Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program

Ground Test in Aircraft
Development Program
Martin (Heesuck) Jung, P.Eng.
Test Engineer, BAEX, Core Eng.
Bombardier Aerospace
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Black Eagles in England Video from
T-50(Golden Eagle) : The first supersonic
advanced jet trainer developed in South
Developed with Lockheed Martin (U.S.)
The tenth country to make superjet airframe
Milestone for self-defense program in ROKAF
KT-1 > T-50 > Advanced Tactical Aircraft
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Aircraft Development Program
Requirements Analysis
Concept Design
Preliminary Design
Detail Design
Certification (Ground test & Flight Test)
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
What is Certification
Certification Body (Air Forces, FAA, TC, EASA
and etc)
Purpose – not only in airplane but also out of
airplane (example, 9.11 USA, RC Airplane hurt
a lady in Han river, RC in Jail when president
Aircraft manufacturer should provide
airworthiness proof by tests, simulation and
others. – Type Certification will be issued after
completion of certification (ex, Landing Gear)
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
A typical aircraft development
program for one type aircraft
(Supplement Type Certification if there is variation)
4 Flight Test Aircrafts
1 Static Test Aircraft
1 Fatigue Test Aircraft
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Source : Full-Scale Fatigue Testing of Components and Structures
Edited by K.J.Marsh
Butterworths & Co. (Publishers) Ltd, 1988
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Compare T-50 and D-jet
A. T-50 (A-50)
B. D-Jet
Military Jet Trainer/Fighter
Civilian light aircraft
Similar to F-16
First Fight : 18 April 2006
First Flight:20 August 2002
35.1(L)X37.6(W)X11.7(H) ft
Max.Speed: Mach 1.5
(362.5mph, 583km/h)
+8G ~ -3G
Service Ceiling:
Expected life : 25 Years
Service Ceiling :
48000 feet
no reverse thrust,speed
brake at landing
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Organization of Test Group
Flight Test Group (sub group omitted)
Ground Test Group
System test team
Dynamic Tests, LRU tests and so on
Structural test team
Full scale static test/fatigue test
Sub-component & MISC tests (smoke detector in
Coupon Tests
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Bombardier Cseries
Complete Aircraft Static Test (CAST)
Boeing 777 wing static test
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Korean Aerospace Industry
Structural Test lab website (brochure)
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Introduction of Bombardier
Engineering groups (I)
ACOU Acoustics
APDP Advanced Product Development
AERO Aerodynamics / Flight Performance
ASIL Airframe, Structural, System, Installation,
and Engineering Liaison
AVIO Avionics
AWOR Airworthiness
CMAN Configuration Management
EEDA Electronic Equipment Design Assurance
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Introduction of Bombardier
Engineering groups (II)
ELEC Electrical
EMCS Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
EXGT Experimental and Ground Test
FLTC Flight Controls
FTAS Flight Test Aircraft Support
FTCE Flight Test Center Engineering
FTCP Flight Test Center Project
FTIN Flight Test Instrumentation
FTOP Flight Test Operations
HFAC Human Factors
HYDR Hydraulics
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Introduction of Bombardier
Engineering groups (III)
INTR Interiors
LDGM Landing Gear / Mechanical
LOAD Loads and Dynamics
MTLP Materials and Processes
NOME Nomenclature
PNEU Pneumatics
PPLT Power Plant
PROJ Project Planning and Control
QUAL Quality Assurance
RMAS Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety
SENG Service Engineering
SSIM System Simulation
STDS Engineering Standards
STRE Stress and Fatigue
SYST Systems
THER Thermodynamics
MASS Mass Properties
WIRE Wire Harness
Ground Test in Aircraft Development Program
McGill University 22-Sept-12
Thank you