FACULTY OF HEALTH, SOCIAL CARE AND EDUCATION Fundamentals of District Nursing Practice Portfolio Date: January 2015 Module leader: Kellie Norris Student Number:………………………… 1 Contact details: Kellie Norris: Module Leader & Course Leader Kellie.norris@anglia.ac.uk Tel: 0845 196 4943 Jane Young: Course Tutor Jane.young@anglia.ac.uk Tel: 0845 196 5773 Student Name: Start Date: Submission Date: Site: Outcome: Chelmsford/Cambridge Pass / Fail 2 date Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education Community Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing) PRACTICE ASSESSMENT RECORD Fundamentals of District Nursing Name of Student………………………………………… ID………….……………………………….……… Personal Tutor……………………………………E-mail……………………………..Tel no……..………….. Dates of placement From …………… To …………… Confirmation of Mentor Status Mentor Name (Please print) MENTOR – To confirm validity of the student’s assessment please provide the following details: a. Education Champion Name Mentor Signature…………………………………………………………… b. The date you qualified as a district Nurse……………………………. c. The date of your last mentorship update………………......................... d. The month and year of next triennial review……….............................. e. Signature to confirm that you have achieved ‘sign-off’ proficiency ……………………………………………………………………………… STUDENT - Within the first week of placement you must e-mail your personal tutor the following information: 1. Name of your placement and education champion 2. Dates of placement allocation 3. Name of your mentor 4. The dates provided by your mentor in response to b c and d above. PLEASE MAKE THIS DOCUMENT AVAILABLE TO YOUR MENTOR A review of all practice documents is carried out by the personal tutor and a sample of these will be reviewed by the External Examiner. 3 Anglia Ruskin University is committed to the principles and values of the NHS Constitution (DH, 2013). This details the following behaviours and values as those that patients and staff believe to be at the heart of our NHS: 1. Respect and dignity 2. Commitment to quality of care 3. Compassion 4. Improving lives 5. Working together for patients 6. Everyone counts Each competency in this practice assessment record has been mapped against the values embedded in the NHS Constitution. The student pledge is also linked to these values. The serious failures at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (Francis 2013) is a stark reminder of how critical these NHS values are in promoting a culture of care. The shared vision for nursing, midwifery and health care workers (as set out in Table 1 below) (DH, 2012) also embraces these values, requiring ‘nurses, midwives and health care staff to deliver high quality, compassionate care, and to achieve excellent health and wellbeing outcomes’. Table 1: Expected values and behaviours of nurses, midwives and health care staff (6C’s) (DH, 2012) 4 Each of these values and behaviours are reflected in the interpersonal / professional skills components of the student’s practice assessment. Department of Health, 2013. The NHS Constitution for England. [online] Available at: <https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/170656/NHS_Constitution.pdf >. [Accessed 17 June 2013]. . Francis, C. 2013. The Mid Staffordshire NHS Hospital Trust public enquiry. [online] Available at:< http://www.midstaffspublicinquiry.com/report >. [Accessed 17 June 2013]. Department of Health, 2012. Compassion in practice. Nursing, midwifery and care staff our vision and strategy. [online] Available at:< http://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/compassion-in-practice.pdf> [Accessed 17 June 2013.] 5 Purpose of this Practice Document This document is the Practice documentation for “The Fundamentals of District Nursing”. It forms part of the Specialist Community District Nursing Course, therefore students must take care of their portfolio and associated documentation as this may be needed for external examination purposes. It must be handed in at the end of the module to the i centre. The outcomes for the Fundamentals of District Nursing map with the NMC standards for specialist education & practice–community nursing in the home/district nursing. The skill acquisition framework of Dreyfus & Dreyfus (1986) is employed to provide an overarching vehicle to assess and guide the development of practice. For successful completion of the program (i.e. a PASS in the program Practice Element) the student must achieve the judgment of ‘competent’ in all practice competencies by the end of the program. You will be given a Module Guide for each of the modules. This will be found on the appropriate VLE site, in this case the VLE sites (level 6 or 7) for the fundamentals of district Nursing. In relation to the practice period of the module you have been provided with this practice document (again on the VLE sites for the fundamentals of district nursing which you will need to utilize with your mentor throughout the module to monitor your progress in practice on a fortnightly basis and to explore your growing competency. You will be expected to work through the competencies and Learning Outcomes with your mentor/ practice teacher during the module and each competency will not be ‘signed off’ at the appropriate level until there is clear evidence both within practice and within the supervision records in the practice portfolio that the competency is being addressed or has been met. The assessment criteria are presented in the form of clear and unambiguous statements on each Assessment of Practice form. These criteria offer the opportunity to incorporate features of the structures, processes and outcomes of both practice and learning (Donabedian 1986). The structure is laid down through teaching, learning and the theoretical input. The individual practitioner then engages with the process of learning and application to practice, resulting in the achievements of practice and learning outcomes. 