The Future: Cities

Name: __________________________________
Date: _______________________
Destination: The Future
Here we are in the present; but how quickly the present becomes the past as we march
steadily towards the future. Each of us is a future traveler, and the future is an exciting
destination because we help shape it by the choices we make on our journey there. The
creation of our future relies on our clear knowledge of the past and present and an ever
evolving vision about what our future should be. Wise and active choices on the “journey”
there will help make “Destination: the Future” a place where future travelers will want to live.
Where will people live in the future? Will cities remain much the same as they are
today, or will we need to find new ways to house and provide services for the world’s growing
Some people see a trend of people living in Developed Nations who are moving out of
cities to rural areas where they can escape the problems of the city and live a self-sufficient
lifestyle. While this may sound ideal to some, there is not enough land for everyone in the
world to own a large enough piece of land to be self-sufficient.
More likely, social scientists say, is that people in the future will live in large cities or
suburban sprawls and all of the suitable land that is left over will be farmed to provide the food
needed by all of these people.
Some futurists foresee large high-rise buildings that would house 250,000 people and
include not only houses but also offices, restaurants, factories, and schools. These tower cities
would be connected with other supercities by way of pedestrian walkways and high-speed
mass transit.
Other predictions for the future include undersea cities (like in the book Dark Life) and
floating cities (like in the movie Waterworld). Since oceans cover more area on earth than land
does, people are proposing using some of this area. Floating cities would ride on the surface of
the ocean and include everything we presently have in our cities – houses, theaters, stores,
factories, etc. These could be like artificial islands or giant ships. Undersea cities might be dug
out of minerals or grown from sea animals and could be bases for seabed mining, farming, and
industrial activities.
During your lifetime you will undoubtedly see some changes in the way homes are
grouped and industrial locations are developed. Your “Home Sweet Home” may be enclosed in
a dome, located a mile in the sky, or floating in the ocean.
Things to Think About:
Think about areas in your community that have been developed to house large numbers
of people in a small area. What is successful about these developments? How can they
be improved?
What are some advantages to living in supercities, underwater cities, or floating cities?
What are some problems that may occur while living in a supercity, underwater city, or
floating city? What are some design features that could help alleviate these problems?
How would people in supercities, underwater cities, or floating cities get food, go to
work, experience nature, have fun, be safe, get from one place to another, etc.?
How can science, technology, engineering or math be used to help solve the problems
that exist in today’s cities or cities of the future?
Individual Challenges: Choose one of the activities below or create your own. Please be sure to
talk to the teacher to get approval if you choose to do your own project. In order to earn a 4 in
the daily work category for science you need to complete a minimum of 5 extra credit activities
per semester. This is due by the end of the semester however; it may be turned in at any time.
Imagine your Ideal Future City
o Draw a diagram, map, or build a model of your ideal future city. This
diagram/map/model must be in color and labeled. The labels should highlight unique
and important features of your future city and include a description of why these
features are solving or mitigating potential issues. You must highlight at least one
science, technology, engineering, or math idea that is benefiting your city.
o Design a travel brochure that will promote your ideal or imagined future city. Your city
should have a name. Be sure to describe the unique features of this city and all the
things that make it a great place to live and visit. You must highlight at least one science,
technology, engineering, or math idea that is benefiting the city. This brochure must be
tri-folded, double sided, and in color.
o If people lived in your ideal future city, how will life be different from the life you live
now? Write a diary or letter that tells your first impressions after visiting a friend who
lives in the city. Be sure to mention the unique and important features of the future city
and include a description of how these features are solving or mitigating potential
issues. You must highlight at least one science, technology, engineering, or math idea
that is benefiting the city.