Arabic Curriculum - West Ada School District

Joint School District No. 2
World Languages Curriculum
Arabic Curriculum
Idaho State World Language Content Standard I: Acquisition and Use of Language
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding;
First Year Skills
Discriminate between each phonetic
sound in the Arabic alphabet.
Demonstrate comprehension of single
words and idiomatic expressions.
Listen to commercials on radio and
television, cassettes, videos, native
speakers from their own age group and
other realia. (7-12.WL1.1.1.2)
Comprehend “teacher-read” realia.
Recognize intonation patterns
(questions, commands and statements)
Demonstrate comprehension of basic
commands. (7-12.WL.
Comprehend question words (e.g.
who, what, when, where, how). (712.WL.
Discriminate definite and indefinite
articles as well as masculine and
feminine and adjectives.
Demonstrate comprehension of forms
of address (e.g. listen to lectures with
regard to influence of family
structures, rites of passage, dining
etiquette, clothing styles and living
accommodations. (7-12.WL.
Expanded communication skills involve more complex vocabulary,
structure and spiraling patterns.
Foreign language skills enhance and can contribute to future job
Purpose drives topics, structures and delivery in written and oral
Variations in language grammar and structure are necessary to convey
precise meaning.
The use of foreign language for personal enjoyment, travel, work and
enrichment encourages life-long language learning.
Second Year Skills
Comprehend more complex realia
in everyday situations.
Comprehend vocabulary related to
class themes and literature.
Acquire vocabulary for: vacations,
geography, accidents, prepositions,
units of measure, family, pastimes,
housing and shopping.
Demonstrate comprehensible Arabic at
a level which would be understood in
everyday social situations, including
emergency situations, job situations,
telephone conversations, the internet,
restaurants, educational situations
(study abroad, tutoring).
Recognize verbal commands.
Use additional grammatical
structures (including past and
future). (7-12.WL.
Use present, gerund, past and future
verb tenses in aural input.
Comprehend videos, cassettes,
dialogues and teacher dictation from
authentic literature or realia.
Express regret, preferences, doubt;
consoling and sympathizing with
someone; reprimanding; relating a
series of events; talk about past and
using idiomatic expressions
correctly. (7-12.WL.
Retell previously learned
information (e.g. biographical,
visual cues, trips, etc.)
Comprehension of oral presentations and
lectures; videos, cassettes, dialogues,
teacher dictation from authentic literature
or realia on both historical and
contemporary topics, which includes
past, imperfect, the hal clause, future,
connectors, expressions, imperative,
present perfect, gerund, verb patterns,
Arabic case, active and passive
participles, comparative and superlative.
(7-12.WL., (7-12.WL.
Demonstrate and apply levels of
politeness in social situations and
presentations. (7-12.WL.
Listening to cultural discussions on tape,
speakers, videos (including legends),
poetry, literature and history of Arab
countries. (7-12.WL.
Taking part in and sustaining a normal
Standards Revised December 2011
Read text aloud (7-12.WL.
Ask and answer questions using
present tense of verb patterns. (712.WL.
Ask for and give directions; ask for
and give prices; agree and disagree;
initiate conversations; express
feelings; ask questions; tell time;
order, buy food; extend, accept,
decline invitations; conduct telephone
conversations. (7-12.WL.
Use correct forms of second persons
singular and plural.
Orally and silently read unit-related
passages, realia, dialogues, ads,
cartoons and travel brochures.
Read questions; respond to familiar,
visual, oral and written cues; read
dialogues using vocabulary related to
specific topics. (7-12.WL.
Recognize sentence structure,
grammatical structure, verb usage,
formation of questions and negative
expressions. (7-12.WL.
Associate written text with spoken
words. (7-12.WL.
Recognize and use of word
borrowings. (7-12.WL.
Write basic vocabulary and short
sentences (e.g. picture cues, words).
Respond to written questions about
Arabic-speaking countries.
Rewrite sentences using substitutions.
Write about personal experiences they
might encounter in the Arabicspeaking community.
