1NC Vs Marist Off Case 1NC Off Case The affirmative’s assumption of the nation-state as the natural unit of politics makes a methodological nationalist agenda inevitable. Oates 10 (Ph.D. candidate in political science at The Ohio State University, March 3, 2010, John Oates, “Methodological Nationalism in International Theory: Rethinking Sovereignty as Constituent Power,” Draft for Research in International Politics) The Problem of Methodological Nationalism AND an important step if IR theory is continue to provide critical and relevant knowledge about international political life. Makes extinction inevitable Smith 03 (the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania and PhD Harvard University, 2003, Rogers Smith, Stories Of Peoplehood: The Politics and Morals of Political Membership, Cambridge University Press, p. 166-169) It is certainly important to oppose such evolutionary doctrines AND Held, Will Kymlicka, Iris Young, William Connolly, and Jürgen Habermas all envision. The alternative is a criticism of the 1ac’s reliance on methodological nationalism—this opens up space for cosmopolitanism and transforms society. Delanty 06 (Professor of Sociology in the University of Liverpool 2006, Gerard Delanty, “The cosmopolitan imagination: critical cosmopolitanism and social theory,” The British Journal of Sociology, Volume 57, Issue 1, http://www.oneworlduv.com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/06/cosmopolitan_imagination.pdf) The micro dimension of and discursive spaces of world openness and thus in resisting both globalization and nationalism. 1NC Off Case Shell China’s beating the US in biofuel development now---it’s key to their overall cleantech leadership---the plan reverses this Zoninsein, 2010 (Manuela is a writer for Climatewire, New York Times. “Chinese Offshore Development Blows Past U.S.,” Sept 7, http://www.nytimes.com/cwire/2010/09/07/07climatewire-chinese-offshore-development-blows-past-us-47150.html?pagewanted=all) As proposed American AND Offshore Wind Development," published in March by Azure International for the World Wildlife Fund Norway. China’s clean tech leadership’s key to Chinese growth, CCP stability, Chinese soft power, and warming McMahon, 2013 (Tamsin is a reporter for the National Post. “How China is going to save the world,” 1/27, http://www2.macleans.ca/2013/01/27/business/) China’s ongoing struggles with pollution have been a blight on the country’s international reputation. and blueprint that will see more than $1.5 trillion invested in seven industries, all of them related in some way to environmental protection and renewable energy technology. China’s economic rise is good --- they’re on the brink of collapse --- causes CCP instability and lashout Mead, 2009 (Walter Russell Mead, Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Only Makes You Stronger,” The New Republic, 2/4/9, http://www.tnr.com/story_print.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8) The greatest danger AND if the growth stops. Extinction Yee and Storey 2 Herbert is a Professor of Politics and IR @ Hong Kong Baptist University, and Ian is a Lecturer in Defence Studies @ Deakin University. “The China Threat: Perceptions, Myths and Reality,” p. 5 The fourth factor contributing to the perception of a China threat is the fear of AND a threat to its neighbours and the world. 1NC Off Case Shell AIPAC will force a vote and is trying to get dems on board – Obama push and keeping dems in line is key Politico 3/1/14 (“GOP eyes AIPAC summit for Iran push” http://www.politico.com/story/2014/03/gop-aipac-summit-iran-104124.html ) Republicans hope a powerful proAND Reid (D-Nev.), who believe a sanctions vote would destroy delicate ongoing diplomatic talks with Iran. But they might be disappointed: Despite supporting the bill’s goals, AIPAC appears to oppose an immediate vote on sanctions given the lack of Democratic support. PLAN destroys Obama’s foreign policy agenda – causes democratic defections Loomis 07 (Dr. Andrew J. Loomis, Visiting Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, and Department of Government at Georgetown University “Leveraging legitimacy in the crafting of U.S. foreign policy”, March 2, 2007, pg 36-37, http://citation.