Pharmacy The Pharmacy Vocational Training Scheme Stage 2 Induction presentation Sept 2014 Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland What is the Pharmacy Vocational Training Scheme? Pharmacy Stage 4 Education and training, Leadership and Research Advanced training Stage 3 Specialist training – modules Stage 2 General training/Foundation training Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Lets get started.... • What do you wish more information about? (5 mins) Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy What will we cover today? • • • • • • • the model of training competency framework resources available forms for evidence support for training assessment process e-Portfolio Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy What is Stage 2 of The Pharmacy Vocational Training Scheme? Pharmacy Competency based training framework Meetings with tutor Based on reflection of actual practice in the workplace Appraisal ePortfolio for evidence Development of a wide range of Foundation /Generalist skills Guidance on what to do when Resources to help your learning -web pages, ePortfolio Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland The competency framework Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland The competency framework within ePortfolio Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Resources within ePortfolio Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Guidance for timelines for activities Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Screen shot of the VT web pages Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Advantages of undertaking training It increases confidence Develops a systematic approach to practice It gives you career choices Pharmacy It enables structured training by specialists Development of non professional skills – organisational, communication, team skills Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Disadvantages... Pharmacy Takes time to do the work... Getting feedback from people takes time... Often write up done in my own time Often specialists want different things.... Getting feedback from people takes time... Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Shows learning through experience, reflection, discussion and experimentation before undertaking the experience again.... How do we learn? Kolb’s learning cycle Pharmacy Concrete Experience Active experimentation Reflection Conceptualising Learning from experience and reflection in the workplace..... Source: Kolb, 1984 Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland What is the key to success? Pharmacy The key to success with any vocational training scheme is the ability to reflect on practice and learn from the experience. and to develop a portfolio of ‘..a collection of evidence that (demonstrates) learning has taken place.’ (Source: Knowles et al. (1984) Snadden and Thomas, Med Teach (1998 )) Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland What is our curriculum ? Looking at the competency framework..... Personal competencies Clinical Governance Education and Training • Communication • Team working • Equality and Diversity • Personal involvement in risk • Audit • SEA • SOP • Development of plan for training • Feedback from training • Different groups Aseptic services Cost Effective use of Medicines Medical Gases • Professional role •SFIs pharmacy practice • Clinical practice • Webcast Clinical services Dispensing services • Case studies • Care plans • mini CEX • CbD Medicines Information • Counsel patients • Professional role when dealing with a variety of different types of prescription • Range of enquiries • Literature search Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy The competency framework Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy The Competency framework Pharmacy A Personal competencies Commitment to CPD [needs host of CPD records] A23 equality and diversity Interaction as a team member B Aseptic services Focus on pharmacist role Knowledge of preparation process B23 Use templates –no Rxs or worksheets to be included in portfolios CPD webinar on NES website to help you develop CPD records… but watch… there is a skill to develop CPD records for training…. Aseptic services modules to help you learn about aseptic services Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Clinical pharmacy C Clinical Pharmacy Care plans Full cases, ~2000 words, referenced. Exec summary as front page, include learning C24 Case for medical gases mini – CEX CbD Care planning webinar……….to help you… Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy D Clinical Governance Pharmacy Need to highlight own local process and involvement in process, SEA , Audit , SOP [draft and action, i.e. link theory and their practice] Ensure trainee understands what is required when submitting an SEA and also how to do an audit with criteria and standards.... NES website for information about audit and SEA, risk management webinar, patient safety webinar…. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Portfolio Pharmacy Competency framework Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland E Cost Effective Use of Medicines Learning about procedures for out of hours, formulary process, relationship between clinical practice and technical practice F Dispensing services Learning about the different dispensing processes. Link theory to practice, templates to be used G Education and training Demonstration as teacher. Power Point presentations, feedback forms, Reflection pages, 4 scenarios. Seek feedback from participants. ‘Develop your portfolio’ section of the VT pages of the NES website ..............has more information…. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Competency framework H Medical gases Learning about oxygen saturation, how to store and the clinical use of medical gases. Case study e.g. respiratory, presentation online +MCQs Demonstrate knowledge of the clinical use of medical gases. Webinar on NES website to help you I Medicines information Processes for the searching of information, critical appraisal of the literature and delivery of a reply to a healthcare practitioner. Range of enquiries. No need to submit MiCal booklet. Use templates instead of original enquiries. Critical appraisal recordings on NES website + MCQs to help you… Need a mix of Level 1,2 and 3 enquiries e.g. 6 of level 2 and 3... Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy What should a good portfolio contain? Pharmacy A structured collection of your evidence that is clearly referenced to the competency framework codes… Examples of your own practice confirming your involvement in the experience Evidence that shows progression in your practice and progression in your learning Summaries of your personal reflection of your learning for each task/piece of evidence. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland What should a good portfolio contain? Pharmacy Feedback forms that contains information on progress from the tutor, trainer and other healthcare professionals (out with pharmacy) Confirmation from your tutor that your evidence is at a suitable level Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Support for learning Pharmacy Consider the following scenario... John, your VT2 trainee has been working on his training for about 6 weeks now... He given you some evidence to review two days before your meeting. The meeting was meant to be several weeks ago but it had to be postponed as John had to deliver a peer review session... The evidence that he has submitted is not reflective in nature, is messy and doesn’t meet with the examples as specified in the competency framework.... Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Consider the following.... • What is your role? • What would you expect of your trainee? • How will you provide feedback about the standard of their evidence? • How will you ensure agreed actions are undertaken? • What are the benefits of written feedback vs verbal feedback? • Would you expect to see any changes more than once? • How would your communication style in the meeting change if John continues to act in this way over the next few months...? Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy What do we expect ? Trainees Pharmacy Examples of their own personal experience Various different forms of evidence developed over a period of time to show progression.... e.g. • CPD records , care plans, case studies, • Mini-CEX, CbD, Audit, SEA, templates Reflections and learning from undertaking the experience/task in practice Attendance at training sessions, monthly meetings with tutor Submission of ‘appraisal forms’ at intervals specified. