Book Market 30 November 2011 Richard Saldivar Richard Howe Scott Pieper Cameron Asbell Table of Contents Table of Contents ….....................................................................................2 1 Introduction and Purpose........................................................................3 2 Database Organization and Overview....................................................4 2.1 Business Rules...................................................................................4 2.2 Entity Relationship Diagram.............................................................5 3 Database Design 3.1 Data Dictionary................................................................................6 3.2 SQL Statements................................................................................8 3.3 Sample SQL Statements..................................................................14 4 Summary of Project...............................................................................15 2 1 Introduction and Purpose The Book Market is a retail book seller seeking to create a web-based database application to facilitate online customer purchases. An online store is a virtual store where customers can browse for items, add them to a shopping cart and purchase items from the convenience of home. At the point of purchase the customer will have to provide further details such as name, address and payment details. They are provided with a confirmation number as well as shipping details to complete the transaction. As more and more businesses move towards online sales the process of web based purchasing is becoming more and more commonplace. The store has an existing database in place but it is not suitable for the store’s endeavors to launch an online book store. Therefore the store needs an affordable interactive database that will allow expansion as their business grows. The website must be easy to use and comprehend by the user and contain all of the functionality required by the retailer. The database will be required to provide the retailer with the ability to control inventory by tracking the sales of items and determining which items sell best. The records concerning each item should include title, author, ISBN and any other details to specifically identify the inventory. Customer details such as names, addresses and credit card information are essential to the database. Records of items sold to individuals as well as the date of purchase are also important to the database design. It should have the following functionality: Organize and store related information about customers in the form of customer name, street address, city, state, credit card information, purchase date, shipping date. Provide a public website where customers may search for and purchase items. Ensure that the website provides easy navigation from the home page and the linked items are in logical categorical order. Provide a user friendly interface for authorized users of the book seller to access data and make changes to the database. Allow for ease of system management, maintenance and expansion. In order to create a website for the Book Market it is essential to begin by designing the relational database. The data model must be designed based on user needs and the attributes required for the database. A data model is a conceptual representation of the data found within a database. This model will serve as a blueprint to map out the relationships between the different data sets that will be used by Book Market to fulfill customer orders. Within the relational database will be stored all of the related data about books, customers, billing and shipping that are integral to the daily functions of the online bookstore. It is important that the relational database is designed with the needs of all users as the primary focus. The second part will be the design of a website that easily connects the customers to the 3 database in a way that is pleasing for the customer and maintains the integrity of the database. 2 Database Organization Overview 2.1 Business Rules The Book Market database is governed by the following general business rules: Each customer can have more than one assigned credit card, but each credit card must be assigned to only one customer. Each credit card can be used to pay for more than one invoice, but each invoice must be paid by only one credit card. Each invoice can have more than one line item, but each line item must correspond to only one invoice. Each book can appear on multiple line items, but each line item must reference only one book. Each book can have one or more authors and each author can write one or more books. 