Functional Skills ICT Scheme of Work Functional Skills Qualification ICT Level 1 (4527) Level 2 (4528) Scheme of work Version 1.1 2013 Copyright © 2013 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved Scheme of Work: Functional ICT This Scheme of work suggests how you may wish to deliver Functional ICT. You can use these suggestions, adapt them to better suit your students or use your own schemes of work. External links and resources listed in this document are hoped to be of help to you and your students. Please note that AQA cannot guarantee that all external resources remain valid and appropriate after this document has been published. The scheme provides ideas of possible tasks and worksheets that you may wish to create and use with your students. The resources suggested are in addition to familiar computer software, e.g. presentation, database, word processing, desktop publishing, internet and e-mail software. Guided learning hours: it is assumed that the centre has been allocated all of the recommended 45 guided learning hours for each level. If more or less time is available, the course can be expanded, or will need to be condensed, as appropriate. Flexibility: the delivery of these specifications are flexible and centres are encouraged to design schemes of work that best suit their individual circumstances, the needs and aspirations of their candidates and the skills of their teachers. If students are broadly familiar with the use of the main features of the various software packages, then those sections can be reduced in length in order to create space for other sections to be covered in more detail or at a slower pace. This scheme of work has been arranged in a logical teaching order, although you can teach the Skills Standards and Coverage and Range in any order you prefer. Timing: the allocation of time to individual sections of the Scheme of Work is not hard and fast but reflects a suggested proportion of the total. Again, the precise time required will depend partly on the prior experience and skill of the candidates. The times shown are for time in lessons only. Half lesson times are shown in places to enable teachers to be more flexible in their approach, depending on the needs of their students. Homework activities are specified but it is left to the centre to determine how this will be implemented, taking into account the centre’s homework policy. The Scheme of Work is not intended to prescribe or restrict the centre’s approach to the specifications and there is no requirement to use this Scheme of Work. If you have any enquiries about Functional ICT you can speak directly to the AQA ICT team by e-mail or telephone 0161 953 7563. 2 Reference material: AQA’s ICT Resource Zone Functional Skills ICT Specification Accredited specimen question papers (Teachers Notes, Level 1 Candidate Booklet and Level 2 Candidate Booklet) Accredited specimen mark schemes Accredited data files AQA Web and e-mail Demo GCSE ICT mapped to ICT FS Past questions papers, mark schemes and data files available from Secure Key Materials Ask AQA Enhanced Results Analysis 3 Functional ICT Assessment: • provides realistic contexts, scenarios and problems drawn from everyday life, the community, the workplace or educational settings, and specifies tasks relevant to the context • requires the application of knowledge, skills and understanding for a purpose • requires problem solving • assesses process skills and the outcome of their application in different contexts • includes no more than 20% fixed response assessment in which a candidate is confined to either a single response or a limited number of correct responses. The means of deriving this response (the process) is not explicitly credited. Fixed response assessment will focus on the assessment of knowledge and understanding for a purpose • will also comprise of open response assessment which will not direct the route or method by which a candidate may respond • is written in English at one level below that being assessed, except for specialist vocabulary which is at the level being assessed • simulates access to the Internet and e-mail Specification and assessment at a glance – Functional ICT at Level 1 and Level 2 Assessment scheme Externally set and marked Duration | Marks 2 hours | 80 marks (single exam at each level) Assessment objectives & their overall weighting • Use ICT systems: 20-30% • Find and select information: 10-20% • Develop, present and communicate information: 50-70% Assessment structure • Students use a computer to complete a series of activities and a ‘Candidate Booklet’ to guide them through the activities • Most activities require the use of familiar software (e.g. spreadsheet, database) and one activity will use a simulated Internet and e-mail specially installed on the computer • Students’ printed evidence is attached to the Candidate Booklet and handed in Qualification titles Functional Skills qualification in ICT at Level 1/2 Certification and reporting results Pass certificate is awarded if requirements are met • Pass or ungraded (U) • Unlimited re-sit opportunities Assessment windows 5 day assessment window, multiple assessment opportunities 4 Level 1 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 3 Manage Information Storage 3.1 Work with files, folders and other media to access, organise, store, label and retrieve information 1 lesson Understand why files need to be managed. Examples of what this might involve include creating and using: folders, subfolders, filenames, save, save as, open, close, rename, delete, move, copy Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Creation and maintenance of folders and organisation of files. For example on USB flash memory/internal/external hard drive. Suitability of file names. Identifying different applications via their file extensions Hide and seek file and folder game, where a file is saved to a cryptic location and the students have to find it using clues. From this the students then write a passage about the importance of saving files and folders Using the structure in the worksheet ask students to save a document into a particular area, create new folders and move documents. Students should provide a screen print as evidence Level 1 Resource Worksheet: Mix and Match images and labels of different types of storage medium Examples of different types of storage medium could include floppy disk, USB, external hard drive, flash card Worksheet: Ask candidates to create a folder structure (including subfolders) to store their documents for their subject/qualifications. e.g. a candidate could include a top folder: Functional Skills, with folders below: Functional ICT, Functional Maths and Functional English. Within each subfolder candidates could screenshot and print each folder to show how they save and name their files 5 Skill Standards 9 Use communications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 9.2 Demonstrate understanding of the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication 1 lesson Privacy settings, avoid disclosure of personal information (both self and others), use of bcc, need to avoid causing offence to others by inappropriate language and/or content Students need to write down their interpretation of personal information. Then discuss as a class what personal information is Discuss privacy issues when using online communication tools. Have example scenarios available with possible outcomes. Ask the students to match the correct outcome (block sender, report as junk, tell an adult, do not reply, report abuse) Resource Worksheet giving example scenarios of situations involving personal information and privacy issues when using communication tools Create an e-safety mind map showing the dangers and precautionary measures to safeguard online activities Homework: Find out basic information on CEOP, who they are and what they do 9 Use communications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task 9.2 Demonstrate understanding of the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication 1 lesson Privacy settings, avoid disclosure of personal information (both self and others), use of bcc, need to avoid causing offence to others by inappropriate language and/or content How to spot a real message vs. a scam message Worksheet giving example of junk, real and scam e-mail messages Using the worksheet get the students to state if it is a scam message or a real message. They should focus on the sender of the e-mail, the written communication and what the message entails If a message entails that you have to hand over personal information then it is probably a scam Level 1 6 Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 9 Use communications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task 9.1 Read, send and receive electronic messages with attachments 1 lesson Read, send and receive electronic messages with attachments Create a handbook on using e-mails. This must be simple to understand and include screen shots of how to: 4 Follow and demonstrate understanding of the need for safety and security measures 4.2 Demonstrate how to minimise the risk of computer viruses 1 lesson Skill Standards 4 Follow and demonstrate understanding of the need for safety and security measures Level 1 4.1 Demonstrate how to create, use and maintain secure passwords 1 lesson Anti-virus measures (anti-virus and antispy software), treating files from unknown sources (unfamiliar e-mail address, unknown pen drives) with caution Verification of new passwords, ways to make the password difficult to guess (use of numerals and other characters), password length, easy to remember Send e-mails Check sent e-mails Reply to e-mails Forward e-mails Attach a document to an e-mail Students list known anti-virus software, giving full names of the products available Resource Send e-mails prior to the lesson with attachments Example poster on Viruses Students create an information leaflet/ poster/presentation for classmates suggesting ways candidates could avoid getting a