Chapter 7.1 Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly The Continuum of the Market Structure Monopoly n=1 No of firms, n n small Oligopoly Perfect Competition n=infinity n large Monopolistic Competition MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION • Assumptions of monopolistic competition • Each firm sells a different variety or brand (think of coke or restaurants) • There are many firms – Act independently – ignore others’ reactions • Freedom of Entry and Exit • There is Symmetry – New firms affect all old ones equally MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION • Equilibrium: – short run Suppose we consider the case of demand for eating out. The ‘Industry’ Demand Curve looks like this £ Ps O Qs Q Suppose we consider the case of demand for eating out. £ What about an individual restaurant? It is further in Ps and flatter Why? O Qs Q Suppose we consider the case of demand for eating out. Each restaurant type has a share of the industry But knows that it can only vary its price a little £ Ps O Qs Q Suppose we consider the case of demand for eating out. £ Ps O What if a new competitor appears? Getting closer and closer to Perfect Competition Qs Demand line shifts in more and flattens more Q So now suppose we have a firm like the blue line … and this restaurant is doing well in the short-run £ Ps O Qs Q Let’s make the picture bigger £ Ps AR = D MR O Qs Q Let’s make the picture bigger £ MC AC Ps AR = D MR O Qs Q Short-run equilibrium of the firm under monopolistic competition £ MC AC Ps ACs AR = D MR O Qs Q Short-run equilibrium £ MC AC Ps ACs AR = D MR O Qs Q New Firms enter What happens now? £ MC What happens to D? So P and Q down AC P1 ACs D MR O Qs Q New Firms enter What happens now? £ MC What happens to D? So P and Q down AC ACs D And Supernormal Profits down MR O Qs Q New Firms enter What happens now? £ MC What happens to D? So P and Q down AC ACs D And Supernormal Profits down MR O Qs Q What Happens Next? • Still Super-Normal Profits • So firms keep entering • P keeps falling and Super-normal profits keep falling until…. • In the LR • AR = AC and there are no supernormal profits £ Long-run equilibrium of the firm under monopolistic competition LRMC LRAC PL ARL = DL MRL O QL Q NOTICE: • AR (=D) curve still slopes down • So not in perfectly competitive case • Firms have market power (can choose price and quantity), but…. • Competition is such that this power is illusory (in the long run) MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION • Limitations of the model – imperfect information about profits and demand – difficulty in identifying industry demand curve – indivisibilities/local monopolies – importance of non-price competition Variety Advertising MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION •The public interest –comparison with perfect competition; PRODUCTION WILL NOT OCCUR WHERE LRAC IS AT ITS MINIMUM (unlike perfect competition which is efficient) Long run equilibrium under perfect and monopolistic competition (with decreasing or constant returns to scale) £ LRAC P1 DL under perfect competition O Q1 Q Long run equilibrium under perfect and monopolistic competition (with decreasing or constant returns to scale) £ LRAC P2 P1 DL under perfect competition DL under monopolistic competition O Q2 Q1 Q The Continuum of the Market Structure Monopoly n=1 No of firms, n n small Oligopoly Perfect Competition n=infinity n large Monopolistic Competition OLIGOPOLY • Key features of oligopoly – barriers to entry – interdependence of firms – ~What’s he up to? – incentives to compete versus incentives to collude Day 1: Suppose initially Monopoly firm in the Industry £ To make life simple suppose P=200-Q is the demand curve D O Q Suppose initially Monopoly firm in the Industry £ 200 To make life simple suppose P=200-Q is the demand curve, And MC are zero What is the MR curve? D O 200 Q Suppose initially Monopoly firm in the Industry £ 200 P=200-Q TR= P*Q TR=[200-Q]*Q TR=200Q-Q2 MR=200-2Q D O 200 Q Suppose initially Monopoly firm in the Industry £ P=200-Q 200 TR= P*Q TR=[200-Q]*Q TR=200Q-Q2 MR=200-2Q If MR = 0, 200=2Q MR O 100 D MC 200 Q Suppose initially Monopoly firm in the Industry What quantity will this firm supply to the market £ 200 MR=MC at 100 Q=100 P=100 P=200-Q P=200-100 =100 MR O 100 D 200 Q MC Suppose initially Monopoly firm in the Industry So monopolist supplies half the market in this case £ 200 (Linear demand, MC=0) P=100 MR O 100 D 200 Q MC Day 2: Harmony is broken! Suppose now a new firm £ notices there are unfulfilled customers 200 What will new firm do? P=100 MR O 100 D 200 Q MC Suppose now a new firm notices there are unfulfilled customers £ 200 What will new