MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER SHAKARIM, SEMEY Document of 3 level by MQS EMCD Discipline's program for discipline «Chemistry of high molecular compounds» for students EMCD “ ”__09__2014 № 1 edition EMCD 042-18-34.1.45/02-2014 EDUCATIONAL-METHODICAL COMPLEX OF DISCIPLINE «CHEMISTRY OF HIGH MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS» For the specialty 5B011200– «Chemistry» DISCIPLINE'S PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS Semey 2014 EMCD 042-18-34.1.45/02-2014 “ ”__09__2014 № 1 edition Content 1. General Provisions 2. Contents and distribution of hours by type of occupation 3. Guidelines for the study of discipline 4. The format of the course 5. Course policy 6. Grading policy 7. Literature page 2 from 9 EMCD 042-18-34.1.45/02-2014 “ ”__09__2014 № 1 edition page 3 from 9 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 General information about the teacher and discipline Omarova Aigul Shayzollaevna, Ph.D., senior lecturer Department of Chemistry Contact Information - Tel: 35-05-90, educational building # 3, office # 418 Working place - audience # 416 Number of credits - 2 1.2 Brief description of the discipline: Course "Chemistry of high molecular compounds" introduces students with the basic provisions of polymer science, with the latest achievements in this field. It includes issues of receiving, properties and structure of high-molecular compounds. The course studying promotes to the deeper mastering by students knowledge on such subjects as "Organic Chemistry", "Biological Chemistry", "Physical Chemistry". 1.3 The purpose of the discipline: To study the chemical structure and properties of polymer molecules. Basic concepts of polymer chemistry . Nomenclature of polymers. Classification of carbo-and hetero- polymers. Characteristic properties of polymer molecules . Polymer synthesis . General characteristics of the processes of polymers. Properties of polymerization and polycondensation processes . Radical polymerization: initiation and its effectiveness, propagation and termination reactions of macroradicals. Ionic polymerization, ionic polymerization types, the cationic polymerization, anionic polymerization. Polycondensation. Features of chemical reactions of polymers. Reaction of the units and macromolecular reactions of polymeranalogous transformation. Crosslinking of the macromolecules. Vulcanization. Hardening, degradation, reactions of the end groups mechano-chemical synthesis. Aggregate and phase state of polymers. Features glassy, highly elastic and viscous-flow state of polymers. Mechanical properties of polymers. The electrical properties of the polymers. Classification of processing methods. 1.4 The main objective of studying the discipline: - Deeping of the knowledge by organic and biological chemistry; - Strengthening of the received and the acquisition of new skills in experimental work; - Mastering of synthesis technique and methods of researching organic polymers 1.5 Learning Outcomes: After the end of the studying discipline a student must be possessed with the following knowledge and skills (competencies) to know: - Chemical structure and properties of polymer molecules. - Basic concepts of polymer chemistry. - Nomenclature of polymers. - Classification of carbo-and hetero- polymers. - Features of polymerisation and polycondensation. EMCD 042-18-34.1.45/02-2014 “ ”__09__2014 № 1 edition page 4 from 9 - A process of radical polymerization: initiation and its efficiency, propagation and termination reactions. The kinetics of macroradicals. - A process of ionic polymerization, ionic polymerization types, the cationic polymerization, anionic polymerization. - Polycondensation process. - Features of chemical reactions of polymers. - Aggregate and phase state of polymers. - Classification of processing methods. be able to: - Use reference and technical literature by the chemistry of polymers; - Constitute the structural formulas of polymers; - Compose the polymerization and polycondensation reaction’s schemes; - Identify and explain the reaction mechanisms of polymer synthesis; 1.6 Prerequisites of course: - Theoretical foundations of organic chemistry. Polymers. Isomerism. Natural and synthetic polymers. - Analytical chemistry. Preparative methods of analysis. Qualitative analysis of the substance. Modern physico-chemical methods of analysis. Chromatography. Spectrophotometry. - Chemistry of functional derivatives of organic molecules. Condensation reactions, polymerization, copolymerization. - Colloid chemistry. Colloidal state of matter. Sols. Suspensions. The isoelectric point of the colloidal solution. Sedimentation methods. - Biochemistry. Biopolymers. Basic physical and chemical properties. The biological functions and biochemical reactions. 1.7 Postrequisites of course: - Chemical Technology. Reaction mechanisms of organic and inorganic synthesis. Catalysts. Conditions for synthesis. The yield of product. - Selected chapters of organic chemistry. Homology. Isomerism. Polymers. 