ICT development report of China The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China Contents 1 The basic conditions and trends of China's ICT 2 A case: China International ICT Innovation Cluster 3 Advantages and challenges of China's ICT 4 The strategy of China's ICT 5 Conclusions and suggestions China ICT development report The basic conditions and trends of China's ICT 1. An overview of the development of China's ICT 2. The development of electronic information industry 3. The development of the communications industry 4. The trends of China's ICT development China ICT development report An overview of the development of China's ICT 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 ■By the end of 2006 -Fixed telephone users:367.812 million (172 times in 1980) -Mobile phone users:461.082 million ( the 1st in the world) 2000 2001 2002 mobil phone user(10thousand) fixed phone user(10 thousand) 2003 2004 2005 2006 internet user(10 thousand) -Internet users:132 million ( 2st in the world) -Communications cable: 4.26 million km user of communication industry -Color television sets:837 million units ( 1st in the world) ■ In the 26 years, the average growth rate per annum is above 20%,which is mostly 2.5-3 times of GDP growth rate China ICT development report An overview of the development of China's ICT third generation mobile systems From Core to user terminal POF FSVD X series international technical standard Achievements high-end router of Telecommunication level TD-SCDMA Standards and System China ICT development report The development of electronic information industry 5 Trillion RMB ■The scale of the industry has continued to expand 4 3 2 1 0 ICT mechanics metallurgy Chemical textile transport In 2006 the scale of the industry Products unit output growth rate Mobile phone 10thousand 48014 58.2 10thousand 7405 -4.1 Base station 10thousand 1145 58 Color TV set 10thousand 8375 1.1 Microcomputer 10thousand 9336 15.5 Integrated circuit 100 million 336 26.3 Digital camera 10thousand 6695 21.2 SPC exchange -In 2006, the income reached to ¥ 4.75 trillion, up 23.7% -The added value reached ¥ 1.1 trillion, up22.1% -The scale of the industry ranks ahead in the various sectors of the national economy ■Major product output increase -In2006, mobile phone production reached to 480 million, up 58.2% -Microcomputer 93.36 million, of which laptops 59120000 -Color TV 83.75 million units, of which the flat-panel televisions rapidly grow , LCD TV output 94.5 million units, an increase of over 100 percent; -IC 33.6 billion, an increase of 26.3%。 In 2006 the Major product output China ICT development report The development of electronic information industry ■Economic benefit grow fast -In 2006,the industry realized profits tax of ¥ 240 billion,up22% Software Industry Communications equipment manufacturing Radar manufacturing Radio and television equipment industry Electronic computer manufacturing Home audio-visual equipment manufacturing Manufacturing of electronic devices Electronic components manufacturing Manufacturing of electronic measuring instruments Electronic appliance manufacturing Electronic information electromechanical manufacturing Other electronic information industry ■Software grow steadily -In 2006 ,software industry created ¥ 480 billion of profits, ¥ 183.8 billion of added value ,up 22% -System integration income increased over25% 2006 January-November electronics and information industry completion of major economic indicators China ICT development report The development of electronic information industry Exports (100 million US dollars) Up% Laptops 385 28.6 Handset 312 51 IC 203 47.5 Monitors 168 4.2 LCD panels 130 19.4 Color TV 79 55.7 Printed circuit 76 43.2 LDP Laser Disc Player 71 -2.7 Printers 67 -2.2 DC 63 14.5 largest 10 export products of electronic information products in 2006 ■Foreign trade increases -In 2006,the industry-wide import and export volume totaled 651.7 billion US dollars, accounting for 37% of the country's total foreign trade -Exports of 364 billion US dollars,up35.7% Imports of 287.7 billion US dollars ,up30.5% -China's import and export volume accounts for more than 15 percent in the global electronic information products. A number of products is the No. 1 in the world market ■Businesses increased their strength -In2006,there are 29332 enterprises above designated size,1877 more then in 2005,16958 of manufacturing industry,12374 of Software industry -Top 100 electronics and information enterprises created an income more than ¥ 1 trillion , a profit of ¥ 20 billion and a tax of over ¥ 28 billion 2001-2006, the volume of manufacturing growth in the number of enterprises China ICT development report The development of electronic information industry Amount (million RMB) Growth (%) Communications equipment 202 47 Computer 180 13.8 Home audio-visual equipment 75 17.9 Electronic Devices 642 60.6 Electronic components 581 42.3 Equipment for the electronics industry 164 25.8 Electronic information electromechanical 156 37.6 In 2006 the major sectors and the growth rate in fixed assets investment ■investment in fixed assets expanded -In 2006, the projects over ¥ 105 million invested ¥ 206.8 billion in fixed asset, up 41%. -2522projects started,340 more then in 2005 -Fixed assets added ¥ 135.3 billion ,up 30% -Communications equipment and electronic components become key investment areas ■More technological innovations - In 2006, new products created more than 20% value of the entire industry , 0.2% more than in 2005 -The industry-wide R&D investment was more than ¥ 90 billion,the input in R&D accounted for over 5% of sales proceeds in most top electronic information enterprises ■The level of informatization raised -In 2006, mobile phone penetration rate reached 35.3% -Every 100 families had 35 computers and 140 color TV China ICT development report The development of electronic