Chapter 10 Nitrogen nutrition of plant and Nitrogen fertilizers I Plant nitrogen 1.1 Uptake of N 1. N is required by plants in large amounts. Most plant material contains 2-4% N and 40% C. 2. N is usually the limiting nutrient in unfertilized systems. 3. Most N is taken up from the soil in the form of NH4+ or NO3-. A small amount of NH3 can be absorbed through the leaves. N2 can be used by legume plant via biological nitrogen fixation. I Plant nitrogen Most plants grow best with a combination of NO3- and NH4+. Some plants are specialists: e.g. use NH4+ & amino acids (e.g. mature forests, arctic tundra北极冻塬, rice) Some take up more NH4+ than NO3- when both supplied together in equal amounts, but NO3- is prime form of N in soil solution Over-supply of NH4+ can be toxic to plants I Plant nitrogen Uptake of NH4+ may be brought about by the facilitated diffusion (by the electropotential difference and cation selective channels). With NH4+ nutrition recycling of H+ back into the cytosol is restricted and the H+/pumped out of the cell and remain mainly outside and hence the pH is depressed. Mechanism of uptake NO3 The uptake of NO3- is mainly a H+/ NO3cotransport with the pumped out of the cell by the PM proton pump being recycled back into the cytosol. Hence the nitrate uptake is associated with an pH increase in the outer medium. 1.2 Uptake of N and Rhizosphere pH changes NH4+ assimilation: pH (acid) - often whole root surface NO3- assimilation: pH often (alkaline) - sometimes in patches; may be also be pH patches elsewhere on same root Maize (in soil & agar + indicator) NO3- Marschner & Römheld (1983) NH4+ low NO3- NH4+ assimilation in roots (and pH regulation) protein etc sucrose shoot xylem phloem ‘Excess’ cation uptake root amino-N Raven & Smith (1976); modified light CO2 protein etc NH4+ H+ pH NH4+ assimilation in roots (and pH regulation) protein etc sucrose shoot root xylem light CO2 phloem ‘pH nonperturbing’ amino acids & amides amino-N protein etc NH4+ H+ pH Ammonium cytoplasm outside -ve PD NH4+ H+ co H+ ) transport NH4+) NH4+ [& K+] High Affinity Transport Systems; Km=2040mmol/m3 H+ pH As well as net H+ efflux, some H+ ‘re-cycles’ by cotransport with NH4+ Low Affinity TS channel NH4+ [& K+]? NH3? (Diffusion at high concentrations?) Energetics, kinetics, regulation, genes : Forde & Clarkson (1999); Glass et al. (2002) pH regulation during NO3- assimilation in roots protein etc sucrose shoot xylem light CO2 phloem ‘Excess’ anion uptake root amino-N protein etc NO32H+ pH pH regulation during NO3- assimilation in shoots: 1 vacuole C+ RCOO- RCOOH suc. light H+ NO3- shoot xylem CO2 amino-N etc phloem root Ignores root NO3reduction & protein synthesis NO3- NO3C+ pH pH regulation during NO3- assimilation in shoots: 2 NO3K+ is ‘re-cycled’ to roots with RCOO- which is decarboxylated K+ amino-N etc suc. H+ + RCOO- xylem light CO2 K+ phloem root Ignores root NO3reduction & protein synthesis K+ [RH] RCOO- NO3- CO2 H+ NO3- pH pH regulation during NO3- assimilation in shoots: 2 NO3K+ amino-N etc suc. H+ + RCOO- xylem synthesis CO2 K+ phloem ‘Excess’ anion uptake root Ignores root NO3reduction & protein light K+ [RH] RCOO- NO3- CO2 H+ NO3- pH Nitrate cytoplasm outside -ve PD H+ 2H+ ) cotransport NO3 ) High Affinity TS 高亲合力的运输系统 or H+ ‘re-cycles’ by cotransport pH cotransport 2H+ ) NO3-) Low Affinity TS 低亲合力的运输系统 NO3- channel Energetics, kinetics, regulation, genes : Forde & Clarkson (1999); Glass et al. (2002) Plasma membrane transporters: summary Nitrate cytoplasm outside -ve PD H+ 2H+ ) cotransport NO3 ) Balance sheet outside: +1H+ -[2H+ + 1NO3-] = -1[H+ + NO3-] or: +1OH- -1NO3- or ( = ‘excess anion influx’) cotransport 2H+ ) NO3-) pH Ignores C+ uptake: as when NO3- is reduced in roots Plasma membrane transporters: summary Nitrate cytoplasm outside -ve PD 2H+ 2H+ ) cotransport NO3 ) cotransport 2H+ ) NO3-) C+ or pH unchanged With C+ (K+ etc) uptake: the balance sheet outside is: -1[C+ + NO3-] Plasma membrane transporters: summary Ammonium uptake depends much on the carbohydrate status in the roots. NH4+ and NO3- uptake is sensitive to pH. NH4+ is takes place best in a neutral medium and depressed as the pH fall. The converse is true for NO3- adsorption, a more rapid uptake occurring at low pH. The uptake rate of nitrate is dependent on the energy status of plant. In contrast to NH4+ ,nitrate can be transported at high rate into shoot and can stored at high concentrations in the vacuoles. NH4+ uptake is promoted by NO3-; but NH4+ inhibited NO3uptake. N uptake rate is highest when both N forms are in the nutrient solution. 