INTENSIVE ENGLISH LITERACY (Elementary 6-10-year-old) ESSENTIAL UNIT 12 (E12) (Little Scientists) (July 2014) Unit Statement: What makes something a living thing? What do living things need? The students will use media to build language and gather information about living and nonliving things. They will also discuss the structures of living things. Please use Reach B, Volume 1, Unit 2 ‘Shoot for the Sun’. The Phonics unit is currently engaged, and teachers should refer to it for continued practice of routines, strategies, and skills. The Foundations unit is currently engaged, and teachers should refer to it for continued practice of routines, strategies, and skills. Unit Emphasis: Communicative Focus: describe, express likes and dislikes, retell a story, express intentions Vocabulary Focus: living and non-living things, parts of the plant, food, exercises Grammar Focus: adjectives that describe, number adjectives, number words Reading Strategies/Skills: monitor, fairy tale, song, facts, rhythm and rhyme, diagram, text features, folk tale, plot, phrasing, accuracy and rate Writing Focus: personal response, sentences about living things, writer’s craft: song lyrics, how-to sentences, writer’s craft: action words Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery) Listening/Speaking: 1. The Student Will discuss living and non-living things (e.g. I know that living things __.*). 2. TSW respond to a media (video, article, power point presentation) (I learned that __.*). 3. TSW present factual information in a creative way (riddles, games, puzzles). (* See “Sentence Frames” in this document for more examples.) Vocabulary: 4. TSW acquire and use level appropriate academic vocabulary (e.g.: create key words lists, cards, word journals, etc...). *See Key Terms and Concepts in this document for word lists. Grammar: 5. TSW identify and use in writing adjectives that describe (A ___ is alive. I bought a green bike with black wheels.*). 6. TSW identify and use in writing adjectives/number words that tell how much (How many __ are there? There are ___.*). 93 QSI IE LITERACY EL INTRO E12 Copyright © 1988-2014 7. TSW use correct adjectives with countable and uncountable nouns (many leaves, much water). Reading: 8. TSW use a variety of strategies to monitor comprehension. ● Stop and think if it makes sense. ● Use picture and text clues. ● Reread to problem solve. 9. TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of books at guided reading levels G-I. (see Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments) Writing: 10. TSW show acquisition of unit vocabulary and writing skills by writing captions, sentences about living and nonliving things*, song lyrics, and how-to sentences within his/her daily journal. (See Teacher’s Guide pages PD53-PD57 for writing routines: power writing, modeled writing, interactive writing, independent writing). *For sentence suggestions, see “Sentence Frames” in this document. 11. TSW apply the 5 steps of the writing process to write an article about How-To Make Something using parts of a plant. See Teacher’s Guide T128i-T128, T129a-T129g, T129. Introduced Outcomes: (taught, not assessed) 1. The Student Will use writing rubrics to evaluate their own and peer’s writing. (Reach B Practice Book p. 2.20) 2. TSW identify and apply editing and proofreading marks. Practiced/Ongoing Outcomes: 1. The Student Will apply basic vocabulary and grammar patterns introduced in E01-E08. 2. TSW read books at independent level with expression and fluency. 3. TSW provide an evidence to demonstrate daily reading on independent level (e.g.: a reading log, reading chart, etc…) 4. TSW read high frequency words from the 2nd Grade Dolch list (see Appendix). 5. TSW demonstrate comprehension through a variety of strategies introduced in E01-E08. 6. TSW retell and/or summarize texts at their independent reading level. 7. TSW continue to develop handwriting skills. 94 QSI IE LITERACY EL INTRO E12 Copyright © 1988-2014 Key Terms and Concepts: Students should be exposed to the following academic language (teachers should use them, but students will not be expected to master the use of them). Students will learn, practice, and be able to use the unit specific vocabulary. Academic Language Unit Specific Vocabulary Adjectives Countable/Uncountable nouns Monitor Comprehension Writing Process: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing Breathe Drink Living Nonliving Move Alive Energy Exercise Health Food bud flower leaf petal seed sun height length project ready corn fall activity rake leaves flagpole flower shop fruit stand spring activity plant seeds Sentence frames *Also see Reach Teacher’s Edition pages R4-R35. living and nonliving things ● What do I know about living things? I know that living things ______. ● How do I know that I am alive? I know that I am alive because I can _____. ● How much exercise do you get? What do you do? I get _____ exercise. I _____ and _____. ● When is something alive? Something is alive when it _____. ● What do living things need for good health? Living things need _____. ● Some things are living. Some things are not. ____ is living, but ____ is not. ● What did you learn about living and nonliving things? I learned that _____. ● What did you learn about living things? I have learned _____. places ● What does your favorite place look like? My favorite place is ______. It has _____. growing and changing ● ● ● ● ● What do I know about how a flower grows? I know that ____. What does the sun do? The sun _____. What does a seed need to grow into a flower? A seed needs ______. What can you see grow? I can see _____ grow. What helps a seed get ready to be a flower? ______ helps a seed get ready to be a flower. ● A flower needs light to be healthy. What do you need to be healthy? I need ______. ● What happened in “The Daisy?” The little seed _____. Then _____. 