SSBCI Webinar PowerPoint

Business Development Corporation
August 15, 2012
Small Business Jobs Act of 2010
US Treasury has authorized BDC to utilize up
to $15 million to purchase qualified loan
participations with financial institutions in SC
Program is limited in amount, and it is
expected that full utilization of the $15
million will occur rapidly
BDC purchases 25% participation in qualified
Maximum BDC Participation Amount: $1,000,000
(exceptions may apply)
Subordinate or equal (pari-passu)--agreed upon
at loan inception
Lender is responsible for all loan servicing
activities. BDC has no direct relationship with
Interest Rate and Fees determined by lender,
subject to BDC concurrence.
BDC receives pro-rata share of origination fee
only (no other servicing fees)
Borrower makes one payment, and lender
remits pro-rata share of Principal & Interest
to BDC (discuss option first out on Principal)
No additional cost to borrower
No cost to lender to participate in program
Small businesses in state of South Carolina* with
500 or fewer employees**
Total loan request of $5 million or less**
For profit and non-profit companies eligible
*Business must have primary place of business in SC. Operations in
other states permitted.
**Larger numbers of employees and larger loans may be
Proceeds must be used for a business purpose
Examples: working capital, purchase and/or
construction of owner-occupied real estate,
purchase of equipment, term loan financing,
lines of credit, receivables, inventory, trade cycle
Refinancing of debt currently held with a nonaffiliated financial institution is permitted
Refinancing of debt currently with same
financial institution (exceptions apply)
Passive real estate investment
Speculative activities
Pyramid Sales
Activities prohibited by Federal or State law
BDC will either be fully subordinate or equal
(pari-passu)—as determined at loan inception
Lender responsible for all liquidation and
foreclosure proceedings
Pre-BDC Approval
 Executed Master Loan Participation Agreement
and Master Capital Access Program (CAP)
Agreement (separate programs, but both
agreements required)
Application for Participation
Lender’s Internal Credit Memo/Approval Package
Borrower’s Financials (Tax Returns, Interim
Balance Sheet and P&L, Credit Report, Personal
Financial Statement)
 Borrower Certification (A condition of participation in
this program includes certification from both lender
and borrower that neither has been convicted of a
sex offense against a minor)
Participation Certificate
All Bank Closing Documents (Note, Disbursement
Authorization, Guarantees, etc.)
Borrower Financial Statements to be sent to BDC by
lender on annual basis
Edwin Lesley
Ryan Barnes
Master Participation Agreement, Participation Certificate,
Borrower Certification and additional program details and
definitions available at