Program-of - Initiative pour la Transparence dans les Industries

Monday 09 May 2011
10.00 - 18 00 Participant Registration at the Palais du Peuple
08.00-15.00 Tourist Excursions to the Islands of Loos
Tuesday 10 May 2011
08.00-08.30 Registration
08.30-09.00 Participants to be seated
Opening Ceremony
Introduction by the President of the Organising Committee : Guillaume
CURTIS, Secretary General, Ministry of Mines & Geology, Republic of Guinea
Welcome Speech: Hon Mohamed Lamine FOFANA, Minister of Mines &
Geology, Republic of Guinea
Speech of: Prof. Dr. Peter EIGEN, Special Representative, EITI, “Making
transparency count – a vision for governing Guinea’s mining sector.”
Opening Speech: His Excellency, President of the Republic of Guinea,
Head of State, Professor Alpha CONDE
10.00 Visit of the SMG 2011 Exhibition & Coffee Break hosted by Dadco
11.30 Welcome Speeches of the Platinum Sponsors
Kémoko TOURE, Director General, Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée
Andrew TAPLIN, Acting Managing Director, Rio Tinto Simandou
Ricardo SAAD, Director of the Simandou Project, Vale
12.00 Declaration of the Government of the Republic of Guinea on its Mining
Policy: S.E.M Mohamed Lamine FOFANA, Minister of Mines & Geology, Republic of
12.45 Lunch hosted by RUSAL
14.00 Session 1:
Plenary : Hall 2 Octobre
Mining Policy: Legal, regulatory & fiscal mining framework
Moderator : Hon Michel KAMANO President, C.E.S
Saadou NIMAGA, Legal Advisor, MMG and Mme Fatou DIALLO, Director,
Legal Service, The mining code, perspectives on its revision & opportunities
for investment
Ousmane CISSE , Technical Specialist , Regional Project for Capacity
Development for Negotiating and Regulating Investments Contracts, UNOPS,
'Developing an Appropriate Policy Framework for Natural Resource
Mensan LAWSON-HECHELLI, Director, Industry & Mining, ECOWAS
Malal CAMARA Director, Office of Exploration and Petroleum Promotion ,
Guinean Petroleum Code (Perspectives on its revision)
Ibrahima Bodié BALDE, Advisor to the Minister of Economy & Finance,).
Fiscality of the Mining Industry ( fiscal barriers to investment, problems of the
imposition of ceding mining rights)
Bertrand MONTEMBAULT, Partner, Herbert Smith, The Equilibrium of
Mining Contracts
15.45 Questions and Answers
16.00 Coffee Break Hosted by Dadco
16.15 Session 2:
Plenary : Hall 2 Octobre
Good Governance & Transparency in the Mining Industry
Moderator : Hon Aboubacar Sidiki KOULIBALY, Minister of Auditing,
Economic & Financial Control, Republic of Guinea
Henri Pierre GEBAUER, Coordinator & Project Head, Consultation in the
area of international cooperation & primary substances, BGR, Good
Governance : transforming mining potential in sustainable development
Boubacar BOCOUM, Senior Mining Specialist, The World Bank,
“Perspectives on the Guinean mining sector".
Tim BITTIGER, Regional Director, Francophone Africa, EITI, “The EITI –
building trust and staying accountable”.
