ELC 200 Day 12 Prentice Hall, 2003 1 Agenda Questions from last Class? Assignment 3Corrected 4 A’s, 8 B’s and 2 C’s I am not looking for generic textbooks answer but answers that are specific to your business. 5 Days till Daytona Beach Bike Week http://www.daytonachamber.com/bwhome.html Today we will finish discussing Company-Centric B2B and Collaborative Commerce Thursday we will be talking about how to write an eBiz Plan The completed eBiz plan is worth 22% of your grade Prentice Hall, 2003 2 Buy Side E-Marketplaces: Reverse Auctions Buy-side e-marketplace—a Web-based marketplace in which a buyer opens an electronic market on its own server and invites potential suppliers to bid on the items the buyer needs; also called the reverse auction, tendering, or bidding model Request for quote (RFQ)—the “invitation” to a buy-side marketplace (reverse auction) Prentice Hall, 2003 3 Exhibit 5.6 Buy-Side B2B Market Architecture Prentice Hall, 2003 4 Conducting Reverse Auctions Reverse auctions administered from a company’s Web site Bidding process lasts a day or more Bidders may bid only once or view the lowest bid and rebid several times Increasing number of reverse auction sites makes it impossible for suppliers to monitor all of them Online directories list open RFQs Use software search-and-match agents to reduce the human burden in the bidding process Prentice Hall, 2003 5 Bidding Through a Third-Party Auctioneer: Freemarkets.com United Technologies Corp. needs suppliers to make $24 million worth of circuit boards 2,500 suppliers are identified as possible contractors List is submitted to FreeMarkets (freemarkets.com) http://www.ariba.com/ Prentice Hall, 2003 6 Freemarkets.com (cont.) FreeMarkets reduced the list to 50, based on considerations including: Plant location Size of supplier Plant capacity Customer feedback Detailed evaluation of the candidates Prentice Hall, 2003 7 Freemarkets.com (cont.) 3-hour auction conducted of online competitive bidding: First bid was seen by all bidders Using reverse auction approach, the bidders reduced their bids Comprehensive analysis of several of the lowest bidders Then recommended the winners and collected its commission fees Results Original specification of $24 million was reduced to $18 million Prentice Hall, 2003 8 Procurement Revolution at GE TPN (now part of gxs.com) Purchasing was inefficient—too many administrative transactions Process for each requisition took 7 days to send to bidders Complex and time-consuming Could only send out bids for 2 or 3 suppliers Trading Process Network (TPN)—electronic bids Entire process takes 7 days (for suppliers to bid) 2 hours to send information to suppliers (7 days before) Evaluate and award bids same day Prentice Hall, 2003 9 Procurement Revolution at GE (cont.) Benefits to GE Labor declined 30% and material costs declined 5%-50%--wider base of suppliers online Redeployment of 50% of the staff Takes half the time to identify suppliers, prepare a request for bid, negotiate a price, and award the contract Invoices automatically reconciled reflecting modifications Prentice Hall, 2003 10 Procurement Revolution at GE (cont.) Benefits to buyers Worldwide supplier partnerships Current business partners Strengthen relationships Streamline sourcing process Rapid distribution of information Transmit electronic drawings to multiple suppliers Decrease sourcing cycle time Quick receipt and comparison of pricing bids Prentice Hall, 2003 11 Procurement Revolution at GE (cont.) Benefits to suppliers Increased sales volume Expanded market reach, finding new buyers Lowered administration costs for sales and marketing activities Shortened requisition cycle time Improved sales staff productivity Streamlined bidding process Prentice Hall, 2003 12 Aggregating Catalogs Aggregating suppliers’ catalogs: an internal marketplace Maverick buying to save time leads to high prices Aggregating all approved suppliers’ catalogs in one place Reduced number of suppliers Buyers at multiple corporate locations Fewer and remote suppliers Larger quantity/lower costs Prentice Hall, 2003 13 Buying from MasterCard International’s Internal Catalog Online buying program at MasterCard: Allows corporate buyers to select goods and services from company’s electronic catalog Goal is to consolidate buying activities from multiple corporate sites, improve processing costs, reduce the supplier base Procurement department defines: Scope of products or projects to buy Invites vendors to bid or negotiate prices Prentice Hall, 2003 14 MasterCard International (cont.) Contract prices are stored in the internal electronic catalog Final buyer at MasterCard compares available alternatives Organizational purchasing decision coupled with an internal workflow management system Internal electronic catalog is updated manually or by software agents Payments are made with MasterCard’s corporate procurement card By 2002, the system was being used by more than 2,500 buyers 15 Prentice Hall, 2003 Group Purchasing Group purchasing—aggregation several buyers into volume purchases, so that better prices can be negotiated Internal aggregation Economy of scale Reduced transaction processing cost External aggregation Aggregating demand online Putting together orders from multiple buyers