1.3 Forms and Functions of N in the Plant Dry plant materials contains about 0.3 to 50g N/kg. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Amino acids (~5% of N in plants), proteins (~8085% of N in plants), nucleic acids (~10% of N in plants) Proteins/enzymes regulate biochemical reactions in plants. DNA and RNA are genetic matter. N is an key component of chlorophyll. Vitamins and secondary plant metabolism such as alkaloids(生物碱). 1.4 N assimilation in plant 1.4.1 Nitrate reduction 1. Before it can be assimilated, NO3- must be reduced to NH3. Step 1 – the reduction of NO3- to NO2-. This requires the enzyme nitrate reductase. This step occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. Step 2 – the reduction of NO2- to NH3. This requires the enzyme nitrite reductase. This step occurs in the chloroplast or the plastid of the cell Nitrate reduction cytoplast Step 1 – the reduction of NO3- to NO2-. This requires the enzyme nitrate reductase. chloroplast Step 2 – the reduction of NO2- to NH3. This requires the enzyme nitrite reductase. Prosthetic groups辅基 of the nitrate reductase and sequence of reactions (Guererro et al. 1981) The characteristics of NR and its regulation Nitrate induced the synthesis of mRNA coding for NR The turn over of NR is rapid Light play an important role in nitrate assimilation owing to lack of reducing power in night. The assimilation of nitrate by plants is influenced by plant nutrition and in particular by Mo. The activity of the NR is rapidly modulated by environmental conditions, such as light intensity, CO2 concentration and oxygen supply. Nitrate reductase activity in maize roots after an exposure of young plants to nutrient solutions containing NO3-, NH4+, or NH4NO3(Mengel et al 1985) - Treatment NH4 + NR activity, μmol NO2 /h×g fresh weight NH4NO3 0.95b NO3 - 0.10a 3.71c Effect of time of day on the nitrate concentration of spinach (SteingrÖver 1982) Time of day stems leaf Petiole Mg NO3--N/kg fresh matter 8:30 13:30 372 207 228 101 830 546 17:30 189 91 504 The effects of pre-treat with Mo on the NR of wheat leaves (Randall,1969) Mo supply in Pre-treat of the plant leaves growth (µg/plant) (µgMo/L) NR activity(µmolNO2-/gFW) 24h 70h 0.005 0 0.2 0.3 0.005 100 2.8 4.2 5.0 0 / 8.0 5.0 100 / 8.2 Site of nitrate reduction in plant Although most of plant species are able to reduce NO3- both in the roots and the shoots, there is differs between species. Most of nitrate is reduced in trees and shrub’ roots . NO3- reduction must take place primarily in green plant part in tomato. Oats>maize>sunflower>barley>oil radish Root ----------------------------------shoot Nitrite reduction Nitrite reduction in the chloroplast In chloroplast, NO2- is reduced by the nitrite reductase which is probably located at out side of the thylakoid(类囊体) membrane and thus may directly accept the e- from ferredoxin(铁氧还蛋白) which in turn receives e- from photosystem І. NO2- + 6Fdred + 8H+--->NH4+ + 6Fdox +2H2O There is thus a direct relationship between photosynthetic activity and nitrite reduction. Nitrite reduction in plastids(质体) Nitrite is also reduced in plastids of root where ferredoxin-like e- carrier enzyme transfer e- from NADPH to nitrite reductase. NO2- + 3NADPH + 5H+--->NH4+ + 3NADP+ +2H2O The synthesis of nitrite reductase is induced by nitrite as well as by nitrate. Nitrite reductase activity is also dependent on the supply of photosynthesis. NO3- assimilation: