Enterprise 2.0 for Intelligence Analysts

Enterprise 2.0 for
Intelligence Analysts
Greg Lloyd
President and co-founder
Traction Software Inc
The Intelligence Cycle
Planning - What’s Important ?
Collection - Find out what you need to know
Analysis - Connect the dots
Dissemination - Spread the word
New Zealand Security
Intelligence Service
Share earlier, and further up the chain
But there’s a clear need to distinguish:
• Raw intelligence - May not be trustworthy
• A conjecture - One analyst connecting dots
• A working hypothesis - Challenged and debated
• Working consensus - The result of debate
• Best estimate - With attributed dissent …
You have to be quicker, clearer, more open
And you need to be both right and on time…
The challenges are the same
For companies in competitive markets:
• Pharma
• High tech
• Consumer products …
• It’s called Competitive Intelligence (CI)
And for government:
• The Intelligence Community (IC)
• Law enforcement
• Public health - epidemic response
Not mere technical challenges
Finding effective ways to get people in
different groups or organizations working
together more effectively is hard
Groups build barriers to collaboration into
their culture, norms and policies
Not merely siloed software systems
But sometimes the value of better and more
timely intelligence drives change …
An End to Information “Sharing”
We begin with an important reservation about terminology. The term
information “sharing” suggests that the federal government entity that
collects the information “owns” it and can decide whether or not to
“share” it with others. This concept is deeply embedded in the
Intelligence Community’s culture. We reject it. Information collected by
the Intelligence Community—or for that matter, any government
agency—belongs to the U.S. government. Officials are fiduciaries who
hold the information in trust for the nation.
The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities
of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD Commission), March 2005
An End to Information “Sharing”
They do not have authority to withhold or distribute it except as such
authority is delegated by the President or provided by law. As we have
noted elsewhere, we think that the Director of National Intelligence
could take an important, symbolic first step toward changing the
Intelligence Community’s culture by jettisoning the term “information
sharing” itself—perhaps in favor of the term “information integration” or
“information access.”
The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities
of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD Commission), March 2005
Enterprise 2.0 Principles can help
Enterprise 2.0 is the use of emergent social software
platforms within companies, or between companies and
their partners or customers.
Social software enables people to rendezvous, connect or collaborate
through computer-mediated communication and to form online
communities. (Wikipedia's definition).
• Platforms are digital environments in which contributions and interactions
are globally visible and persistent over time.
• Emergent means that the software is freeform, and that it contains
mechanisms to let the patterns and structure inherent in people's
interactions become visible over time.
• Freeform means that the software is most or all of the following: Optional;
Free of up-front workflow; Egalitarian, or indifferent to formal organizational
identities; Accepting of many types of data.
Enterprise 2.0, version 2.0 Andrew McAfee, May 2006
Enterprise 2.0+ = A few additions
With the ability to handle a range of more private to more
public collaboration and conversation interleaved
seamlessly within the same highly scalable web of
• Everything from small group “huddle” space,
• To spaces which serve a particular community of
interest (security - not organizationally based),
• To “hub and spoke” collaboration where a company at
the hub may have many private bi-lateral relationships
(e.g. competing customers).
Enterprise 2.0+ = A few additions
With the ability to recognize a collaboratively created result
which documents a stable consensus or binding agreement
(e.g. a contract),
• And the ability to interleave attributed alternative or
dissenting views without changing the stable view,
• And the ability to preserve the stable consensus while
collaboratively creating a successor.
For example - A prime contractor and subcontractors need
to know when a jointly created contract is frozen, and how
to propose changes or raise issues which may result in
jointly authored changes to the contract.
Douglas Engelbart
1968 NLS (oN Line System).
1992 Towards High Performance
A Hypertext Journal for high
performance teams
Organizations: A Strategic Role
for Groupware
High Performance Organizations
Collaboration = Wiki + Blog view
The product you
wish to build, sell
and support
The external intelligence, dialog, and decisions of teams
working together over time to create and sustain the product
Wiki - Hypertext with group editing
Blog - Hypertext on a timeline
Collect - Automated web agents
QL2 Automatically
capture web site
changes and search
Publish and interact
with the content in
CI Staff can use
inline comments and
tags to analyze and
decide what to post
for broad use.
Respond in hours or
minutes - not days or
Comment - Opinion with Attribution
Disseminate - Anywhere, securely
Alert - RSS Notification Stream
Enterprise 2.0+ Captures Context
Enterprise 2.0+ Context
General business purpose: Sales in general
Specific business purpose: The Acme
proposal, with resources collected, used,
discussed, or referenced to create that proposal
Time line: Items referenced or discussed while
handling the Acme proposal
People involved: Who worked on the Acme
proposal ? What did they discuss and tag ?
Space: In what public, private, personal or by
invitation venue did collaboration happen ?
Adds context to Enterprise search
FAST Search and
Content Navigation in
Traction TeamPage
Automatic Entity and
Keyword extraction and
drill down provide
context sensitive
content navigation over and above
integrated search.
Search results and drill
down navigators are
permission filtered on
the fly.
Search controls
Drill down using result’s keywords
Drill down using result’s tag cloud
Drill down using result’s name set
How To Deliver Enterprise 2.0+
Traction TeamPage uses FAST InStream to
provide dynamic content navigation that
uses E2.0+ context and scales.
• Permission filtered drill down tag clouds,
keywords, automatically recognized entities.
• Combined with permission filtered search,
• Handles a range of more private to more public
collaboration and conversation interleaved
seamlessly within the same highly scalable web
of information.
How to Fix Enterprise Search
Context as well as content can be used to
weight relevance in the link-deprived
Enterprise environment.
• When the number of sources indexed is expanded,
relevance can get worse rather than better.
• When search extends to email, you can get thousands
of copies of the same PowerPoint that was blasted and
copied all over.
• Content analysis doesn’t necessarily help:
It’s the same bloody content.
• Context is derived from how people work, recorded as a
hypertext, and indexed for navigation and relevance.
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals
(SCIP) www.SCIP.org
WMD Intelligence Commission Report
www.wmd.gov March 2005
Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI)
US Central Intelligence Agency
The Wiki and The Blog
D Calvin Andres, Studies in Intelligence
Nov 2005, CIA / CSI Public Web Archive
Use of Weblogs for Competitive Intelligence
Greg Lloyd, Nov 2005, BTCI Tokyo
Greg Lloyd
President and Co-Founder
Traction Software, Inc.
245 Waterman Street
Suite 309
Providence, RI 02906