Kristian LEMPA, Governance of Extractive Industries, GIZ, Resource
Governance: A public policy challenge and the GIZ response
Badara DIOUBATE, Professor, Course Leader, Reims Management School,
Questions of the Governance in the mining sector
Karamokoba CAMARA, Principal Advisor, Ministry of Economy & Finance,
Thoughts of the State regarding Imports, Taxes and Royalties
Edgar DE CARVALHO*, Executive Secretary, ADPA, The African Diamond
Sector, challenges & Opportunities
17.45 Questions & Responses
18.15 Synthesis of the first day : Aboubacar Camara & Team
18.30 Welcome Cocktail hosted by Rio Tinto, Palais du Peuple
Wednesday 11 May 2011
09.00 Session 3:
Plenary : Hall 2 Octobre
Financing Mining Activities
Moderator : Hon. Dr Lounceny NABE Governor B.C.R.G
Alsény SYLLA, Director General, ’OPIP, Investment opportunities for the
private sector in the Republic of Guinea
Philippe MICHAUD, Director, AFD, Guinea, The support of the AFD to the
public sector politics of the Guinean mining sector
Jean Pierre BARRAL, Director of the Infrastructure and Mining Division,
Proparco, Case Study of the financing Proparco/AFD non sovereign loan to
the dam of Bujagali in Uganda
Mouhamadou NIANG, Manager, Industries and Services Division, African
Development Bank, The Role of the African Development Bank in the
Guinean Mining Sector
Grégoire LEFORESTIER, Lead, Metals and Mining, E&C Structured Debt,
EMEA, BNP Paribas
09.00 Session 3a:
Parallel Session: Hall 28
IMA’s presentation at the Mining Symposium is proudly sponsored by Guinea
Alumina Corporation and BHP Billiton Ron FREEMAN, M.A.1968 Olympic Double
Medalist, President, International Medalist Association, Inc, “Education for
Sustainability: An Agenda for Action
10.45 Coffee Break hosted by ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI
Plenary Hall 2 Octobre
11.15 Session 3:
Financing Mining Activities
Moderator: S.E Dr Lounceny NABE Gouvernor, B.C.R.G
Christopher LUCET, Regional Representative, European Investment Bank,
EIB & financing the mining sector
Mark SORBARA, Analyst, Africa Risk Consulting, Changing the political risk
picture for Guinea
Habib HANN, CFA, FINECAP Partners: Transforming natural resources into
a source of prosperity for the nation : The mobilisation of financial resources
Dr Brahima GUIRE, Conseil juridique et fiscal, Directeur Général, Conseils &
Fiscalistes Associés en Afrique, Fiscal Treatment for the provision of
reconstitution of mining deposits: A comparison between Guinea & Burkina
12.15 Questions and responses
13.00 Lunch hosted by BHP BILLITON
14.15 Session 4:
Plenary : Hall 2 Octobre
Mining Development
Moderator : Hon Dr Ousmane SYLLA, Former Minister
Bauxite and Alumina
Jean-Francois David, President, BHP Billiton, Guinea
Dr Alkaly Yamoussa BANGOURA, Technical Advisor, MMG, Managing the
World Largest bauxite resources.
Yakov ITSKOV, Member of the Board of Director, Deputy Director General
UC RUSAL, Previous working experiences & strategic objectives of UC Rusal
in Guinea
Nikhil SHAH, Head of Raw Materials – Aluminium, Cru Analysis, Global
developments in the Aluminium, Alumina and bauxite markets.
Vinood SOOD, Sr. Vice President (Corporate Projects), Hindalco Industries
Richard LAMARCHE, Vice President, Energy, Alcoa & Project Director,
Kabata Alumina Refinery (Alcoa/Rio Tinto Alcan) & Franck MONTIEL,
Project Director, Kabata Alumina Refinery (Alcoa/Rio Tinto Alcan), Kabata
refinery project.
Russell WILLIAMS, Director, Anglo Aluminum Corp, "Advancing Bauxite
Resources in Guinea"
Danny KEATING, Chief Executive Officer, Alufer, The Future of Bauxite,
operating in Guinea
Bob ADAM, General Manager, Alliance Mining Commodities Limited, ‘The
Koumbia Bauxite Project – a new mine in the Boké Bauxite belt’
14.15 Session 5:
Parallel : Salle 28 Septembre
Geological, Mining & Petroleum Infrastructures in Guinea:
Moderator: Hon Dr Alpha Mady SOUMAH, Former Minister
Dr Aliou CISSE, Mining Potential in the Republic of Guinea
Dr Alan REID, Chief Geophysicist, AMTEC, Geosurvey Nationwide
Geophysical Airborne Survey
Carlos ROJAS-ARBULU, Commercial Advisor and Principal Attache ( West
Africa), Embassy of Canada, Senegal, "Canadian Experience in mines and
Vladimir MAMEDOV, General Coordinator, Geoprospects Ltd, The
Knowledge of Geology and Location of Mineral Deposits as the Basis of
Mining Development of Republic of Guinea".