6 The criteria are generic and designed to present a standard against which student performance in respect of the specific program practice competencies can be assessed. These criteria should also be helpful to the student in guiding the development of their reflective review and portfolio of evidence. The practice assessment criteria will be utilized by mentors practice teachers and other assessors to judge whether the performance and attainment of the student is satisfactory and therefore constitutes a PASS, or is unsatisfactory and warrants a REFER or FAIL. At the Intermediate Practice Assessment (Formative) and at the Final Assessment (Summative) the mentor/practice teacher will review progress in respect of the practice competencies outlined in this Practice Handbook. In discussion with the student, the Practice Teacher will indicate the student’s current level of achievement (skill acquisition) - i.e. NOVICE; ADVANCED BEGINNER; COMPETENT; PROFICIENT or EXPERT. This will be recorded and accompanied by the date and signature of the mentor/Practice Teacher and student. At any point during the semester if the practice teacher/ mentor has concerns in relation to your progress a Cause for Concern meeting can be initiated between you, the mentor and a member of the community nursing team. If you have any concerns that cannot be dealt with between yourself and your mentor you can ask for a Cause for Concern meeting to be initiated. During the on-going assessment and supervision, the mentor will discuss with you the issues that they have identified, thus intellectual synthesis will take place using learning experiences in conjunction with the learning outcomes of the module. Teaching and learning strategies will include a predominantly student centered approach and will include a range of methodologies including self-directed learning, individual tutorials and workshops in practice within the Practice setting. Learning in the Practical Setting There are five levels of experience in the sequence Novice Advanced Beginner Competent Proficient Expert Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 7 Taxonomic Level Stages of Achievement Novice Rigid adherence to taught rules or plans Focus to task only No discretionary judgement is used Needs direction all the time Slow and laboured performance Requires continuous supervision Advanced Beginner Begins to recognise patterns or characteristics of situations Can recognise when to apply agreed guidelines or instructions Some awareness and response to the immediate context of practice Needs direction most of the time Aspects of the skill are treated separately and given equal importance Recognises the need for continuous or intermittent supervision Competent Proficient Expert Copes with the dynamics of frequently occurring clinical situations Able to discuss the plan selected to manage the specific situation Can articulate decision making process Skillful when dealing with standardised and routine procedures Involvement with the situation and looks to self, regarding the outcome of success or failure Intermittent supervision may be required Sees situations holistically rather than in terms of aspects Sees what is most important in a situation Perceives deviations from the normal pattern and responds to them Uses maxims for guidance (e.g. protocols, guidelines) and can adapt them to the situation Decision-making becoming more fluid and adaptable Skilful and fluid performance Involved with, and concerned about, the situation Recognises situations where supervision or referral required Intuitive grasp of situations based on deep tacit understanding – sees what is to be done and decides how to do it Analytic approaches used in novel situations or when problems occur Can vision what is possible Justifies the interpretation of maxims for guidance (e.g. protocols, guidelines) Decision making fluid and can adapt to most situations Skillful and fluid performance Involved with, and concerned about, the situation Recognises situations where supervision or referral required Dreyfus and Dreyfus (1986) 8 The Practice Setting The period of practice experience within the “Fundamentals of District Nursing” module is designed to help you meet the NMC standards for specialist education and practice home district nursing. The structure of the practice document will reflect your learning needs within a community nursing arena. You will be facilitated throughout the module by a member of the Anglia Ruskin Universit Community Nursing Team who will act as the link tutor between Anglia Ruskin University and practice. Tutorials will be available during the period in practiceand a Link visit to your practice area twice a trimester will be mutually arranged. These contacts will facilitate the linking between theoretical concepts and practice and will address any issues that you or your mentor have. The practice placement portfolio is designed as a working document to aid, record and measure your growing competency using an assessment framework based on Dreyfus and Dreyfus (1986). It is also a document, which will allow you to evidence how you are meeting the NMC Competencies. The portfolio may be used with members of the community nursing team, peers and mentors within the practice setting as a tool to assimilate evidence based practice. You will be expected to take your learning from the “Fundamentals of District Nursing” theory element of the module, and apply it to the practice setting. You will use your practice portfolio to demonstrate level 6 or level 7 District Nurse thinking as appropriate. Practice will be evidenced in the portfolio by analysing and identifying relevant practice issues and suggesting or implementing changes. . The practice experience will be based on the following three strategies which will be determined by a negotiated arrangement between the mentor and student, for practice experience and supervision. The three types of experience consist of: Observation: this encompasses novice and is designed for students with limited community experience and the need for further analysis/diagnostic assessment of student needs. Supported practice: this incorporates advanced beginner and competent working alongside a mentor. Supervision: involving competent, proficient and expert working with a structured caseload receiving regular supervision meetings with the mentor. Trimester 1 ADVANCED BEGINNER – Stage- 2 Trimester 2 ADVANCED BEGINNER - Stage 2 to COMPETENT – Stage 3. Trimester 3 ADVANCED BEGINNER - Stage 2 to PROFICIENT – stage 4. Final Year Consolidated Practice Stage - 4 to Expert – Stage 5. 