2 CONTENT OF DISCIPLINE AND HOURS DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF LESSONS Table 1 # Title of the topic Hours Lectures Labs PW OH SSS Literat ure 1. Chemical structure and properties of polymer molecules 3 2 - 3 7 7.1.1. 2. General characteristics of the processes of polymers. Radical Polymerization Ion coordination polymerisation. 3 2 - 2 6 7.1.1. 1 3 2 2 - 2 2 6 6 7.1.1. 7.1.1. 3. 4. EMCD 042-18-34.1.45/02-2014 5. 6. 7. 8. “ ”__09__2014 № 1 edition Polycondensation. The structure and properties of polymers Polymer Processing into products Characteristics of polymer materials and chemical raw materials for their synthesis ВСЕГО: page 5 from 9 2 1 2 2 - 2 2 6 6 7.1.1. 7.1.1. 1 1 3 - - 1 1 6 2 7.1.1. 7.1.1. 15 15 - 15 45 3 GUIDELINES FOR THE STUDY OF DISCIPLINE Theoretical course is fixed on laboratory works. Laboratory works is conducted after studying the topic of the lecture. Clearly, at the thus organization of studying the ability of thinking, comparing and analyzing is developed. Formation of such thinking is based on a system of interdisciplinary links in all stages of education and at all levels of the educational process. Interdisciplinary links are required for the acquisition of the fundamentals of science by students and enhance the cognitive activity. They contribute to expand the horizons, develop cognitive interests , increase activity in the independent acquisition of new knowledge and its application in practice. 4 COURSE FORMAT Forms of training sessions are lectures, laboratory classes. 1 hour of lecture is 50 minutes. 1hour of labs is 100 minutes. Classes are held by schedule. Also independent work of students in the audience and outside the audience are planned. Timetable of students independent work and report on them held by schedule of Chair. Monitoring by the Implementation of independent work is carried out in the forms of an oral interview, homework tasks, test papers, test tasks. 5 POLICY COURSE The student must be proactive and self-discipline in the process of learning, in the case of lateness, absences at unreasonable excuse, the late submission of work and passivity in the learning process to students penal sanctions will be presented in the form of removal points. 6 GRADING POLICY Monitoring of students' knowledge is conducted in the forms: - Current control (is held weekly); - Boundary control (7 and 15 weeks); - Final control - exam. Current control - is the systematic examination of the student's knowledge in lectures, workshops and independent work under the guidance of a teacher. Various types of current control is provides: - Oral questioning; - Control of work; EMCD 042-18-34.1.45/02-2014 “ ”__09__2014 № 1 edition page 6 from 9 - Homework; - Tests. In the process of studying the discipline every kind of student work is evaluated in points. - Performance and protection of laboratory work - 210 points (7 laboratory works – by 15 points, 7 laboratory works – by 13 points, 1 laboratory works - by 14 points); - Implementation of control work be the schedule of execution OH - 60 points (12 OH - by 5 points); - Performance of independent work in the form of SSS - 150 points (2 works – by 45 points, 2 work – by 30 points); - Boundary control - 120 points (1 RK - 60 points, 2 RC - 60 points). Total - 540 points. Week 1-7 1-2 1. 3-4 2. 5-6 3. 7 3 6 Distribution of points by the weeks and type of control are presented in Table Distribution points by the discipline "Chemistry of high molecular compounds" Table 2 All Comment Type of control points Seen and preparation for classroom work 30 Execution of laboratory work (report, protection) Laboratory work № 1-2. Identification of physical and 15*2 chemical parameters of polymers Laboratory work № 3-4. Determination of the molecular 15*2 weight of the polymer by viscometric method Laboratory work № 5-6. Determination of the resin and filler 15*2 in the polymer samples. Laboratory work № 7. Synthesis of the polymer by 15 polycondensation and study of its properties Self-study of student 1. Demonstrate a possible mechanism of chain termination in 45 the polymerization of ethylene as a result of disproportionation and recombination. 2. Show a scheme of chain polymerization reaction of propylene. Write a radical mechanism of this reaction (three stages) with acetyl peroxide. 3. Locate hydrocarbons below in order of increasing lightness to chain polymerization: 1) ethylene, 2) propylene, 3) 2,3-Dimethyl-2-butene, 4) 2-butene. 1. Show the mezanizm of chain polymerization of butene-1 30 in the presence of benzoyl peroxide. 2. Write schemes of chain polymerization for the following compounds: styrene, acrylonitrile, methyl acrylate. Please give a mechanism of cationic polymerization for the styrene Teacher notes only the absence of the student in the classroom At the laboratory lesson At the laboratory lesson At the laboratory lesson At the laboratory lesson In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule EMCD 042-18-34.1.45/02-2014 2-3 “ ”__09__2014 № 1 edition in the presence of boron fluoride. 