Mike PALMER, Vice President, Operations, Hyperdynamics
André LAMBERT , Consultant, Permanence of gold in the Guinean geology
16.00 Questions and responses
16.15 Coffee Break hosted by ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI
16.30 Session 6 :
Plenary : Salle 2 Octobre
Iron Ore
Moderator : Hon Fassiné FOFANA, Former Minister
Sidiki CONDE, National Mining Director, The Iron Ore of the Republic of
Ricardo SAAD, Director of the Simandou Project, Vale
Thierry KAIOUN, Directeur General, Newmont LaSource, President, Société
des Mines de Fer de Guinée (SMFG)
Thierno DIALLO, General Manager Economic Development and
Government Relations, Rio Tinto, Simandou
Frédéric MATERNE, Deputy Director, Dr. Diao DIALLO, Director of
Geological Development, Bellzone SA "Bellzone in Guinea"
16. 30 Session 6a:
Parallel Session : Salle 28
Exploration Projects gold & other associated minerals in
Moderator: Hon. Ibrahima Soumah, Former Minister
Mamadou Alpha DIALLO, D.N.A, Promoting & formalising artisanal
Paul WEEDON, VP Business Development, Anglogold Ashanti, Anglogold
Ashanti in West Africa: A Lion in Elephant Country
Tim MORGAN, Business Development Manager, EMEA, Minelab
International Limited, Promoting and formalising artisanal exploration
Peter FLINDELL, Executive Vice President – Exploration, Avocet Mining,
Koulékoun gold deposit
Mark REILLY, Managing Director, CEO, Forte Energy
17.30 Questions & Responses
17.45 Synthesis of the Day : A. CAMARA and team
18.30 Cocktail hosted by ALCOA, Novotel Ghi Hotel, Conakry
20.30 Gala Dinner hosted by BELLZONE, Novotel Ghi Hotel, Conakry
Thursday 12 May 2011
09.00 Session 7 :
Plenary : Salle 2 Octobre
Mining and Sustainable Development
Moderator : S.E Dr Ahmed Tidiane SOUARE, Former Prime Minister
Kémoko TOURE, DG CBG, The Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée, a
citizen lead company
Mamady YOULA, General Manager, Guinea Alumina Corporation & VicePresident of the Chamber of Mines “A sustainable approach to major project
Glenn J. MULLAN, Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive
Officer, Golden Valley Mines, "Mining, CSR and beyond"
Richard LAMARCHE, Vice President Energy, Alcoa and Project Director,
Kabata Alumina Refinery (Alcoa/Rio Tinto Alcan), Sustainable Developmenta new imperative in the business world. It is present in the DNA of Alcoa
Morciré SYLLA, Advisor MMG, Mega Projects and Sustainable Development
Michel SERRES, Senior Sales Manager, Electrification et Automatisation de
la transformation des minéraux ABB, How to bring up local éducation level
and be active in CSR
10.30 Coffee Break hosted by AVOCET MINING
Dr. Moussa SYLLA, Director of Mines & Geology, Senegal " Mining
Investment and Social Responsibilities in Senegal
Alhassane Aminata TOURE, National Coordinator of Support Program to
Village Communities (PACV), Support to the local development process in
mining collectivities
Lansana CONDE, D.G.A, PUAK, Community Development in Guinea, the
Committees of Prefectures of Development
Paul SIEGEL, WWF Dakar/ Dr Alkhaly DOUMBOUYA, Chercheur au Centre
de Recherche Halieutique de Boussoura, The neccessity of a strategic
environmental study of North West Guinea
Mme Safiatou DIALLO National Environment Director, Gold Exploration &
Environmental Protection in Guinea
12.30 Questions & Responses
14.15 Session 8 :
Parallèle : Salle 28 Septembre
Development of energy and mining infrastructures
Moderator : S.E. Dr Bana SIDIBE, Former Minister
Cécé NORAMOU, Advisor, Ministry of Mines & Geology: Strategy for the
development of mining infrastructures.
Paolo BOSCO, Vice President, Global Sales and Accounts, ITC Global
Biro DIALLO, Construction & Engineering Manager, Rio Tinto Simandou,
Developing transport infrastructure
Saa Baîla LY, Director, Société des Infrastructures minières, The
Transguinean vector of Integrated Development.
Mme BAH, Principal Advisor, Ministry of Hydraulics. The Energy Potential of
16.00 Questions & Reponses
14.15 Session 8a:
Plenary : Salle 2 Octobre
Management of Human Resources & challenges connected to
the Sub-Contracting in the Mining Sector
Moderator : S.E.M Ahmed KANTE, Minister & Advisor of P.R.G
Gérard HELLEC, Director of Human Resources, CBG, The training &
integration of apprentices in CBG
Alain AMGHAR, Director, AAC, The role of training in formation of manager
Fadi WAZNI, General Manager, United Mining Supply The challenges for the
Guinean Companies to respond to the drastic demands of the Mining
Ivan AMOROS, Founder, MINEHAC, What Guinean service providers need
to do to guarantee good service to the mining industry
Abdou Mbacke LO, Director, Afrique Mines et Industries, Sub contracting
and partnership in the mines a factor in sustainable development
Ministry of Technical Training and Professional Qualifications, The
relationship between Professional Training & Mining Development
16.00 Questions & Responses
16.15 Coffee Break hosted by AVOCET MINING
16.30 Synthesis of work SMG 2011
17.20 Closing Ceremony
Synthesis of SMG-2011 by the President of the Organising Committee
Monsieur Guillaume CURTIS
17.40 Closing Speech by His Excellency Mohamed Said FOFANA, Prime Minister,
Head of Governement
18.30 Closing Cocktail hosted by VALE, Résidence 2000