to make large volumes/lower costs Prentice Hall, 2003 16 Exhibit 5.7 Group Purchasing Process Prentice Hall, 2003 17 Electronic Bartering Bartering exchange—an intermediary that links parties in a barter; a company submits its surplus to the exchange and receives points of credit, which can be used to buy the items that the company needs from other exchange participants Exchange of goods or services without the use of money Exchange a surplus for other need Benefits: Faster than manually Easier to match Prentice Hall, 2003 18 Collaborative Commerce (C-Commerce) Collaborative commerce (c-commerce)— commerce consisting of activities between business partners in jointly planning, designing, developing, managing,and researching products and services Web-based systems used between and among suppliers for: Communication Planning Information discovery Design Information sharing Prentice Hall, 2003 19 Collaborative Commerce (cont.) Varieties of c-commerce: Joint design efforts Forecasting Between and within organizations Aids communication and collaboration between headquarters and subsidiaries, franchisers and franchisees C-commerce platform provides e-mail, message boards, chat rooms, online corporate data access around the globe, no matter what the time zone Prentice Hall, 2003 20 Webcor Construction Goes Online with Its Partners Webcor suffered from too much paperwork and poor communication with its: Architects Designers Building owners Subcontractors Webcor’s goal: to turn its computer-aided design (CAD) drawings, memos, and other information into shared digital information Prentice Hall, 2003 21 Webcor (cont.) Webcor uses ASP that hosts its projects on a secured extranet Major problem was getting everyone to accept software: Complex User training is necessary Webcor was in a strong enough position to choose not to partner with anyone who would not use ProjectNet Prentice Hall, 2003 22 Webcor (cont.) Webcor’s business partners can post send, or edit CAD drawings, digital photos, memos, status reports, project histories Partners have instant access to new building drawings Central meeting place where users can both download and transmit information to all parties, all with a PC Prentice Hall, 2003 23 Retailer–Supplier Collaboration: Target Corporation Target Corporation is a large retail conglomerate: Conducts EC activities with about 20,000 trading partners 1998—established an extranet-based system for those partners that were not connected to its VAN-based EDI. Prentice Hall, 2003 24 Target Corporation (cont.) The extranet enabled the company to: Reach many more partners, Use many applications not available on the traditional EDI Streamline its communications and collaboration with suppliers Business customers to create personalized Web pages Prentice Hall, 2003 25 Continuous Replenishment: Warner-Lambert Warner-Lambert (WL) served as a pilot site for a program called Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) Shared strategic plans, performance data, and market insight with Wal-Mart Trading partners collaborate on making demand forecasts WL increased its products’ shelf-fill rate from 87 percent to 98 percent An empty shelf>>>lost present sales and future sales if the customer purchases a substitute product Prentice Hall, 2003 26 Warner-Lambert (cont.) WL is involved in another collaborative retail industry project—Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR): Divides supply chain operations into parts Gives a framework with which to evaluate the effectiveness of their processes along the same supply chains to: Manufacturers Suppliers Distributors Retailers Prentice Hall, 2003 27 Reduction of Design Cycle Time: Adaptec, Inc. Microchip manufacturer supplying electronic equipment makers Outsourced manufacturing tasks to Overseas manufactures Delivery times exceeded their competitors Solution to the problem Extranet and enterprise-level supply chain integrated software Significantly reduced order-to-product delivery time Prentice Hall, 2003 28 Reduction of Product Development Time: Caterpillar, Inc. Heavy machinery manufacturer uses extranet Request for customized component directly to designers and suppliers ship to buyers Connect engineering and manufacturing division with worldwide Suppliers Distributors Overseas Factories Customers Prentice Hall, 2003 29 Barriers to C-Commerce C-commerce is moving ahead fairly slowly because: Technical reasons involving integration, standards, and networks Security and privacy concerns over who has access control of information stored in a partner’s database Internal resistance to new models and approaches Lack of internal skills to conduct c-commerce Prentice Hall, 2003 30 Interorganizational Collaboration at Nygard of Canada Nygard has become a leader in adopting IT and ecommerce in the apparel industry Didn’t want to move manufacturing off shore (cheaper) due to longer lead and cycle times Company stays competitive by using EC to control costs of labor and manufacturing Developed an ERP and supply chain management that controls all internal operations, purchasing, product development, accounting, production planning, sales This enabled the company to develop tight integration with its trading partners Prentice Hall, 2003 31 Nygard of