information industry Growth ■In 2006, the abovescale industry realized a growth of 24% in both sales revenue and the added value ■The manufacturing sector stayed in the leading level of the national industry. ■The proportion of high-end products increased. Structure adjustment ■Information technological progress speeded up, and the industrial structure is upgrading ■The market of New components increased. ■The upgrading of the Telecom operators' network and rural communication promoted the rapid development Internationalization Market competition ■The foreign-funded enterprises played a important role in the industry ■Foreign-funded enterprises intensified the competition in the low-end market ■Localization and R&D transfer are obviously the trends of Multinational corporations investing in China. ■Components industry's competition effected the machine industry ■Local enterprises speed up the pace of international expansion China ICT development report ■Service providers and marketing channel dealers entered the competition ■Inter-country competition is becoming fierce The development of the communications industry Amount (million RMB) The total business of communications Telecommuni cations Post The communications business income Telecommuni cations Post The added value of communications firms Communications investment in fixed assets Telecommuni cations Post Growth(%) 15321 25.60% 14592.1 26.10% 728.9 16.90% 7120.6 11.60% 6483.8 11.70% 636.8 10.80% 4641.7 11.60% 2226.8 7.50% 2186.9 7.50% 39.9 5.30% In 2006 the communications industry indicators China ICT development report The development of the communications industry In 2006 the communications industry indicators Additional Total The fiber-optic cables 186,000 km 4,259,000 km Cable core 12.968 million kilometers of fiber cables 88.934million kilometers of fiber cables Fixed long-distance telephone switchboard capacity 0.769 million terminals 14.485 million terminals public line telephone network capacity 30.665 million lines 502.626 million lines Access Network equipment capacity 23.414 million lines 234.622 million lines Mobile telephone exchange capacity 128.181 million lines 610.599 million lines Basic telecom operators enterprises Internet broadband access ports 16,067,000 64,814,000 International export bandwidth Internet 256696M Total number of websites 843,000 Total number of domain names 4,109,000 China ICT development report The development of the communications industry 10 thousand RMB 50000 电话用户数量发展 Fixed telephone users Mobile phone users 45000 ■Fixed telephone users : 367.8 totally -251.4000 urban -116.4 million rural ■Mobile phone users : 461.1 million ■mobile group data users :138.1 million 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fixed telephone traffic Mobile telephone traffic Total Growth Total Growth Local net interval call 77570000000 -6.20% Local calls within the local network 1588270000000 minutes 34.70% 601950000000 -3.10% Domestic calls to traditional fixed Domestic longdistance calls 97780000000 times 37.00% 97240000000 8.80% International calls 420000000 times 24.50% International longdistance calls 590000000 7.90% Hong Kong, Macao talk time 400000000 times 21.10% Hong Kong, Macao talk time 610000000 -1.10% PHS SMS business 429670000000 times 41.00% PHS SMS business 29800000000 24.20% Local Talk China ICT development report The development of the communications industry By2006,the total number of Internet users reached 137 million in the mainland of China ,10.5% of the total population 75.9% Internet users have broadband ,90.7 million with XDSL、 Cable Modem, 27.1 million with leased line 41.2 million Broadband computers , 69.4% of all internet computers 2003 互 2004 联 2005 网 2006 2007 发 展 China ICT development report Broadband internet users users The development of the communications industry Income Business structure ■growth rate of income in 2006 -Mobile Communication: 18.5%(47.3% of all)、 -Fixed data communication: 24.6%(7.9% of all) -Fixed local telephone: -2.62% -Long-distance telephone: -0.99% ■Mobile data services realized 21.6%of the mobile communications business income ■New telephone users in 2006 -Fixed telephone : 17.4million -Mobile phone : 67.7 million ■The mobile phone users was nearly 100 million more than fixed users ■ new internet users in 2006 -Dial-up:-9.175 million -Broadband users :14.549 million ■Broadband users was nearly twice the Internet dial-up users Investment Regional structure ■The investment growth in2006 -Fixed assets invested ¥ 218.69 billion, up 7.5%. ■Priority of investment -Mobile communication operators in network expansion and optimization support -Fixed telecom business investment the access network connection ■the investment returns improved. ■Regional growth rate in 2006 eastern :11.0% Central:14.5% Western:12.3% northeastern:11.0% ■The development of the central and western is accelerating China ICT development report China ICT development trends Machine Communication Age Era of people-to-machine communication New generation of CT 3G Tech The three networks Telecommunications networks, computer networks and cable networks are moving toward integration Next Generation Network IP network benefits the business division and integration of network evolution China ICT development report China ICT development trends Telecommunication network From the traditional circuit-switched to the broadband packet switching IP Network Fewer network layers and more efficiency Switching technology Combine with routing technology network security consider both System security and information security network management Integrated management and policy-based management Broadband technology mobile communication wireless technology satellite communications user terminal China ICT development report Varied Access modes The third generation mobile communication system on the eve of a business