9 This program of practice teaching and learning is designed to suit the needs of less experienced students as well as those students who have experience or have been working in community nursing. The fact that the nurse working in the community is often working alone in the client’s home, suggests that the period of taught practice is crucial to the maintenance of standards of care. Mentors/ practice teachers will undertake the assessment of this module as it is deemed vital that mentors / practice teachers and the University take a partnership approach as the course is 50% theory and 50% practice. 10 You are required to keep a record of days in practice with a brief out line of your activities. A sheet to do this is at the end of the portfolio, in table 3. Support in the Practice Placement Support for students will be provided by the community nursing team and professionals working within the health care organisations and other organisations. Experience and support in practice will be located within the widest possible framework and include multidisciplinary teaching, supervision and mentorship. Contact will be made with innovators in practice across all involved organisations and incorporate national and international perspectives. Practice teachers/ mentors are closely involved in facilitating your practice experience, to help you meet the learning outcomes and competencies of the module. You will therefore need to give your Practice Teachers/ mentors access to VLE in order that they can use it when helping you to achieve the learning outcomes and competencies of the module. You can give your Practice Teacher/mentor access to the VLE for example during your fortnightly supervision sessions. Mentors/Practice Teachers role All students on the “Fundamentals of District Nursing module will have access to a mentor or qualified practice teacher to oversee and facilitate practice teaching and the achievement of the NMC standards for specialist education & practice. The mentor/ practice teacher will use the framework of observation, supported practice, and practice under supervision within the “fundamentals of district nursing” module to structure teaching and learning appropriately, taking cognisance of the different needs of the undergraduate and postgraduate student. Community Practice Teaching, Learning and Assessment Tool The Teaching and Learning Strategies Development of practitioners' reflective and critical skills is crucial to professional development. Therefore strategies designed to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills will be included within the module through a range of teaching strategies including work based learning, tutorials, workshops in practice and a virtual learning approach. Reflection with and supervision by the mentor/ Practice Teacher is designed to facilitate individual learning. Assessment Strategies The assessment strategy will be in accordance with the Anglia Ruskin University Regulations. The University Standard The following statements about assessment criteria for higher education levels 6 and 7 apply: Level 6 Demonstrate a capacity for systematic, conceptual and critical thinking. Act in an ethical manner, demonstrating political, social and cultural awareness. Identify a major area of discipline-based learning and demonstrate expertise within it, including evaluation of aspects of scholarship. 11 Demonstrate an awareness of the transferability of graduate learning to a future career/further study/training. Level 7 Criteria for assessment at Level 7 should be characterised by an expectation of the individual's expertise in his/her subject of competence. Evidence of this would be through the individual's control of the situation shown through independence in negotiation of assessment tasks, with tutors where appropriate, and the ability to evaluate, challenge, modify and develop theory and practice. A very clear ability to isolate and focus on the significant features of problems and to offer synthetic and coherent solutions would be expected. Increasing independence of tutor support to the point where the individual was able to evaluate this as a resource would be characteristic, as would the potential for leading others in the specialist area with competence and confidence. Assessment Teaching and Learning Tool This practice tool is designed as a working document for students and mentors/Practice Teachers involved with the “fundamentals of district nursing ” practice element of the module. The document includes teaching and learning and assessment tools. The Teaching and Learning Tools comprise, for Level 6 and 7: 1. Learning Contract 2. The Learning Experience 3. Mentors / Practice teachers Report on Observation and Practice Skills 4. Learning Outcomes 5. User Testimonial 12 Learning Contract In order to make explicit the requirements of both yourself and the mentor/ practice teacher in relation to learning and assessment, it is essential to develop a learning contract. This is a tool to clarify and acknowledge issues likely to affect the learning experience and to provide a framework for dealing with changes and developments. As adult learners you have specific skills and needs that must be incorporated into the planned learning experience. As experienced professionals working with clients the mentors/practice teachers have a