Canada (cont.) The moment that a customer buys a pair of pants at a partner’s retail store: Information moves from the POS terminal Automatically generates a reorder at Nygard SCM: Matches customers’ orders with the right fabrics Searches the market pool for the most efficient combinations of other material for use with those fabrics Prentice Hall, 2003 32 Nygard of Canada (cont.) Sales trigger orders Manufacturing automatically industries, and global manufacturers are willing to operate with razor-thin margins as fabrics, zippers, and buttons The moment that raw material is used, an automatic reorder of the material is generated Allows just-in-time production Quick order delivery (sometimes same day) Prentice Hall, 2003 33 Nygard of Canada (cont.) Web-based control system enables the company to: Conduct detailed profitability studies Decisions are evaluated by impacts on the bottom line Decision support systems (DSS) models are used for this purpose Prentice Hall, 2003 34 Infrastructure for B2B Server to host database and applications Software for executing sell-side (catalogs) Software for conducting auctions and reverse auctions Software for e-procurement (buy-side) Software for CRM Security hardware and software Software for building a storefront Software for building exchanges Telecommunications networks and protocols Prentice Hall, 2003 35 Extranet and EDI Value-added networks (VANs)—private, third-party-managed networks that add communications services and security to existing common carriers; used to implement traditional EDI systems Internet-based EDI—EDI that runs on the Internet and so is widely accessible to most companies, including SMEs Prentice Hall, 2003 36 Extranet and EDI Extranets—secured networks (by VPN), usually Internet-based, that allow business partners to access portions of each other’s intranets; “extended intranets.” Prentice Hall, 2003 37 Integration Integration with existing information systems issues Intranet-based work flow Database management systems (DMBS) Application packages ERP Back-end sell-side integration works for sellers but not buyers and vice versa Prentice Hall, 2003 38 Integration (cont.) Integration with business partners Easy integration with one company-centric side Not easy to integrate for many buyers or sellers Need buyer owned shopping cart that can interface with back-end information systems Prentice Hall, 2003 39 The Role of XML in B2B Integration Companies interact easily and effectively by connecting to their servers, applications, databases Standard protocols and data-representation schemes are needed FIXML Web is based on the standard communication protocols useful only for displaying static visual Web pages: TCP/IP HTTP HTML Prentice Hall, 2003 40 The Role of XML in B2B Integration (cont.) XML (eXtensible Markup Language)— standard (and its variants) used to improve compatibility between the disparate systems of business partners by defining the meaning of data in business documents Used to increase: Interactivity Accessibility with speech recognition systems Prentice Hall, 2003 41 How XML works DTD Document Type Definations XML Schemas XML Document XSLT Style Sheets CSS Browser Display Prentice Hall, 2003 42 XML Unifies Air Cargo Tracking System B2B intermediary, TradeVan Information Services of Taiwan provides information services about the cargo flights of different airlines Different information systems have different query results XML facilitates data exchange between heterogeneous databases Information can be presented on wireless application protocol (WAP)-based cell phones Prentice Hall, 2003 43 Air Cargo Tracking System (cont.) System is expected to: Reduce delays significantly Benefit of all members of the supply chain Returns a standardized yet personalized presentation for different airlines Enables customs brokers to reduce the cycle time by preparing declarations of imports faster Prentice Hall, 2003 44 Air Cargo Tracking System (cont.) Buyers and other supply chain partners can schedule production lines with precision and in advance Quality of door-to-door delivery companies is improved through fast communication Answers to queries can be derived much faster Improves the supply chain by reducing: Delivery lead times Inventory levels Prentice Hall, 2003 45 The Role of Software Agents in B2B EC Agent’s role in the sell-side marketplace B2C comparison-shopping B2B agents collect information from sellers’ sites for buyers Agent’s role in the buy-side marketplace Assisting large number of buyers requesting quotes from multiple potential suppliers in buyside Prentice Hall, 2003 46 Managerial Issues Can we justify the cost? Which vendor(s) should we select? Which model(s) should we use? Do we need B2B marketing? Should we reengineer our procurement system? What restructuring will be required for the shift to e-procurement? What integration would be useful? What are the ethical issues in B2B? Prentice Hall, 2003 47 Summary The B2B field The major B2B models The characteristics of sell-side marketplaces Sell-side intermediaries The characteristics of buy-side marketplaces Forward and reverse auctions B2B aggregation and group purchasing Collaborative EC Characteristics of Internet-based EDI and the role of XML Prentice Hall, 2003 48