computer virus on a home computer Produce a notice to display in the ICT suite about the risks of viruses Produce a presentation for a given audience outlining the risks and solutions. Audiences might be primary school, employees of a business, ‘silver surfers’, etc Show sample passwords, students are to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the displayed passwords Ask students to create a password for a given document, using at least 6 letters, one number and 2 special characters y/pc-security/passwordchecker.aspx?WT.mc_id=Site_Lin k Past question paper tasks available on Secure Key Materials Use past question papers for example tasks 7 Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 5 Use search techniques to locate and select relevant information 1 lesson >,<, use of quotation marks around phrases 5.1 Search engines, queries Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Resource Identify Internet search engines and search within software Understand that words in the search criteria limit the search results Competition to see who can find the contact details of the neighbouring 3 schools Carry out different searches on the Internet using: (> and <) Use of keywords and quotation marks around phrases Such as: Punk hairstyles Egg and chips Chips and egg 2 Interact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context Level 1 2.3 Adjust system settings as appropriate to individual needs 1 lesson Accessibility, arrangement of desktop icons, desktop contrast, adjust volume Understand the needs of different ICT users, eye sight, hearing, disability How could you enable good use of ICT systems for different types of user? Screen resolution Text size Desktop icons 8 Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 2 Interact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context 2.2 Select and use interface features effectively to meet needs 1 lesson 2 Internact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context 2.2 Select and use interface features effectively to meet needs Use GUI features: Icon Menu Submenu Pointer Buttons Hyperlinks hotspots Window window operations (open/close, minimise, maximize, restore, resize), toolbar scrollbar dialogue box drag and drop Use GUI features: Icon Menu Submenu Pointer Buttons Hyperlinks hotspots Window window operations (open/close, minimise, maximize, restore, resize), toolbar scrollbar dialogue box drag and drop Level 1 1 lesson Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Students work through the worksheet about GUI features, suggesting the reason for the graphic e.g. log in/off screen, desktop icons print menu, page orientation Resource Worksheet showing common GUI features Students to produce a presentation to explain to novice ICT users what GUI features are and how to adjust the settings (incorporating some of 2.3 also) Using the worksheet ask student to match the correct name to the different GUI features Worksheet showing different GUI features and an unmatched list of their names 9 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 2 Interact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context 2.1 Select and use Software applications to meet needs and solve straightforward problems 0.5 lesson 2 Interact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve straightforward problems 1 lesson Select appropriate software from a range of applications including word processing, spread sheet, data handling, DTP, graphics, presentation, web browser and search engine and e-mail packages and use them to complete straightforward tasks Select appropriate software from a range of applications including word processing, spread sheet, data handling, DTP, graphics, presentation, web browser and search engine and e-mail packages and use them to complete straightforward tasks Level 1 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Resource In groups the students comment on the uses of different software features List software features of different types of software. Give examples of use in work situations. DTP Image editing Word processing Spreadsheet Databases e-mail 10 Skill Standards 2 Interact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context 2 Interact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context Level 1 Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve straightforward problems 1 lesson Select appropriate software from a range of applications including word processing, spread sheet, data handling, DTP, graphics, presentation, web browser and search engine and email packages and use them to complete straightforward tasks Students are giving a list of scenarios or tasks that need to be completed, where they choose a suitable software option 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve straightforward problems 0.5 lesson Select appropriate software from a range of applications including word processing, spread sheet, data handling, DTP, graphics, presentation, web browser and search engine and email packages and use them to complete straightforward tasks Students have to give a description of the software and how the software features solve the task Resource Alternative scenario/task ideas: Theme Park trip: research different theme parks ticket costs travel costs advertising the trip Scenario/task ideas: Students are asked to find details about 8 different mobile phones available to buy. They are asked to list details of the phones (e.g. name, make, special features, cost, supplier). This list needs be sorted to show the least expensive model first. The list would then be printed out. Healthy eating: research different types of food display nutritional information promote a healthy lifestyle Create a poster displaying images of these phones and the important information. Print out the poster and ensure it is fit for purpose Specimen Functional ICT exam papers available on Use specimen question papers for example scenarios/tasks Given a set of tasks the students choose, giving reasons which software would be more appropriate 11 Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 8 Use appropriate software to meet requirements of straightforward data-handling task 8.1 Process numerical data 1 lesson Formulae: +, - , * , / functions: SUM 8 Use appropriate software to meet requirements of straightforward data-handling task 8.2 Display numerical data in a graphical format Level 1 1 lesson Graph/chart creation to suit numerical information (bar chart, pie chart, single line graph, and the use of a title, axis title and key/legend, choice of size and position of graph/chart to be fit for purpose Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Explain how data can be updated automatically when formulas are used and explain how formulas produce outcomes Resource Sample data listing items and costs Given a set of data and a scenario, students must create simple formula (+,,*,/) to process the data Scenario ideas could include calculating the costs of going to: a the hairdressers a party a football match a music concert Using data create a graph to show a representation of the data Sample data to be graphically represented Use different chart types (Pie, bar, line) to show how data can be displayed Students need to choose the correct graph type and correct information to present. Students are to be able to add a title to the graph and a legend/key 12 Skill Standards 7 Enter, develop and refine information using appropriate software to meet the requirements of straightforward tasks Level 1 Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 7.1 Apply editing, formatting and layout techniques to meet needs, including text, tables, graphics, records, numbers, charts, graphs or other digital content 1 lesson Be able to use generic features to enter and format text to enhance presentation: Select, copy, cut and paste, drag and drop, undo, find and replace, zoom, Wordart (or similar) fonts; font/text size style; emboldening, italics, underlining and colour wizards, help, print and print preview; print screen appropriate page layout, margins, headers and footers alignment (horizontal and vertical text) and justification (left/right/full centring), orientation (portrait and landscape), insert, resize and crop images that are fit for purpose (i.e. clipart, photo and scanned images), autoshapes use of above features to develop and refine documents to make improved suitability for a given audience Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Students are shown an example poster, they then discuss the poor features of the poster Resource Example posters Students then edit the poster choosing appropriate software; they must ensure that the software that they choose will enable them to make adequate changes to the poster Changes are then annotated to show how the features used make the poster more appealing Homework: students create a poster to suit a given topic and genre of audience. In class the posters are displayed and peers have to decide the genre or audience 13 Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 7 Enter, develop and refine information using appropriate software to meet the requirements of straightforward tasks 1 lesson Be able to use generic features to enter and format text to enhance presentation: select, copy, cut and paste, drag and drop, undo, find and replace, zoom, Wordart (or similar) fonts; font/text size, style; emboldening, italics, underlining and colour wizards, help, print and print preview; print screen appropriate page layout, margins, headers and footers alignment (horizontal and vertical text) and justification (left/right/full centring), orientation (portrait and landscape), insert, resize and crop images that are fit for purpose (i.e. clipart, photo and scanned images), autoshapes use of above features to develop and refine documents to make improved suitability for a given audience Level 1 7.1 Apply editing, formatting and layout techniques to meet needs, including text, tables, graphics, records, numbers, charts, graphs or other