variety of responsibilities to clients and to the employing organisation as well as to you. The learning contract should build upon placement preparation and should address: Basic contact details and agreement about attendance, absence and cover; Arrangements for supervision and progress review; Commitment to anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice; Recognition of your learning style, previous experience and any difficulties or requirements expressed. Assessment of your learning needs based on previous experience and skills; Opportunities and contacts within the learning environment to achieve the Learning Outcomes of the module. Recognition that if problems occur specific actions must be taken in partnership with the University; Client contact and confidentiality issues. The Learning Experience The mentor/practice teacher initially, after negotiation, has to structure the teaching and learning experience for you. In order to pass this module, all of the competencies and learning outcomes related to the module must be signed off by the mentor/Practice Teacher as complete using the Final Assessment in Practice documentation. Mentor/Practice Teacher’s/ Observation and Practice Skills The mentors / practice teachers report on observation and practice skills is a key element of the assessment of practice. On a fortnightly basis throughout the whole of the module, mentors/ practice teachers should meet with their student to discuss progress. The fortnightly supervision records need to be completed at each meeting alongside any ‘signing off’ of written material related to the competencies. Mentors/ Practice Teachers will not only be required to comment on student’s practice, but also reflect utilising the Personal and Professional Attributes sheet on your professional behaviour and competence in practice.. NB Students will be awarded a fail grade if they do not demonstrate competency. Through the use of your competency based portfolio you should be able to assess your strengths and weaknesses and inform your mentor / practice teacher of your learning requirements. The mentor/practice teacher should be enabled through reflection, to assess, monitor and adjust his/her practice and learning and teaching interventions. The NMC standards for specialist education and practice Competencies have been developed based on the NMC standards for specialist education and practice- community nursing in the home/district nursing. These will be utilised in practice as the competencies required to be ‘signed off’ throughout the course by mentor/practice teachers to demonstrate that you have met the competencies to complete the module and course. 13 Who marks the competencies and what is the required standard? It is expected that the competencies in this document will be ‘signed off’ during the module as Practice Teachers/mentors monitor your progress on a fortnightly basis. As part the quality monitoring process the different portfolios will be reviewed by tutors, mentors/practice teachers and the external examiner. For these reasons it is important to retain confidentiality The practice portfolios must be submitted by 14.00hrs on the 15th May to the iCentre on any campus, East Road Cambridge, Peterborough or Chelmsford using the formal submission sheet. Guidance on the reflective written work. For the reflective writing you can use a box to place the descriptive component of the reflection in. You should then use the 750 words for analysis. What is a reflective/ analytic piece of work? This is about thinking and contemplating on a situation or incident in practice. A reflective model can be used to assist you to unpack this but it is not required and may use up too many words. The scenario (i.e. incident or situation) should be presented in probably no more than 200 words; this is not counted in the word limit. This is the only part that can be written descriptively. As most of your writing on this course is for academic purposes you are advised to use the academic criteria either level 6 or level 7. You are advised to write very minimally about the feelings you experienced during the situation or incident. We recommend that you focus most of your writing on evaluating the situation in terms of how it has helped you learn and how it will inform your future practice. Consequently when analysing and evaluating the situation you will need to turn to the literature to help you understand what happened, why it happened. You will need to integrate this literature into your writing as you would for an essay. How should it be written? The standard of English should be on appropriate level for an academic essay and for record keeping. If the student or the mentor/practice teacher feels this is an issue please making contact with a tutor and / or student services. Does the word limit have to be adhered to? Writing succinctly is a transferable skill for essay writing and record keeping, so the answer is yes. Appendices and additional information in tables or boxes should be kept to a minimum. You are required to submit the two 750 word reflective pieces via Turnitin GradeMark no later than 14:00 (GMT) on the 15th May These two reflective pieces, must be submitted as one document User Testimonial In order to ensure that clients have the opportunity to reflect on the work undertaken by you and provide feedback, clients will be encouraged to complete a testimonial on your work with them. Clients should be given the testimonials by the mentor /practice teacher either in the Home or a Clinic setting for completion. They can also contact clients by phone to receive feedback and complete the documentation. These will form part of your practice portfolio and part of the assessment in practice process. You will need to have at least three testimonials by the end of the module. 