valerie Corcoran, PSA Coordinator ISIC Principal Workshop, July 30, 2014 MiSiS Enrollment Do’s and Don’ts Permits and Student Transfer Issues Zones of Choice Attendance Attendance and Dropout Prevention Plan Principal Responsibilities Surviving the First Day of School All referenced document are on the ISIC Operations PSA Website 1. Each individual shares their “MOST IMPORTANT POINT” with the group 2. The group selects one “MIP” to share with the room, stating why that point, fact, idea or suggestion was picked. Left Side Right Side Surviving the First Week As of June 16, 2014 all legacy systems (ESIS, SSIS and LAUSDMax) converted to read-only access. Student attendance, enrollments, check-outs, grades, scheduling, as well as disciplinary notes/interventions are now completed on the MiSiS application. • Access to student information including, but not limited to: – Number of periods tardy (secondary schools) – Number of full day unexcused vs. full day excused absences – Number of periods for which attendance was not submitted for the student (secondary schools) • Ability to update attendance for more than one student at a time Student Support Section ◦ School administrators, counselors and teachers are able to electronically input information on student interventions, referrals, positive behavior and counseling communications. ◦ Selected information from previous entries in LAUSDMax have been transferred to MiSiS Your Single Sign-On (SSO) user name and password are used to log into the MiSiS application. As a principal, it is vital that your school staff and teachers all have access to the MiSiS application on the first day of school. ◦ Teachers and Staff (excluding PSA Counselors) will need to utilize the EZ Access Request System . ◦ As a Principal, you or a designee will be responsible for approving MiSiS access at your school, and assigning user roles. ◦ In order to ensure a smooth opening day, It is recommended that this process be completed on the Pupil –Free Day. The EZ Access Request system can be found at: From the main console click on the Reports tab to access the variety of reports available To access any of the reports listed you must click on the name of the report To appear and be counted as a No Show the student ◦ The student must have had attendance submitted for all classes ◦ The student must have been marked absent to all classes ◦ There must be no reason code for the absence. Once a student has been identified as a No Show, they will be added to a No Show Group on MiSiS. ◦ This process is taking place through an evening interface. If a student returns on the 2nd-9th day, the school will remove the student from the No Show Group and enroll the student immediately. ◦ Once the student has been marked present by one or more teachers, the E date will change to reflect the first date of attendance. On the 10th day of school if a student remains absent to all periods with no reason code, the student schedule will be deleted and stored on a database table for reporting, until the final day of the semester. ◦ On the 10th day of school, you must run the MiSiS No Show Report If it has been determined that the student has enrolled at another non-LAUSD school: ◦ Update student L code ◦ If the student attended the same school last year, update the L code to the last date of attendance in previous year ◦ If new to school (pre-enrollee) delete enrollment record. For specific information on: Attendance Taking (Teachers) Attendance Processes (Office Staff) Enrollments Please refer to the handouts provided or refer to the MiSiS website at: 1. Each individual shares their “MOST IMPORTANT POINT” with the group 2. The group selects one “MIP” to share with the room, stating why that point, fact, idea or suggestion was picked. Left Side Right Side Do’s and Don’ts Attendance Manual: Policy and Procedures for Elementary, BUL-4926.2 Secondary and Option Schools ATTENDANCE Attendance Manual: Policy and Procedures 2013 Appendix Version 3.0 Attendance Manual Attachments (2013) DROPOUT Dropout Prevention, Intervention and Recovery Strategies BUL-3720.0 Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade EARLY Entrance Age Requirements,Verification of Birth Date, and EDUCATION Placement Forms Kindergarten: Pre-registration, Registration and Admission BUL-5708.1 BUL-1312 Designate an office or staff member to address registration, enrollment and attendance issues. The office/staff member must be accessible throughout the school day and office hours (i.e. 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.) to serve students and parents/guardians. No Wait Lists Not “Fridays Only” No Student or Parent Orientation requirement Enrollment may not be based on grades, test scores or language classification Verify address of all potential students Ensure immediate registration and enrollment of all students under his/her supervision, residing within the school’s attendance boundaries and those with special circumstances (regardless of time of year, testing etc.). Provide enrollment packet or ZOC Application for resident students to the Attendance Manual procedures to facilitate immediate enrollment when required documentation is not available: Refer Use all available affidavits as necessary for residence, birthdate, caregiver affidavit, etc. Schools may contact the Immigrant Student Guidance and Assessment Placement Center (GAP) to assist students and families who are new arrivals to the country. (213) 482-3954 Are known gang members Have large, visible tattoos Just got out of juvenile hall or camp Are Foster students Are Homeless Are not accompanied by an adult Have parents who cause problems It’s in the middle of testing It’s the last week of the semester “10th grade / 1st grade is full” AP / Dean / Counselor is not available It’s after norm day Unenrolled students represent a potential liability to the district. Programs are available to assist you with Special Populations: Special Education Homeless – Transportation assistance Foster Youth Camp Returnee Neglected/Delinquent and At Risk Foreign Students (with VISAs) New immigrants Contact Pupil Services and Attendance or your Operations Coordinator for guidance. 