summary • Assimilation can be in roots; glutamate, aspartate, glutamine, etc delivered to the xylem • These have (small) negative charge, balanced by some C+ (not shown above for simplicity) • Some plants assimilate some (or nearly all) NO3- in shoots. NO3- in xylem is balanced by C+ • Carboxyl/RCOO- (malate, oxalate etc) is then accumulated in shoot vacuoles, with C+. • Sometimes RCOO- is precipitated - e.g. in arid-zone plants – oxalate. • Sometimes , RCOO- + K+ moves down phloem; RCOOis then decarboxylated, giving external pH More on NO3- assimilation • NO3- assimilation in roots versus shoots is often genetically programmed • Woody plants usually assimilate NO3- in roots; many herbs assimilate partly or almost entirely in shoots • NO3- assimilation in shoots (plus ‘surplus’ in leaf vacuoles) often increases as external concentrations increase • Carboxylic acids (malate, oxalate etc) can be a ‘drain’ on photosynthesis: e.g. 15% in beet and other chenopod(黎科) • Balance sheets of cations, organic N, and carboxyl , along with rhizosphere pH changes can indicate which assimilation/pH regulation ‘strategy’ is operating. 1.4.2 Ammonia Assimilation in Plants There are three important enzymes in the ammonia assimilation Glutamate dehydrogenase (谷氨酸脱氢酶) Glutamine synthetase (谷酰胺合成酶) Glutamate synthase (GOGAT谷氨酸合成 酶) 1.4.2 Ammonia Assimilation in Plants Glutamate dehydrogenase 1.4.2 Ammonia Assimilation in Plants Incorporation of ammonia into the plant cells in primarily by the GS-GOGAT pathway. Step 1 Glutamate + NH3+ + ATP Glutamine + ADP enzyme is glutamine synthetase (GS) Step 2 Glutamine + alpha ketoglutarate + NAD(P)H 2 Glutamate + NAD(P)+ enzyme is glutamate synthase GS-GOGAT Pathway Specific activities of the ammonium-assimilating enzymes of C. glutamicum wild type and its GDH mutanta Special activity (mU/mg of protein) of : GOGAT GS GDH Strains Wild type(ATCC 13032) N 2.5 C 1.8 N 11 C 0.3 N 0.05 C <0.003 GDH mutant 0.0 0.0 6.5 0.3 0.15 0.07 a: Cells were taken from both ammonium (N)- and carbon (C)-limited continuous cultures. 1.4.2 Ammonia Assimilation in Plants Ammonia Assimilation in Plants The amino N in glutamate can be transferred to other oxo-acids by the process known as transamination(转氨基作用). The enzymes involved in this process are called amino transferases(转氨酶). Ammonia transamination in Plants Asparagine Lysine Glutamate 天门冬氨酸 Aminotransferases Alanine 丙氨酸 Glutamate Glycine synthase 甘氨酸 Leucine NH3 Threonine 苏氨酸 Methionine 甲硫氨酸 Cysteine 亮氨酸 Glutamine Glutamine synthetase 赖氨酸 半胱氨酸 Isoleucine Serine 异亮氨酸 Asparagine 天门冬氨酸 Tryptophan 色氨酸 Histidine 组氨酸 Phenylalanine 苯丙氨酸 Valine 缬氨酸 Tyrosine 珞氨酸 Proline 脯氨酸 Arginine 精氨酸 These represent the 20 amino acids that make up proteins 丝氨酸 N translocation in plant N taken up by plant root is translocated in the xylem to the upper plant parts. The forms of translocation: amino acids, nitrate, and sometimes allantoin尿囊素 and allantoic acid尿囊酸. In the phloem, amino acids are the predominant form of N-transport. The transport of amino acids in the phloem can also act as a feedback signal to control the uptake of NO3-. Nitrogen translocation is an important process in plant life. 1.5.1 Plant Deficiency Symptoms 1. The plant is stunt or poor growth rate. 2. General loss of chlorophyll and disturbance of chloroplast development. 3. Yellowing of leaves – the oldest ones become yellow first. 4. All parts of the plant gradually turn yellow 1.5.1 Plant Deficiency Symptoms 5. Yield is very low 6. The length of the vegetative growth stage may be shortened 7. Severe deficient may result in necrosis (death of plant tissue) during the late stages of plant growth 1.5.2 Plant response to excess N 1. Excess N stimulates vegetative growth Vegetative growth may result in competition between plant shoots and storage organs for photosynthate 2. Excess N may also result in: a. Delayed maturity b. Lodging c. Disease susceptibility I I. Forms of Nitrogen in the Environment Nitrogen Gas (N2) Organic N Ammonium (NH4+) Nitrate (NO3-) Nitrite (NO2-) Ammonia (NH3) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Nitric Oxide (NO) I I.1 Forms of Nitrogen in the Environment A. Nitrogen Gas (N2) 1. Makes up 78% of the earth’s atmosphere B. Organic N (95% of total soil N) 1. Soil organic matter contains about 5% N 2. Mainly in the form of: a. b. c. d. Amino acids, peptides(30% of organic N) Proteins Amino sugar Unknown substances I I.1 Forms of Nitrogen in the Environment C. Ammonium N (NH4+) 1. Can be taken up by plants 2. It is a cation, therefore it can be adsorbed on the cation exchange sites of soil and organic matter particles. 3. Can be fixed in certain clay minerals. 4. Rapidly converted to NO3-N under most conditions 5. Volatilizes when the pH of the soil is high I I.1 Forms of Nitrogen in the Environment D. Nitrate N (NO3-) 1. Can be taken up by plants 2. An anion, therefore it is not adsorbed on the cation exchange sites 3. Very susceptible to leaching and denitrification losses 4. Most common mineral form of N in most soils I I.1 Forms of Nitrogen in the Environment E. Nitrite (NO2-) – an intermediate compound in the transformation of NH4+ to NO3- or the denitrification F. Ammonia (NH3) G. Nitrous oxide (N2O) – a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming H. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) – contributes to air pollution and acid rain II.2 Nitrogen Transformations in the Soil A. Fixation固氮 B. Mineralization矿化作用 C. Immobilization微生物固定 and ammonia fixation D. Volatilization挥发 E. Nitrification硝化作用 F. Denitrification反硝化作用 A. Nitrogen Fixation 1. The atmosphere consists of 78% N2. It can be converted into mineral N. a. Chemical fixation i. In nature by lightning ii. Industrially by the Haber-Bosch Process (used to manufacture fertilizer) b. Biological fixation i. Through a symbiotic relationship between legumes and rhizobia (N-fixing bacteria) ii. Non-symbiotic microorganisms Nitrogen gains from biological N2 fixation (Hauck 1971) Ecosystem Arable land Range in reported values (kg/ha·year) Pasture (non-legume) Pasture (grass-legume) 7-114 73-865 Forest Paddy 58-594 13-99 Waters 70-250 7-28 B. Mineralization 1. It is decomposition of soil organic matter by soil microbes that results in the release of mineral N 2. Soil organic matter contains about 5% N 3. About 1-4% of the total organic N in soil is mineralized each year B. Mineralization Factors that affect mineralization Moisture – fastest in a moist soil Temperature – increases as the temperature rises Aeration – requires oxygen pH C:N ratio of organic matter Generally the lower of C/N ratio, the higher proportion of N mineralized. C. Immobilization生物固持 1. Immobilization is the conversion of mineral N to organic N by microbes 2. The microorganisms that decompose organic matter as an energy source require nitrogen. If the N content of the organic matter is too low, the microorganisms take up the inorganic N from the soil. C. Immobilization So incorporation of straw into soils may therefore decrease the nitrate concentration in soils considerably and thus also inorganic N flows into the microbial biomass. In this way, they are competing against the plant for the N. The result is that the crop may be deficient in N. Relationship between C:N ratio and immobilization When organic matter has a low C:N ratio (<20:1), the organic matter can supply the microorganisms with more N than they need. As a result, some of the N is released into the soil. This process is known as mineralization. The process of hydrolysis of amino acids or amino sugar catalyzed by the heterotrophic异养微生物 microorganism is called ammonification氨化作用. Relationship between C:N ratio and immobilization When organic matter has a high C:N ratio (30:1), the organic matter cannot supply the microorganisms with enough N. As a result, they take up N from the soil. This process is known as immobilization. It is done in competition with the plant. Relationship between C:N ratio and immobilization When the C:N