14 Practice Assessment Tool Contents Learning Outcomes Induction Learning needs Learning Contract Days in Practice log Interpersonal & Professional Skills profile Supervision record Competencies User testimonial Formative assessment Final assessment in Practice Cause for Concern form 15 On successful completion of this module all students will be able to have met the Learning Outcomes and have had their Competencies signed off. Level 6 Learning Outcomes Fundamentals of District Nursing Learning Outcomes Knowledge and understanding Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills On successful completion of this module the student will be expected to be able to: 1. Analyse the key political, strategic and local influences on community nursing practice including clinical commissioning. 2. Evaluate how the JSNA can be used to target the delivery of integrated services to areas of the practice population with greatest need. Reflect on the role of the district nurse in utilizing public health strategies in everyday practice. 3. Review the role of the patient in both their own care and the development of patient led services, considering the legal and ethical dimensions of patient centred care. 4. Develop the knowledge and skills to use the audit process to improve standards of patient care and by critically evaluating data used to measure clinical outcomes. 5. Critically work within multidisciplinary and multi-professional teams to provide effective care to clients with complex needs. 6. Demonstrate effective caseload management and the use of resources, taking into account the legal and ethical dimensions of providing innovative care to patients in the community. . . Level 7 Learning Outcomes Fundamentals District Nursing Learning Outcomes Knowledge and understanding 1. Have an in depth- knowledge critical awareness of the key political, strategic and local influences on community nursing practice including commissioning, and how these impact on patient care 2. Critically evaluate and review how the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment informs the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy to deliver health & social services to the practice population. 3. Demonstrate a comprehensive awareness and understanding of the major principles of integrated care across disciplines and synthesize how it improves the quality of patient care. Intellectual, practical, 4. Critically review the value of patient involvement in both their own care and the development of services. affective and transferable skills 5. Critically evaluate the legal & ethical dimensions of resource management when managing a complex caseload effectively and autonomously. 6. Critically analysis and synthesize how the research process contributes to improved patient outcomes when delivering complex care to patients in the community. 16 Induction meeting with mentor/practice teacher PLACEMENT: The following must take place on first day of placement attendance: Achieved on first day of placement attendance Yes/No If not achieved on first day of placement attendance, please provide reason for nonachievement. Meeting with Mentor Orientation to area Advised of hours, shift pattern, breaks Made aware of any local policies and procedures related to location and contact telephone numbers Made aware of placement profile and learning opportunities Made aware of location and access to equipment and stores. Made aware of local Fire procedures The procedure for receiving and referring messages and enquiries Made aware of responsibilities with regard to health and safety at work Signature of Mentor / Date ……………………………………………………………………. Signature of Student/ Date …………………….……………………………………………… 17 Fundamentals of District Nursing INDUCTION & LEARNING NEEDS STUDENT SELF ASSESSMENT:- Signed:- Date:- Mentor /Practice Teacher Signed:- Date:- SIGNATURES:Student:- Date:- Mentor/Practice Teacher:- Date:- 18 The Learning Contract (To be completed by student and mentor) Student Name: ……………………………………………………………… Mentor Name: ………………………………………………………………............. Date Learning Outcomes Learning Resources/Actions Needs and interests, areas of Essential knowledge and skill. Methods and situations for how and when learning can occur. Evidence of achievement Date Achieved/Not achieved 19 Mentor signature Student signature The Learning Contract (To be completed by student and mentor) Student Name: ……………………………………………………………… Mentor Name: ………………………………………………………………............. Date Learning Outcomes Learning Resources/Actions Needs and interests, areas of Essential knowledge and skill. Methods and situations for how and when learning can occur. Evidence of achievement Date Achieved/Not achieved 20 Mentor signature Student signature Table 3. Log of Days in practice These sheets should be submitted as part of a practice portfolio. Please delete as appropriate) Date Brief outline of activities observed or undertaken 21 (Please generate more rows if necessary) Total Days completed ………….. This is an accurate record of the number of days I have worked in practice. Student signature……………………………………………………… Mentor/Practice Teacher Signature……………………………………………….. Date completed…………………………………………………… 22 THE INTERPERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS PROFILE The interpersonal /professional skills profile has been divided into 6 sections, each indicating statements around the values underpinning the NHS Constitution and the 6C’s. These values are assessed on a continuous basis, in different contexts and applied to interaction across practice and educational settings. Practice teachers/Mentors should consider each statement with regard to the Dreyfus and Dreyfus (1986) model, discuss with the student and sign to confirm the relevant stage has been achieved at the summative assessment. The stages include novice (N), advanced beginner (AB), competent(C), proficient (P). . Mentor/Practice Teacher 1. CARE Please consider all statements below Please indicate stage achieved Supervision Formative Summative Mid point Final Comments Mentor/Practice Teacher Comments Respects opinions, beliefs and