Muscle Location and Action Orientation Shoulder Region and Trunk Part 2 Use Websites, diagrams and illustrations to complete the following tables The best web site for this is (make sure you click through the blue highlights) The best web site for the illustrations is: Open both sites and work back and forth so that you have terminology and a visual Go to Muscular system and work through tutorials and view the tutorials in order to enhance your understanding Complete the charts and diagrams for each section presented. 1. Muscles of the Anterior Abdominal Wall (Anterior View) Muscle Name Location Origin Insertion Action Insertion Action Transversus Abdominus Rectus Abdominus Internal Oblique External Oblique Tutorial Back Upper Limb: Scapular Stabilization Muscle Name Location Trapezius Rhomboids Levator Scapulae Serratus Anterior Pectoralis Minor Origin 1. Upper Limb: Muscles of the Musculotendinous Cuff (Rotator Cuff) (Posterior Shoulder view) Muscle Name Location Origin Insertion Action Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres Minor Subscapularis Tutorial Muscles acting on the Shoulder Joint (anterior and posterior shoulder view) Muscle Name Location Origin Insertion Action Deltoid Pectoralis Major Latissimus Dorsi Ters Major Coracobrachialis 2. Muscles of the Anterior Abdominal Wall (Anterior View) Muscle Name Location Origin Transversus Abdominus Rectus Abdominus Internal Oblique External Oblique Insertion Action Tutorial Back Upper Limb: Scapular Stabilization Muscle Name Location Origin Insertion Action Trapezius Rhomboids Levator Scapulae Serratus Anterior Pectoralis Minor 2. Upper Limb: Muscles of the Musculotendinous Cuff (Rotator Cuff) (Posterior Shoulder view) Muscle Name Location Origin Insertion Action Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres Minor Subscapularis Tutorial Muscles acting on the Shoulder Joint (anterior and posterior shoulder view) Muscle Name Location Origin Insertion Action Deltoid Pectoralis Major Latissimus Dorsi Ters Major Coracobrachialis Exercising Muscle and Action Identification For each exercise you observe complete the chart below. Be sure to pay attention to the exercise through full actions: ascending descending, pulling releasing, pushing loading etc Exercise Exercise action Bench Press A Descend from arm extended to chest touch B Ascend from chest to arm extension Prime movers (Muscles contracting and causing movement Antagonists (Opposing Muscles) Joints involved in exercise movement Joint Action Type of Contraction of prime movers Exercise Exercise action Prime movers (Muscles contracting and causing movement Shoulder Press A B Chin up A B Bent Over Row A B Antagonists (Opposing Muscles) Joints involved in exercise movement Joint Action Type of Contraction of prime movers Exercise Exercise action Prime movers (Muscles contracting and causing movement Lateral Raise A B Crunches A B 11.Low back Raise A B Antagonists (Opposing Muscles) Joints involved in exercise movement Joint Action Type of Contraction of prime movers