Brigance Transition Skills Inventory

Brigance Transition Skills
By Sue Watson
Addresses IDEA Goals for
Transition Planning
Academic Skills
Post-Secondary Opportunities
Independent Living
Community Participation
Academic Skills
Understanding a student’s current academic
skills allows the IEP team to more
accurately set transition goals and how the
academic skills relate to the secondary
education, training, and employment for the
Goals can be set and a plan of instruction can
be determined.
Post-Secondary Opportunities
Educational Interests
Career Interests
Career Choices
Work Ethics and Attitudes
Job Interview Questions
Job related knowledge and Skills
Communication and Technology Skills
 The various components will help determine how
well prepared the student is for a wide range of
post-secondary activities. Beyond the focus of
interests the assessment also helps the evaluator
understand the student’s ethics or attitudes.
 Employment forms come with their own
vocabulary and you can determine if the student
has a understanding that will assist him/her in
filling out applications.
Independent Living
Restaurant Vocabulary
Understanding Food Labels
Food preparation
Recipe Directions
Foods for a balanced diet
Food Costs
Independent Living
Clothing and Housing
Determining sizes and how to read them
Labels- washing and cleaning instructions
Housing resources
Tenant Agreements and Leases
Independent Living
Money and Finance
Equivalent values of coins and bills
Price Signs
Making Change
Computing totals
Saving on Purchases
Deposit slips, checks and balance computation
Independent Living
Medical Vocabulary
Body Parts
Injuries and Symptoms
Infections, Disese, and other health problems
Medical Care and Body Systems
Medicine Labels
Independent Living
 Birth Control
 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
 Drug Abuse
Independent Living
Travel and Transportation
Traffic Symbols
Car Parts
Driver’s License
Gasoline Mileage and Cost
Road Maps
Community Participation
Community Agency Services
Completing applications
Agency Awareness
Agency Documents
Agency Telephone Numbers
Post Office
Community Participation
Recreational Facilities
Directional Signs
Restaurant Signs
Employment Signs
Warning and Safety Signs
Warning Labels
Lobby and Store Signs
Speaking Skills
Listening Skills
Self- Concept General
Self-Concept Job Related
Responsibility and Self-Discipline
Motor Coordination and Job Requirements
 The Length of the entire Inventory- it would
take many days to work through all of the
 Some of the pages need to be copied prior
to do the assessment, so there is quite a bit
of preparation time involved
 The record book can be used over again to show
growth- it can be used up to 6 times
 The evaluator can see what the student knew on
the previous assessment and judge quickly were to
 Skills are broken down into small increments
allowing the evaluator to understand the specific
skill needed to make gains
Aligned to IDEA
Sample Objectives are included for each task
Directions on how to Adapt
Overview allows for ease of preparation
Can use online Management System
Cost is $259 for manual and 20 record books