ratio is medium (2030:1) there is little net change in the amount of NO3- in the soil. Typical C:N ratio of crop residue Material Soil Clover Manure Green rye Corn stalks Wheat straw Wood materials C:N ratio 10:1 12:1 20:1 36:1 60:1 80:1 >200:1 Ammonium fixation NH4+ is adsorbed to negatively charged clay minerals because of its cationic properties. The planar bound NH4+ can be easily exchanged. Ammonium like K+ can be bound in the interlayer of 2:1 clay minerals, such as illite伊利石, vermiculites蛭石, and smectite蒙脱石 etc. it is interlayer NH4+ or non exchangeable NH4+ Ammonium fixation For arable soils the concentration of fixed NH4+ may be in a range of 20-1000mg NH4+ -N /kg soil which is equivalent to a soil depth of 30cm of about 60-3000kg N/ha. Most of fixed NH4+ is not plant-available and one may distinguish between native interlayer NH4+ and recently fixed. The native interlayer NH4+ may become available only after weathering and decomposition of clay minerals; The recently fixed NH4+ is plant-available. D. Volatilization Nitrogen is lost from the soil in the form of gasses, such as NH3 emission. NH4+ + H2O + OH- High pH NH3 (gas) + H 2O D. Volatilization The relationship of pH and NH3 ratio in the solution (covered) pH 7 % as NH3 0.5 8 5.0 9 35 D. Volatilization Ammonia volatilization occurs when NH4+ NH3 + H+ (pK = 9.21 ) protonation-deprotonation The loss of N due to ammonia volatilization is a common problem when Anhydrous Ammonia液氨, aqua ammonia氨水, NH4HCO3, urea (CO(NH2)2) fertilizer is used. Ammonia volatilization is most likely to take place when soils are moist and warm and the urea is on or near the soil surface. Ammonia volatilization will also take place on alkaline soils (pH greater than 8). D. Volatilization Additional factors that affect volatilization Incorporation – without incorporation or top dress, as much as 30% of the N in urea fertilizer may be lost within one week Wind speeds up volatilization loss High temperatures speed up volatilization loss High soil moisture dissolves urea fertilizer and speeds up volatilization loss. Low cation exchange capacity (CEC) reduces adsorption of NH4+ and increases volatilization losses. Agricultural NH3 emission density of various European countries (Isermann 1987) Country Netherlands Belgium Denmark Demark NH3 emission density (Kg/ha) 70 55 39 Norway German democratic republic 36 32 Federal republic of Germany France 30 22 Great Britain Ireland 21 20 Italy 20 Greece 10 E. Nitrification 1. The biological oxidation of ammonia to nitrate is known as nitrification which has two step process + 2NH4 + 3O2 Nitrosomonas 2NO2- + H2O + 4H + nitrobacter 2NO2- + O2 2NO3- 2. Nitrification can occur quite rapidly under favorable conditions. E. Nitrification E. Nitrification Conditions that affect nitrification NH4+ supply Microbial population pH – most rapid at neutral and relatively acid pH conditions Moisture – most rapid when the soil is moist Rate of nitrification of NH3 in relation of soil pH. Total N added was 20 mg in form of ammonium sulphate (Munk 1958) Incubation duration pH 4.4 pH 6.0 days mg nitrate N produced mg nitrate N produced 14 1.74 8.0 21 2.30 12.0 35 4.72 21.4 E. Nitrification Temperature – nitrification generally increases as soil temperature increases, and attains optimum at 26℃; Nitrification rates are generally quite low when the soil temperature is <10℃. Many farmers in the northern U.S. take advantage of this by applying their fertilizer late in the fall when the soil temperature is cool. It saves them time during the busy spring planting season. G. Denitrification 反硝化作用 1. Denitrification is defined as the microbial reduction of NO3(and/or nitrite, NO2- ) to nitrogen-containing gases such as N2O and dinitrogen (N2) in anaerobic conditions. 