firm do? It thinks it has demand P=100 P=100-Q MR=100-2Q MR O 100 D MC2 200 Q MC Suppose now a new firm notices there are unfulfilled customers It is just looking at What will new firm do? this bit of 200 the It thinks it has market demand Setting P=100 P=100-Q MC = MR =0 MR=100-2Q 100=2Q Q=50 MR 0 D MC2 100 Q MC • So now firm 1 is supplying 100 units • And firm 2 is supplying 50 Units • Will firm 1 accept that? • How will it react? £ Day 3: The reckoning 200 Firm 1 sees that 50 people are already being supplied. So its market is P=100 P=200-Q –50 P=150-Q MR O 100 D MC2 200 Q MC £ Day 3: The reckoning 200 Firm 1 sees that 50 people are already being supplied. So its market is 150 P=100 P=200-Q –50 P=150-Q MR O 100 D 150 200 Q MC £ Day 3: The reckoning 200 And MR is now 150 MR=150-2Q So when MR=MC=0 P=100 Q=75 D MR O 75 100 200 Q MC • Firm 1 was supplying 100 units • Is Now Supply 75 units • Firm 2 is still producing 50 units • How will firm 2 react to the cut in firm 1’s production? £ This is essentially the story now 200 Firm 1 Supplies 75 Firm 2 Supplies 50 But now Firm 2 sees that there are 125 unsatisfied consumers P=100 MR1 MR2 O D2 100 D1 Market D MC MC2 200 Q £ Day 4: The Mob Strikes BACK 200 Firm 2 sees that 75 people are already being supplied. So its market now is 125 P=100 P=200-Q –75 P=125-Q MR O 100 D 125 200 Q MC £ Day 4: The Mob Strikes BACK 200 And MR is now MR=125-2Q 125 So when MR=MC=0 P=100 Q=62.5 D MR2 O 62.5 100 125 200 Q MC • Firm 1 was supplying 100 units • Firm 1 Is Now producing 75 units • Firm 2 was producing 50 units • Firm 2 is now Producing 62.5 units • Firm 1’s Q is going down as Firm 2 goes Up • Firm 2’s Q is going Up as Firm 1 goes down • When will equilibrium occur? Armageddon £ 200 133.3 If each firm sees that 66.66 people are already being supplied, then it sees its market as P=200-Q –66.66 P=100 P=133.33-Q D O 100 133.33 200 Q MC Armageddon £ If each firm sees that 66.66 people are already being supplied, then P=133.33-Q 200 133.3 And MR is now MR=133.33-2Q P=100 So when MR=MC=0 Q=66.66 D1=D2 MR1= MR2 O 66.66 100 133.33 D 200 Q MC • Firm 1 fall from supplying 100 units to 66.66 units • Firm 2 rises from supplying 0 units to 66.66 units • Given that firm 1 is supplying 66.66 units firm 2’s best response is 66.66 units • Given that firm 2 is supplying 66.66 units firm 1’s best response is 66.66 units • EQUILIBRIUM (Cournot equilibrium) • What do we learn from this story? • With a small number of firms, one firm’s actions directly affects the other. • Where the number of firms are small, the firms will think strategically!! • What is the other guy (male or female) up to ? • How will they react to my actions • Indeed: • Firms wouldn’t go through this tortuous process, they would figure out the situation pretty quickly and if firm 1 couldn’t stop 2 entering they would go to final equilibrium. • Called Cournot Competition (competing over market share - Quantities) • Can also model price competition- Bertrand Comparison of Cournot with Perfect Compt. and Monopoly • Under Monopoly Firm 1 with a linear demand curve Zero MC supplied half the market, that is Q1 =1/2 of 200=100 • Here with 2 firms each supply 1/3 of 200, that is, 66.66 and total output = 133.33 • Under perfect competition MC = 0 would produce at Q = 200 • So oligopoly moves the economy closer to perfect competition as compared with monopoly Cournot: • • • • • • • 1 firm supplies ½ of market 2 firms supply 1/3 market each, 2/3 overall. What about 3 firms? 3 firms supply 1/4 market each, 3/4 overall. ..and 4 firms? 4 firms supply 1/5 market each, 4/5 overall. n firms, supply 1/(n+1) of market each, n/(n+1) overall • So more firms getting closer and closer to perfect competition Profits Under Cournot £ P= 200-2(66.66)= 200 = 200-133.33= 66.66 Industry Profits=2(TR-TC) 133.3 =2{66.66(66.66)}=8887.7 P=100 But under Monopoly p=100; Q=100 and Profits = 100*100 MR1= MR2 O 66.66 D1=D2 100 133.33 =10,000 D 200 Q MC So two firms would be better off if they could get together and agree to limit market: £ 200 Collusion Profits Under Cournot: 8,888 133.3 Profits under monopoly: 10,000 P=100 D1=D2 MR1= MR2 O 66.66 100 133.33 D 200 Q MC OLIGOPOLY • Key features of oligopoly – barriers to entry – interdependence of firms~What’s s/he up to? – incentives to compete versus incentives to collude • Factors favouring collusion • Collusive oligopoly: cartels – equilibrium of the industry OLIGOPOLY • Key features of oligopoly – barriers to entry – interdependence of firms – incentives to compete versus incentives to collude • Factors favouring collusion • Collusive oligopoly: cartels – Join forces and act collectively as a monopoly – allocating and enforcing quotas