Universal use and broadband Mobile and Broadband Intelligent, mobile and multimedia Case : CIIIC ■Founded in Jinan City of Shandong province in December of 2006 , China International ICT Innovation Cluster (CIIIC) was approved by Ministry of Science and Technology , Ministry of Information Industry and Ministry of commerce ■The goal CIIIC is to create world-class software, computer, network communications, digital equipment , and integrated circuits industry clusters in china China ICT development report Regional conditions China ICT development report Industrial base and the technology base Industrial base Technology base ■Shandong Province’s GDP is the second largest of China, 10% of the total ■Shandong Province has a solid information industry whose output account for 7.3% of China's ■Jinan, capital city of Shandong Province, one of the China's financial centers, is one of China's "economic power Top 50" cities ■Jinan City, pilot cities of China's "city of information", "E-commerce and modern logistics," and "information industry", "smart traffic," and "China's outsourcing service bases city", has a good base of information industry ■ CIIIC, located in the eastern industrial zone of Jinan City , has invested nearly ¥ 10 billion in the infrastructure construction. ■Shandong Province has 104 universities and colleges (e.g.SDU,OUC) .Jinan City, science and technology power ranked 8st,has 59 colleges and universities and 487,100 students in school, There are plenty of scientific and technological personnel ■CIIIC has 3 national key laboratories, 93national or provincial enterprise technology centers, 29 Technical Research Centers and 702 high-tech enterprises ■Jinan, China's model city of Intellectual Property Protection, has built a long-term institution for Intellectual Property Protection China ICT development report The overall pattern ■ An accumulation area of IT industry meeting with international standard ■ An advantageous area integrating international IT industry resources ■ A core area realizing indigenous innovation in IT industry. China ICT development report Insurance Policy support Fund support Legal support Technique support ■Government support the building of CIIIC with both finance and government procurement ■enterprises and research centers will be rewarded according to related policies. ■A special fund has been allocated for the industry development. CIIIC also have a multiple-channel fund system ■To develop and perfect laws and regulations on IPR protection , CIIIC create a legal environment in line with international practice ■China's Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Shandong Province jointly set up a National Information Communication and Technology Research Institute Service support ■Favorable research and living infrastructure have been operating Finance support ■A variety kinds of venture capital investment are supported, especially the risk investments and guaranteed loans China ICT development report Policy Industrial Policy ■set up industry development funds Research Policy ■reward the new research centers Project Policy ■tax preference and Policy Advantage finance support Talent Policy ■reward the researchers and managers with contributions Land Policy ■provide appropriate land for qualified projects Innovation Policy ■reward the new products and technology China ICT development report Advantages and challenges of China's ICT Advantage challenge Economy Price and cost ■Rapid growth of the economy, household ■wages raised income and consumer demand ■price of raw material and power source raised ■appreciation of the RMB Informationization Institution ■The telecom market keeps sustained and rapid growth ■backward development concepts ■imperfect innovation system and risk mechanism ■China's Internet scale have greatly developed Industrial structure International market ■It is forecasted that the global ICT industry will ■Information and communication technology has Policy ■ 50 kinds of electronic information products' Trade friction export rebates was increased to 17% ■ EUP(Energy-Using Products)and Labor keep a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) entered a new period of upgrading ■lack of technical accumulation of 10.9% over 2006-2011 ■ WEEE and ROHS standards China ICT development report The strategy of China’s ITC 1. Strategic approach of China's ICT development 2.Purposes and principles of China's ICT development 3. Development of China's ICT strategic goals 4.The development of China's ICT strategic points China ICT development report Strategic approach of China's ICT development measures Raise the quality and level of cooperation ■Tracking the development of the global ICT industry as the level ■Developing Internet equipments, digital equipments, and special equipments of ICT Improving the quality of ICT industry Improving operating efficiency; reducing operating costs Coordinately developing Four bases for the of ICT industry ■Focusing on the structural adjustment of the four major ICT industrial bases (the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Bay region, Central, part of the central and western regions) Implementing the national strategy of intellectual property rights Supporting the own intellectual property inventions such as TD-SCDMA Strengthening the Technology R&D investment Supporting the international ICT enterprises ■Providing financial support, tax incentives, policies The establishment of integrated circuits, software, and new components, and other major projects Establishing major projects of HDTV, broadband wireless communications, next-generation network, network and information security, home networking and intelligent terminals Focusing on the deployment of important technical fields Establishing major projects of an automobile computing platforms, agricultural information platform and intelligent transport