4H++2e NO34H++4e- 2NO22H2O - 2H++2e- 2H2O 2NO N2O H2O N2 2H++2e- H2O This process occurs when O2 levels in the soil are very low. A recent study in Europe indicated that as much as 80% of the N fertilizer applied to the soil may be lost due to denitrification. G. Denitrification 反硝化作用 2. Conditions that affect denitrification a. Anaerobic denitrification occurs when O2 concentrations are low b. Organic matter as an energy source by the organisms that carry out denitrification. c. Denitrification rates are high when temperatures are warm(20℃-30℃) d. Denitrification is favored by a low pH G. Denitrification 反硝化作用 General comments about denitrification Denitrification losses can be as high as 1030% of the N applied as fertilizer. Denitrification can occur very rapidly once soil is saturated with water. Denitrification in the paddy field soil H. Leaching Leaching – the process by which nutrients are carried downward as water percolates through the soil. . H. Leaching Leaching is affected by the following factors: Type of clay – K+ is held very tightly by 2:1 clays Soil texture –Leaching potential decreases in the order: sand > silt loam, loam > clay Climate – leaching losses are greatest in areas of high rainfall. Quantity of nutrients in soluble form. If a nutrient is in a soluble form, it means it can easily be dissolved in water. H. Leaching Leaching losses generally decline in the order: NO3- > Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ >> P Nitrate (NO3-) is primarily the form of nitrogen that is leached. NO3- is very mobile and is easily moved by water. Leaching losses of N are important for at least two reasons. First, the loss of NO3- is an economic loss for farmers. He/she must add additional fertilizer to make up for the leached N. More importantly, the leached NO3- may enter into the groundwater where it becomes a health threat to human beings. Rates of leaching of plant nutrients from soils of different texture (VÖmel 1965/66) Soil Clay content N K Na Kg/ha/year Ca Mg Sand Sandy loam <3 g/kg 16 g/kg 15-52 0-27 7-17 0-14 9-52 1-69 110-300 0-242 17-34 0-37 Loam Clay 280 g/kg 39 g/kg 9-44 5-44 3-8 3-8 11-45 3-8 21-179 72-341 9-61 10-54 Leaching rates of plant nutrients from a clay loam soil (18% clay) under fallow and cropped treatments (Coppenet 1969) Fallow Cropped kg nutrient/ha/year N P 142 0.3 62 0.3 K Ca 46 31.0 24 23.0 230 Mg 24 18 Nitrogen leaching rates in relation in soil cover (Low and Armitage 1970) Period 1952-1953 1953-1954 White clover Grass Kg N /ha/year Fallow 27 26 1.8 1.3 114 113 3.9 2.0 105 41 1954-1955 60* 1956 131** * White clover dying out; ** White clover removed L. Soil erosion Soil erosion refers to the process of removing the topsoil by wind or water. As the soil erodes, nutrients are also carried away also. Soil erosion is the major cause for the loss of P from the soil, but other nutrients are lost as well. The loess plateau is the major place of soil erosion in China. L. Soil erosion One study from the Ivory Coast (象牙海 岸) reported that under extensive cropping with fairly poor ground cover, nutrient loss from erosion amounted to: 98 kg/ha/yr of nitrogen, 57 kg/ha/yr of calcium, 39 kg/ha/yr of magnesium, and 29 kg/ha/yr of phosphorus and potassium. L. Soil erosion The amount of nutrient loss due to erosion is affected by: Rainfall – erosion increases as rainfall increases Rainfall intensity –As rainfall intensity goes up, erosion losses increase. Slope of the land – erosion losses increase as the land becomes more steep. Vegetative cover – vegetation, residue, or mulch covers can reduce the energy of the raindrops and result in a decrease in erosion losses. N cycling Summary of N inputs to and outputs from the soil Inputs Biological N fixation Atmospheric deposition (NO3/NO2-, NH3 etc) Fertilizer The residues of plant and animal manures Outputs Crop removal Leaching Erosion Denitrification Volatilization . III. Nitrogen Fertilizer Production of N fertilizers A.The Haber-Bosch process produces NH3 from atmospheric N2 and H2. The reaction requires high pressure, high temperature, and a catalyst. CH4 + 2H20 3H2 + N2 CO2 + 2H2 2NH3 NH3·nH2O Production of N fertilizers B. The production of N fertilizer consumes a lot of energy and