95 QSI IE LITERACY EL INTRO E12 Copyright © 1988-2014 Suggested Professional Materials for Teachers: Reach, National Geographic, level B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Teacher’s Edition, volume 1, Unit 2 Reach into Phonics Kit Big Books Sing With Me Language Songs, Big Book of Songs Practice Masters, Unit 2 Language Builder Picture Cards Language and Literacy Teamwork Activities, Unit 2 Assessment Handbook, Unit 2 Suggested Read Alouds: Books about living and non-living things Rookie Read-About Science Series by Allan Fowler More than one by Miriam Schlein; pictures by Donald Crews Living and Nonliving: Rain Forest by Cassie Mayer (Heinmann Library) Living and Nonliving: Polar Region by Cassie Mayer (Heinmann Library) Living and Nonliving: Prairie by Cassie Mayer (Heinmann Library) Suggested Guided Readings: A to Z leveled books (J level and up) Other leveled books (see the Correlation Chart in the Appendix) Suggested Student Materials: (provided by school) Reach B, National Geographic, Student Anthology, volume 1 Reach B, National Geographic, Fiction Library/ Nonfiction Library Reach B, National Geographic, Practice Book Pictionaries Dictionaries Additional Resources: (may not be provided by school) Go English 2! Language Forms and Functions Checklist. These charts (a sample can be found at are a tool for guiding explicit instruction in the functions of language as well as a sequence of grammar structures for each language proficiency level (beginning to advanced levels). Evan-Moor Everyday Literacy Listening and Speaking Teacher’s Edition and Student Books (develops oral and receptive language with 15-20 minute daily activities). Technology Links: Destiny Webpath Express (found in school library) Use this search engine to find age-appropriate websites that align with your unit. An online, on-level reading program that students can access anywhere to work on fluency, listening, accuracy, and build vocabulary (teachers are able to monitor progress as well) 96 QSI IE LITERACY EL INTRO E12 Copyright © 1988-2014 An online resource that helps to teach reading with phonics lessons, videos, pictures, activities for a variety of ESL topics A resource for anything ESL (from games to printables, ipad and apps) ESL flashcards, worksheets, classroom games and children's song lyrics ESL games and online flashcards ESL games for all levels ESL games, lessons, quizzes and more A resource with creative ways to reach students of all ability levels in all subjects Hundreds of short stories for beginner ESL students. English short stories for complete beginners. Suggested Activities and Strategies: Anchor Charts: Create and reference anchor charts when modeling procedures, modeling thinking strategies, and teaching concepts. Students will reference these charts when its their turn to work independently. Content Word Walls: Create and reference words walls when working on a unit of vocabulary. It is important to add visuals to your word wall and keep the definitions student-friendly. It is also important to add to and change your word wall often. Interactive Word Walls: Create words walls and do daily (5 to 10 minute) interactive activities with the students. Interaction includes cheers and chants for the new words of the week, activities that expand the students' understanding of how words work and the use of the word wall during writing as a primary resource for spelling. *See appendix for a more detailed explanation Sentence strips: Create and reference sentence strips (using the sentence frames taught in class) and expect students to respond using those sentence frames. Pictures, visuals, and realia (real items) Read alouds Big books Repeated and choral readings Speaking activities: Turn and talk, think-pair-share, etc. Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies: 1. Attached Rubric or teacher generated rubric that assesses ALL essential outcomes (TSWs). 2. Create a class Book of Riddles. 3. The Writing Rubric in Reach Assessment Book, Level B, p.260. RUBRIC FOUND ON FOLLOWING PAGE………………………….. 97 QSI IE LITERACY EL INTRO E12 Copyright © 1988-2014 Intensive English Literacy Introductory Elementary Rubric (E12) Name: __________________ Date: _______________ Grade: ___________ ● ● TSW To receive a ‘B’, the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes (TSW’s). To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery in 7 out of 10 available ‘A’ level TSW’s and ‘B’ level mastery on all of the remaining TSW’s. SUMMARY 1 The Student Will explore living and non-living things. 2 TSW discuss a media (video, article, power point presentation, etc…) TSW present factual information in a creative way (riddles, games, puzzles, etc...) TSW acquire and use level appropriate academic vocabulary (e.g.: create key words lists, cards, word journals, etc...) TSW identify and use in writing adjectives that describe. 3 4 5 6 TSW identify and use in writing adjectives/number words that tell how much. 7 TSW use correct adjectives with countable and uncountable nouns (e.g.: many leaves, much water). TSW use a variety of strategies to monitor comprehension. TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of books at guided reading levels G-I. (see Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments) TSW show acquisition of unit vocabulary and writing skills by writing captions, sentences about living and nonliving things*, song lyrics, and howto sentences within his/her daily journal. TSW apply the 5 steps of the writing process to write an article about how to make something using parts of a plant. 8 9 10 11 ‘A’ LEVEL ‘B’ LEVEL The student discusses living and non-living things and supports ideas with examples. The student actively participates in a class discussion of a media. The student presents factual information in a creative way. The project exceeds expectations. The student acquires and uses level appropriate academic vocabulary. The student is able to teach academic vocabulary to others. The student identifies adjectives that describe and consistently uses them in writing. The student identifies adjectives/number words that tell how much and consistently uses them in writing. The student consistently uses correct adjectives with countable and uncountable nouns. The student uses a variety of strategies to monitor comprehension. The student differentiates living and non-living things. The student presents factual information in a creative way. The student recognizes level appropriate academic vocabulary. The student identifies adjectives that describe. The student identifies adjectives/number words that tell how much. The student uses correct adjectives with countable and uncountable nouns within a familiar context. The student uses some strategies to monitor comprehension. The student reads and comprehends books at levels GI. The student uses most unit vocabulary in his/her journal. She/he writes a variety of sentences and elaborates with details. The student uses some unit vocabulary in his/her journal. She/he writes words and complete sentences. The student writes a variety of more complex sentences in his/her article. A few grammar errors may be present. The student writes complete sentences in his/her article. Some grammar errors may be present. 98 QSI IE LITERACY EL INTRO E12 Copyright © 1988-2014 The student participates in a class discussion of a media. ‘P’ Comments