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/1/7/9/4/8/pages179487/p179487-36.php) Declining political authority encourages defection. And of U.S. policy, foreign and domestic. PC also beats AIPAC – empirics Weiss 1/29/14 – Philip Weiss is Founder and Co-Editor of Mondoweiss.net (Philip, “Is Obama punting on Kerry’s peace plan?” http://mondoweiss.net/2014/01/punting-kerrys-peace.html) The view that Obama AND e the lobby of fueling suspicions of dual loyalty among American Jews. New sanctions will cause war – prefer newest comprehensive study – waivers don’t solve ARMBRUSTER 2 – 18 – 14 National Security Editor for ThinkProgress.org at the Center for American Progress Action Fund [Ben Armbruster, Bipartisan Expert Group Says New Iran Sanctions Will Undermine Diplomacy, http://thinkprogress.org/world/2014/02/18/3300741/iranproject-sanctions-diplomacy/] A new report from a bipartisan group of and of resources and personnel greater than what the U.S. has expended over the past 10 years in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.” Nuclear World War 3 Reuveny 10 - Professor of political economy @ Indiana University [Dr. Rafael Reuveny (PhD in Economics and Political Science from the University of Indiana), “Guest Opinion: Unilateral strike on Iran could trigger world depression,” McClatchy Newspaper, Aug http://www.indiana.edu/~spea/news/speaking_out/reuveny_on_unilateral_strike_Iran.shtml] 9, 2010, BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A unilateral AND , Israel must wait for an American green light. A unilateral Israeli strike could ultimately spark World War III . pg. 1NC Off Case Shell The United States federal government should fully fund a program to cover 4.8% of the surface of the Earth’s oceans in a monolayer of 0.1 μm diameter latex particles, either hollow, or of core-shell morphology, bearing a conventional stabilization system that is inactivated in salt water, and condition the provision of farm subsidies on acreage diversion programs for switchgrass. Solves warming, only costs $2 billion, and avoids all solvency deficits associated with traditional ocean albedo modifications. Morgan 11 (10/8/11, John, PhD in physical chemistry, runs R&D programmes at a Sydney startup company, research experience in chemical engineering in the US and at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia's national science agency, “Low intensity geoengineering – microbubbles and microspheres,” http://bravenewclimate.com/2011/10/08/low-intensity-geoengineering-microbubbles-and-microspheres/) Is there another way to look at this? The and by Seitz for the microbubble concept, are also possible. Incentivizing farmers to grow energy crops is critical soak up atmospheric carbon, solves warming. Mazza 08 (Patrick Mazza, Climate Solutions Research Director, 3/12/08, “Growing Sustainable Biofuels: Common Sense on Biofuels,” Climate Solutions, http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/007885.html) The future of the Earth could well hinge a AND done sustainably could play a leading role in solving the carbon challenge. Case Adv One Air power doesn’t deter Allan 94 Air Force Ntl Defense Fellow @ CSIS [Charles, “Extended Conventional Deterrence: In from the Cold and Out of the Nuclear Fire?” Washington Quarterly, Summer] Information. As we have seen, imperfect information about a defender's commitment may be present and Moreover, Adam Garfinkle (1992) asserts that third world leaders are frequently misled into overly optimistic views of their own forces' capabilities. Without clear recognition of U.S. power, deterrence cannot hold. Regional powers means deterrence fails. Roberts, 1999, the senior legal advisor for the United States Southern Command in Miami, Florida, Colonel Guy B., Fall, Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, lexis Consequently, it is quite likely that Cold War AND to transnational terrorist groups. No oil wars Tetrais 12—Senior Research Fellow at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratgique (FRS). Past positions include: Director, Civilian Affairs Committee, NATO Assembly (1990-1993); European affairs desk officer, Ministry of Defense (1993-1995); Visiting Fellow, the Rand Corporation (1995-1996); Special Assistant to the Director of Strategic Affairs, Ministry of Defense (1996-2001).(Bruno, The Demise of Ares, csis.org/files/publication/twq12SummerTertrais.pdf) The Unconvincing Case for ‘‘New Wars’’ ¶ and not the desperate hunger for hydrocarbons. Obama has abandoned bush’s doctrine of preemption, but only when the political costs outweigh the benefits Crabtree 11-Susan award-winning investigative reporter and senior editor of Talking Points Memo with more than 15 years of reporting experience in Washington, D.C. (March 27, 2011 “Obama Doctrine Emerges: International Support Critical To Military Missions” TPM http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/03/obama-doctrine-emerges-international-supportcritical-to-military-missions.php Ajones) After weeks of withering criticism of the AND .” “So make no