Roots Public Charter School Weekly SCIENCE Lesson Plan ANIMALS Teacher Name: Kimberly Holloway Date: November 30-December 4, 2015 Subject Area: Science Grade 4/5 Common Core State Standard(s): Key Ideas and Details: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.5.1Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.5.2Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.5.7Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently 5-LS2 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics Students who demonstrate understanding can: 5-LS2-1. Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment. 5-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity Students who demonstrate understanding can: 5-ESS3-1. Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment. Learning Target(s): Big Idea: Essential Understanding—Big Idea Describe the biome in which the animal lives. What are the biggest survival challenges in this biome? What Explain what students will know and be able to do as a result of this lesson and why these adaptations help the animal survive in its biome? What is the author’s main idea and what key details does objectives are important to accomplish? s/he use to support it? Instructional Materials: SCIENCE: ANIMAL ADAPTATIONS Reading and Writing INFO TEXT; graphic organizers, vocabulary Materials needed for the lesson (e.g., textbook, construction paper, scissors, Powerpoint, SMART Board, laptops, etc.) Differentiation: (How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage appropriately in the lesson?) Resources: Supplementary information and/or places where you found information for the lesson; What websites will be used to support lesson? Anticipatory Set: Engagement/Motivation/Introduction; Purpose of lesson for students; Specific statements/activities you will use to focus students on the lesson for the day Presentation of New Information or Modeling: Read in small groups, WC reading, pair reading, Illustrate vocabulary; Small group: Allyanna, Antar, Jihad, Daniel, Anajah, Kamora, Deshawna Text, Discover Ed., smart board, computers; graphic organizers; SCIENCE COURT Monday Objective: Define and give examples of biomes and assess which conditions in a biome present challenges to a species’ survival. Vocabulary Tuesday Objective: explain how food webs present challenges to a species’ survival and evaluate which adaptations are most helpful in finding food or avoiding being eaten. Vocabulary Wednesday Chart the stages in an animal’s life cycle. Thursday Objective: Explain why an animal is endangered. Identify and describe threats to its survival. Friday POST ASSESSMENT. Vocabulary Vocabulary p. 164-167 Roots Public Charter School Weekly SCIENCE Lesson Plan ANIMALS Term definitions, concepts, processes or approaches If you will be demonstrating the skill or competence, how will this be done? “I do, We do, You do” Guided Practice: What activities will be used to guide student practice and provide a time frame for completing this practice? Teacher directed, Scaffolding, Check for understanding RQ #3 RQ #4 RQ #5 RQ #6 Read Biomes Maps and refer back to “Under the Ice” p. 118, 119 Pre Reading (5min) Teacher reads, Students Listen and follow along (5 min) p. 128-131 Food Chains and Webs and Wolves Read USE IT, THEN LOSE IT p. 142-143 Read Complex Text: WHAT WE’VE LOST Pre Reading (5min) Text Dependent Questions Teacher reads, students listen and follow along (5 min) Text Dependent Questions and Academic Vocab/Close Reading (20 min) Text Dependent Questions and Academic Vocab/Close Reading (20 min) Students Read Independently (5min) Closing Procedure/Activity: Review terms, concepts, and/or learning process, establish connections to next lesson, check for understanding. What method of review will be used to complete the lesson? Independent Practice: Teacher monitored, checks for understanding, exit ticket Assessment: Summative: How will you know students have learned what you wanted them to learn, the objectives have been accomplished, and Wow Facts! Write to Text Research Question #3 p. 123-125 Accountable Talk Students Read Independently (5min) Wow Facts! (Research Animal) WOW facts! Write to Text- Graphic Organizer p. 134, 135 Write paper p. 144-145; 148152 Independent reading, Writing and Research Accountable Talk (2-5 min) Read Complex Text: Write p. 168-169 Wow Facts! Wow Facts! Determine Main Idea Determine Main Idea Write to TextGraphic Organizer Independent reading, Writing and Research p. 158-160 Accountable Talk Roots Public Charter School Weekly SCIENCE Lesson Plan ANIMALS that the goals have been achieved? What will count as evidence of learning? Formative: How will your assessment inform instruction on an ongoing basis? How will you assess in the process of student learning throughout the lesson and how will you make adjustments? Homework: Reflection: Evaluation of lesson. What went well? What would you change? What did you learn about your students? What did you learn about yourself? How did you construct a meaningful learning community? Complete classwork Complete classwork Complete Talk