values of others. Works in partnership to identify and address clients and communities health concerns Response to and evaluation of client /communities needs Identifies how the social and cultural factors influence the health of individuals and communities. Uses evidence based practice and adheres to policies and procedures. Acts on advice to improve client care 2. COMPASSION Please consider all statements below Please indicate stage Supervision Formative Summative Mid point Final Promotes and treats clients/ colleagues with respect and dignity. Demonstrates compassion towards clients/ colleagues and self. Motivation to help and care for others Openness to suffering and ability to tolerate feelings of distress Responds to need in an empathic, empowering, sensitive appropriate and timely manner Recognise the uniqueness of the family/ community and utilises a non judgemental approach 3. COMPETENCE Please consider all statements below Mentor/Practice Teacher Please indicate stage Supervision Formative Summative Midpoint Final Safety of Practice Management of difficulties encountered Ability to reflect on practice and adapt accordingly Respects and operates within defined time schedules Ability to make informed decisions Maintains own and others health and safety Remains calm and professional in challenging situations. 23 Comments STUDENT SID: Practice teachers/Mentors should consider each statement with regard to the Dreyfus and Dreyfus( 1986) model, discuss with the student and sign to confirm the relevant stage has been achieved. 4. COMMUNICATION Please consider all statements below Mentor/Practice Teacher Comments Please indicate stage achieved Supervision Formative Summative Mid point Final Communicates effectively with clients and colleagues Inter-professional team working to support effective client care. Self-awareness of the effect of their behaviour on others. Has an approachable manner. Reaction to constructive criticism Communicates key aspects of client care to relevant personnel. Maintains accurate and contemporaneous records 5. COURAGE Please consider all statements below Mentor/Practice Teacher Comments Please indicate stage achieved Supervision Formative Summative Mid point Final Demonstrates interest regarding standards of client care. Response to concerns of clients and colleagues Accepts responsibility appropriately Shares appropriate experience and knowledge to enhance client care. Acts as an advocate for clients, communities and colleagues. Escalates concerns appropriately when the need arises. 6. COMMITMENT Please consider all statements below Mentor/Practice Teacher Please indicate stage achieved Supervision Formative Summative Midpoint Final Demonstrates a professional attitude Professional behaviour with others Level of motivation Actively seeks opportunities to develop own learning. Performance within the team Demonstrates adaptability Consistently acts within the code of professional conduct, law and ethics. 24 Comments Student Name……………………… Student Signature………………………………………Date………….. Mentor’s/practice teachers Name…………………………………. Signature………………………………………Date…………… 25 Community Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing) Community Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing) Supervision record The attainment of the skills and competencies in the Practice document and the student’s Personal and Professional Attributes‐ The 6C’s (must be taken into consideration by the M entor/Practice Teachers during the fortnightly supervision session and included when writing up the student’s fortnightly supervision records . The fortnightly supervision records will aid the student, mentor and/or practice teacher to assess and plan the placement. Session 1 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Practice Teachers Signature: 26 Session 2 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Practice Teachers Signature: Session 3 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Practice Teachers Signature: 27 Session 4 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Practice Teachers Signature: Session 5 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Practice Teachers Signature: 28 Session 6 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Practice Teachers Signature: Session 7 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Practice Teachers Signature: 29 Session 8 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Practice Teachers Signature: Session 9 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Practice Teachers Signature: 30 Session 10 Date: Comments: Students Signature: Session 11 Practice Teachers Signature: Date: Comments: 31 You must ensure either in your writing or in discussion with your mentor/ practice mentor that you cover each of the competencies so that they feel able to sign you off. You must ensure that each competency and module learning outcome is demonstrated within your portfolio in same format. The grid below gives you the opportunity to mark which competencies have been addressed. Assessment Framework Health Promotion : plan, deliver and evaluate interventions and strategies that promote mental & physical health with individuals and families’ 1.Novice 2.Advanced Beginner 3.Competent 4.Proficient 5.Expert Demonstrate an Participate in interventions Identify and undertake Confidently and Use skills of planning awareness of the need to that promote Mental & elements of the role of competently undertake delivering and evaluating undertake interventions physical health and the district nurse health promoting and interventions with others. that promote both wellbeing in individuals promoting positive disease preventing Work collaboratively on such physical & mental health. and families. Physical & mental health, interventions with interventions facilitating the wellbeing and self-care individuals and families’ involvement and development with individuals & families with complex needs of others. with complex needs Mentor/Community practice teachers/ should date and initial when each stage has been achieved for each competency. Competencies 1.Novice 1. Work with individuals and families to identify what positive measures they can take to improve their own health & wellbeing. 