DRIVE-Spring 2015

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DRIVE-Spring 2015
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MK0012- Retail Marketing
BK ID-B1723
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Discuss the concept of retail layout and explain the types of retail layouts. (Definition of retail Layout,
Types of retail layout) 2, 8
Answer: Retail Layout: Retailers are now focusing on making the stores more customer-friendly with the store
and thereby increasing the involvement of the customer towards purchase. Store interior includes colour, in-store
display, ambience, lighting and aesthetics used, etc., whereas the store layout speaks about the skeleton of the store,
Q2. Describe the Retail Buying Process in brief. (Definition of retailing, retail buying process) 2, 8
Retail Buying Process
These basic psychological processes play an important role in understanding how consumers actually make their
buying decisions. Marketers must understand every facet of consumer behaviour. Marketing scholars have
developed a “stage model”
Q3. Definition of private branding. Also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of private label from a
retailer’s perspective. (Definition, Advantages of private label, Disadvantages of private label) 2, 5, 3
Answer: private branding: Nowadays, manufactures of national brands are concerned about the
competition from private labels, because there are more private labels “Store Brands” goods on the market than
ever before. The improved quality, easy
Q4. What is E-tailing? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of E-tailing. (Definition of E-tailing,
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-tailing) 2, 8
Answer:E-tailing: Electronic retailing, also known as e-tailing, deals with selling products and services online via
the Worldwide Web. Internet retailing or ‘e-tailing’, as it is usually referred to, covers retailing using a variety of
different technologies or media. It may be broadly a combination of two elements. One is combining new
technologies with elements of traditional stores and direct mail models and the second is using new technologies to
replace elements of store or
Q5 Price is a highly sensitive and visible part of retail marketing mix. Retailer’s overall profitability depends
on Pricing. It plays an important role in strategic decision making process. Explain various pricing strategies
are adapted by the retailer according to the situation.
(Explanation of pricing in Retail, Retail Pricing strategies) 2,8
Pricing in Retail
Price is a highly sensitive and visible part of retail marketing mix and has bearing on the retailer’s overall
profitability. Further, pricing itself is inessential part of marketing mix and has its own place in the strategic
Q6 Describe any three rural retail strategies in brief.
(Definition of Rural retail, any three Rural retail strategies) 2, 8
Rural retail
Rural retailing is the fast growing aspect of retail since retailers can feel comfortable in finding suppliers and they
also act as buyers. Retailing is the final phase of the distribution channel and it is clear by now that it is the
availability and distribution that drive growth in the rural markets. Hence, retailing will be significant and like in
the case of the urban markets,
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