Ask for and give directions.
Use telephones, order in restaurants,
ask directions, ask for assistance,
shop, and get around in a city.
Ask and answer questions using
informal and formal commands.
Read instructions, letters, ads,
cartoons, travel brochures, recipes,
menus and paragraphs.
Read short authentic literary
passages appropriate for secondyear level. (7-12.WL.
Read authentic literature (e.g. folk
tales, songs, poetry, etc.) (7-12.WL.
Read increasingly complex articles
in newspapers, magazines, maps
and letters. (7-12.WL.
Reinforce and build upon first-year
skills and expand upon vocabulary
related to familiar concepts used in
speaking (short letters, dialogues,
series of connected events,
interviews, description of scenes
and itineraries). (7-12.WL.
Write about personal and social
situations, thank-you notes, menus,
post cards and advertisements.
Write short dialogues using proper
forms of address. (7-12.WL.
conversation; meeting basic survival
skills; discussing poetry, short stories,
novels, plays; taking part in presenting
plays in the target language; expressing
opinions and responding to others
appropriately. (7-12.WL.
Use alternatives to express meaning
(e.g., circumlocution, synonyms, and
antonyms). (7-12.WL.
Demonstrate increased fluency through
presentation of dialogues, plays,
poetry, panels and songs in a variety of
social, literary and contemporary
topics, arenas and audiences.
Read novels, plays, poetry, legends,
realia, short stories, news articles and
internet information.
(7-12.WL., (7-12.WL.,
Extend reading in Arabic for personal
enjoyment, employment, enrichment,
study and travel. (7-12.WL.
Apply writing skills in Arabic for
personal enjoyment; in national
language exams; in travel, work and
enrichment. (7-12.WL.
Writing descriptive essays, poems,
answers to comprehensive questions,
informative and persuasive essays,
book reports, and resumes.
Write short stories concerning cultural
themes. (7-12.WL.
Demonstrate proficiency in writing
poetry, plays, dialogues, essays,
children’s stories, legends, fables, etc.
incorporating all verb tenses and
grammatical structures studied.
Use advanced grammatical structures
(including past progressive, future, and
conditional expressions).
Compose dialogues of social situations
in which they may find themselves.
Standards Revised December 2011
Demonstrate understanding of
grammatical concepts (gender,
number, negatives, tenses, etc.)
Standards Revised December 2011
Joint School District No. 2
World Languages Curriculum
Arabic Curriculum
Idaho State World Language Content Standard II: Critical Thinking
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
First Year Skills
Foreign language learning extends beyond the classroom to real-life
Languages are distinguished by their grammar and structure.
The study of foreign languages reinforces and integrates content
from other disciplines.
The study of culture promotes an awareness of cultural similarities
and differences.
Social and economic issues at local, state and international levels can
create arenas requiring discussion in foreign languages.
Second Year Skills
Analysis of Language Elements and
Analysis of Language Elements and
Analysis of Language Elements and
Practice everyday situations in Arabic
using idiomatic expressions, present
verbs and grammatical constructions
when meeting Arabic speakers in
social situations. (7-12.WL.
Discuss similarities and differences
between Arabic and English
language grammar and usage.
Infer and predict meaning of an
unfamiliar word based on grammatical
position and origins. (7-12.WL.,
Use commands, subject pronouns,
definite and indefinite articles,
conjugating in verb patterns, adjectivenoun agreement, word order,
possessives, the idaafa, question
formation and negative expressions.
Recognize correct placement of
adjectives. (7-12.WL.
Use present tenses of verb patterns
1-10, subject and object pronouns,
conjunctions, prepositions,
connectors, adverbs and adjectives.
Demonstrate knowledge of proper
forms of address, levels of
politeness and use of vocabulary
appropriate to the situation.
Identify present tense verbs and
cognates. (7-12.WL.
Predict meaning of unfamiliar words
based on context and word families.
Compare linguistic elements among
languages. (7-12.WL.
Modification and Manipulation of
Language Elements and Products:
Recognize systematic changes in word
families. (7-12.WL.