fertilizer prices are often affected by the price of petroleum (oil). Characteristics of important N fertilizers Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3, liquid) a. b. 82-0-0 Reaction in the soil NH3 + H+ NH4+ NH3 + H2O NH4+ + OHNH4+ can be absorbed by coulombic attraction or electrostatic force. iv. The injection of ammonia into the soil results in a zone with a very high concentration of NH3 and NH4+. The zone is characterized by a high soil pH and high osmotic potential. Microorganisms in this area may be killed. Plants may also be damaged or even killed if the injection zone is too close to plant roots. i. ii. iii. Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3, liquid) Advantages of anhydrous ammonia Most economical source of N – for this reason it is the common fertilizer in the U.S. Convenient – it can be applied at the same time the farmer does tillage Can be applied in the fall, pre-planting, or as a side-dress fertilizer Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3, liquid) d. Disadvantages of anhydrous ammonia i. Must be incorporated into the soil ii. Strong affinity for water – can burn skin, eyes, and lungs therefore it requires special handling iii. Can be used to make illegal drugs e. Management considerations i. Cannot be placed very close to seeds or growing plants ii. If the soil is too wet or too dry, the equipment may not work properly and NH3 may escape through cracks(裂隙) in the soil. Farmer applying anhydrous ammonia Farmer applying anhydrous ammonia Aqua ammonia solution Water is added to anhydrous ammonia to form aqua ammonia. It is a liquid under low pressure 21% N Advantages of aqua ammonia It does not need to be placed as deeply as anhydrous ammonia. It does not need high-pressure application equipment. Disadvantages of aqua ammonia It is volatile and must be incorporated into the soil to prevent the loss of free ammonia to the atmosphere. It is possible to lose all of the free ammonia if it is not incorporated. The nitrogen solution used in America Percentage by Weight CaCO3 Equiv.* (lb per Material N P205 K20 Ca Mg S 100 lb) 32% UAN (35% urea + 45% A.N.) 32 0 0 0 0 0 -55 30% UAN (33% urea + 42% A.N.) 30 0 0 0 0 0 -52 28% UAN (30% urea + 40% A.N.) 28 0 0 0 0 0 -49 21% AN (60% A.N. + 40% water) 21 0 0 0 0 0 -37 19% AN (54% A.N. + 46% water) 19 0 0 0 0 0 -33 Nitrogene solution Urea a. CO(NH2)2, white crystalline solid b. 46-0-0 c. Reaction in the soil: urease CO(NH2)2 + H2O 2NH3 +CO2 This chemical reaction (urea hydrolysis) takes place after the urea is dissolved in water and is complete within about 48 hours under field conditions in warm conditions. It can be absorbed to the soil particles by the molecule force attraction of hydrogen bond. Urea Advantages of urea Can be applied to soil as a solid Solution to certain crops as a foliar spray. Urea usage involves little or no fire or explosion hazard. Urea's high analysis, 46% N, helps reduce handling, storage and transportation costs over other dry N forms. The production of urea releases few pollutants to the environment. Urea Disadvantages of urea The formation of ammonia as urea decomposes can reduce seed germination. As a result urea should not be placed in direct contact with the seed. If not incorporated into the soil urea may volatilize and be lost to the atmosphere as NH3 gas in alkaline soil. Urea Management considerations Urea must be incorporated into the soil. Two things can happen to the NH3 formed from the hydrolysis of urea: (1) it may be converted to NH4+ and held on the cation exchange sites in the soil; (2) the NH3 may escape into the air (volatilization). Urea can damage seeds and seedlings. The fertilizer should not be put into direct contact with seeds and seedlings. Urease inhibitors can be used to control the hydrolysis of urea in some cases Urea ammonia nitrate solution (UAN) A mixture of urea and ammonium nitrate in water 28-32% N Advantages They are suitable for side dressing of corn and early spring topdressing