digital content Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Use a table to display numerical information Using different scenarios students manipulated information and data to meet given needs Resource Scenario examples School Canteen (1) List of sold product in a week from the school canteen, the data then needs to be analysed to see the least sold and the most sold in a week in order for the canteen to buy more supplies Figure out the overall cost of the items for the week and how much they have contributed to the overall school canteen income (2) Create a tally chart of the foods that students would like in the school canteen. This is then put into a ranked order and displayed as a chart to be presented to the school canteen manager Music producer As a producer of a band you need to find out information from the Internet about current downloads of popular songs 14 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 9 Use communications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task 1 lesson Privacy settings, avoid disclosure of personal information (both self and others), use of bcc, need to avoid causing offence to others by inappropriate language and/or content Create a presentation on the dangers of displaying personal details on social networking sites Privacy settings, avoid disclosure of personal information (both self and others), use of bcc, need to avoid causing offence to others by inappropriate language and/or content Create an animation on the dangers of social networking using 9 Use communications software tomeet requirements of a straightforward task Level 1 9.2 Demonstrate understanding of the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICTbased communication 9.2 Demonstrate understanding of the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICTbased communication 1 lesson Resource Explain the use of the “report abuse button” that appears on many social networking websites 15 Skill Standards 10 Combine information within a publication for a familiar audience and purpose Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 10.1 For print and for viewing on Screen 1 lesson 10.1 Information types: images, text, numbers, charts information forms: letter, memo, poster, newsletter, leaflet, flyer, presentation Explain the term audience, and then ask the students to look at example posters and try to figure out who the audience is for the poster 10.2 Check for accuracy and meaning 10.2 Check for accuracy and meaning 10.2 Proof reading, spell check, grammar check 10 Combine information within a publication for a familiar audience and purpose 10 Combine information within a publication for a familiar audience and purpose Level 1 10.1 For print and for viewing on screen 1 lesson 10.2 Check for accuracy and meaning 0.5 lesson Resource Example posters Students list the different features that would be needed for different audiences Give each student in the class a different task based around different audiences e.g. Music shop, separate the audiences into Children, Adults and Business, get the students to create posters on topic and audience type. Print out the posters and ask their peers to identify who the target audience is Information types: images, text, numbers, charts information forms: letter, memo, poster, newsletter, leaflet, flyer, presentation Describe the differences between print media and screen based media Proof reading, spell check, grammar check Using 10.1 as a starting point, ask students to create a flyer/poster for a specific audience Students must then create a poster/presentation/memo for a particular audience ensuring that they are aware of the uses of language and use of colour schemes for on screen and paper based media Other students then need to proof read the work annotating any errors Students write down the reasons why it is important to proof read work before it is sent to print 16 Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 1 Identify the ICT requirements of a straightforward task 1.1 Use ICT to plan and organise work 1 lesson A straightforward task would require the candidates to take a step by step approach to produce a simple document using given information Going through an example test paper the students have to decide which software to use for each of the tasks 6 Select information from a variety of ICT sources for a straightforward task 6.1 Recognise and take account of currency, relevance, bias and copyright when selecting and using information Ensure that selected information is appropriate for the purpose intended, that the information is up-to-date (i.e. current), it is relevant for purpose in terms of language and content. Ensure that information used is not biased towards or against a particular point of view. Ensure that copyright is acknowledged as necessary Show students a list of statements where they have to state whether they are fact or opinion Skill Standards Level 1 1 lesson Given a list of information and a scenario, students are to select the most appropriate way to display the information. The students then choose a way to display the data Students find some statements about a topic and cite their sources Students swap facts and sources with others in the group and students have to decide whether the fact is a fact or an opinion of a person Ask students to search for images that have been doctored. Then ask students to comment on images that are in circulation and can they all be trusted Resource Specimen exam papers available at Scenario data topics: List of music tracks Selection of images from a sports event Data relating to a charity car wash List of statements for candidates to review and comment on Example statements: Apple juice is much tastier than orange juice Rugby is a better sport than Football We are sat in school August follows July every year 17 Skill Standards 6 Select information from a variety of ICT sources for a straightforward task 6 Select information from a variety of ICT sources for a straightforward task Level 1 Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Resource 6.1 Recognise and take account of currency, relevance, bias and copyright when selecting and using information 1 lesson Ensure that selected information is appropriate for the purpose intended, that the information is upto-date (i.e. current), it is relevant for purpose in terms of language and content. Ensure that information used is not biased towards or against a particular point of view. Ensure that copyright is acknowledged as necessary Ask students about the use of file sharing networks, put the shoe on the other foot and ask them if they would like to make no money from creating a song or a movie elect_info/copyright/miniwe b/index.htm Ensure that selected information is appropriate for the purpose intended, that the information is upto-date (i.e. current), it is relevant for purpose in terms of language and content. Ensure that information used is not biased towards or against a particular point of view. Ensure that copyright is acknowledged as necessary Dissect a URL into its parts. Stating what the different sections of the URL represent. Web protocol/name of the website /origin of website 6.1 Recognise and take account of currency, relevance, bias and copyright when selecting and using information 1 lesson Using the mini web come up with a 1 page report on the basics of copyright and the common misconceptions of the laws (i.e. using Bluetooth to share a song is legal) What exemptions are there to the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988 Ask the students to search for charity sites, organisations, government and company sites. Students are then to discuss the information that is contained in the websites and comment on its bias and relevance of information Students are given a topic currently in the news and as asked to search how the story has been reported by different media organisations and asked to comment on bias and relevance of information 18 Skill Standards 6 Select information from a variety of ICT sources for a straightforward task 6 Select information from a variety of ICT sources for a straightforward task Level 1 Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 6.1 Recognise and take account of currency, relevance, bias and copyright when selecting and using information 1 lesson Using hot potatoes ( create a mix and match task that gives a basic description of the data types 6.1 Recognise and take account of currency, relevance, bias and copyright when selecting and using information 0.5 lesson Ensure that selected information is appropriate for the purpose intended, that the information is up-to-date (i.e. current), it is relevant for purpose in terms of language and content. Ensure that information used is not biased towards or against a particular point of view. Ensure that copyright is acknowledged as necessary Ensure that selected information is appropriate for the purpose intended, that the information is up-to-date (i.e. current), it is relevant for purpose in terms of language and content. Ensure that information used is not biased towards or against a particular point of view. Ensure that copyright is acknowledged as necessary Resource Given a spreadsheet of data the students must then decide what data types the data fits Create a spreadsheet that will calculate the exchange rate for a set amount of money. Using the correct data types Given a selection of images, the students need to give reasons if the images are copyright Students comment on the use of file sharing websites 19 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 4 Follow and demonstrate understanding of the need for safety and security measures 4.1 Demonstrate how to create, use and maintain secure passwords 1 lesson Verification of new passwords, ways to make the password difficult to guess (use of numerals and other characters), password length, easy to remember Students create podcast on the need to keep passwords strong and secret 9 Use ommunications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task 