UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE ANNEX X REPORT FORMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 9- LINE MEDEVAC REPORT (as required) MIST REPORT (as required) SALTA REPORT DETAINEE REPORT (as required) SITUATIONAL REPORT (15 min after end of event) CONSOLIDATED SITUATIONAL REPORT ( 60 min after end of event) ALL ARMS CALL FOR FIRE (as required) 10 LINE EOD SPOT REPORT ( as required) REPAIR RECOVERY REQUEST (as required) AMMUNITION REPORT (daily NLT 0900) SHOT REPORT LOCATION STATUS ( leaving camp, reaching training site or destination, back to camp) PATROL REPORT (60 min after end of patrol) 9-LINE MINE AND UXO REPORT (as required) MISSON BACKBRIEF FORMAT ( as required) No template: personnel status (daily NLT 0730) No template: logistics status (daily NLT 0730) UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 1. MEDEVAC REPORT 9-Line MEDEVAC Request Para Info 1 Locaiton of PZ 2 Freq & C/S Hints GR Coy Net Freq and C/S A. Urgent B. Urgent Surgery C. Priority D. Routine E. Convience A. None B. Hoist C. Veh Extraction Equipment D. Ventilator 3 Number of patients by Precedence 4 Special Equipment Required 5 Number walking/stretcher A. Litter/Stretcher B. Walking/Ambulatory patients 6 Security of PZ 7 Method of marking PZ 8 Casulalitie Nationality/Status 9 Details of landing site N. No Enemy Troops P. Possible Enemy Troops E. Enemy troops at PZ A. Panels B. Pyro C. Smoke D. None E. Other A. B. C. D. E. US Military US Civilian Other Militay Other Civilian Enemy PW Terrain Description UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 2. MIST REPORT MIST Para M I S T Info M - Mechanism of Injury I - Injury S - Signs and Symptoms A - Airway B -Breathing C - Pulse D - Conscious/Unconscious E - Other Signs T - Treatment Applied If Tourniquet applied, indicate location and time of application. UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 3. SALTA REPORT SALTA (US Contact Report) Para A Situation Enemy B C D Action Enemy Location Actions Own Description of enemy size, vehicles, weapons, etc. Description of what En is doing Grid Description of own actions. UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 4. DETAINEE REPORT DETAINEE Report Para A Grid B Time C Number D Names E Father’s Name F Int Value Course of G action H Medic I General Locn of detention Time of Detention Number of Detainees Names of detainee Father’s name of detainee (if avail) Assessed Intelligence value for each detainee Recommended course of action for each detainee. Confirm all detainees have been examined by a medic. General comments. UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 5. SITUATIONAL REPORT SITREP Para A Enemy B Friendly C Administration D General Units in contact, enemy shelling, estimation of strength, morale, possible Enemy action Location of troops, by grid encoded, or by report line, your activity, your intentions Any immediate administrative requirement at that time (Fuel, Ammo, etc.) Information not covered elsewhere, i.e. “C/S 24 CLEAR THE WOODS AT GRID --------“ UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 6. CONSOLIDATED SITUATIONAL REPORT CONSOLIDATED SITREP Normally sent to cover a period 4-24 hours, depending on operational tempo. Para Period covered by consolidated A Reporting Period sitrep. Overall assessment of En actions B Enemy and general intent during the reporting period. Description by sub-unit of friendly actions and status during reporting period. C Friendly Current location of sub-units to be reported. Number of personnel in unit. General administrative requirements. D Administration Commanders intent and assessment of E General situation, other clarifying situation. UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 7. ALL ARMS CALL FOR FIRE All Arms Call for Fire Send warning Order first EG: 0 this is 31 Fire Mission, Over. PARA Target Location (GRID) A Bearing from Observer to target (in Mils) B Description of Target C D Type of fire Required (Destroy, Neutralize, Smoke, Supress) Time and Duration of Fire 1. Adjust RIGHT or LEFT to bring fire into the direction. If corrections required: 2. Then Bracket target until rounds are on target ADD or DROP. E UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 8. 10 LINE - EOD SPOT REPORT (UXO/IED) 10 Line – EOD SPOT REPORT (UXO/IED) Used to report initial sittings of IEDs/UXOs. Para DTG when unit discovered item/s 1 Unit Call Sign 2 Type/Description of Ordnance UXO- dropped, projected, placed, thrown. 3 IED- Disguised, static, moveable, thrown, placed on TGT Description: length, width, height, colour, markings, wires. Location of UXO/IED (Grid, with description of 4 surrounding) Location of Link Up with responding force. 5 Contact Method (C/S, Freq, POC) 6 Tactical Sitrep: current threat environment 7 Collateral Damge/Potential Collateral Damage (to 8 equipment, assests, facilities) Protective Measures taken to protect troops/equipment 9 Recommended priority. 10 UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 9. REPAIR RECOVERY REQUEST REPAIR RECOVERY REQUEST Para A-K completed by unit requesting Repair/Recovery support Para A DTG of Call Requisites Rank, Name and B C/S C Repair Recovery Number D Unit Owning Equipment Vehicle Type, C/S, CFR E Type and CFR F Faults G Assistance Required H Equipment Mobility I Location of RV or Casualty Tactical Situation and Recommended Route CREW WITH EQUIPT J K (Direct Tow, Suspended Tow, Lowbed) YES/NO Return details (Para L-O) completed my Maint Pl L M N O C/S of Maintenance Assets ETA at Higher and Casualty EST Time of Return Remarks UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 10. AMMUNITION REPORT ADREP For ammunition paragraphs indicate qty of ammunition required for resupply. . Para A Ammunition Required B Rations Required C Water Required D POL Required E Misc Stores UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 11. SHOT REPORT SHOTREP Para A B C D E Time Number of Rounds Weapon Type Bearing and Distance Action Taken UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 12. LOCATION STATUS LOCSTAT (Location Status) Para A B Location of Reporting C/S (Grid Ref) Location of all formations, units and sub units for whom reporting C/S is responsible UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 13. PATROL REPORT PATROL REPORT Patrol reports normally should be submitted in electronic or hard copy form using the BG patrol report form. Where time or location does not permit this to occur the below Performa will be used to submit patrol reports via radio or landline. Para C/S A Patrol leader B Patrol size C Composition of patrol D Task/Mission E Departure Date-Time Group (DTG) F Return DTG G Routes out and in H Terrain I Info Enemy SALUTEHIM J Map correction K Miscellaneous information L Results of encounters with the en/OPFOR M Condition of patrol: N Support received and/or requested O Communications P Friendly/Neutrals: Q Conclusions and recommendations R UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 14. 9 LINE MINE AND UXO REPORT 9 Line – MINE &UXO REPORT Used to report real military munitions and other UXOs. Not to be used to for initial reports of IEDs. Para DTG when unit discovered item/s 1 Reporting activity and locn of MINE/UXO 2 Contact Method (C/S, Freq, POC) 3 Type of ordnance, qty, markings (length, width, height, 4 colour, markings, etc) NBC Contaminated area 5 Resources Threatened (FOB, Mil Convoy, etc) 6 Impact on Mission 7 Protective Measures (Evac, sandbags, etc) 8 Recommended Priority (See Notes) 9 Priorities: IMMEDIATE (Stop mission/unit manoeuvre/threaten critical assets) URGENT (Slows unit mission and manoeuvre capability) MINOR (Reduces unit mission and manoeuvre capability) NO THREAT UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE –EXERCISE-EXERCISE 15. MISSON BACKBRIEF FORMAT UNCLASSIFIED EXERCISE-EXERCISE_EXERCISE