2. Develop, implement & review programmes of support for carers & families. 3. Support individuals and families’ to access support and resources from other agencies such as the voluntary sector to enable them to maintain their physical & mental health & wellbeing 4. Plan activities, interventions & treatments to achieve specified health goals in partnership with individuals & families’. Improve health outcomes for individuals families’ and communities 5. Understand and support the role of the expert patient 32 2.Advanced Beginner 3.Competent 4.Proficient 5.Expert You must ensure either in your writing or in discussion with your mentor/ practice mentor that you cover each of the competencies so that they feel able to sign you off. You must ensure that each competency and module learning outcome is demonstrated within your portfolio in same format. The grid below gives you the opportunity to mark which competencies have been addressed. Public Health: Work with others to assess and promote the health of populations 1.Novice Demonstrate an awareness of the need to assess the health of groups and communities and work to meeting health needs 2.Advanced Beginner Participate in public health activities. 3.Competent Demonstrate developing skills in public health activity and application of knowledge. 4.Proficient Confidently and competently facilitate public health within the caseload and community 5.Expert Work collaboratively in public health and facilitate the development of others in this area. Mentor/Community practice teachers/ should date and initial when each stage has been achieved for each competency 1.Novice . 1. Identify community health needs within a defined population. 2. Work in partnership with others to prevent the onset of adverse effects on health & well-being in populations, e.g. promotes immunisations & health screening 3. Undertake own role & work in partnership with others, to protect the public’s health & well-being from specific risks. 4. Demonstrate evidence of application of evidence-based practice. 5. Facilitate change & promote health across a community. 6. Demonstrate how information such as the JSNA and the Joint health & wellbeing strategy contribute to healthy populations. 33 2.Advanced Beginner 3.Competent 4.Proficient 5.Expert You must ensure either in your writing or in discussion with your mentor/ practice teacher that you cover each of the competencies so that they feel able to sign you off. You must ensure that each competency and module learning outcome is demonstrated within your portfolio in same format. The grid below gives you the opportunity to mark which competencies have been addressed. Assessment Framework Case management – Demonstrate competence in the planning and evaluation of specialist care in the home and other settings. 1.Novice 2.Advanced Beginner 3.Competent 4.Proficient 5.Expert Demonstrate an Participate in the Identify and undertake Confidently and Use skills of planning awareness of how management of a defined elements of the role of competently undertake the delivering and evaluating patients are managed in number of community district nurse in effectively management of a defined interventions with others. the community. patients on the district managing a defined number of patients on the Work collaboratively on such nurses caseload. number of patients on the district nurse caseload. interventions facilitating the district nurse caseload, involvement and development delivering evidence based of others. patient care Mentor/Community practice teachers/ should date and initial when each stage has been achieved for each competency Competencies 1.Novice Plan interventions & treatments of effective, evidence based care for 6-8 patients on a caseload including those with long term conditions and end of life care. 2. Respect the dignity and wishes of patients; enable patients to participate in shared decision making. 3.Demonstrate the use of the audit process and how this improves care 4 .Observe & record data, the clinical commissioners require to enable them to commission appropriately. 6. Enable patients to manage their own care and remain independent where possible. 7. Demonstrate an understanding of the legal & ethical issues related to the allocation of resources when both providing care for patients in the community and enabling them to care for themselves. 8. Demonstrate evidence of application of evidence-based practice. 34 2.Advanced Beginner 3.Competent 4.Proficient 5.Expert 9. Determine how the use of technology such as telemedicine can be used to enhance patients care 10. Identify and implement the skills needed to deliver care in different community settings such as care homes and clinic settings 35 You must ensure either in your writing or in discussion with your mentor/ practice mentor that you cover each of the competencies so that they feel able to sign you off. You must ensure that each competency and module learning outcome is demonstrated within your portfolio in same format. The grid below gives you the opportunity to mark which competencies have been addressed. Assessment Framework Interagency & partnership working 1.Novice Demonstrate an awareness of the benefits of Interagency & partnership working. 2.Advanced Beginner Participate in working with other agencies and carers 3.Competent Identify and undertake elements of the role of district nurse in partnership working with patients and their carers and the broader multidisciplinary and interagency team. 4.Proficient Confidently and competently pro-actively works in partnership with patients and the wider multi- disciplinary and multi-agency team. 5.Expert Use skills of planning delivering and evaluating interventions with others. Mentor/Community practice teachers/ should date and initial when each stage has been achieved for each competency Competencies 1.Novice 1. Determine how working with other agencies safeguards vulnerable individuals. 