9.1 Read, send and receive electronic messages with attachments 1 lesson Create, read, reply, forward and delete e-mail messages, use of cc and bcc, use folders including inbox, outbox; junk mail, add and open attachments, contacts and mailing lists, use of instant messaging and social networking Candidates do research on viruses and anti-virus protection software 4 Follow and demonstrate understanding of the need for safety and security measures 4.2 Demonstrate how to minimise the risk of computer viruses 1 lesson Anti-virus measures (antivirus and anti-spy software), treating files from unknown sources (unfamiliar e-mail address, unknown pen drives) with caution Students create a presentation showing how to treat files received as e-mail attachments from unknown sources to reduce the chances of getting a computer virus Skill Standards Level 1 Resource Sound recording equipment Homework: students come up with a poster design to highlight the need for strong passwords. The posters need to focus on a particular audience e.g. for a business user or for a parent or child Using e-mail software students start a discussion about the: use of e-mails and how they can spread a computer virus. Sending e-mail to multiple recipients using CC and BCC Video recording equipment Create a Video discussing the ways to keep your computer safe from viruses 20 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 9 Use communications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task 9.1 Read, send and receive electronic messages with attachments 1 lesson Create, read, reply, forward and delete e-mail messages, use of cc and bcc, use folders including inbox, outbox; junk mail, add and open attachments, contacts and mailing lists, use of instant messaging and social networking Use of language on e-mails and how this can affect the meaning of the message 2 Interact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context 2.2 Select and use interface features effectively to meet needs 1 lesson Use GUI features: Icon Menu Submenu Pointer Buttons Hyperlinks hotspots, Window window operations (open/close, minimise, maximize, restore, resize), toolbar scrollbar dialogue box drag and drop Create a mind map on the available features of: DTP Word processing Spreadsheet Database Level 1 Resource For example: USING CAPITAL LETTERS Excessive use of punctuation Using font colours and highlighting to focus reads attention Create a presentation on how to use e-mail and the risks of junk mail. Homework: Research the use of screen readers for computer users with disabilities 21 Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 9 Use communications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task 1 lesson Create, read, reply, forward and delete email messages, use of cc and bcc, use folders including inbox, outbox; junk mail, add and open attachments, contacts and mailing lists, use of instant messaging and social networking 9.1 Read, send and receive electronic messages with attachments Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Using AQA Web and e-mail demo show students how to create folders and move items in to the appropriate folders Resource AQA Web and e-mail demo available at How to send e-mails to multiple recipients Differences between junk and unsafe e-mails and knowing how to deal with them How to print off e-mails to show evidence Homework: Students comment on junk e-mail and scam e-mails. Giving details of what they are and how they are distributed 8 Use appropriate software to meet requirements of straightforward data-handling task Level 1 8.3 Use field names and data types to organise information 2 lessons Field (column) and record (row), field names, key field (unique), primary key, file; insert/delete field/ record, data types including text, currency and number, percentages and number of decimal places Recap on data types Using database software show the students how to create a simple table, where the data types relate to the field heading Given a scenario, students populate a database with data (adding information) Sample database Sample data for a Database Data files from past question papers available at Database scenarios: Book list DVD list Customer database Stock database Introduction into queries (sorting data) 22 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 8 Use appropriate software to meet requirements of straightforward data-handling task 1 lesson Enter and edit field contents in a table format, search criteria including relational operators ‘greater than’, ‘less than’, ‘equals’ and ‘contains’, sort in ascending/ descending order Show the students a list of 20+ names/ addresses. Then ask the students to find a record quickly Enter and edit field contents in a table format, search criteria including relational operators ‘greater than’, ‘less than’, ‘equals’ and ‘contains’, sort in ascending/ descending order Given a database, the students have to search, edit and delete data. (use exam scenarios) 8 Use appropriate software to meet requirements of straightforward data-handling task Level 1 8.4 Enter, search, sort and edit records 8.4 Enter, search, sort and edit records 0.5 lesson Explain queries and how they are able to sort through the data in a click of a button. Show select queries and how they can help narrow down a search Link queries with reports. Using the worksheet ask students to create reports for a giving scenario Resource Worksheet containing a list of reports to be created Sample database Sample data for a Database Database scenarios: Book list DVD List Customer database Stock database Past Functional Skills question papers available from Secure Key Materials Students show through screen shots the results from performing queries/searches 23 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 10 Combine information within a publication for a familiar audience and purpose 11 Evaluate own Use of ICT tools 10.2 Check for accuracy and meaning 0.5 lesson Proof reading, spell check, grammar check Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Give students two documents related to the same topic that have errors in, with regards to continuity of data, spelling and grammar Resource Sample documents Corrections for errors Ask the candidates to highlight the errors and offer possible solutions 11.1 At each stage of a task and at the task’s completion 1 lesson Effectiveness to meet needs in terms of: time, convenience, quality of presentation and cost Discuss the term audience, and what each audience will require for the example presentation to be effective Make notes on effective presentations that have to meet the needs of a specific audience Example presentations Example audiences Bank Manager Managing directors Primary school pupils Daily commuters in a train station Homework: Create a presentation for Primary school pupils on the use of water. Think about language to be used, images and relevancy of content. Candidates asked to identify where in their presentation they have tailoring the work to meet the needs of audience and if they could offer improvements to their work Level 1 24 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 3 Manage information storage 3.1 Work with files, folders and other media to access, organise, store, label and retrieve information 9.2 Demonstrate understanding of the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICTbased communication 0.5 lesson File management of: folders, subfolders, filenames, save, save as, open, close, rename, delete, move, copy Given a set of files and folders, students are to move the files into suitable folders. Students discuss the need for sensible file names 1 lesson Privacy settings, avoid disclosure of personal information (both self and others), use of bcc, need to avoid causing offence to others by inappropriate language and/or content Discuss as a class what personal details are and how they can be obtained via different social networking sites 8.1 and 8.2 1 lesson Formulae: +, - , * , / functions: SUM, graph/chart creation to suit numerical information (bar chart, pie chart, single line graph, and the use of a title, axis title and key/legend, choice of size and position of graph/chart to be fit for purpose Searching and sorting information within a spreadsheet 9 Use communications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task 8 Use appropriate software to meet requirements of straightforward data-handling task Level 1 8.1 Process numerical data 8.2 Display numerical data in a graphical format Resource Worksheet of sample files and folders Students create a wallet sized card with handy hints and tips to keep safe to hand out to new students at the school Sample spreadsheet data Using simple formula and functions to calculate a task Sort data within the spreadsheet 25 Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 8 Use appropriate software to meet requirements of straightforward data-handling task 8.1 Process numerical data 1 lesson 2 Interact with and Use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve straightforward problems Formulae: +, - , * , / functions: SUM graph/chart creation to suit numerical information (bar chart, pie chart, single line graph, and the use of a title, axis title and key/legend, choice of size and position of graph/chart to be fit for purpose Select appropriate software from a range of applications including word processing, spread sheet, data handling, DTP, graphics, presentation, web browser and search engine and e-mail packages and use them to complete straightforward tasks 11 Evaluate own use of ICT tools 8.2 Display numerical data in a graphical format 11.1 At each stage of a task and at the task’s completion 1 lesson Effectiveness to meet needs in terms of: time, convenience, quality of presentation and cost Level 1 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Resource Searching for numerical information from the web. Accounting for relevance of search results and bias of information, display the information in