of grasses and small grains. May be easier to handle compared to solid fertilizers. Disadvantages of UAN solutions UAN solutions may volatilize depending on factors such as temperature and pH. Deposition in low temperature –salt out盐析作用 Ammonium sulfate a. (NH4)2SO4, solid b. 21-0-0-24S c. Reactions in the soil i. Soil Acid soil H + (NH4)2SO4 H Soil NH4 NH4 + H2SO4 Exchange acids microorganisms (NH4)2SO4 +4O2 2HNO3 + H2SO4 + 2H20 Biological acids H2SO4 H2S + 2O2 a. Reactions in the soil i. Alkaline soil Soil-Ca + (NH4)2SO4 Soil NH4 + CaSO4 NH4 (NH4)2SO4 +4O2 2HNO3 + H2SO4 + 2H20 Physiological acid fertilizer Advantages of ammonium sulfate It contains both N and S It is suitable to pop-up It is non-volatile, therefore it does not need to be incorporated It is stable and has low hygroscopicity (doesn’t absorb water easily), therefore it is relatively easy to handle. Good for soils that have a high pH or for crops that prefer acid conditions Disadvantages of ammonium sulfate It is more acidifying than any other source of N It is not good for soils that have a low pH It would destroy the soil characteristics if it is applied in large amount. It has a relatively low N concentration, therefore it is fairly expensive to transport Ammonium bicarbonate NH4HCO3, solid, ammonium bicarbonate is a very common fertilizer in China a. b. 17-0-0. It is easy to make Reaction in the soil NH4HCO3 d. NH3 + CO2 + H20 Uses of ammonium bicarbonate Ammonium bicarbonate can be used as either a basal or topdress fertilizer. e. Disadvantages of ammonium bicarbonate i. Ammonium bicarbonate is unstable under warm and humid conditions. It is easy to decomposition. ii. If not incorporated into the soil ,it may volatilize and be lost to the atmosphere as NH3 gas. Management considerations Many factors affect the loss of N from ammonium bicarbonate, such as temperature, humidity, stored volume, sealing conditions, and application measures. Temperature is one of the most important factors since volatilization rapidly increase as temperature increases. Ammonium bicarbonate should be covered by soil immediately after application in the field, especially under conditions of high temperature. Ammonium Chloride NH4Cl, solid a. 26-0-0-66Cl b. Reaction in the soil – similar to (NH4)2SO4 , it makes the soil acidic. i. Acid soil Soil H + 2NH4Cl ii. Alkaline soil 2NH4Cl + CaCO3 Soil H + 2NH4Cl NH4 Soil NH4 + 2HCl (NH3)2CO3 + CaCl2 Soil NH4 NH4 + CaCl2 Advantages of ammonium chloride Higher N concentration than (NH4)2SO4 Rice grows better with compared to (NH4)2SO4 for rice. This is because the SO42-is converted to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in paddy soils. The (H2S) is toxic Excellent source of both N and Cl- for coconut, oil palm, and kiwifruit, which are Cl responsive crops. Disadvantages of ammonium chloride Ammonium chloride is as acid forming as (NH4)2SO4 per unit of N. Not good for an acidic soil. It has a low N analysis in comparison to urea or NH4NO3. High Cl- content limits its use to crops that are Cl tolerant. It is not suitable for chlorophobic species(忌氯 作物) potatoes, yam, sugar cane, watermelon, grapes, tobacco, or citrus crops. Ammonia nitrate NH4NO3 34-0-0 White crystal, it is easy to be soluble. Has higher hygroscopicity Higher capability of burning and explosion. NO3- is easy to leaching and NH3 is to volatilization. It is suitable to topdress, and basal fertilizer in arid and semi-arid area. It is most suitable to the tobacco and tomato etc. The efficiency of fertilizer usage Agronomy efficiency=(grain yieldF-grain yieldC)/fertilizer N applied Apparent nitrogen recovery=(N uptakeFN uptakeC)/fertilizer N applied·100% Physiological efficiency= (grain yieldFgrain yieldC)/(N uptakeF-N uptakeC) Management of fertilizers Soil conditions Crops species The amount of available N in soil Rate of N application Other plant nutrients availability Nitrification inhibitors Improve N application methods, such as deep incorporation of NH4+ and urea, or granular.