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Portfolio Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Forms for recording evidence Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Action record Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Dispensing services reflection record Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Aseptic services log.... Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland The reflections from this experience... Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Example of care plan.... But use the one on the VT web page and upload into your personal library... Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Med info activity log Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Forms for assessment of performance Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland One type of evidence Record of completion of section form....Complete this at the end of each section... Can be linked to the very 1st competence in each section of the framework Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Mini- CEX form Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Case Based Discussion form Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Appraisal form 6,9 15 months... Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Portfolio Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Evidence Pharmacy Using the Evidence Booklet ……….. Review each piece in turn…. look at the structure… don’t worry about the content e.g. clinical content…. Take about 5 mins per piece and comment after each piece has been reviewed….. This may take about 1 hour….. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Portfolio Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Assessment Continuous assessment by tutor/specialists Informal feedback from locality tutor prior to submission Formal Portfolio assessment [Pass/fail] Final face to face assessment [Pass/fail] Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Assessment Portfolio assessment Portfolios assessed in pairs, trained assessors, using scoring sheet Evidence is sampled Max 5 small pieces of remedial action >5 small pieces or >2 larger pieces then defer to next assessment Written feedback e mailed to trainee Portfolio retained by NES, evidence can be requested if required Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Final assessment Pharmacy Final assessment ~2 weeks post portfolio assessment Presentation on item within portfolio [reinforce reflections, learning points] Problem solving scenarios [personal limitations, systematic approach, response to questioning] Discussion about portfolio Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Portfolio Pharmacy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland How do we complete the ePortfolio? E portfolio List of forms and logs within e portfolio Log in page with links to Audit, SEA pages on NES website Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Pharmacy List of forms and logs within e portfolio Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Competencies linked to different forms of evidence Any piece of evidence when complete for can be ‘linked’ to the curriculum. There is a button at the bottom of the screen when you finish a log /form... Case study log completed for this one… Binoculars indicate item is linked to a piece of evidence Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy The personal library for storing of CPD records... Only empty folders can be deleted.... Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Resources section Links to the website, PDFs… All info is here… Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy This is how you select evidence to share with a specialist.... Select Down load portfolio tab.... Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy After selecting the link… You reach this page…. 1. If you have done an e Portfolio before you will need to select your current Year or post…. 2. Any pieces of evidence from your current curriculum that you have developed …appear in this box 4.Once the items are over this box you can sort the using the ‘up’ and ‘down buttons… so that the firs item you wish the special to see is at the top…. Sele the ‘make a PDF’ button a the evidence will be Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland presented as the one Pharmacy How do we add signatures to sign off evidence? The Links button is key to this….. The trainee can link to the curriculum and it will show in the competency listing as a piece of evidence…. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland The Tutor/specialist can add a comment or a There are several ways in which you can save a CPD record into your Personal Library... • Save as a web file using Internet Explorer (not supported by Google Chrome) • Copy and paste the info from the CPD page into a word document, save as a word file • Save the CPD page as a PDF file and then upload the file into your personal library.......... The following slides show how to save the CPD page as a web archive file page and then the process for uploading the file into your ePortfolio. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Pharmacy This is the CPD record that I wish to save in my personal library within my ePortfolio Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy This is in the GPhC CPD recording pages Select the CPD record that you wish to upload, open it and select to PRINT the page. Select the option SHOW PRINTABLE PAGE Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Save this CPD page by clicking on’ FILE’ and ‘SAVE AS ‘ as you would to save a word document but save it as a WEB PAGE e.g. Web archive page. USE the competency framework code and the topic e.g. A23 Equality and Diversity and your unique ref code. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Save in one of your files on your computer and when you are ready you can upload several CPD records into your e portfolio at the one time Save as a web archive file . This is supported by Internet Explorer but not by Google Chrome.......... Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Example of saved CPD records in a computer file. Note the form of file saved. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy Uploading to your personal library . Folders that you have previously created . Ensure that your folders of screen are set up correctly. Ensure that the various sections of the competency framework have a folder and that each is separate and NOT a sub folder of another one. SELECT BUTTON Shared or private options Description – be specific use your own personal ref number based on the CF codes A23 E and D ref A1.1 Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy To upload your file…. Highlight the correct folder (previously created) e.g. A PERSONAL COMPETENCIES Click on the SELECT button, click on the SHARED option or the PRIVATE option if it is not ready to share. Put the file name as the description- be specific and use a personal ref number. Press UPLOAD FILE. The file will upload into the chosen folder within your personal library. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Conclusions Pharmacy Stage 2 , The Scottish Pharmacy Vocational Training Scheme - revised service redesign in Scotland. Training scheme aims to develop pharmacists through learning by their everyday experiences - not by underpinning knowledge alone. Research informs that whilst Stage 2 Training Scheme is challenging, it is viewed by the majority of trainees as being a way of receiving a broad structured training and feedback from experienced senior pharmacists which in turn, in their view, leads to increased confidence and a sense of improved quality of the pharmaceutical care that they are able to provide to patients. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Advice from previous trainees… Get on with the work Don’t ignore it, it wont go away… To do lists for each section are important. Write it up as you do it. I felt my evidence could have been better if I had done this… Pharmacy Set yourself deadlines. I set a target month to complete each section. Don’t leave loads to write up at one time.. You will forget the detail. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland What did we cover today? • • • • • • • the model of training competency framework resources available forms for evidence support for training assessment process e-Portfolio Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Pharmacy