an appropriate graphical form Using DTP software to create a flyer/poster for a given topic. Students have to choose the software that they will need to use to create an effective poster/flyer. Students then evaluate their poster/flyer against the topic criteria Example topics: Road safety School disco Sponsored event Students discuss the need for printing on A5/4 and in colour and black and white Students also evaluate their own work and suggest ways it could be improved 26 Coverage and Skill Standards Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 1 Identify the ICT requirements of a straightforward task 1 lesson A straightforward task would require the candidates to take a step by step approach to produce a simple document using given information 11 Evaluate own use of ICT tools Culmination of all of the skill standards Level 1 1.1 Use ICT to plan and organise work 11.1 At each stage of a task and at the task’s completion All Students can ready themselves for the examination Effectiveness to meet needs in terms of: time, convenience, quality of presentation and cost Go through the specimen exam papers to understand the terminology used within the exam questions Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Resource Exam preparation – dissecting the exam questions. Going through the exam papers and highlighting the information needed to complete the task Specimen exam paper Past exam papers Specimen exam paper Past exam papers Report on the Examination 27 Level 2 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 3 Manage information storage to enable efficient retrieval 3.1 Manage files, folders and other media storage to enable efficient information retrieval 1 lesson Have a practical understanding of file management of folders, subfolders, filenames, file types, paths, create new file, save, save as, open, close, rename and delete Understand the importance of good housekeeping, e.g. folder/file names Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Creation and maintenance of folders and organisation of files, on different storage media. For example USB flash memory/internal/external hard drive. Suitability of file names. Identifying different applications via their file extensions Hide and seek file and folder game, where a file is saved to a cryptic location and the students have to find it using clues. From this the students then write a passage about the importance of saving files and folders Students use the structure created in the worksheet. Set a task asking them to save a document into a particular area, create new folders and move documents. Students should provide a screen print as evidence Level 2 Resource Example storage devices such as CD-ROMs with varying volumes, USB flash drives (memory sticks) SD and XD cards Worksheet: Ask candidates to create a folder structure (including subfolders) to store their documents for their subject/qualifications. e.g. a candidate could include a top folder: Functional Skills, with folders below: Functional ICT, Functional Maths and Functional English. Within each subfolder candidates could screenshot and print each folder to show how they save and name their files 28 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 8 Use communicatio ns software to meet requirements of a complex task 8.3 Understand the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication 1 lesson Understand the necessity for responsible use and staying safe when using ICTbased communication Understand nondisclosure of personal information, not opening or forwarding e-mails/files from unknown sources and not clicking on unknown web links 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts Level 2 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 0.5 lesson Using a nonfamiliar scenario identify which application would be most appropriate to perform a job Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Create an e-safety mind map showing the dangers and precautionary measures to safeguard online activities ( Create a presentation on the dangers of displaying personal details on social networking sites. Explain and demonstrate the use of the “report abuse button” that appears on many social networking websites Resource Create an animation on the dangers of social networking using Scratch software – make a game ( ‘Hot potato’ quiz: In scenario X, which software application would you use? Students list the software features of programs, giving pros and cons of each program Scenario Ideas: Music festival Scuba diving centre Greengrocers Seaside hotel 29 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 0.5 lesson Using a nonfamiliar scenario identify which application would be most appropriate to perform a job Using a Functional Skills example DTP exam question ask the students to choose the correct software to create a logo or flyer for the given scenario Specimen papers available from 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 1 lesson Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Using a non-familiar scenario identify which application would be most appropriate to perform a job Worksheet with example software choices and tasks that need to be matched-up Using the worksheet, students choose a suitable software option giving reasons for their choice Scenario ideas: (1) Music festival organisation, from the design of the adverts to the creation of budgets and banking proposals for a loan for the festival, communication to bands and other festival organisers (2) Dentist appointment booking. Web based booking forms, e-mail communications and database of clients Level 2 Look at 2.1 and 2.2 holistically and set a scenario. From this, students choose suitable software and then describe how it would be used it to complete the scenario (by outcome) Resource Past question papers available from Secure Key Materials 30 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 4 Use appropriate search techniques to locate and select relevant information 4.1 Search engines, queries and AND/NOT/OR, >, <, >=, <=, contains, begins with, use of wild cards 1 lesson Identify Internet search engines and search within software Understand the need for precision in framing questions and when translating enquiries expressed in ordinary language into a form required by a search engine Use and refine search conditions, when designing queries, to select relevant information using multiple search criteria and relational operators Level 2 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Resource Identify a variety of search engines Competition to see who can find the contact details of the neighbouring 3 schools Carry out different searches on the Internet using: AND/NOT/OR, >, <, >=, <=, contains, begins with, use of wild cards Use of key words and quotation marks around phrases Such as: Punk hairstyles Egg and chips Chips and egg Use find and replace in word processing 31 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.2 Select and use a range of interface features and system facilities effectively to meet needs 1 lesson Provide students with descriptions of GUI and Menu User Interface and examples of each Ask students to look at the worksheet and suggest the reason for the graphic e.g. Log in/off screen, desktop icons print menu, page orientation Students to research real life examples of the use of each type of interface, e.g. PC, mobile phone, PDA, cash point etc Resource Worksheet of common GUI features Students to produce a presentation to explain to novice ICT users what GUI features are and how to adjust the settings (incorporating some of 2.3 also) Use Page Setup, Print Preview and Print dialogue boxes efficiently 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.3 Select and adjust system settings as appropriate to individual needs 1 lesson Explain how to select, use and adjust user interface features/system features to meet the needs of the user Understand GUI customisation Discuss what has become the “norm” with regards to GUI , e.g. envelope sign for e-mail and red cross in the top left to exit the program Report on why users would need to enlarge the font on the screen or adjust the volume Suggest different scenarios where users would have to change Interface features Report on why user interfaces have changed Level 2 32 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.4 Respond to ICT problems and take appropriate action 1.5 lessons Know the correct procedures to start/shut down, be aware of problems that may occur if shut down is inappropriate Be familiar with common ICT problems and know the appropriate way to deal with them. (Error messages, software freeze, full storage facilities, paper jam, uninstalling software etc) Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Class discussion about common ICT Faults Mind map (brainstorm) the discussion Resource Expose students to a variety of ICT problems, and possible solutions, and encourage them to be able to match the correct solution to problem. For example, ‘memory full’, ‘screen is fuzzy’, ‘computer freezes’ or ‘number pad is not working’ Identify a range of help facilities, e.g. ICT and non-ICT support, Technician etc. Ask the students to research the help files that are located within a piece of software and suggest how helpful they are at solving the issue Identify procedures to be followed when problems arise on a home/school/office PC and the appropriate help available in each situation Run as an introductory lesson including Health & Safety then ask students to produce a poster outlining what to do when encountering problems Level 2 33 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.4 Respond to ICT problems and take appropriate action 1 lesson Be familiar with common ICT problems and know the appropriate way to deal with them. (Error messages, software freeze, full storage facilities, paper jam, uninstalling software) Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Resource Students produce a poster showing what to do if the printer is out of paper or ink Extend