CHE 2060: Principles of Organic Chemistry ELEMENT DEPT OR PROGRAM AUTHOR (S) COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE SHORT TITLE COURSE LEVEL DATE CREATED CHECKED/CHANGED PREREQUISITES COREQUISITES RESTRICTIONS ON ENROLLMENT SPECIAL FEES CREDITS HOURS SEMESTER COURSE DESCRIPTION CONTENT Science Joan Richmond-Hall CHE 2060 Principles of Organic Chemistry Prin Organic Chem 2000 Mar 2015 REQUIRED TEXTS Organic Chemistry (2005) Daley & Daley Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry (1999) William Reusch An interactive textbook covering the usual topics treated in a college sophomore-level course. Links are offered to advanced discussions of selected topics. OPTIONAL TEXTS CHE 1031 or permission None None None 4 3 hours of lecture + 3 hours of lab per week Spring This course is designed to enhance knowledge and skills in organic chemistry. It includes a general overview of the following organic compounds: aliphatic compounds (hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, carbohydrates); cyclic compounds; and combinations of aliphatic and cyclic structures (including amino acids and nucleic acids). Important areas of organic chemistry are covered, including polymerization, hydrogenation, isomerization, photochemistry and stereochemistry. Virtual Textbook of OChem, another version of Reusch’s on-line text. COURSE OUTCOMES COURSE CONTENT Students will be able to: Understand the nature of chemical bonds; Draw structures and classify organic compounds from names; Understand the fundamental relationship between the structure and function of simple organic compounds; Predict polarity, physical properties and reactivity from structure; Understand the relationship between functional groups, electron pairs and chemical rections; Understand simple organic reaction mechanisms. Introduction: Atomic structure & bonding Bond polarity, resonance, hybrid orbitals, geometry Hybrid orbitals, VSEPR, isomers & functional groups Isomers & simple alkanes, alkenes, alkynes Cyclic hydrocarbons, arenes & organohalogens Hydrocarbon properties & intermolecular interactions LABORATORY / STUDIO OUTCOMES LABORATORY / STUDIO CONTENT GRADED OR P/NP SUGGESTED EVALUATION DELIVERY METHOD ROOM REQUIREMENTS AUTHOR’S NOTES Conformations of organic molecules Chirality Acid & base chemistry in organic Classification: Substitution, addition & elimination reactions Nucleophilic addition to carbonyls Nucleophilic substitution to carbonyls Aromaticity & aromatic substitutions Students will be able to: Understand the safety procedures needed to work in an organic chemistry lab; Use models to represent chemical compounds and their threedimensional structures; Assess physical properties of simple organic compounds; and Perform simple recrystallization, extraction, distillation, and synthesis reactions Electron configuration, bonding worksheets Lewis structure & VSEPR worksheets Line-bond drawings & alkanes, -enes, ynes worksheets Cycloalkane vs. arene modeling; organohalogen profiles Viscosity, solubility, thin-layer chromatography Mp determinination Recrystallization for purification Alkane & alkene conformational modeling lab Chirality modeling lab pKa worksheet & acidity of organics lab identify reactive groups fine Nu: & E+ Rxn types worksheet; synthesis of aspirin Rxn worksheet; biodiesel synthesis Rxn worksheet; Distillation of alcohols Graded Homework, quizzes, exams, lab reports & worksheets