systems to enhance the social development of the national economy Establishing major projects platforms of information technology services, scientific research platform and service system China ICT development report Purposes and principles of China's ICT development Insisting on Government guidance and enterprise promotion Correctly handling the relationship between technology and market All-round development of new technologies, new business applications Broadening international cooperation channels Strengthening the government role of plan, standardization, guidance, supervision, and services, to create a good external environment of the technology application Giving full play to enterprises in technological innovation Combining the application and advancement of technology, grasping the relationship among new technology, network evolution, and business turnover Market-oriented principles, more scientific Promoting 3G, next-generation networks, broadband Internet, network management, network security, and applications of information security technology; driving the computer, communications and imaging technology integration Developing the fixed telecommunications network as the basic network Improving the investment environment, to encourage foreign enterprises setting up technical research centers in China, to increase technological cooperation, to enhance the comprehensive capability of R&D of ICT Strengthening cooperation in personnel training China ICT development report Development of China's ICT strategic goals Major economic Indicators By 2010, the total income of China's ICT industry reaches ¥ 10 trillion with an annual increase of 17.6 % The telecommunications industry revenue reaches ¥ 886 billion with an annual increase of 7.6%. Electronic information industry sale reaches ¥ 9 trillion with an annual increase of 18 percent. Postal service income reaches ¥ 99 billion with an annual increase of 8 percent. By 2010, China's information industrial added value reaches ¥ 2.6 trillion with an annual increase of 15 percent covering 10 percent of GDP. The proportion of electronic information products in country's exports remains at about 35%. Service level Goals By 2010, the number of telephone users will reach 1 billion, of which fixed telephone users reached 400 million, representing a penetration rate of 30%, mobile phone users reached 600 million, representing a penetration rate 45% The number of Internet users reach 200 million, representing a penetration rate of 15%. The quality of the postal delivery get further improved and the annual letter volume reaches 14 billion. Competitiveness Goals By 2010, the overseas telecommunications services market is expanded, the competitiveness of basic telecom operators and enterprise management capabilities are greatly enhanced The core industry size of electronic information such as software, integrated circuits, new-type components increase by fourfold Extending Industry Chain to upstream; strengthening capacity of components, materials, and special equipments; Gathering resources and forming a number of globe-influential industrial bases and industrial districts Initially forming capable monitoring system to adapt the development of the information industry; improving the management capacity China ICT development report Coordinated Development Goals Continuing to strengthen the capacity of communication in rural areas and the central and western regions Relying on national electronic information industry bases and industrial districts, forming the distinct development of industry structure between eastern, central, and western regions. Allocating reasonable radio frequency resources to meet the basic needs of the coordinated development of various radio business. Innovation Goals Initially forming the technological innovation system based on enterprises; Cultivating large number of innovative enterprises with independent intellectual property rights Increasing the number of business patents of communication Approaching to the advanced international level on key technology R & D capability; Significantly improving the transitional rate of the technology; greatly enhancing of the international standard-setting influence. The development of China's ICT strategic points Strategic points Direction and development measures ■To develop server with 64 CPUs that meet the needs of China's Informationization IC HDTV ■To develop DSP, high-speed high-precision digital-to-analog / ADC, memory and programmable devices, and other high-end GM common core chips and key chips ■To focus on the deployment of a number of SoC that plays a supportive role in the development of the original and the key technologies research in SoC core chip design, SoC design methodology ■To focus on the development of 8 to 12-inch wafer 90nm, 65nm and 45nm large-scale production technology, special technology in the IC manufacturing process, and form the independent development capabilities; To develop new IC packaging technology and products; To focus on key core equipment in the R&D; to make a breakthrough in the development of equipment and win dominance in the semiconductor integrated circuit manufacturing equipment ■To strengthen the division, collaboration, and matching between the chip designs, manufacture packaging and testing and increase the intensity in the links of the integrated circuit industry chain ■To build a national integrated circuit research and development centers and Evaluation Center, establish IP core reuse and verification, evaluation and technical services transactions public platform, improve the design of integrated circuits property rights transaction services market system, and create a sound IC technology research, and service environment ■To carry out technology research and standard-setting of independent intellectual property rights in highdefinition digital audio