this by asking students, in groups, to produce a set of ICT ‘problem and solution’ posters Possible problems Computer freezing Fuzzy Screen Program not loading USB memory pen not responding Students produce a problem solving user guide 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts Level 2 2.4 Respond to ICT problems and take appropriate action 1 lesson Be familiar with common ICT problems and know the appropriate way to deal with them. (Error messages, software freeze, full storage facilities, paper jam, uninstalling software Mix and match quiz putting the right problem with its solution e.g. Printer not printing – Check for a paper jam Software freeze - Close down open applications to free internal memory (Crossword, Word search mix and match making freeware) Describe the data loss that can happen with software malfunctions Demonstrate to the students how to defragment a hard drive (premade video/screen shots) students the comment on the benefits of defragmenting the hard drive 34 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Outcomes Timing Students Will… 7 Use appropriate software to meet the requirements of a complex data-handling task 7.1 Process and analyse numerical data 7.2 Display numerical data in appropriate graphical format 1 lesson Understand use of tables and formulae Use graphical representation of data – selecting the appropriate information for the graph for the situation. Use of graph title, axis titles, legend etc Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Use a table to display numerical information for a given scenario Resource Example scenario: School Canteen (1) List of sold products in a week from the school canteen, the data then needs to be analysed to see the least sold and the most sold in a week in order for the canteen to buy more supplies Calculate the overall cost of the items for the week and how much they have contributed to the overall school canteen income (2) Create a tally chart of the foods that students would like in the school canteen This is then put into a ranked order and displayed as a chart to be presented to the school canteen manager (3) Use spreadsheet to calculate salt content in different types of foods (link to task in 6.1) Music producer (1) Find out information from the Internet about current downloads of popular songs (2) Add the song title, artist and amount of times downloaded into a spreadsheet (3) Using the rank formula state which is the most downloaded song, using the MIN/MAX formula find out the highest and lowest total of downloads and the AVERAGE to find out the average song download (4) Find the maximum and minimum value in a list, and the average value Level 2 35 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 8 Use communicatio ns software to meet requirements of a complex task 8.3 Understand the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication 1 lesson Understand Health and Safety issues – regular breaks, trailing wires, Spam, phishing Using browse to the GCSE ICT new topics section and use the health and safety mini web to create a poster regarding the correct posture and working conditions that all users of computers should adhere to Level 2 Resource Digital cameras Using a digital camera take pictures around the school to highlight examples of good and bad practice. Describe the good practice and what this entails and make a brief report on the bad practice with suggestions on how this can be resolved 36 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 6 Enter, develop and refine information using appropriate software to meet requirements of a complex task 6.1 Apply a range of editing, formatting and layout techniques to meet needs, including text, tables, graphics, records, numerical data, charts, graphs or other digital content 2 lessons Use generic features to enter and format text to maximise clarity and enhance presentation: Select/copy/cut/paste Font/text size/style/colour Drag and drop Undo and redo Find and replace Zoom Wordart (or similar) Wizards Help Print/print preview Appropriate page layout Margins Headers and footers Alignment/justification/orientation/wrap text Page breaks/page numbering Templates Insert text boxes Obtain Insert Resize/shading Crop and position images fit for purpose Autoshapes Place behind and in front of objects Students are given a scenario and asked to present numerical information given in a table. The information is be made attractive, catches the attention of a specific audience Possible scenario Students are asked to create a brief report requesting permission to hold a student Christmas party/Halloween party/leaving party/school trip. Information provided may include ticket price, location, date, number of tickets available, details of items to be bought/hired (food, drink, bus hire) etc. The report is to outline the proposal so that the audience (Head Teacher) can see what costs are involved with the event in order to decide if it can proceed Alternative options could involve students using a digital camera to take some images of the school. Transfer the images from the device onto a computer ready for editing Edit the images to show the school in a different situation e.g. add in images from the Internet to make a. surreal school (futuristic cars, snakes appearing from around corners) give the image a title to suit the final image Describe the changes that have been made to the original images stating what techniques have been used. Suggest improvements to the images giving valid reasons Use of above features to develop and refine documents to make improved suitability for a given audience Level 2 Resource Digital cameras Image editing software 37 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 5 Select information from a variety of sources to meet requirements of a complex task 5.1 Recognise and take account of copyright and other constraints on the use of information 1 lesson Identify the copyright symbol Select images from the Web ensuring that they are copyright free Using the mini web come up with a 1 page report on the basics of copyright and the common misconceptions of the laws (e.g. using Bluetooth to share a song is legal) 5 Select information from a variety of sources to meet requirements of a complex task 5.2 Evaluate fitness for purpose of information Understand the importance of copyright (Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) and the principles of The Data Protection Act 1998 when collecting, storing and transferring data Identify and evaluate the fitness for purpose of information in terms of relevance, accuracy and currency of information and consider the intention and authority of the provider 1 lesson Be aware of bias when looking for information and be able to discriminate between fact and opinion Level 2 Resource t_info/copyright/miniweb/ m Create a mini fact file on the ICT laws (e.g. DPA, Computer Misuse Act) using pirate software, songs and movies as examples Using the worksheet, get the class to decide in pairs or small groups whether the information shared is true or false Select data from the Internet that is correct but out of date, get the class to explain why the data is not relevant at the current time Examples, smoking statistics, regional crime figures, election poll results Create a presentation on a topic that is controversial (global warming) Students must give an unbiased account of the topic, sourcing the websites that they have used Students in the class could be split into two groups, one half in favour, the other against a point of view and asked to highlight information can be found to support any argument Worksheet giving example information that contains: - obviously true information - obviously false information - information that is open to interpretation 38 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 7 Use appropriate software to meet the requirements of a complex data-handling task 7.3 Use appropriate field names and data types to organise information 1 lesson Understand database structure using relevant field headings (content and size) 4 Use appropriate search techniques to locate and select relevant information Understand and use appropriate data types for each field including: text, number, date/time; number formats including currency, percentages and number of decimal places 4.1 Search engines, queries and AND/NOT/OR, >, <, >=, <=, contains, begins with, use of wild cards 0.5 lesson Use and refine search conditions, when designing queries, to select relevant information using multiple search criteria and relational operators Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Mix and match data types quiz Set up a database with a variety of different field types Students complete the following for a variety of scenarios: create database create records edit records delete records improve presentation create reports Resource (Crossword, Word search mix and match making freeware) Scenarios: Bike Repair shop Bouncy Castle hire Kinaesthetic activities around sorting Using a database create a list of stock Students search the stock for specific items January 2011 past question paper data files contain a list of stock that could be used in the scenario Wild cards (Mc*) can be used to show students how searches operate with regards to search criteria This can be found in Secure Key Materials Describe how this helps in professions such as Police force, number plate partials Level 2 39 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 4 Use appropriate search techniques to locate and select relevant information 4.1 Search engines, queries and AND/NOT/OR, >, <, >=, <=, contains, begins with, use of wild cards 1 lesson Use and refine search conditions, when designing queries, to select relevant information using multiple search criteria and relational operators Compare search engines when searching for a local charity or service in the local area 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.5 Understand the danger of computer viruses and how to minimise risk 1 lesson