1. Each individual shares their “MOST IMPORTANT POINT” with the group 2. The group selects one “MIP” to share with the room, stating why that point, fact, idea or suggestion was picked. Left Side Right Side Office of Permits and Student Transfers 213-241-5255 Inter-District (District to District) Permits BUL-5341.2 Intra-District (School to School) Permits BUL-5347.1 Open Enrollment Transfers for Elementary and BUL-5606.1 Secondary Students Romero Open Enrollment Act BUL-5255.1 ALL Parents requesting a permit must be provided with the opportunity Inter-District Permits Never enroll a student from outside the District without a copy of the Permit Incoming and Outgoing transfers apply online Intra-District Permits Paper permit requires authorization from both sending and receiving principals Appeal process initiated by denying principal The administrator of the school of residence must review all required documentation relevant to the type of permit requested prior to releasing the student to the school requested. Permits that meet criteria should be approved by both principals. Permits may not be denied based solely on reduction of student population at the school of residence. Zone of Choice: Permits are signed off by the ZOC office When permits are granted, the school is agreeing to keep the student for the entire school year and students are to be treated in every respect as though they were resident students Schools must follow LAUSD discipline policy and students are to remain at the school of attendance during the resolution of disciplinary issues unless an alternative placement has been made by local ESC administrators or the Student Discipline Support Unit. The permit application and supporting documents must be retained in the student’s cumulative record. The school administrator shall be responsible for entering the correct codes for intra-district permit students. Students discovered to be living outside the LAUSD, in the absence of an inter-district permit, must be referred immediately to the Office of Permits and Student Transfers (OPST). Do not check them out without direction from the Permit office. 1. Each individual shares their “MOST IMPORTANT POINT” with the group 2. The group selects one “MIP” to share with the room, stating why that point, fact, idea or suggestion was picked. Left Side Right Side Phone: 213.241.0479 Fax: 213.241.4108 ZOC Schools: Do not enroll students without ZOC assignment Provide enrollment application and school information to assist with decision-making Completed applications should be submitted to ZOC office that same day for processing Families should never leave empty-handed – should be given copy of application, and any additional information school can provide ZOC Facilitators will notify families and send student assignments to schools by next day Students placed using random computer program dictated by student preference Lists provided to high schools in April ZOC office sends notification letters Students enrolled throughout summer New Student Enrollment Year-round Paper enrollment form One-Time Transfers Window: April 15 – May 15 Mutual agreement between schools Only once per student; first year students not eligible NO WAITING LISTS Students must remain at their assigned school for at least one year before transferring Sibling exception Siblings Requests to transfer student to a sibling’s school must be initiated by parent/guardian in a timely manner Special Education RSP and SDP students placed using same process as General Education students Special Education office will work with schools to provide full services for students Special Education office: 213.241.6701 1. Each individual shares their “MOST IMPORTANT POINT” with the group 2. The group selects one “MIP” to share with the room, stating why that point, fact, idea or suggestion was picked. Left Side Right Side Accurate Accounting Absence Management Attendance Improvement Good News ! This plan is now incorporated in the Safe and Healthy School Plan, Volume 1, Chapter 5. This plan is due October 1, 2015. Evidence supporting goals and implementation of plan must be retained and available for review by district staff and the public. Ensure creation and implementation of Attendance and Dropout Prevention Plan Daily attendance accounting of all students. Absences, tardies, early leave times, and reasons for absences are to be recorded. Ensuring all teachers report attendance during the first fifteen minutes of each class/class period. Provide guidance and assistance to teachers who habitually do not submit attendance. Mandated Truancy Notifications Initial Notice sent by district according to ref guide 2nd and 3rd letter are the responsibility of the school Ensure implementation of Attendance and Dropout Prevention Plan Students are expected to attend school on all assigned school days. ◦ Ensure students may enter campus to attend school all day: Do not lock entry gates during school hours ◦ Admit students, even without uniforms District policy prohibits schools from conducting checkouts/force outs/push outs, telling students to stay home, withdrawing students without an official transfer, etc. Schools shall not finalize grades and withdraw students prior to the end of the school year or semester due to the following reasons: discrepancies with the chronological age calculator, before testing, discipline, etc. ◦ These practices violate District policy and CA Education Code, reduce the revenue of per pupil Average Daily Attendance for the District, and are harmful to students. A Review of Preparation Procedures for Enrollment and Attendance Ensure all staff have a computer that works with MiSiS Ensure that all teachers are assigned to active classes Ensure all staff have training on using vital programs (enrollment, attendance, etc.) Print at least 2 copies of 5 Column Rosters One for teacher, one in office Secondary: Print sufficient copies of HR/1st period Student Lookup Rosters for posting Elementary: Print at least 2 copies of Class Rosters for teacher and office Print sufficient Alphabetic Student Rosters to assist parents and students MiSis no longer permits dual enrollment: Ensure you have a solid plan and system for tracking students at your school that can not be added to your system until later Registration documents Class Schedule Attendance and absence tracking Discipline and Counseling Referrals Ensure that attendance has been submitted by all teachers for all classes. ◦ Have 5 column rosters printed and ready for all teachers and all periods in the event that they cannot connect to Misis. ◦ Appoint an office staff member to collect 5 column rosters and enter and submit attendance before the end of the day. ◦ Run an Attendance Not Submitted Report to ensure that you have 100% attendance submission 1. Each individual shares their “MOST IMPORTANT POINT” with the group 2. The group selects one “MIP” to share with the room, stating why that point, fact, idea or suggestion was picked. Left Side Right Side Pupil Services and Attendance Intensive Support and Innovation Center Valerie Corcoran, PSA Coordinator 213-241-0101