and video coding and develop the corresponding codec chip ■To research and develop the transmission programs of the ground - Satellite -Cable Digital television; To design and apply satellite, cable, terrestrial and mobile channel receiver chip ■To carry out the research and product development of digital audio and video interface technology in digital rights management technology and conditional access card from the machine, receiver content protection, and receiver middleware ■To support technology research and product development of TFT-LCD, PDP, OLED and other flat panel display, form high-definition digital television technology and standards with independent intellectual property rights China ICT development report The development of China's ICT strategic points Strategic points Direction and development measures ■To develop high credible network server operating system, the next generation of desktop Linux operating systems, intelligent database management systems, networks, middleware, integrated application development platform based on the core software ■To develop information technology supportive software independently such as e-government, e-commerce, city information, enterprise information, agricultural information, and information services Software ■To develop component of the embedded operating system and embedded software platforms for smart phones and digital home appliances, automotive electronics, and other fields; To focus on the combination of integrated circuit technology; To form interactive development; To deepen study components, component of the software and component library management technology; To develop the scale of software development tools with independent intellectual property rights ■To set up national software engineering research centers; To establish and improve software testing and service system; To strengthen the software engineering and technological research to provide advanced technical support for China's software industry. Network and Information Security New Components ■To strengthen basic research work, focus on the development of information networks and critical information systems security technology, and promote information security standard-setting, scientific theoretical research, key technology development, scientific research, personnel training ■To make a major breakthrough in operating systems for the safety and security chip, the new password algorithms, electromagnetic radiation leakage protection (TEMPEST), the virus found, security surveillance, monitoring technology and network offensive and defensive techniques ■To make a major breakthrough in the development of flat-panel displays, microelectronics devices, optoelectronic devices, MEMS devices, power semiconductor devices, power electronic devices, vacuum electron devices, green design and manufacture of battery key technology ■To establish a new components research and development centers based on the research and development of the components, evaluation and service centers of components based on performance testing, quality and reliability testing China ICT development report The development of China's ICT strategic points Strategic points Direction and development measures ■To study on the development of China's broadband wireless access technology frequency planning, relocating frequency resources; identified broadband wireless technology accessing to air interface physical layer and MAC layer technology; Studying on the network model of broadband wireless access technology and of IP networks ;and line access technology and wireless network and cellular communications applications seamlessly. Broadband wireless mobile communication ■To enhance 3G, particularly in TD-SCDMA R&D and industrialization; breaking through the key technology of the enhanced 3G, creating a bulk of patents; mastering enhanced 3G key chip design and the mass production of core chip; managing enhanced 3G system, which preparation and terminal equipment design, development and production technology, to build a relatively consummated industrial chain. ■To research on B3G network architecture and network protocols, wireless key technology, core network technology, business and applications platform, the new terminal and man-machine interface technology, integration of heterogeneous wireless communication systems, Internet technology, and mobile / wireless / fixed network integration technology; to strengthen relevant technical standards and the development of operational standards. Next Generation Network ■To improve IPv6, multimedia services network technology with the core of IMS, high-performance multi-service bearer network and development and industrialization of QoS technologies and end-toend network security technology, and so on. Organize the implementation of the next generation network test and demonstration; explore with the national conditions and the integration of network and the way of amending. ■The R&D of and industrialization on Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON), FTTx technology and all-optical network ■To focus on intelligent information processing, material and material (M2M) communication technologies; also the ubiquitous network technology such as RFID and sensor networks, and their seamless integration and applications China ICT development report The development of China's ICT strategic points Strategic points Direction and development measures ■To be engaged in family network research and industrialization of high technology. To focus on home networking technology, home networking terminal automatic discovery technology, home networking security technology and home networking technical support QoS technologies Family Network Intelligent Terminal Intelligent Transportation System Automotive engineering computing platform ■To grasp the key home networking technology, form