Understand the damage caused to work/computers through the transmission of viruses and spyware, and the importance of following the correct procedures to prevent transmission Understand the use of anti-virus and anti-spyware tools Level 2 Resource Using an Internet search provider search using wild cards e.g. Mc*, results are for M.C. Esher, McDonald’s and MC Hammer Sample search criteria and suggest what the results might be Use the wild card search criteria to show the actual results Discuss in groups the meaning of computer viruses and Trojan horses Report on the preventative measures regarding viruses Describe the risks of downloading viruses and spyware from the Internet niweb/index.htm se/guides/virus-protection Produce a leaflet for a given audience outlining the risks and solutions. Audiences might be primary school, employees of a business, ‘silver surfers’, etc Describe prevention measures: avoidance, virus and spyware detection software Homework: Students find out what types of anti-virus protection are used amongst peers (this could also be a class topic, create tally charts and graphs based on the results). Students list known anti-virus software, giving full names of the products available 40 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 1 lesson Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Using published materials on Internet safety, create a presentation on how to keep personal data safe when online 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 1 lesson Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Create a handbook on using e-mails. This must be simple to understand and include screen shots of how to: Send e-mails Check sent e-mails Reply to e-mails Forward e-mails Send e-mails to multiple recipients Attach a document to an e-mail 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 1 lesson Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Using e-mail software send e-mails to CC and BCC recipients Level 2 Resource es/protecting-personal-info Homework: Discuss the reasons why many people have their identities stolen Using screen shots from e-mail software; explain using appropriate language for a CEO of a large (music) company the terms CC and BCC Consider how mass mail-outs are completed by major companies and stay within the Data Protection Act rules 41 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 8 Use communications software to meet requirements of a complex task 8.1 Organise electronic messages, attachments and contacts 1 lesson Create folders within e-mail software which should be named appropriately with identifiable paths Organise e-mail so that e-mails related to a particular topic or person are stored in personal folders Resource Know how junk mail is selected and check that all mail in the junk mail folder is junk Look at 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 holistically – ensure students have access to lots of messages 9 Combine and present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience Also links to 10 Evaluate the selection, use and effectiveness of ICT tools and facilities used to present information Level 2 9.1 Organise and integrate information of different types to achieve a purpose, using accepted layouts and conventions as appropriate Also links to 10.1 At each stage of a task and at the task’s completion 1.5 lessons Incorporate specific information from a variety of applications into one document – following a house style Show evidence of use of correctly named folders within e-mail software (e.g. quarantine) to help organise e-mails stored Students produce a list of required items that would make a poster for a given scenario successful Using a bank of statements and images students are to select information appropriate to the task Students then create a poster using the required items as guide. Students should then evaluate their work based on the required items Example scenarios: Horse riding school Surf school Health and beauty shop Local walk leaders Sports shop sale Data files from past question papers could be used 42 Skill Standards 9 Combine and present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience Coverage and Range 9.2 Work accurately and check accuracy, using software facilities where appropriate 9 Combine and present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience 9.2 Work accurately and check accuracy, using software facilities where appropriate Also links to 10 Evaluate the selection, use and effectiveness of ICT tools and facilities used to present information Also links to 10.1 At each stage of a task and at the task’s completion Level 2 Sugg ested Timin g 1 lesson 1 lesson Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Resource Homework tasks Understand that work is reviewed and modified as it is produced, using drafts, to ensure it is fit for purpose and that the meaning is clear. Methods should cover both manual and automated verification – proof reading, spelling and grammar check Have a bank of statements and ask students to proof read to find mistakes Students should eliminate spelling and grammar errors in a document Understand that work is reviewed and modified as it is produced, using drafts, to ensure it is fit for purpose and that the meaning is clear. Methods should cover both manual and automated verification – proof reading, spelling and grammar check Bank of statements The document includes errors that need to be eliminated by proof reading, for example uses ‘there’ instead of ‘their’ Given a topic, students are to produce a presentation for Key Stage 5 students. Homework: students are to list the changes to their presentation if the audience were to be Key Stage 2 students Create a poster on a given topic. Name the poster Version 1 Projector (optional) Send the poster to another person in the class. Students are to then modify the poster, save as Version 2. This process can be repeated 4/5 times Teacher to display the original poster alongside the final edited version Discussion groups can ascertain the need for drafting work and how making versions can eliminate major losses of work Students are to also evaluate the changes made to determine if the effectiveness of the changes made to present the information 43 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 3 Manage information storage to enable efficient retrieval 3.1 Manage files, folders and other media storage to enable efficient information retrieval 1 lesson Understand the importance of ‘backup’ and keeping this safe to reinstate corrupted/lost work State the need for backups 8 Use communicatio ns software to meet requirements of a complex task 8.2 Use collaborative tools appropriately 1 lesson Use scenarios to suggest how different documents should be stored Resource Example scenarios: Accounts Coursework Shopping lists Identify appropriate media and be aware of their storage capabilities Use collaborative features of communications software including forward, attachments, mailing lists, use of instant messaging and social networking After researching shared workspace such as Metacafe, YouTube and MySpace. Suggest the implications of using and sharing information on such sites m/promotion/web20/ Research blogs (weblogs) and suggest their use in the everyday life Students explore in groups the question “why might using blogs and social networking be harmful to your career” 8 Use communicatio ns software to meet requirements of a complex task Level 2 8.2 Use collaborative tools appropriately 1 lesson Use collaborative features of communications software including forward, attachments, mailing lists, use of instant messaging and social networking Discuss how people globally share ideas over the web Students then report on how these ways of communicating can be sabotaged by others Display the DPA principles, students are to then discuss how the principles may be breached by the use of such collaborative technologies 44 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 8 Use communicatio ns software to meet requirements of a complex task 8.2 Use collaborative tools appropriately 1 lesson Use collaborative features of communications software including forward, attachments, mailing lists, use of instant messaging and social networking Terms Glossary. Give the students a set of terms that will be used in the lesson: Data Security Database Firewall Network Hackers Crackers 9 Combine and present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience 9.1 Organise and integrate information of different types to achieve a purpose, using accepted layouts and conventions as appropriate 1 lesson Incorporate specific information from a variety of applications into one document – follow house-style Resource (online computer dictionary) Scenario where top security details are held on a networked computer. Research the security measures to be put into place to ensure that the data is not unlawfully accessed Produce a report on a given topic Insert Graphics from a spreadsheet Insert relevant data from a spreadsheet or database Produce a presentation with a consistent layout throughout, incorporating information from a spreadsheet. Images must have relevance to the presentation and be formatted to create continuity Import data from a database or spreadsheet into a wordprocessor and format data into a particular house-style Create a poster on drugs and/or alcohol awareness for a given audience (links to other subjects e.g. PHSE) Show evidence of consistency across business documents created for a project, with an easily identified house-style Level 2 45 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 1 Plan solutions to complex tasks by analysing the necessary stages 1.1 Use ICT to plan and analyse complex or multistep tasks and activities and to make decisions about suitable approaches 1 lesson Use computer facilities to plan and alert user when these dates/appointments are approaching Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Resource Use calendars/diaries on the computer Gantt chart