2.2 Entity Relationship Diagram A database designer’s first obligation is to consult with representatives of all potential users of a database and gain an understanding of the entities that will be required. The Book Market’s online store will have the following tables: 1. AUTHOR: Represents the full name of the person who is credited with the creation of a work of text. 2. BOOK: Represents a set or collection of written, printed or illustrated pages fastened together and designated as a single work. 3. BOOK AUTHOR: Represents the relationship between an individual book and an author. 4. CUSTOMER: Represents a person who engages in a purchase with the Book Market Online bookstore. 5. CUSTOMER CREDIT CARD: Represents the payment authorized by the individual customer along with the details of the card itself. 6. INVOICE: Represents a detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs. 7. LINE ITEM: Represents a unit of information in a record shown on a separate line of its own often referring to a separately identifiable budget element. 4 Figure 1 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 5 3 Database Design 3.1 Data Dictionary Table Name Attribute Name Contents CUSTOMER CUST_ID Unique Number Assigned to Customer Customer First Name Customer Middle Name Customer Last Name Customer Address CUST_FNAME CUST_MNAME CUST_LNAME CUST_ADDRESS CUST_CITY CUST_STATE CUST_ZIP CUST_AREACOD E CUST_PHONE CUST_EMAIL_AD DRESS CUST_CRE DIT_CARD CUST_PASSWOR D CUST_CREDIT_ID Customer City Customer State Customer Zip Code Customer Area Code Customer Phone Number Customer E-mail Address Customer Password Unique Number Assigned to Customer Credit Card Data DATA DICTIONARY Data Data Type Forma t INTEGER ##### # Range Require d 19999999 Y VARCHAR (15) Xxxxx xxx N/A N VARCHAR (15) Xxxxx xxx N/A N VARCHAR (15) Xxxxx xxx N/A N VARCHAR (35) N/A N VARCHAR (15) CHAR(2) 9999 Xxxxx x Xxxxx xxx XX N/A N N/A N CHAR(5) 99999 N/A N CHAR(3) 999 N/A N CHAR(8) 9999999 N/A N VARCHAR (25) xxxx@ xxxx N/A N VARCHAR (15) INTEGER xxxxxx x ##### ## N/A N 19999999 Y 6 PK or FK PK PK FK Reference d Table Table Name Attribute Name Contents CUST_ID Unique Number Assigned to Customer Credit Card Company Credit Card Number Credit Card Verificati on Number Expiratio n Date CUST_CREDIT_T YPE CUST_CREDIT_N UM CUST_CREDIT_C CV CUST_CREDIT_E XPIRATION INVOICE INVOICE_ID CUST_CREDIT_ID INVOICE_DATE INVOICE_SHIP_D ATE LINE_ITEM INVOICE_ID BOOK_ID LINE_ITEM_QUA NT DATA DICTIONARY Data Data Type Forma t INTEGER ##### ## Range Require d 19999999 Y PK or FK FK VARCHAR (20) Xxxxx xxx N/A N VARCHAR (16) 99999 99… N/A N VARCHAR (4) 9999 N/A N DATE yyyymmdd ##### ## N/A N 19999999 Y PK INTEGER ##### ## 19999999 Y FK DATE yyyymmdd ddmmyyyy ##### ## N/A N N/A N 19999999 Y Unique Number Assigned to Invoice Unique Number Assigned to Customer Credit Card Data Invoice Date INTEGER Invoice Shipping Date Unique Number Assigned to Invoice Unique Number Assigned to Book DATE Book Quantity INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER 7 ##### ## ##### 19999999 0-9999 Y N PK (Co mpo site) FK PK (Co mpo site) FK FK Reference d Table CUSTOMER CUST_CRED IT_CARD INVOICE BOOK Table Name Attribute Name Contents BOOK BOOK_ID Unique Number Assigned to Book Book ISBN Book Title Book Year of Publicati on Book Price Unique Number Assigned to Author BOOK_ISBN BOOK_TITLE BOOK_PUB_YEA R BOOK_PRICE BOOK_AUT HOR AUTHOR_ID BOOK_ID AUTHOR AUTHOR_ID AUTHOR_FNAME AUTHOR_MNAME AUTHOR_LNAME DATA DICTIONARY Data Data Type Forma t INTEGER ##### ## Range Require d 19999999 Y VARCHAR (15) VARCHAR (100) YEAR 99999 99… Xxxxx xxx 9999 N/A N N/A N N/A N FLOAT(7, 2) INTEGER ####.# # ##### ## 0.009999.00 19999999 N Unique Number Assigned to Book INTEGER Unique Number Assigned to Author Author’s First Name Author’s Middle name Author’s Last Name INTEGER ##### ## 19999999 Y VARCHAR (15) Xxxxx xxx N/A N VARCHAR (15) Xxxxx xxx N/A N VARCHAR (15) Xxxxx xxx N/A N 3.2 SQL Statements # #Create customer table and structure # CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER (CUST_ID INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, CUST_FNAME VARCHAR(15), CUST_MNAME VARCHAR(15), CUST_LNAME VARCHAR(15), CUST_ADDRESS VARCHAR(35), 8 ##### ## 19999999 Y Y PK or FK PK PK (Co mpo site) FK PK (Co mpo site) FK PK FK Reference d Table AUTHOR BOOK CUST_CITY VARCHAR(15), CUST_STATE CHAR(2), CUST_ZIP CHAR(5), CUST_AREACODE CHAR(3), CUST_PHONE CHAR(8), CUST_EMAIL_ADDRESS VARCHAR(25), CUST_PASSWORD VARCHAR(15), PRIMARY KEY (CUST_ID)); # #Create cust_credit_card table and structure # CREATE TABLE CUST_CREDIT_CARD (CUST_CREDIT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, CUST_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, CUST_CREDIT_NUM VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, CUST_CREDIT_CCV VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL, CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (CUST_CREDIT_ID)); # #Add foreign key to cust_credit_card table from customer table # ALTER TABLE CUST_CREDIT_CARD ADD FOREIGN KEY (CUST_ID) REFERENCES CUSTOMER(CUST_ID); # #Create book table and structure # CREATE TABLE BOOK (BOOK_ID INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, BOOK_ISBN VARCHAR(15), BOOK_TITLE VARCHAR(100), BOOK_PUB_YEAR YEAR, BOOK_PRICE FLOAT(7,2), PRIMARY KEY (BOOK_ID)); # #Create Author table and structure # CREATE TABLE AUTHOR (AUTHOR_ID INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTHOR_FNAME VARCHAR(15), AUTHOR_MNAME VARCHAR(15), AUTHOR_LNAME VARCHAR(15), PRIMARY KEY (AUTHOR_ID)); # #Create book_author table and structure # CREATE TABLE BOOK_AUTHOR (AUTHOR_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, BOOK_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, 9 PRIMARY KEY (AUTHOR_ID, BOOK_ID)); # #Add foreign key to book_author table from author table # ALTER TABLE BOOK_AUTHOR ADD FOREIGN KEY (AUTHOR_ID) REFERENCES AUTHOR(AUTHOR_ID); # #Add foreign key to book_author table from book table # ALTER TABLE BOOK_AUTHOR ADD FOREIGN KEY (BOOK_ID) REFERENCES BOOK(BOOK_ID); # #Create invoice table and structure # CREATE TABLE INVOICE (INVOICE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, CUST_CREDIT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, INVOICE_DATE DATE, INVOICE_SHIP_DATE DATE, PRIMARY KEY (INVOICE_ID)); # #Add foreign key to invoice table from customer credit card table # ALTER TABLE INVOICE ADD FOREIGN KEY (CUST_CREDIT_ID) REFERENCES CUST_CREDIT_CARD(CUST_CREDIT_ID); # #Create line_item table and structure # CREATE TABLE LINE_ITEM (INVOICE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, BOOK_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, LINE_ITEM_QUANT INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (INVOICE_ID, BOOK_ID)); # #Add foreign key to line_item table from invoice table # ALTER TABLE LINE_ITEM ADD FOREIGN KEY (INVOICE_ID) REFERENCES INVOICE(INVOICE_ID); # #Add foreign key to line_item table from book table # ALTER TABLE LINE_ITEM ADD FOREIGN KEY (BOOK_ID) 10 REFERENCES BOOK(BOOK_ID); # #Insert data into customer table # INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (CUST_FNAME, CUST_MNAME, CUST_LNAME, CUST_ADDRESS, CUST_CITY, CUST_STATE, CUST_ZIP, CUST_AREACODE, CUST_PHONE, CUST_EMAIL_ADDRESS, CUST_PASSWORD) VALUES ('Richard', 'Lewis', 'Saldivar', '123 Maple Ln', 'Smyrna', 'GA', '30080', '678', '999-8222', '', 'secretpassword'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (CUST_FNAME, CUST_MNAME, CUST_LNAME, CUST_ADDRESS, CUST_CITY, CUST_STATE, CUST_ZIP, CUST_AREACODE, CUST_PHONE, CUST_EMAIL_ADDRESS, CUST_PASSWORD) VALUES ('Michael', 'L.', 'Smith', '625 Peachtree St', 'Atlanta', 'GA', '30050', '770', '535-8999', '', 'puppy13'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (CUST_FNAME, CUST_LNAME, CUST_ADDRESS, CUST_CITY, CUST_STATE, CUST_ZIP, CUST_AREACODE, CUST_PHONE, CUST_EMAIL_ADDRESS, CUST_PASSWORD) VALUES ('Susan', 'Jolie', '9888 North Ave', 'Marietta', 'GA', '30008', '678', '599-9988', '', 'letmein'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (CUST_FNAME, CUST_MNAME, CUST_LNAME, CUST_ADDRESS, CUST_CITY, CUST_STATE, CUST_ZIP, CUST_AREACODE, CUST_PHONE, CUST_EMAIL_ADDRESS, CUST_PASSWORD) VALUES ('Allison', 'K.', 'Anderson', '3010 Hill St', 'Dallas', 'TX', '75217', '469', '282-9132', '', '12345'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (CUST_FNAME, CUST_LNAME, CUST_ADDRESS, CUST_CITY, CUST_STATE, CUST_ZIP, CUST_AREACODE, CUST_PHONE, CUST_EMAIL_ADDRESS, CUST_PASSWORD) VALUES ('Joe', 'Rosario', '234 Main St', 'Tampa', 'FL', '33612', '813', '872-1121', '', 'puppy'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (CUST_FNAME, CUST_MNAME, CUST_LNAME, CUST_ADDRESS, CUST_CITY, CUST_STATE, CUST_ZIP, CUST_AREACODE, CUST_PHONE, CUST_EMAIL_ADDRESS, CUST_PASSWORD) VALUES ('Anne', 'Kathleen', 'Johnson', '6323 Cumberland Blvd', 'Knoxville', 'TN', '37901', '865', '443-9932', '', 'password1111'); # #Insert data into cust_credit_card table # INSERT INTO CUST_CREDIT_CARD (CUST_ID, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE, CUST_CREDIT_NUM, CUST_CREDIT_CCV, CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION) VALUES (1, 'American Express', '387211111122555', '5566', '2013-07-01'); INSERT INTO CUST_CREDIT_CARD (CUST_ID, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE, CUST_CREDIT_NUM, CUST_CREDIT_CCV, CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION) VALUES (2, 'Visa', '5382888811119988', '333', '2013-0501'); INSERT INTO CUST_CREDIT_CARD (CUST_ID, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE, CUST_CREDIT_NUM, CUST_CREDIT_CCV, CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION) VALUES (2, 'American Express', '387288888855555', '8899', '2011-05-01'); INSERT INTO CUST_CREDIT_CARD (CUST_ID, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE, CUST_CREDIT_NUM, CUST_CREDIT_CCV, CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION) VALUES (3, 'Master Card', '889922599886131', '898', '2014-01-01'); INSERT INTO CUST_CREDIT_CARD (CUST_ID, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE, CUST_CREDIT_NUM, CUST_CREDIT_CCV, CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION) VALUES (5, 'Visa', '5382998813439891', '917', '2013-0701'); 11 INSERT INTO CUST_CREDIT_CARD (CUST_ID, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE, CUST_CREDIT_NUM, CUST_CREDIT_CCV, CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION) VALUES (4, 'Visa', '8912418389930181', '888', '2014-08-01'); INSERT INTO CUST_CREDIT_CARD (CUST_ID, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE, CUST_CREDIT_NUM, CUST_CREDIT_CCV, CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION) VALUES (6, 'Master Card', '889922599812345', '712', '2015-09-01'); # #Insert data into book table # INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('006112009X', 'One Hundred Years of Solitude', '2006', 11.55); INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('1423902017', 'Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management', '2007', '147.49'); INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('0142000655', 'East of Eden', '2002', '11.56'); INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('1416059512', 'Atlas of Human Anatomy', '2010', '67.99'); INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('0679744398', 'All the Pretty Horses', '1993', '10.20'); INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('1613820836', 'Siddhartha', '2011', '6.99'); INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('0345409469', 'The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark', '1997', '11.56'); INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('0781790697', 'Langman''s Medical Embryology', '2009', '49.46'); INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('0143039431', 'The Grapes of Wrath', '2006', '10.88'); INSERT INTO BOOK (BOOK_ISBN, BOOK_TITLE, BOOK_PUB_YEAR, BOOK_PRICE) VALUES ('0307387895', 'The Road', '2007', '10.20'); # #Insert data into Author table # INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_MNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) VALUES ('Gabriel', 'Garcia', 'Marquez'); INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) VALUES ('Peter', 'Rob'); INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) VALUES ('Carlos', 'Coronel'); INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) VALUES ('John', 'Steinbeck'); INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_MNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) 12 VALUES ('Frank', 'H.', 'Netter'); INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) VALUES ('Cormac', 'McCarthy'); INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) VALUES ('Hermann', 'Hesse'); INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) VALUES ('Carl', 'Sagan'); INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) VALUES ('Ann', 'Druyan'); INSERT INTO AUTHOR (AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_MNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME) VALUES ('Thomas', 'W.', 'Sadler'); # #Insert data into book_author table # INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (1, 1); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (2, 2); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (3, 2); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (4, 3); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (5, 4); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (6, 5); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (7, 6); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (8, 7); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (9, 7); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (10, 8); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (4, 9); INSERT INTO BOOK_AUTHOR VALUES (6, 10); # #Insert data into invoice table # INSERT INTO INVOICE (CUST_CREDIT_ID, INVOICE_DATE, INVOICE_SHIP_DATE) VALUES (1, '2011-11-11', '2011-11-18'); INSERT INTO INVOICE (CUST_CREDIT_ID, INVOICE_DATE, INVOICE_SHIP_DATE) VALUES (2, '2011-11-12', '2011-11-18'); INSERT INTO INVOICE (CUST_CREDIT_ID, INVOICE_DATE) VALUES (4, '2011-11-14'); INSERT INTO INVOICE (CUST_CREDIT_ID, INVOICE_DATE, INVOICE_SHIP_DATE) 13 VALUES (1, '2011-11-14', '2011-11-19'); INSERT INTO INVOICE (CUST_CREDIT_ID, INVOICE_DATE) VALUES (5, '2011-11-15'); # #Insert data into line_item table # INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (1, 1, 2); INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (2, 2, 1); INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (2, 3, 1); INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (2, 10, 1); INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (3, 7, 1); INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (4, 9, 3); INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (5, 4, 1); INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (5, 7, 1); INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (5, 8, 1); INSERT INTO LINE_ITEM VALUES (5, 10, 1); 3.3 Sample SQL Queries Displays Customer names and credit card numbers/type of credit card on file: SELECT CUST_FNAME, CUST_LNAME, CUST_CREDIT_NUM, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE FROM CUSTOMER, CUST_CREDIT_CARD WHERE CUSTOMER.CUST_ID = CUST_CREDIT_CARD.CUST_ID; Displays book titles and their corresponding author(s): SELECT BOOK_TITLE, AUTHOR_FNAME, AUTHOR_LNAME FROM AUTHOR, BOOK, BOOK_AUTHOR WHERE AUTHOR.AUTHOR_ID = BOOK_AUTHOR.AUTHOR_ID AND BOOK.BOOK_ID = BOOK_AUTHOR.BOOK_ID ORDER BY AUTHOR_LNAME; Displays orders that have not shipped yet: SELECT CUST_FNAME,CUST_LNAME, INVOICE.INVOICE_ID, INVOICE_DATE FROM INVOICE, CUSTOMER, CUST_CREDIT_CARD WHERE CUST_CREDIT_CARD.CUST_CREDIT_ID = INVOICE.CUST_CREDIT_ID AND CUSTOMER.CUST_ID = CUST_CREDIT_CARD.CUST_ID AND INVOICE_SHIP_DATE IS NULL; Displays credit cards that are expired: SELECT CUST_FNAME, CUST_LNAME, CUST_CREDIT_NUM, CUST_CREDIT_TYPE, 14 CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION FROM CUSTOMER, CUST_CREDIT_CARD WHERE CUSTOMER.CUST_ID = CUST_CREDIT_CARD.CUST_ID AND CUST_CREDIT_EXPIRATION <= CURDATE(); Displays concatenated first and last names of customer as a single attribute (name) along with each customer’s email address: SELECT CONCAT(CUST_FNAME," ",CUST_LNAME) AS NAME, CUST_EMAIL_ADDRESS FROM CUSTOMER Displays each line item along with book price and total line item price: SELECT INVOICE_ID, LINE_ITEM.BOOK_ID, LINE_ITEM_QUANT, BOOK_PRICE, LINE_ITEM_QUANT*BOOK_PRICE AS LINE_ITEM_PRICE FROM LINE_ITEM, BOOK WHERE LINE_ITEM.BOOK_ID=BOOK.BOOK_ID Displays the total price of each invoice: SELECT INVOICE.INVOICE_ID, INVOICE_DATE, SUM(LINE_ITEM_QUANT*BOOK_PRICE) AS INVOICE_TOTAL FROM LINE_ITEM, BOOK, INVOICE WHERE LINE_ITEM.BOOK_ID=BOOK.BOOK_ID AND INVOICE.INVOICE_ID=LINE_ITEM.INVOICE_ID GROUP BY INVOICE_ID 4 Summary of Project This project provided an understanding of the steps that are essential in the creation of an online bookstore’s database. The data model illustrates the process by which a database is constructed based on multiple tables and their relationships. The first step as a database designer is to understand the relationships between the different data elements and create a logical data structure based upon the relationships between those elements. The design process began with determining the purpose of the database, which was to manage an online bookstore’s storefront. Then the types of information essential to this endeavor were gathered and organized in a logical manner. The information was then sorted into tables based on the important entities such as AUTHOR, BOOK, CUSTOMER as well as others. The tables were populated with attributes, or fields, that were characteristics of the entity assigned to that table. Tables were assigned primary keys to uniquely identify them. Relationships were established based on how the data within tables were related to other tables. The ER diagram was created to show this process in a rational order and then normalized to ensure that they were correct. The business rules are illustrated in the design as well as being written out for a better understanding of exactly how each entity relates to another. A data dictionary was created to compile data descriptions for the use of the database management system. Through the use of a DBMS the organization, storage, management and retrieval of all of the data within the database is possible. Using SQL, along with the parameters set in the data dictionary, several queries were created to test the functionality of the database created for the online Book Market store. This project successfully brought together all of the elements of database design. 15