a number of patents, occupy an important position in international standards of family network and become the world's largest and international competitiveness of the domestic network equipment manufacturing centre. ■To be engaged in intelligent Terminal for the R&D and industrialization of high technology. To focus on strengthening the core technologies of intelligent terminal research and development, make an achievement in key areas such as operating system, application platforms, chips and liquid crystal displays, master key technologies and form a number of patents. ■To establish and improve the industry chain of intelligent terminal basic research, product design, manufacturing and promoting and form the international competitiveness of the world's largest intelligent terminal industry. ■To establish a data collection, transceiver to deal with the comprehensive traffic information system platform, develop an integrated transport system for information technology and systems integration, real-time traffic data collection, integration, processing and control technology, means of delivery positioning technology, intelligent navigation technology, emergency management System technology and improve the transport system capacity, efficiency and safety. ■To form a technical framework of the overall computing platform engineering on car, to capture car computing platforms and related integrated circuits, software and other core technologies, achieve set of automotive electronic control, information processing, integrated application services for the integrated innovation ■To establish a enterprises as the mainstay, industry, academia, research, and use the organic combination of technical innovation team, technological innovation system and the economy China ICT development report The development of China's ICT strategic points Strategic points Direction and development measures ■To establish a number of high-level public services centers, technology centers, key technology testing platforms and tools for sharing; To establishing open-information technology services platforms to provide metrology, testing, testing, validation, analysis, and common technologies such as software testing services. Information industry and information technology services platform ■To establish integrated information technology platform for sharing resources advisory services and electronic information product data exchange platforms. Including several unified planning and integral large-scale data centers, literature resource centers and scientific information databases, which provide decision-making basis for the government, basic data, product data, science and technology, literature, technical standards, human resources, intellectual property rights, patents, industrial technology and other dynamic information enquiry services ■To establish industrial foundation and high level welfare institutions to undertake basic, strategic, forwarding-looking, and comprehensive welfare researches. scientific research platform and service system ■To perfect high-standard technology intermediary service organizations, constructing industry-wide integrated service networks, establishing information and sharing platforms for enterprises, universities and scientific institutions to improve rapid transactions of technological innovation. ■To establish technology application funds and a number of information industry foundations to improve the industrialization of technology application. ■With national and regional innovation system such as the high-tech development zones, technology districts, technology markets and the Productivity Promotion Center, to cooperate with venture capital firms, intermediary services organizations, professional incubators and SMEs management agencies to form integral information industry application platforms and supporting service systems. China ICT development report Conclusion and Suggestion Conclusions Suggestions ●Information technology and economic globalization are intertwined and promote the deepening of the global division of labor and economic restructuring, reshaping the pattern of global economic competition ●To accelerate the upgrade of traditional industries with information communication technology ●Internet accelerates the ideology variety and cultures of mutual impacts, becoming the new carriers of information dissemination and knowledge proliferation. ●To continue to promote e-government, increasing administrative efficiency ●E-government plays an significant role in increasing efficiency, improving government efficiency and expanding democratic participation. ●The increasing importance of information security has become the common challenge that all countries face. ●The global digital gap has an expanded trend and the development imbalance is increasing seriously. ●With a clearer goal in the development of information technology, the developed nations are observed to transit to information societies; meanwhile, the developing nations take the initiative to meet the new opportunities brought by the development and strive to keep pace with the trend of the times ●International ICT development is entering the mature and stable period ●To develop qualified ICT personnel ●To strengthen Internet governance, focusing on information security. ●To improve information and communication infrastructure. ●To strengthen international communication and cooperation. ●To take low-cost information technology development path. ●To make reasonable development and utilization of information resources in depth. ●To continue to improve China's information management system, policy environment and technical standards ●The development and utilization level of china’s information resource is not high. ●China's information management system and policy environment have improved significantly China ICT development report