Management Information System for Tourism (MIST)

Introducing –CTO~ MIST Marketing &
Management Information System for Tourism
Presented by
Gail Clarke (Market Research Specialist)
 Caribbean Global Gateways
consumer internet system (
global: multiple markets and multi-language
supports official internet sites of member countries
 CTOnet Caribbean
regional intranet system (OneCaribbean)
regional tourism statistics & reports
market research & market intelligence
on-line training materials, events, etc
towards a Caribbean Tourism Web Community
Tourism Management Information System
with national and regional components
Tourism Management Information Systems
 Information Technology revolution
 Impact on international tourism
 National Systems
 Processing of tourism statistics
Statistics Departments
Tourist Offices
CTRC MicroStats - past its best?
 National Internet Systems
 Other Information Systems
About CTO ~ MIST !
Developed in “Off the Shelf Software” - MS Access and MS SQL
Windows Technology ( W 95 / 98 or NT )
Runs on “standard” PC - 350 Mhz,4.3 GBHD,32/64 K RAM, CD ( 40X)
+ Zip Drive
Facilitates Data Transfer - National, Regional, International -via
Network - Email – Disc – Zip etc.
Facilitates Data Input - follows existing information flow
Can be further enhanced to meet local needs
Can be customised to Support a National Web Initiative
Is both Regional and National.
Progressive Implementation Approach to Meeting National Needs
Flexible and User Friendly
CTO-MIST - Design Considerations
Inclusive – meet the needs of all Caribbean tourism
destinations - large and small, developed and new.
Modular – selected components can be installed at first;
others can be added later to meet new demands.
Flexible – operated by, and accessible to, a wide range of
users, e.g. over a computer network.
“Best Practice” – guide to standard methods of
collecting and disseminating tourism information.
Internet Support – linked to the national Internet site for
greatly improved information management.
Regional – facilitate regional data comparisons and the
development of a regional information system at CTO.
An Integrated MIS Comprising
Performance Module
E/D Cards
Visitor Surveys
Other Indicators (Economic) etc.
Product Inventory Module
C.15 Databases - Accommodation, Attractions, Events,
Flexible Search and Select and Detailed Reporting
Marketing Module
Market Intelligence
Source Market Information
Market Research
MIST is an Integrated Management Information System
not just
a Replacement for current Stats Systems.
What can CTO ~ MIST mean to Member Countries ?
least developed members to the Information Technology
methodology for collection and processing Tourism
Research, Marketing & Planning information.
Tourism Planning, Research and Marketing
& Centralises some existing & diverse collection activities
National Internet Initiatives
StandardisesI In formation collection and dissemination across the region
Information Collection to CTO and Regional needs.
But Absorption Capacity, Resource and Technology Entry Level
is a consideration
CTO ~ MIST can be a “Great Leveler”
Giving CTO member countries &
product suppliers equal access to
Tourism Marketing & Management Information.
Where are we now – Where are we going ?
EU funded project started 1998/9
Actively being used in St. Lucia, Turks and Caicos, Trinidad and
Tobago, Grenada, Dominica, Montserrat, St. Vincent and the
Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis
Recently implemented in Antigua and Barbuda and Suriname.
Request for installation in others
Other CTO written systems in existence in Guyana and Belize
Next moves:
 2003-2004 – Upgrade of MIST given new technology of Internet
and intranet systems enhance CTOs ability to maintain the
 Training, increase in house capability within CTO and our NTOs
to manage the system
 Regional MIST, establish The CTO system as the database for
tourism information in the Caribbean
The Key to a Successful
Commitment & Cooperation - Tourism - Statistics Immigration - and Public / Private Sector stake holders.
Acceptable Entry Level of Data Availability and Technology
at a National Level
Absorption Capacity - Resources and Information
Thank you
for your
Kind Attention