software (optional) Produce a simple Gantt chart Diagramming software (optional) Possible scenario The building of a house is planned out to ensure that all of the components of the house build are sequential Create a Gantt chart in spreadsheet software with stacked bar charts Produce a flow chart/diagram of the key steps involved Through a scenario, e.g. travel agent – give students a task and ask them to plan how they would go about planning a foreign trip/holiday for a customer Birthday Calendar, where birthdays are reminded 5 days before the date Level 2 46 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Outcomes Timing Students Will… 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 0.5 lesson 10 Also links to 10 Evaluate the selection, use and effectiveness of ICT tools and facilities used to present information Also links to 10.1 At each stage of a task and at the task’s completion 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 0.5 lesson Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Given a poster students must ascertain what formatting features have been used to make the poster look effective Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Given an unformatted spreadsheet students must format the spreadsheet to look effective, data types and font and cell formatting Resource Then suggest features that would also enhance the poster Add in simple formula to make the spreadsheet effective Add a chart to graphically display the data Level 2 47 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 0.5 lesson Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Given a set of data students must make a table that suits the data types and formats 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 0.5 lesson Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Using the AQA Web and e-mail demo or past question papers, present students with a set of e-mails in an inbox. They need sorting into their respectful folders Level 2 Resource Students then add data to ensure that the types they have used fit the given data Past exam papers using the AQA Web and e-mail demo Students either junk/delete/quarantine/ keep e-mails based on the subject line content or the Sender 48 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 0.5 lesson Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Search using a browser to find information on a given topic 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.4 Respond to ICT problems and take appropriate action 1 lesson Know the correct procedures to start/shut down, be aware of problems that may occur if shut down is inappropriate Discuss as a class the advantages of using a computer over manual methods in a list of areas (e.g. in businesses, in the home etc) 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts Level 2 Be familiar with common ICT problems and know the appropriate way to deal with them. (Error messages, software freeze, full storage facilities, paper jam, uninstalling software etc) 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 0.5 lesson Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Resource E-mail the found information to a peer. The peer checks the plausibility/bias of the information and check against the topic brief Then discuss the limitations of using a computer Students prepare a presentation on correct computer use, shutdown, logging on and common computer faults and their solutions Homework: make a list of tasks that have been automated using technology around the home Given a list of programs and a list of tasks students match-up the tasks that would be completed by each of the software 49 Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in nonroutine and unfamiliar contexts 2.2 Select and use a range of interface features and system facilities effectively to meet needs 0.5 lesson Define an interface and its corresponding features. Desktop, windows, controls (mouse/keyboard) Describe to a novice audience the use of an interface and the reasons for a desktop and desktop icons 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in nonroutine and unfamiliar contexts 2.5 Understand the danger of computer viruses and how to minimise risk 1 lesson Understand the damage caused to work/computers through the transmission of viruses and spyware, and the importance of following the correct procedures to prevent transmission Discuss the risks of being sent e-mail with attachments Level 2 Resource Report on the procedures with screen shots as evidence what steps should be taken to prevent the transmission of viruses through e-mail Discuss the use of spyware and how they are deployed through websites Evidence with screenshots the ways that some Internet search engines suggest if a website is safe to visit 50 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Outcomes Timing Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 5 Select information from a variety of sources to meet requirements of a complex task 3 Manage information storage to enable efficient retrieval 5.1 Recognise and take account of copyright and other constraints on the use of information 0.5 lesson Identify the copyright symbol Understand the importance of copyright (Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) and the principles of The Data Protection Act 1998 when collecting, storing and transferring data Display a series of images and students have to assess if the images can be used on a publication. Students must state the reasons why images should not be used e.g. if the image has a watermark over the top Sample Images 3.1 Manage files, folders and other media storage to enable efficient information retrieval 0.5 lesson Have a practical understanding of file management of folders, subfolders, filenames, file types, paths, create new file, save, save as, open, close, rename and delete Display a series of file extensions. Students decide which program will open the file. Note to students that some files can be opened by several programs. e.g. BMP can be opened with MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Fireworks Sample Files with different extensions Resource Discuss the naming conventions used e.g. .doc .docx Students try to open files with different software 3 Manage information storage to enable efficient retrieval Level 2 3.1 Manage files, folders and other media storage to enable efficient information retrieval 0.5 lesson Have a practical understanding of file management of folders, subfolders, filenames, file types, paths, create new file, save, save as, open, close, rename and delete Set a task where folders have to be moved, renames and deleted and new pathways created. Students show via screen shots how they have renamed and created the folder structures in the task Sample files 51 Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.1 Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems 0.5 lesson Use a range of applications. For example word processing, spreadsheet, database, browser, e-mail, graphic editor and multimedia editor Adapt an A4 poster to make a pair of A5 flyers State what has been adapted to suit the new size of the flyer 8 Use communications software to meet requirements of a complex task 8.3 Understand the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication 1 lesson Understand Health and Safety issues – regular breaks, trailing wires, Spam, phishing Using images from the Internet (or from earlier lessons) to illustrate the point, create a poster that shows correct procedure when using a computer daily Skill Standards 10 Also links to 10 Evaluate the selection, use and effectiveness of ICT tools and facilities used to present information Level 2 Resource Evaluate the poster based on the images used and the application features that have been applied Also links to 10.1 At each stage of a task and at the task’s completion 52 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks 9 Combine and present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience 9.1 Organise and integrate information of different types to achieve a purpose, using accepted layouts and conventions as appropriate 7.4 Analyse and draw conclusions from a data set by searching, sorting and editing records 1 lesson Incorporate specific information from a variety of applications into one document – follow housestyle Create a set of business documents for a new company. Business documents to be created: Business card Letter header Compliments slip 7 Use appropriate software to meet the requirements of a complex data-handling task Resource All documents must follow the same (consistent) layout and colour schemes 1 lesson Manipulate a database using; sort (ascending and descending order on one or more field) search criteria (relational operators such as greater than, less than, equals, contains, wildcard and multiple search criteria such as logical operators AND and OR) Using a set of data the students must search for specific records, based on a given set of instructions ‘Find the thief’ game Using a database of people with headings such as hair colour, eye colour, height and tattoos make a list of features that will find the thief Students then make up a set of instructions themselves for others to find the thief Add, delete or edit records as appropriate Level 2 53 Skill Standards Coverage and Range Suggested Timing Outcomes Students Will… 2 Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts 2.5 Understand the danger of computer viruses and how to minimise risk 1 lesson Understand the damage caused to work/computers through the transmission of viruses and spyware, and the importance of following the correct procedures to prevent transmission Possible Teaching and Learning Activities and Homework tasks Animate a series of photos that show how to minimise the risk of opening emails from unknown senders or that contain attachments Resource Digital camera This can be done by adding captions to images on presentation software Copyright © 2013 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. Level 2 54