3. Teflon - highly stable polymer prepared by polymerization of tetrafluoroethylene. Make a chart of the reaction. Self-study of student with teacher Chemical structure and properties of polymer molecules page 7 from 9 5*2 4-5 General characteristics of the processes of polymers. 5*2 6-7 Radical Polymerization 5*2 7 Boundary control 1 - oral colloquium by the lecture materials of 1-7 weeks Total scores of learning outcomes From 1 to 7 week 8-15 Seen and preparation for classroom work 4. 8 5.9-10 11-12 13-15 10 60 In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule 300 30 Execution of laboratory work (report, protection) Laboratory work № 8. Synthesis of the polymer by 13 polycondensation and study of its properties Laboratory work № 9-10. Determination of the isoelectric 13*2 point of the protein Laboratory work № 11-12. Identification of natural, artificial 13*2 and synthetic fibers. Laboratory work № 13-15. Polymeranalogous conversion of 13*2 polymers 14 Self-study of student 1. For produsing viscose silk the cellulose is treated with 45 sodium hydroxide. After this to the formed alkyl cellulose is added carbon disulfide and in this conditions cellulose xanthate (viscose) are obtained. Viscose silk is a hydrolysis product of the cellulose xanthate in an acidic medium. Write the equation of all these reactions. What is cellophane? 2. Write the fragment of xylan molecule formula, if it is known that it consists of residues of β-1,5-D-xylose linked by β-1,4 glycosidic bonds. 3. A.M. Butlerov first realized the dimerization of isobutylene at heating with 60% sulfuric acid. Obtained dimer is a mixture of two isomers: 2,4,4-trimethylpentene-1 and 2,4,4-trimethylpentene-2. Write the reaction of producing diisobutylenes. Explain the mechanism of this reaction, taking into account that it proceeds via carbocation. 4. Make a chart of step polymerization reaction with three molecules of propylene. Explain the mechanism of this reaction (with the formation of carbocations). Call trimers obtained by systematic nomenclature. 5. By the polymerization in the presence of sulfuric acid diisobutylene was obtained from 140g. isobutylene. Unreacted isobutylene was evaporated and diisobutylene was Teacher notes only the absence of the student in the classroom At the laboratory lesson At the laboratory lesson At the laboratory lesson At the laboratory lesson In accordance with the schedule “ ”__09__2014 № 1 edition EMCD 042-18-34.1.45/02-2014 mixed with bromine, and 120g of bromine was expended. Determine the percentage yield of diisobutylene. 14 Topics of abstract 1. Thermoplastics - the current state of the industry 2. Thermosets - the current state of the industry 3. Main components of the polymeric compositions 4. Rubber and tire 5. Polymers of natural origin and their derivatives 6. The structure and general properties of polymers 7. Using of polymers in medicine 8. Natural fibers 9. Synthetic fibers 10. Artificial fibers 11. Polymer films 12. Ion exchange resin 13. Plastics based on natural and petroleum asphalts Самостоятельная работа студента с преподавателем 9-10 Ion coordination polymerisation. 11 12 13-14 Polycondensation. page 8 from 9 30 In accordance with the schedule 5*2 In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule In accordance with the schedule 5 The structure and properties of polymers 5 Polymer Processing into products 5*2 15 Boundary control 1 - oral colloquium by the lecture materials of 8-15 weeks Total scores of learning outcomes From 8 to 15 week Total points for the exam Total points for the academic period 60 300 400 1000 The examination mark of the discipline is defined as the sum of the maximum progress indicators on the modules, boundary control and final attestation (60%), exam (40%), which is 100%. A student is admitted to the final control of the discipline, if its total per semester rating score greater than or equal to 50%. Knowledge and skills of students are evaluated by the following system: Point-character string ratings system of knowledge Rating literal system А АВ+ В ВС+ Digital equivalent points Percentage Rating of traditional system 4,0 3,67 3,33 3.00 2,67 2,33 95-100 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 excellent -«good -«-«satisfactorily “ ”__09__2014 № 1 edition EMCD 042-18-34.1.45/02-2014 С СД+ Д F 2,00 1,67 1,33 1,00 0,00 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 0-49 page 9 from 9 -«-«-«-«not satisfactory 7 REFERENCES 7.1 Basic 7.1.1 L. Mandelkern, An lntroduction to Macromolecules, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992. 7.1.2 R. G. Treloar, lntroduction to Polymer Science, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990. An excellent and simple introduction to the relationship of polymer physical properties to structure. 7.1.3 Шур А.М. Высокомолеклурные соединения, М., 1981г. 7.2 Additional 7.2.1 “Nomenclature of regular single-strand organic polymers, 1975”, Pure Appl. Chem. 48, 373–385 (1976). Reprinted as chapter 5 in Ref. 7. 7.2.2 “Nomenclature of regular double-strand (ladder and spiro) organic polymers 1993”, Pure Appl. Chem. 65, 1561–1580 (1993). 7.2.3“Structure-based nomenclature for irregular single-strand organic polymers 1994”, Pure Appl. Chem. 66, 873–889 (1994).