mistake, because we acted quickly, a humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians — innocent men, women and children — have been saved.” Increased airpower causes preemptive intervention in north korea Khalilzad 98 – [Zalmay Khalizad and Ian Lesser, Senior Analysts at RAND Sources of Conflict in the 21st Century, 1998,http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR897/MR897.chap3.pdf] This subsection attempts to synthesize and ion effects, as in China, Indonesia, Myanmar, or North Korea. Preemption in north korea causes full scale nuclear conflict Pollack and Reiss 04 (Jonathan D., Professor of Asian and Pacific Studies – Naval War College, and Mitchell B., Director – Reves Center for International Studies, The Nuclear Tipping Point, Ed. Campbell, Einhorn, and Reiss, p. 279-280) The third prospective AND and would also likely result in the dissolution of the U.S.-ROK alliance. Draws in China and instigates multiple scenarios for nuclear war Karlin 10 (Anatoly, writer, political analyst and media critic and author/admin of Sublime Oblivion, “How a Second Korean War will be Fought” March 26, http://www.sublimeoblivion.com/2010/03/28/korean-war-2/) Crossing the DMZ with the intention of toppling the DPRK and replacing it with a government allied with or integrated into And dominoes going down may even precipitate the collapse of the increasingly fragile Pax Americana. Adv Two No extinction from climate change NIPCC 11 – the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars, March 8, 2011, “Surviving the Unprecedented Climate Change of the IPCC,” online: http://www.nipccreport.org/articles/2011/mar/8mar2011a5.html In a paper published AND and rate predicted for the next century," reiterating that "the fossil record indicates remarkable biotic resilience to wide amplitude fluctuations in climate." The aff is WRONG: a) Warming is irreversible ANI 10 (“IPCC has underestimated climate-change impacts, say scientists”, 3-20, One India, http://news.oneindia.in/2010/03/20/ipcchasunderestimated-climate-change-impacts-sayscientis.html) According to Charles H. Greene, Cornell professor of Earth and atmospheric science and "Reducing greenhouse gas emissions alone is unlikely to mitigate the risks of dangerous climate change," said Green. b) Warming not real - 30,000 scientists signed a petition saying warming is flat-out nonexistent - their data is skewed Bell 12 (Larry Bell, Prof at Univ of Houston, Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture, 7/17/2012, "That Scientific Global Warming Consensus...Not!," Forbes, http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2012/07/17/that-scientific-global-warming-consensus-not/2/) more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the AND g and warming… and for both “better” and “worse”? And which contributions…does this include land use changes, such as agriculture and deforestation? Since 1998, c) Negative feedbacks check warming de Freitas 11 (Chris de Freitas is an associate professor in the school of environment at the University of Auckland, NZ Herald, http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10697845) The degree of warming directly caused by AND Finding this evidence is crucial, since scientific issues are resolved by observations that support a theory or hypothesis. They are not resolved by ballot. d) Worst case scenario warming will only be 1.5 degrees de Freitas ‘2 (C. R., Associate Prof. in Geography and Enivonmental Science @ U. Aukland, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, “Are observed changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere really dangerous?” 50:2, GeoScienceWorld) In any analysis of CO2 it is important to differentiate and , the temperature increase is correspondingly lower. Based on this, the temperature increase over the next 100 years might be less than 1.5 °C, as proposed in Figure 19. Squo Solves – PPCerrado action plan, expand conservation units Secretariat of Social Communications 2009 – Secretary to the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil (“Brazil announces new plan to fight Cerrado deforestation”, Brasil.gov.br, http://www.brasil.gov.br/para/press/press-releases/february/brazilannounces-new-plan-to-fight-cerrado-deforestation?set_language=en) Based on a recent study by the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA) of the Cerrado ecosystem (known as the Brazilian savannah), the federal government has announced a new plan to fight deforestation of this AND protection. In addition, the Minister says that monitoring of Cerrado is already under discussion with the National Institute for Space Research (INPE).¶