2. Co-ordinate and manage 6-8 patients as a case manager, engaging in multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of how the voluntary sector contributes to both caring for patients and enabling them to care for themselves. 4. Work with social services to identify how different organisational cultures can contribute to the delivery of holistic patient care. 5 .Work in partnership withpatients and informal carers ensuring the patient is at the centre of care . 36 2.Advanced Beginner 3.Competent 4.Proficient 5.Expert Cambridge & Chelmsford Questions Can you tell me how you felt about having a student work with you? Please could you now answer the questions below indicating your views using the scale provided? Please tick the relevant box. 1. The student listened to what I had to say. Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 2. The student was able to address my concerns Strongly Agree 3. Agree Neither Agree or Disagree The student was able to answer my questions Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree 4. I felt confident in the advice that they offered Strongly Agree 5. Neither Agree or Disagree The student got back to me with any queries I had Strongly Agree 6. Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree The student kept to appointment times Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree . . . . . . 37 Did the student conduct himself/herself in a professional manner? (Please describe) 8. Would you like to make any other comments? Thank you for completing this testimonial. Community Nursing course team 38 Community Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing) Formative Assessment NB The Formative Assessment may be word processed but must be signed and dated. Student and mentor/practice teacher should keep copies WEEK(S):- ....................................... DATE(S) From:To:- .................................. .................................. Student Self Assessment:- Signed:- ................................................................................ Date:- ......................................... Mentor/Practice Teacher Signed: …………………………………………………..Date: ……………………………. 39 Action Plan:- Achieved Week Number:- Signatures:Student:- ............................................................................... Date:- ........................................ Mentor/Practice Teacher:- ...................................................... Date:- ........................................ 40 Final Assessment in Practice NB The complete portfolio must be available for the Final Assessment in Practice WEEK(S):- ....................................... DATE(S) From:To:- .................................. .................................. Student Self Assessment:- Signed:- ................................................................................ 41 Date:- ......................................... Practice Teacher/Mentor Comments:- Name ………………………………………………… is of a pass standard and is now deemed to have completed the “Fundamentals of District Nursing” Module – Practice Element. Name ……………………………………………….. does not meet the required standard to pass the Fundamentals of District Nursing” Module – Practice Element. (Please ensure that the appropriate section above is completed and the other section is scored through). Signed Mentor/Practice Teacher Date:- 42 ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Faculty of Health, Social Care & Education Department of Primary and Public Health SPECIALIST COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER (DISTRICT NURSING) (For use only when there is failure to progress or an issue that is not resolving through the educational supervision process) Cause for Concern Meeting (attendees include:- Student/Practice Teacher/Mentor/Lecturer (if necessary)/Student’s Manager) DISCUSSION NOTES:(include identification of concern) SUMMARY OF POINTS:- Date:- ......................................... STRATEGIES FOR RESOLUTION:(include a reasonable timescale relative to the concern and the student's point in practice) Date:- ......................................... SIGNATURES:Student:- ............................................................................... Date:- ........................................ Mentor/Practice Teacher:......................................................... Date:- ........................................ Date:- ........................................ Lecturer:- ..................................................................... Date:- Other: ............................................................................... 43 FURTHER DISCUSSION ARRANGED:Date:- .......................................................................... Time:- ........................................ Date:- .......................................................................... Time:- ........................................ Date:- .......................................................................... Time:- ........................................ Date:.......................................................................... ........................................ Time:- OUTCOMES:- Date:- ......................................... SIGNATURES:Student:- ............................................................................... Date:- ........................................ Mentor/Practice Teacher:-........................................................ Date:- ........................................ Date:- ........................................ Lecturer:- ..................................................................... Date:- Other: ............................................................................... 44