Formal Report Assignment

Introduction and Objectives
In business, you will write mostly short reports, but at times, you may be required to write a
longer, more formal report. Therefore, it is important that you be prepared to tackle such a task.
We will approach the longer, more formal report as a logic problem. You will learn how to
approach a more complex problem in a logical, organized manner by defining the problem,
gathering data, organizing data, summarizing the data, drawing conclusions, and offering
recommendations. You will gather data for the assignment, and you will write the results of your
research formatted as a formal report in the indirect order. Therefore, at the completion of this
assignment, you will be able to plan an organized, logical procedure for approaching a problemsolving situation, gather data, draw conclusions and recommendation, and write a formal report.
Assignment Overview
Your assignment is to write an individual formal report (not a group report) based on a case you
will be given. You use the data presented in the case and you must gather additional data. While
you will write an individual report, you will be working with your group in developing the
research plan. In addition, you and your group will work together to collect (and share)
secondary data. The formal report assignment is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday,
April 12. One copy must be spiral bound, one copy must be stapled, and one copy must be
submitted through Turnitin (see class Blackboard site to submit).
Assignments Review
Review Chapters 5, 19, 8, 9, and 10 in the Business Communications textbook.
Read and study all handouts, lectures and examples provided by the instructor.
Research Plan and Outline
Discuss with your group what the problem statement should be. The problem statement is a
sentence or two that effectively captures the reason for your investigation and analysis. Next,
while focusing on the problem statement, discuss what needs to be investigated in order for you
to make a decision that will resolve the problem statement. List the categories of information
(factors) needed (descriptor terms such as corporate governance, asset valuation, disclosure rules
and laws, etc.). Put the problem statement and the categories of information needed into outline
form and submit to your instructor for feedback.
Gathering Secondary Data
Continue working with your team to gather secondary data for the formal report topic after you
receive word from your instructor that your problem statement and factors are appropriate. Use
the ISU Library Research Guide on the class homepage to access several databases to obtain
relevant journal articles. Start analyzing data and prepare for writing the report.
Analyzing Data and Writing Your Drafts
Complete data gathering, analyze the data, and start writing the report. Study the handout,
Formatting and Writing the Formal Report, and the handout, Decision-Making Steps. The sections
of information in the handout, Decision-Making Steps will serve as the sections of information in
the body of your formal report. Follow the guidelines for APA reference citations discussed in
class and shown at the Online Writing Lab Web site:
Futurex Computer Systems manufactures, sells, and services computers. The company
employs 30,000 white-collar workers. Futurex is located at 457 Wright Boulevard,
Dallas, Texas 45690.
The management team recognizes that low job satisfaction among white-collar workers at
Futurex is causing productivity to decline. Due to declining sales and profits, the
company is unable to increase salaries or improve benefits to help with the problem.
Edward Madison, President of Futurex, is concerned about employees’ satisfaction and
productivity. He knows a low-cost solution must be found. Mr. Madison is 55 years old,
conservative, stubborn, formal, and friendly. In addition, he is interested in new
management trends, in keeping his company up to date, and in increasing communication
among employees.
President Madison assigned Human Resources the task of recommending a low-cost
approach to the problem. Sally Harrison, Director of Human Resources, learned through
preliminary research that some companies have adopted casual dress policies and that this
new policy had a positive effect on job satisfaction, productivity, and communication.
She asked you (Associate Director of Human Resources) to examine casual dress policies
and to make a recommendation on whether to implement such a policy at Futurex.
You are to analyze primary and secondary data, and you are to write a report to Mr.
Madison in which you discuss your analysis and offer a recommendation. You hired the
Hall Research Company to gather primary data. The research company gathered
information from Futurex employees on their opinions of a casual dress policy, and the
results of the survey are attached. You will conduct the secondary research with the help
of a team. The secondary data must not be dated earlier than 1995.
While your colleagues will help you plan the research and gather secondary information,
you will write an individual, not a group, report.
Continued on next page.
Hall Research Company
3356 First Avenue
Dallas, Texas
Phone: 569-345-1200
Fax: 569-345-3478
Number of employees surveyed:
Percent of questionnaires returned:
What is your opinion of Futurex adopting a casual dress policy?
Increase communication
No influence on communication
Decrease communication
No opinion
In your opinion, what influence would wearing casual clothing have on your productivity?
Increase job satisfaction
No change in job satisfaction
Decrease job satisfaction
No opinion
In your opinion, what influence would a casual dress policy have on communication among
Yes, adopt a casual dress policy
No, do not adopt a casual dress policy
No Opinion
How would a casual dress policy influence your job satisfaction?
More work produced wearing casual clothing
No change in work produced while wearing casual clothing
Less work produced while wearing casual clothing
No opinion
In your opinion, what influence would a casual dress policy have on the way customers view
More positive (For example, friendly and approachable)
No change
More negative (For example, less businesslike and respect)
No opinion
The formal report assignment is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, April 12. One
copy must be spiral bound, one copy must be stapled, and one copy must be submitted
through Turnitin (see class Blackboard site to submit).
Grading for Formal Report (depth of content, writing techniques, and format)
25 pts.
(Content, format,
writing techniques)
Letter of transmittal (block style)
Title page
Table of contents (use 1st degree heading)
List of illustrations (use 1st degree heading)
Executive summary (use 1st degree heading)
6 pts
3 pts
4 pts
2 pts
10 pts
Deficient (0-14)… Developing (15-18)…Satisfactory (19-22)…Superior
87 pts.
(Content, format,
writing techniques)
Overview: 20 pts. Total (use 1st degree heading)
(Section content—no heading)
Problem statement
Scope (factors with depth)
Sources and methods of Collecting Data
Report Preview
5 pts
3 pts
5 pts
4 pts
3 pts
Deficient (0-11)…Developing (12-14)…Satisfactory (15-17)…Superior
Discussion of factors: 48 pts. Total (use 1st degree heading; sub-sections
under each factor use 3rd degree headings)
Content and writing
Graphic aids
Pie or Bar Chart:
Deficient (0-28)…Developing (29-35)…Satisfactory (36-42)…Superior
Report Ending (14 pts. Total)
Summary & Conclusions (use 1st degree heading)
Recommendation (use 1st degree heading)
Deficient (0-7)…Developing (8-10)…Satisfactory (11-12)…Superior (1314)
13 pts.
(content, format)
10 pts.
In-text Citations (5 pts.)
References page
10 Secondary references (APA style)
Rubric for both In-text Citations & References Page
Deficient (0-8)…Developing (9-11)…Satisfactory (12-13)…Superior (1415)
Organization & Pagination
Deficient (0-5)…Developing (6-7)…Satisfactory (8)…Superior (9-10)
Deficient (0-80)…Developing (81-100)…Satisfactory (101-121)…Superior (122-135) Total
Points Possible: 135
40 pts
4 pts
4 pts
8 pts
6 pts
5 pts
10 pts
3 pts
6 pts
4 pts