Manipulate language structures to
demonstrate comparative and
superlative relationships.
Modification and Manipulation of
Language Elements and Products:
Use systematic changes within word
families to expand vocabulary (e.g.
plurals, adjectives to adverbs, verbs to
nouns, etc.) (7-12.WL.
Use language structures to express
degrees of preference or differences
(e.g. “I like hamburgers”, “I prefer
hamburgers to hotdogs”).
Use appropriate verb conjugations in
the present tense to convey meaning.
Use language-specific structures to
show roles of nouns, pronouns,
Comprehension of oral presentations
and lectures; videos, cassettes,
dialogues, teacher dictation from
authentic literature or realia on both
historical and contemporary topics,
which includes past, imperfect, future,
conditional expressions, imperative,
present perfect, verb patterns,
comparative and superlative.
Recognize and incorporate all verb and
grammatical forms. (7-12.WL.
Demonstrate acceptable idiomatic and
figurative expressions among
languages. (7-12.WL.
Modification and Manipulation of
Language Elements and Products:
Study Arab authors and topics relevant to
current world situations.
Demonstrate oral competency in a wide
variety of social situations, business
situations, and educational situations.
Demonstrate oral competency in basic
survival skills. (7-12.WL.
Standards Revised December 2011
Modify sentences to express positive
and negative aspects.
Demonstrate skill in integrating and
recombining structures and vocabulary
on assigned topics in the present tense.
adjectives, and adverbs in context
(e.g. subject, possessive, object).
Recognize sentence structure,
grammatical structure, verb usage,
formation of question and negative
expressions. (7-12.WL.
Standards Revised December 2011
Joint School District No. 2
World Languages Curriculum
Arabic Curriculum
Idaho State World Language Content Standard I: History, Geography, and Culture
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding;
Enduring Understanding;
Enduring Understanding;
First Year Skills
Different cultures have different social etiquettes.
Islamic influences in art and architecture, literature and music of a
society, which mirror and illuminate historical events.
Cultural traditions influence family structure, rites of passage, dining
etiquette, clothing styles and living accommodations.
Beliefs and languages of diverse cultures deserve equal consideration.
Language and culture are interdependent.
Geography directly influences the culture and history of a people.
Information, concepts and ideas require verbal and non-verbal
communication to an audience of listeners in different world languages.
Countries with a common language share cultural and geographical
Countries with a common language share historical, geographical,
economic, political and literacy connections.
Second Year Skills
Recognize major historical events from
target culture. (7-12.WL.
Discuss the role of Muhammad in the
early Islamic Empire.
Study Arab countries and their histories
and contemporary importance.
Identify historical connections between
English and the target language.
Analyze the impact of the Ottoman
influence on the architecture of the
middle east. (7-12.WL.
Demonstrate geographical awareness of
Arabic-speaking world.
Describe the geographical features of
major areas in the near and middle east.
Examine selected historical figures and
events in depth. (7-12.WL.
Demonstrate geographical awareness
of Arab countries and their capitals.
Identify unique cultural aspects of
Islam. (7-12.WL.
Compare differences in currencies
between Arab countries and the United
States. (7-12.WL.
Recognize nonverbal cues and body
language typically used in the target
language. (7-12.WL.
Use appropriate cultural responses in
diverse exchanges (e.g. forms of address,
levels of familiarity). (7-12.WL.
Discuss and present oral reports on
historical and literary work and cultural
events. (7-12.WL.
Identify unique cultural aspects of
regions in the target culture. (e.g.
food, holidays, customs, celebrations)
Study Arab art, music, philosophy, and
history weighing their cultural impact on
today’s world. (7-12.WL.
Demonstrate knowledge of local cities,
rivers, mountains, oceans, provinces of
North Africa and the Middle East.
Discuss geography in context of class
themes. (7-12.WL.
Discuss and formally present the
geography, economy, politics, ecology,
and social situations of Arab countries.
Use Internet resources in the target
language to explore a variety of
Standards Revised December 2011
Standards Revised December 2011