SAT Test Prep Lesson #1 – Introduction Source: AVID Coordinator’s Training on February 6, 2014 by Study Smart Tutors “To succeed, we must first believe that we can.” -Michael Korda SAT Quick Facts • Three parts that take 3 hours and 45 minutes • Writing (worth 200-800 points) • Mathematics up to Algebra II (worth 200800 points) • Critical Reading (worth 200-800 points) • Each section is curved so the national average is approximately 500 points SAT Changes Effective March 2016 • The overall score will return to 1600 • The essay will be optional • Vocabulary will come form words used in college courses • Reading passages will come from on of the nation’s founding documents • Administration format will be available in both paper and digital formats SAT or ACT • SAT is tricky, but not conceptually advanced • ACT is difficult but straight forward • Student will do better on one or the other. The only way to know is to take both. • Waivers for both test are available to those who qualify SAT vs. ACT SAT vs. ACT How many times should students take the SAT? • Almost every college will combine a student’s best scores regardless of test date • A new policy called “Score Choice” allows students to completely omit an entire test from their records • Students have nothing to lose by taking the SAT multiple times (except the cost of the tests) When Should You Guess on SAT Questions? • Generally speaking, if you can eliminate at least one of five multiple choice answers, you should guess • If you leave a question blank, you get 0 points. • If you get a wrong answer, there is ¼ point penalty • Unanswered questions do not affect your raw score Example Question: What is the capital of North Dakota? Testing Tip: By eliminating wrong answers, you can improve your success rate with guessing. (A) Billings (B) Dallas (this is obviously in Texas) (C) Bismarck (D) Fargo (E) Boston (this is obviously in Massachusetts) Now that you’ve narrowed the question down to only three answer choices, it benefits you to guess. Recommended SAT Scores UC Stats Campus Admit Rate Average G.P.A. Average ACT Score Average SAT Score Berkely 23% 4.20 29.4 2035 Davis 45% 4.06 27.6 1893 Irvine 38% 4.07 26.3 1831 Los Angeles 19% 4.20 28.9 2008 Merced 78% 3.56 22.1 1586 Riverside 62% 3.71 24.1 1701 San Diego 32% 4.15 29.0 1988 Santa Barbara 42% 4.00 27.6 1892 Santa Cruz 62% 3.79 24.9 1734 Data From Fall 2012 Every Little Bit Helps • How many points on the SAT do you think make the difference between a student being accepted or rejected from a given university? • The Wall Street Journal found that 30 points is all it takes to differentiate certain students from the competition • 30 points is 2-4 questions! Process of Elimination • Every multiple choice question on the SAT has four wrong answers and only one correct answer. • By eliminating the wrong answers, you will be left with less answer choices to make an educated guess from. • Remember, you may write on your test booklet. Be Quick, But Don’t Hurry • Every question is worth the same amount • There are approximately 1/3 easy questions, 1/3 medium questions, and 1/3 hard questions • Spend time on easy and medium questions and leave hard questions blank • Students who wish to earn above a 700 on each section should answer every question Raw vs. Scaled Points For every question you answer correctly you will receive 1 raw point. For each question that you answer incorrectly, you will lose ¼ of a raw point. Every question that you leave blank will not count towards your score. To compute your raw scores, add the total number of correct answers and subtract a ¼ point for every incorrect answer. The SAT and Family Income Order of Difficulty • Some sections get increasingly difficult as you move to the end of the section. • Other sections have challenging and easy problems mixed throughout • Always answer the easy questions for easy points • Sections that increase in difficulty include all math questions, error IDs, improving sentences